VS 2008 How To Remove XStopBits (0) Before Setting DataSource

Jan 21, 2010

[code]My question is how can I remove xStopBits(0) before setting the DataSource?To get around this I currently have a check in the ComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged event.

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Asp.net - Error When Setting The Datasource For A Gridview?

Apr 7, 2009

I have a gridview. Its datasource is set as follows.dtTable is a datable in which the values for the table will be retrieved. But when setting dtTable as datasource I get an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". What may be the reason for this?

gridview.Datasource = dtTable

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Setting DataSource Connectionstring At Runtime?

Dec 22, 2011

I am kind of an old 'newbee' at this, so bear with me for a moment. I am developing a windows forms application in Visual Studio 2010 Professional that connects to a remote database (MS sqlServer 2008 R2).To speed up development, I configured a DataSource and used the data objects associated with it. In VB6,
the data source could be assigned to the data objects during runtime using a variety of different runtime database connections, ODBC, ADO, ...

I have been unable to find a similar method with the VS2010 Visual Basic DataSource and underlying TableAdapter, BindingSource, BindingNavigator, down to the individual ComboBox and assorted other bound controls. It's convenient to have the integration, but I've got different users with different permissions, The long and short is that I'd like to be able to assign the data source during runtime operation, at least to the connection string level.

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Setting Report Datasource To Datagridview?

Jun 11, 2011

My current problem is this:I have a form and I have in it three textboxes, 1 button and 1 datagridview; I also have an acceI'm learnig now on how to create a report without a database. But In how to set the datagriview as the datasource for my report

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Use A My.Setting As Datasource For Multiple ComboBoxes

Apr 9, 2009

I want to maintain a list of potential ComboBox values over multiple executions of my program, and to use that list as the DataSource on multiple ComboBoxes. I also want changes made to the DataSource to propagate over all of the ComboBoxes already existing in the application.

Can someone recommend what type of object I should use as my DataSource, as My.Settings objects don't seem to support generic list objects.

Also, along with that recommendation, can I also ask for suggestions as to how to propagate the updates of the collection to all ComboBoxes? I would imagine I need a collection type which raises events when its contents change, but I can't think of any, and in any case do not know which are compatible with My.Settings.

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Removing Items From A List Box After Setting The DataSource

Sep 29, 2010

I have a small requirement and that is as follows:

I am populating a ListBox using stored procedures and the ListBox is populated as follows:

lstItems.DisplayMember = "emp_name"
lstItems.ValueMember = "login_id"
lstItems.DataSource = accessFunction.getEmployees

The ListBox gets populated correctly. After it is populated, i have a CommandButton and on the click event of the button, i want to remove selected items from the ListBox. So in the click event of the CommandButton, i have written the following code:


After selecting an item from the ListBox and when i click the CommandButton, i get an error as "Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set".

how i can delete items from the ListBox.

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Remove A Datatable From Datasource?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a datasource attached to an Access DB. I have a problem if I remove a datatable from my datasource(which contains lots of datatables). I have to manually remove the reference to that datatable from the designer file for each form that uses the dataset.

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DataGridComboBoxColumn Setting And Retrieving Combobox Row With Access Datasource?

Jan 3, 2010

I have a datagridview that is populated using an oledbconnection:

Private Sub FileSpecs_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Dim cn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & My.Settings.DBLocation & ";")Dim cmd As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT specFieldno AS [Field No],specFieldName AS [Field Name], specFieldType FROM fileSpecs WHERE ClientNo='" & ClientSetup.clientNo.Text & "' AND direction=" & ClientSetup.fileDir, cn)


The problem I now face is that the 'index' value of the combobox item for each row is in the field specFieldType which is populated into the datagrid.I need to be able to set the value of the ComboBox for each row when the form is opened, and also be able to save the index value of each row selection if any changes are made/saved.

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Remove Row From Gridview With Datatable Datasource?

Aug 15, 2010

I am using VB.net.

I have a gridview with a datatable datasource.

What is the best option to update the datatable when i delete a row in the gridview and then show the gridview without that row?

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Both DataSource And DataSourceID Are Defined On 'checkInOutGV'. Remove One Definitio

Jun 3, 2011

Keep getting this error. Using ASP datagrid Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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Unable To Cast Object Of Type X To Type X On Setting DataSource To A Table?

