VS 2008 : Perform Sql Queries On Xml Files?

Dec 18, 2009

can i perform sql queries on xml files?

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VS 2010 SQL - How To Connect Or Perform Queries

Jun 13, 2010

I'm a PHP coder normally, but I've been asked to make a small vb app. I've created my sql db (MSSQL) and have got all the data in it. However, I have no idea about how to connect or perform queries.

Here's my

Private Sub Form_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


1) Am I connecting properly? I created a new database using the dataset option and it has no username or password.

2) I'm trying to list the results, which will be clickable to open a new form with the full details. How would I do that?

Eg: In PHP, I'd loop through the resources using fetch_assoc, and create a link with the id and it's name as the firstname and surname.

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DB/Reporting :: Perform SQL Queries On A Text Tab Delimited File

Aug 24, 2010

I have a program that generates text tab-delimited files with a header row and sometimes a units row followed by data.


FirstName LastName Birthday
Michael Jordan 6/6/66
Alan Jackson 7/7/77


FirstName LastName Birthday
Name Name Date
Michael Jordan 6/6/66
Alan Jackson 7/7/77

I would like to be able to perform SQL queries on these files. How can I connect to a text tab delimited file to either pretend it is a database table or import it into SQL as a table, preferably through VB.NET? I could have 300,000 rows, and the fields are all numbers, not text... I have manually imported these files into SQL before using management studio, so I know it is possible but I would love to be able to do it programmatically.

Is there any way I can get the SQL code from this process because it does exactly what I need it to do but it is manual. There is an SSIS package that I saved, but I do not know what that is.

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Make A .net Program Which Will Perform WMI Queries To Check For Remote Computer's Name And OS?

Jan 18, 2012

I am trying to make a vb.net program which will perform WMI queries to check for remote computer's name and OS. I manage to do the first query of name using the code below..


I am getting error "Local variable 'query' is already declared in the current block. (BC30288)".I understand that I am using same name for the object variable for performing subsequent query. Is there a way in which I can dispose the variable completely and reuse it again for querying the new required WMI detail? My search in the net couldn't give me any clue as of how to clear the variable and use it again. The issue is with two variables "query" and "searcher". Is it only possible that I should give unique names to each query object variable as I might add more queries later on?

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Run .sql Files Queries In .net?

Sep 22, 2010

I want to send the a vb.net application which will run some updates on the database. I have built the sql script files which i would normally run thru query analyser but that is not available thru MSDE.I know i can use OSQL or ISQL to run these scripts but i really want to run them thru a VB.Net application.here is the code i'm using which is generating an error beacuse i'm trying to execute more than one statement?

Dim connectionString As String = ' CONNECTION STRING IS HERE
Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand


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Pasting Results Of 3 Queries Into 3 Different Spreadsheet Files?

Jan 6, 2012

I am VERY new to Access 2003 and learning VBA slowly, but surely. I'm in need of an easy,quickway to take the results of 3 different queries and paste/overwrite them into the "Data"ab on 3 different Excel 2003 filesI am ableto use Macros to copy the queries into 3 new tabs, but can't seem to get them to overwrite.

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LINQ Queries - Combine The First 3 Queries Into A Single Query And Place In A List?

Jan 6, 2010

I am writing a message system on my server, the xml is something like this


my problem now i guess is 2 fold, i wish to combine the first 3 queries into a single query and place in a list or a collection or is there a way to do this with a single query that will give me my desired result?

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Word Automation Using VB - Fast Way To Perform Action On Large Number Of Files

Nov 18, 2011

I had tested this code: [URL] It works, but a Word application is opened and each new paragraph added using VB code is seen one by one(with a small delay). If I want to open and write something using VB, what is the fastest way ? I do not want to view the changes made on word document live. I want to save the document. So will oWord.Visible = False makes it fast?

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VB2005 Parameter Queries With SQL 2008?

