VS 2008 Loop Powerpacks Rectangle

Mar 15, 2010

I have a number of rectangles using powerpacks 3.0 named r1, r2 etc. how to loop through these?

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VS 2008 PowerPacks Error "Type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape' Is Not Defined"

Apr 7, 2009

i have 2 windows machines with VB 2008 installed on both. I created a windows app on 1 machine and put the powerpacks dll file with the app folder anyway. For some reason, when i load the project up on my other machine, i just get a never ending list of errors related to PowerPacks. Why? I have exactly the same version installed and tried download the PowerPacks on Windows website. I just get over 102 errors saying Type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape' is not defined. Anyone care to enlighten me?

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Loop Through Points In A System.drawing.rectangle?

Sep 6, 2010

Looking for something like:

dim rect as system.drawing.rectangle
For each point in rect
Debug.print(point.name, point.value)

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PowerPacks In .NET 2008?

Dec 2, 2009

I am looking at the powerpack ovalshape control. I cannot understand why there is no text property. When I go into the paint event and expose the e.graphics object and I do: e.Graphics.DrawString("Data", New System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point), Brushes.Black, 15, 30)

The point coordinates 15, 30 are relative to the form not the shape. This is very frustrating. Also one cannot add a control like a label to the shape. Is there something I am missing or is this just a limitation of the ovalshape control?

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VS 2008 - Printdocument Of VS And The Printform Found In Powerpacks

Jul 24, 2009

I am printing my form by using the printdocument of VS and the printform found in powerpacks. I never got the preview to work so when ever I want to print I send my information on a new form (form1) which I have altered ( colour borders ) so it is printable. To print form1 I have added a toolstrip with a print button so when the user sees all is ok on the form1 he clicks on it which hides the toolstrip and prints form1. All this sequence works fine. The problem I have been getting lately is that I can print on the first try but when I call another form to print the toolstrip ( with the print button ) is always hidden. I have to exit the application and re enter to get it to show up. Any solution to this or even how to print in a better way. (have the preview to work for example ). I have tried to use printdialog to print but I have never been able to send the document to print.

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List(of Rectangle), Rectangle.offset(x,y) Doesn't Work?

Jul 26, 2010

i've got a little problem with List(on T) variables.


It works perfectly fine. Does anyone know what the problem is?

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Identify Subtriangle Within A Rectangle Given A Coordinate In That Rectangle?

Feb 22, 2010

Given a rectangle of width w and height h. and a coordinate x,y in that rectangle I would like to identify which triangle I am within.

i.e. the function should take parameters(x,y) and return a,b,c,d or a zero based number representing that triangle index i.e. (0=A,1=B,2=C,3=D) if they are in that order.

I think this would be something like >= the formula of the red line and >= the formula of the green line?

I'd like to implement this in VB.NET

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Draw Rectangle Divided To Four Rectangle?

Dec 3, 2011

This code is to draw rectangle. How can I draw rectangle divided to four rectangle or more

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Coral, 50, 200, 30, 40)

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Drawing Rectangle Inside Another Rectangle?

Jul 26, 2009

I'M creating a kind of photo viewer, and I cannot figure out how to orient the scroll buttons with the photos I want to draw because they all are different sizes.This is really hard to explain so please ask questions if you don't understand.I'M thinking if i could draw every photo on a single rectangle and then the scroll bars will position that rectangle up or down. but is there a way to make a rectangle inside another one so it only shows inside that rectangle?

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Where To D / L MS Powerpacks 10

Feb 18, 2011

I am not able to find site where to download ms Powerpacks 10, I use it with vb.net 2010.

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VS 2008 How To Dispose A Rectangle

Dec 6, 2009

Let's say I have a rectangle that has been defined like the following :

Dim rectA as Rectangle
rectA = New Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 600)
When I want to dispose it what do I do.


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PrintForm Using VB PowerPacks 3.0?