Feb 19, 2012

Columns 0 & 1 are filled from a DataAdapter from Access Database and three are added. I had this working, but I changed it to check for the column "Feed" so I could add several Locations. At first this worked,but I did someething in perfecting it and it now fails after filling the first row of the datagridview (dgvFdMed).I ran a check and the table LotsTab has 8 rows filled. Column 1 & 2 are strings and the database appears they are fine. The added columns have just been created with no value. My plan is to enter the values and then use the data from the grid.

Private Sub sfillGrid(ByVal Loc As String)
Dim i As Integer
Dim column As DataGridViewColumn


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Datagridview Bound To A Datatable Setting Its Datasource Property To The Datatable

May 20, 2011

I have a datagridview bound to a datatable setting its datasource property to the datatable. I would like to have a child form that contains a list of columns associated with the datatable that contains a checkbox that will allow the user to hide and show the columns ( I do not know the best control to use here) (I assume this is the easy part as All i need to do is loop through each of the datatable's columns to get the column name)

now I would like save these visible columns on some event like form_closing so that the next time the user opens the form up it will remember the settings

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Save Setting Of ComboBox After Add / Remove New Items By User?

Mar 31, 2010

I have added a textbox and a combobox into the form. There are 2 buttons as Add and Remove. Everything works fine here but the problem is after addig/removing (using add/remove button) new items into the combobox, when I close it, the new items added/removed are gone. I need to save the new items added to the combobox during close. I can understand I have to create a Application Setting which will save the new items added to combobox upon closing. But I don't know which code I need to use? Below are the currently used code of this project.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' This is to add new items to combobox
'MsgBox("" & TextBox1.Text & " Successfully Added to Combobox")
[Code] .....

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Change Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) Datasource To ODBC Datasource?

Jan 30, 2011

I use vb.net and windows form and sqlserver

I added Data Source(Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)) to my project. and now I need to change it to ODBC Data Source .

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Using The Datasource Binding In VB 2008?

May 17, 2009

I have been successful in using the datasource binding in VB 2008 (drag and drop from datasource to form)My question is that I have date and time fields in an access database. In the database they are fine. I have the date as a long date and the time field as medium time.When these dates are viewed in my vb form, they show as:example (for date of 5/15 and time of 9:00)

Date field: 5/15/2009 12:00:00 AM
Time field: 12/30/1899 9:00:00 AM

I tried to format these field in VB to long date and medium time but it doesn't change. Any suggestions on how to do this?

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VS 2008 : .net IEnumerable As Datasource?

Sep 2, 2009

I have an IEnumerable(Of System.Data.DataRowView) and would like to set it to be the datasource of a datagridview - however when I try I get no results my IEnumerable variable in the eg below is called xIEnum

DataGridView1.DataSource = xIEnum

However when I go

DataGridView1.DataSource = xIEnum.ToList

it works.... However I want the data to automatically update when I change the underlying datasource that the IEnum is mapped to?

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VS 2008 Can't Get Items From A Listbox With Datasource

Dec 25, 2009

i import into a list box data from a db. when i try to save listbox it save this text


instead text of single item...

how i can get the real text of each item?

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VS 2008 Reading The DataSource Information?

Dec 29, 2010

I am connecting my VB application to Oracle Database. I need to configure the Data Source in the app.config.ng know which section do I define my UID, PWD and DSN and what functions do I use to read this information. Can I also write back this information through the application.

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VS 2008 Updating A Datagridview / Datasource

Apr 19, 2010

I'm learning some more VB in my spare time, and I'm making a simple customer database that uses SQLCE. I've got the datasource set up and all that, but for some reason when I hit accept on the form, nothing happens?


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VS 2008 Using A Listbox As A Dropdown Datasource?

Jun 14, 2009

I gather MATTER NUMBER and PATENT NUMBERS in a listbox on a dialog form - that I pass to the main form after the dialog closes.I then ask for CASES on subsequent dialog forms and want to have drop downs for MATTER NUMBER and PATENT NUMBERS that "have the suggestions" of what was entered in those list boxes earlier.So - I've been using DATASOURCE for binding to datatables and thought to myself - heh - I can probably set the DATASOURCE of the DROPDOWNS - and it works!

Public AddMatterNumber As ListBox
Public AddPatentApp As ListBox


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2008 DataSource Stored Procedure Change?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a vb.net project. I have used the GUI and wizard to create a DataSource pointing to a SQL Server Stored Procedure. It works great! However, a new column has been added to the stored procedure.In the GUI if I right click the data source name and refresh, nothing happens.If I right click the stored procedure name and refresh, nothing happens.If I preview data I can see the new column returned.If I choose edit with wizard there is a red exclamation point next to the name of the stored procedure and red X be each column name.