Dec 7, 2009

We have recently updated our SQL Server to 2008 (from 2000). I moved all the data over to the SQL 2008 server by exporting from the 2000 server. All the tables open just fine, and all the data appears to be present. Within the VB.NET app, however, any table reference that uses a parameter generates an error: The data types text and text are incompatible in the equal to operators. The table adapter works just fine with full table previews, but not with either parameters or filter values (i.e., Field1 <> '0'). I should confess that I am new to SQL 2008. What do I need to do to get these parameter queries operational?BTW, I have downloaded and installed the VB2005 plugin that enables working with SQL 2008 (VS80sp1-KB954961-X86-INTL.exe).LDC

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VS 2008 Searching Queries In A Database?

Sep 5, 2009

I'm using oledbdataadapter for query lets say i have a fields Firstname, Surname, Location, Gender

Firstname| Surname| Location| Gender
Angel David Alaska Female
David Leonard Alabama Male
Michael Reeves Indiana Male

i want to filter data so that if I put a keyword %david% and select combobox as "MALE" it will search david on the first three fields and return

David Leonard Alabama Male

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VS 2008 Using Variables / Parameters In Sql Queries?

Sep 20, 2011

I am using Visual Basic 2008 / MYSQL

Basically i have 2 tables in mysql called Data and products

The first sql query i want to do is something like this to scroll through the recordset of products and bring back information;

dbquery.commandtext = "select quantity, sku, condition from products"

But then what i want to do is bring back information from the Data table based on the sku and condition of the first sql?

so it would be something like this

subquery.commandtext = "select lowestprice from data where sku = *SKU FROM FIRST TABLE* and condition = *CONDITIONFROM FIRST TABLE*"

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VS 2008 Write Database Queries On The Fly?

Jan 29, 2010

Is it possible to create database queries on the fly with VB?

For i = 0 To (UBound(WeekNo) - 1)
For NLoop = 1 To 50
WeekRow(NLoop) = WeekSinceLast(i, NLoop)

I want to write each WeekRow to the database for each week (= i). WeekRow contains 50 elements, each of which needs to be placed in a separate field.

So, can I generate a SQL query that is constructed on the fly? If so, how do I go about it?

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 Using Parametrized Queries With Multiple SQL Statements

Jun 25, 2009

There is not a VB.net database forum, and there is a HUGE difference (unfortunately) between ADO and ADO.net. I have a connection to a MS SQL database, which I understand is capable of handling multiple SQL statements in one Execution, ie

Using cmdExe As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
sSQL = "Delete * from mytable where UniqueID=123;Insert into mytable (UniqueID, Field) values (123, 'something')"
.CommandText = strSingleSQLLine


There are two questions here actually...can I add the parameters before setting the command text, and do I have to add the same parameter over and over again?

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VS 2008 Use Queries And Dealing With Databases Using LINQ Or SQl / Which Is Better To Start

Jul 6, 2010

I will start a new project, use the queries and dealing with databases using LINQ or SQl ,Which is better to start ???

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[2008] Dynamic LINQ Queries And Select Statements?

Jun 5, 2008

I've recently ported my website from 2005 to 2008, and I'm using LINQ Queries to implement a search. The issue is that none of the fields are mandatory, so I've had to implement a dynamic LINQ Query (sic?). Here's the relevant code -

Public Function searchQuery(ByVal titleType As String, ByVal titleName As String, _
ByVal configMgr As String, ByVal lifecycle As String, _
ByVal CIType As String, ByVal recordsPerPage As String) As IEnumerable(Of


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Perform A Mouse Click Using VB 2008?

Aug 26, 2011

How to perform a mouse click using VB 2008?

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VS 2008 - Connection Cannot Be Used To Perform Operation

Apr 25, 2009

Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & "C:Documents and SettingsUserDesktopContribucionescontribuciones.mdb"
rs.Open("SELECT * FROM master")
TextBox1.Text = rs.Fields("sueldoanual").Value

I have this error
The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context.