Jul 17, 2009

I'm have a program filled with forms for the user to enter data to determine fluid and reservoir properties. I want the ability to be able to print out the forms so they may be kept in binders. I'm using the PrintForm function from the Visual Basic PowerPacks but I'm having a problem getting some of the larger forms onto a single page. Is there anyway to zoom or autofit using this function? I've already tried adjusting the margins and that is not enough. I've been trying to look through the object browser but it hasn't worked very well yet.

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VS 2010 PowerPacks 10?

Sep 16, 2010

I was make some applications in Vb.NET 2010, but when I try run them in another computers, it gives me the exception that I need Visual Basic Powerpacks V10 I was download and install the PowerPacks 3, but it doesnt work.

Where I can found the PowerPacks V10?

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VS 2008 - Text Changes But Rectangle Not Moving

Dec 2, 2009

I have this
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
lblText.Text = rectangle1.X
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then
rectangle1.X = rectangle1.X + 5
[Code] .....
And the text changes but the ractangle doesn't move... What can I do?

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VS 2008 : DrawString Within Bounds Of Rectangle?

Sep 21, 2010

I have this code where I'm wanting to draw text inside a defined rectangle and if it's too wide I want it to be slit onto multiple lines and if it's too tall, I was it to only paint what it can which right now it's not cutting it off it continues on below the bottom border. Here's my

Dim NotesRect As New RectangleF(mMargins.Left + LeftIndent, m_PagePositionSingle, mMargins.Right, mMargins.Bottom)
e.Graphics.DrawString(NotesString, m_ItemFont, Brushes.Black, NotesRect, New StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.FitBlackBox Or StringFormatFlags.LineLimit))

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VS 2008 Clear A Rectangle Drawn?

Aug 25, 2009

So; I've drawn this rectangle vb Dim zr As New Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100)e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, zr)

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VS 2008 Take Screen Shot In A Rectangle?

Jul 21, 2009

Does anyone know how to take screen shot in a rectangle? And save it as a bitmap?

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Conversion To 64 Bits - PowerPacks?

Jul 10, 2010

I am moving Visual Basic 2010 Express from a 32 bits Windosw 7 machine to a 64 bits Windows 7 machine. My project contains a PowerPacks line. I have installed the PowerPacks (VisualBasicPowerPacks3Setup.exe) on the 64 bits system, and see them in the toolbox. When I try to open the project on the 64 bits machine. however, I get error messages:The designer cannor process the code at line 56:

Me. ShapeContainer1 = New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer

The referenced component 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs' could not be found

I then thought I would just remove the (purely cosmetic) line on the 32 bits machine, but cannot discover how to do this (I would have though: rihgt click, and then delete, but this doesn't exist)

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Using Printform From Visualbasic.Powerpacks?

May 15, 2010

If i draw a printform into my form from Visualbsic. poerpacks toll box then i get two errors:Error 1 'PrintForm' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Printing'. C:UsersAlvinDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projects[code]....

When click on this error i Get:
Me.PrintForm1 =
New Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Printing.PrintForm(Me.components)

Second error

Error:PrintForm' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Printing'. C:UsersAlvinDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projects
isskov calculator[code].....

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VS 2008 : Can't Save Rectangle Type Within A Structure

Apr 29, 2010

Im trying to save a structure that consists of regular variables, some of my own structures and rectangles. Now while all the other data types get saved/loaded nicely the rect information is lost, why is that?

save sub:

Dim ForSaving As SaveDat
Dim file_num As Integer = FreeFile()
ForSaving.OVIRect = ESpec.OVIRect


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VS 2008 Rectangle Of Control Locations (in A Panel)?

Jun 24, 2010

I have a panel (A) which has movable panels (B) inside of it. How can I get a rectangle that contains all of the child panels (B)?

I tried to loop through the controls in the panel and get their x y height and width, find the highest, most to the right, most to the left, and lowest and put those numbers into a rectangle, but no luck.

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VS 2008 Text Clipping Itself Rather Than Exceeding Rectangle?