When I hover over the field name it says "Column ABC in the DataSet references a column missing from the Database".When I hover over the stored procedure it says "STORED_PROCEDURE is mapped to STORED_PROCEDURE in the DataSet. Element STORED_PROCEDURE in the DataSet contains columns that do not exist in the Database".I can't figure out how to get the new columnd in the dataset.

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VS 2008 Linking Datasource To Label Result?

Jul 6, 2011

I am trying to link a date produced from a month calendar to a three column data source . Col 1 is date and cols 2 and 3 hold password records for use on the selected date. I am able to have the selection from the month calendar produce a result into the label text but cannot see how to relate the date in col 1 back to the label. I am beginning in this world,

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VS 2008 Query Datatable With LINQ And Set DGV Datasource?

Nov 7, 2011

i need to query the datatable & set the outcome as datagridview controls datasource

Private Sub Txt_Search_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Txt_Search.TextChanged
'routine objective:- Filter datatable & set the datagridview datasource


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VS 2008 - Binding DataSource Property Of DGV During Loading Form

Apr 14, 2010

During Loading a form, I bind a datasource property of the DGV to the bindingsource, and then set the fillweight property of the DGV columns. But, after form being shown, earlier set properties are being reseted to default = 100.

The procedure is like:
1. TestForm.Show()
2. TestForm_Load(...) Hnadles MyBase.Load
DGV.DataSource = bindingsource
DGV.columns(0).fillweight = 80
DGV.columns(1).fillweight = 120
3. Me.close() (Closing the form which called TestForm.Show()

And now I have visible a TestForm with well binded datasouce seeing all the columns, but their fillweith property was beeing reseted...

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VS 2008 Change Dataset Datasource / Connection String?

May 7, 2009

I made an application that was used by one person only, but now my boss told me that this application it'll be used by all company.I made the application with a dataset that have the datasource in a access database that's installed with the application. The user can add, delete and change values in the database, so i had to put the database in a sql server to everyone see the changes.There's someway to change the dataset datasource/connection string?

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VS 2008 Changing The Datasource So That Application Will Run On A Machine With No Network?

Oct 14, 2009

I have created an application which uses an sql server connection as its datasource. The problem I'm having is that the application needs to work on computer that has no network connection. How Can i change the datasource so that on runtime it can work off a machine that is not connected to a network? The datasource from the sql connection only contains one table with no data. It only needs to be updated with a target folder that can be changed to any location on any computer already written in the code.

The connection string suddenly stands as: Dim MyConnectionString As String = "Data Source=MY-PC;Initial Catalog=ImageLocs;User Id=test;Password=test;Pooling=False"

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VS 2008 Form With An Object Bound To A Datasource Closes?

Aug 17, 2010

My form closes whenever I insert an object that has a data bound in it. The object I'm trying to insert is a textbox from the data source window (drag n drop). I've checked on the database and that the table has records in it.

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VS 2008 Items Collection Cannot Be Modified When The DataSource Property Is Set

Feb 13, 2010

I have two tables "Person" and "Alias" in a one to many relationship. I have a DGV for "Person" and want to use a combobox for the Aliases. I also have a textbox and a button for the user to type the alias name and click the button to add the alias name to the combobox and update the dataset. I keep getting the "Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set." Error. But if i use a DGV instead of a combobox for aliases, I have no errors and everything works fine. If I remove the datasource property for the combobox it will not get populated with the data already entered, so how, or can I, set it up where the combobox gets populated when the form loads and able to add items to the combobox????

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VS 2008 Looping Through Combo Box TEXT - Regardless Of Datasource Impossible?

Jul 26, 2009

I was wondering how i can loop through a combo boxes items display item field - and return the value for each - i want this to be generic regardless of the combo boxes data source - or if the combo box has been populated with a string list / class etc

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VS 2008 - User Control With DataSource, DisplayMember And ValueMember Property

Nov 19, 2009

I need to create a user control which can be used in my all projects. I have created a user control with a TextBox Control and a ListBox Control. My goal is that as soon as any character is pressed in the textbox, Listbox's item which starts from that character should be selected. I have done all the coding needed for the functionality but my problem is that when I add this usercontrol to my form, I should be able to change the DataSource, displaymember and valuemember properties at designtime. But I cannot see these properties when I add the control on the form.

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