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VS 2008 Which Is The Best Datagridview Event To Perform

Dec 9, 2009

I have a datagridview comboboxcolumn populated with jobs. these jobs have a wage attached to them. for example job "Policeman" has a wage of R20.I have 5 checkboxcolumns for each day of the week as well. so if I check 3 of the checkboxes and have the job "Policeman" selected, I must then calculate the weekly wage (3*20=60) and display the wage in the weekly wage column. which event is best to handle this.

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Unable To Perform Copy Of File In VB 2008

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to copy a file from 1 location to other location with a new name. The new name should be like "Oldname + date & time". I wrote the following code but getting error that the Given path format is not supported Imports System.IO[code]...

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VS 2008 - Perform Click When A Button Is On Other Tabpage?

Jul 29, 2010

why can't I performCllick using a button which is on other tabpage. I tried those two so far but nothing happens:

DirectCast(My.Application.OpenForms("record"), record).btnAdd.PerformClick()

it must be simple I just can't do it because I need to get this done when I am in other tab

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VS 2008 Perform Order By TCount In This Query?

Jan 2, 2010

How can i perform order by tCount in this Query?

Public sub StatReport()
Dim Transaction = xmlDataset.Tables("ebus_transactions")
Dim TranCounts = From T In Transaction Take 2 _


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[2008] Perform Action On Tab Or Change Textbox?

Mar 3, 2009

is it possible to perform an action when the tab key is pressed in a textbox or the mouse cursor is moved to another box?

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VS 2008 Bound - Source Data Of Drop Down Lists Be Separate Queries / Datatables?

Jun 2, 2009

I've got a couple of drop down lists for languages. I bind them to a language list that comes from a query. Then the fields are also bound to the row in the DB they relate to. I have several panels with the language drop down - each "tied" to a different table in my DB. When I call up different records on the same panel the drop downs immediately "set to the position" of that rows language in the list. But when I call up another panel - tied to another database table - I see that language in the drop down.


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Perform A Silent Download In Visual Studio 2008 ?

Jun 22, 2010

I need to perform a silent download in visual studio 2008

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Perform Wildcard Searches In 2008 Object Browser?

Jan 22, 2012

In VB6 I could use an asterisk as a wildcard when searching the object browser. For instance, searching on "c*Report" would find "cFooReport" and "cReport". I can't seem to do the same in VS2008, am I just missing something obvious?

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VS 2008 - Perform The Database Operation Such Reading Data?

Mar 13, 2010

how to perform the database operation such reading data and using them for comparison within the VB programming..

Please guide me with explanation as i have very little knowledge regarding the database operation...

i am using VB.Net 2008 as frontend...and MS SQL Server 2008 (express edition ) as back end...

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VS 2008 Loop Through Data Table And Perform Calculations?

Jan 13, 2011

I have an Access database that has thousands of records. The fields in the database are EMPID, FIRST, LAST, JOBTYPE and PAGES. I would like to know how to loop through the data table and for each individual EMPID to calculate the sum of the PAGES for each JOBTYPE.There are four JOBTYPE's: "E", "K", "O" and "R".Here is some

Dim WebAllEmployeeQuery As String = _
"SELECT ELPallEmployees.[EMPID], ELPallEmployees.[FIRST], ELPallEmployees.[Last], ELPallEmployees.[JOBTYPE],


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VS 2008 - Unable To Perform Application Installation / Uncheck Some Options?

Apr 12, 2010

I've been creating a small application and now I'm going to make a setup file for it. And I started doing this using Installshield. Here's a prtscreen of where I'm stuck: Since I've developed my Application in .Net, I don't know whether it can be installed on earlier versions of Windows such as Windows 98. Should I uncheck some options?

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VS 2008 : Perform Add, Edit, Delete In A Dataset That Will Update The Database As Well?

Mar 21, 2010

How to perform add, edit, delete in a dataset that will update the database as well?

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VS 2008 Perform An Action Once Every 5 Button Clicks (using A Counter/Integer)?

Jul 28, 2010

i have a button and if a specific option is set (via a checkbox) then once every 5 times the button is clicked an extra event happens.I thought a counter/Integer would be the way to do it but i cant seem to get it quite right, heres my code i have in the buttonclick event:


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