Apr 6, 2009

I've drawing text to a rectangle, say for example "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789",That should be centered (which it is), but be on one line, not clipped like this:


my String Format is:

With sfFormat
.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center
.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
.Trimming = StringTrimming.Character
.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoClip
End With

It doesn't even have to trim it, like I have in my code, but it won't even stay on one line.

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VS 2005 Powerpacks & Client Computers?

Dec 14, 2009

I am using Powerpacks from Microsoft. Especiallly the Printform routine. When i run it on my PC it runs fine, But when i install the development on the clients PC i get a error that says that the powerpack is not ibstalled? Do i need to add some reference? Will this be solved if i complie the solution with VB 2010 because i see the powerpacks is part of 2010?
What if i install the poerpack on the clients PC?

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VS 2008 DrawString Long Text Inside A Rectangle

Mar 27, 2012

I draw text (comment on item in an invoice ) inside a rectangle.


I have no problem, the text appear on several lines and it is well wrapped. But if the text is too long to be drawn inside the rectangle, I need to draw the text not drawn in another rectangle (on another page). How can I know the text not drawn in the first rectangle ? I think it is more difficult to use MeasureString because the text is wrapped.

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VS 2008 Graphics Application - Get Rectangle By Mouse Position

May 1, 2009

I am working on a graphics application. If there were, for example, 3 rectangles in the picturebox. If you were to right click one of them a contextmenu would pop up. In the context menu you are able to click a button called Fill. When you click fill the selected rectangle gets filled in with the colour white. The rectangles are drawn by the user.

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VS 2008 - Drawing A Rectangle Snapped To A Grid By Getting Start Point

Dec 27, 2009

I'm drawing a rectangle snapped to a grid by getting the start point(Mouse down e.location) and the end point(mouseup(e.location). The coding I'm having trouble with is having the program determine which way to draw the rectangle(where the location should be, and the height and width.) Now, this would be extremely simple if the user started their rectangle from the top left corner and ended it in the bottom right every time. But you need to be able to drag from all angles. So does anyone have some code lying around that I could look at so I could actually get my rectangles drawn right?

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VS 2008 Game Code - Sub Moves A Rectangle To The Center Of The Form

Jul 27, 2009

This sub moves a rectangle to the center of the form and when it gets there it moves back to its original location. But something weird has happened and the rectangle still moves, but the boolean values dont change. I tested to see if that part of the code was executed by putting a messagebox where the boolean values are supposed to change and the messagebox didnt appear.

Here is the sub:

Public Sub Start()
Dim Energy As New PictureBox
_IsMoving = True 'here is the boolean values along with some other variables


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Move An Image (technically A Powerpacks Ball...)?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm attempting to move an image (technically a Powerpacks ball...).

Public Class Form1
Dim XSpeed As Decimal
Dim YSpeed As Decimal
Dim BallLocation As New Point(Ball.location.x, Ball.location.y)


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IDE :: Install Visual Basic Powerpacks 1.2 Setup?

Jan 29, 2011

I have made an form in vb 2008 which uses the printform component to print my form. I can run the app on my PC as well as on my notebook. But I cannot run it on others' PC. Though PCs having Internet connection can download Visual Basic Powerpacks 1.2 from the setup, I want to install it on PCs having no internet connection.

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Shape Controls Ambigouos In The PowerPacks Namespace?

May 29, 2009

I would try to make some simple programming with the Shape Controls provided in the Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks Namespace. I have used this MS site for reference: ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/MS.VSIPCC.v80/MS.VBPOWERPACKS.v30/dv_vboshapelinecon/html/d43d1807-9313-435f-a09e-3d07c6f9e806.htm. At the top of the form code editor I have added the line "Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks". Then I have tried to add the rest of the code in different Event procedures, but at the "Dim canvas As New ShapeContainer" and the "Dim theLine As New LineShape" I get the following error message: 'ShapeContainer' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks' (I get the same message regarding the LineShape).

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