VS 2008 - Unable To Perform Application Installation / Uncheck Some Options?

Apr 12, 2010

I've been creating a small application and now I'm going to make a setup file for it. And I started doing this using Installshield. Here's a prtscreen of where I'm stuck: Since I've developed my Application in .Net, I don't know whether it can be installed on earlier versions of Windows such as Windows 98. Should I uncheck some options?

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Installation Error - Unable To Install Or Run The Application

Oct 1, 2009

I've made a program but when others try and run the installer they're getting the error "unable to install or run the application.The application requires that assembly Microsoft.vbe.Interop Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache first.

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Unable To Perform Copy Of File In VB 2008

Jun 12, 2011

I am trying to copy a file from 1 location to other location with a new name. The new name should be like "Oldname + date & time". I wrote the following code but getting error that the Given path format is not supported Imports System.IO[code]...

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Deployment :: Combine WAMP And Application Installation Into One Packet Installation?

May 24, 2009

I just made an application using MySQL for the database. I use WAMP.Can I combine WAMP and my application installation into one packet installation ?

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VS 2008 Starting An Application After Installation

Dec 16, 2010

I have created a setup project that after the installation, starts the app that is being installed. To do that I have added an Installer class to the app I want to get started and I am using it's commited event to start the app (Process.Start("...myapp.exe").

While this works fine on XP, on Windows Vista the application gets started as a "System" user which makes some parts of the app missbehave i.e. retreiving special folders of the user etc...

This is the question: way to start myapp as the logged in user? Mind you I will not have the credentials of the users.

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Specify Installation Directory For Vb 2008 Express Application?

Apr 27, 2009

I am using VB 2008 express. I created a setup file for installation using the publish command. When I install on another computer, it installs under the documents and settings directory. I want it to install under program files like most other programs.

I've search everywhere on the web for this. The closest thing i could find was talking about the DefaultFolder under the projects applications folder. I don't see that option. I can specify all the publication directories - but these are strictly for where VB creates the setup file at - not where the setup file installs it. Frankly it would be really nice to be able to allow the user to specify the directory as an option, with program files as the default. But for now I'd be happy to just be able to change the default install directory for my app.

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.net - Unable To Perform RoutedEventHandler?

Nov 14, 2011

I have loop to create a column of button and now i wish to implemented the eventhandler into all the buttons but is not working. The iteration to create a column of button


Most of the solutions were built using C# with silverlight and they seem to be working great. While i having problem by using VB.NET with silverlight

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Unable To Perform Log In Operation

Nov 4, 2009

this is the code have written am unable to perfrom the log in operation.[code]

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VS 2008 Setting The Installation Location Of A Published Application?

Jan 11, 2011

I have published a vb.net application and installed it on my PC. When I try to locate the installed application, I dont find the location where its been installed.

How to install a publish application on a specified location in C:Program FilesProject?

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VS 2008 Application Attempted To Perform An Operation Not Allowed By The Security Policy?

Jun 10, 2010

This error occurs when I want to add my app to the startup keys
My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun", True).SetValue(Application.ProductName, app)


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Including NET Framework 3.5 - SQL Compact Server And Other Packages In VB 2008 Application Installation

May 22, 2009

Including NET Framework 3.5 - SQL Compact Server and other packages in VB 2008 Application installation

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VS 2008 Unable To Run The Application On Windows 7?

Apr 25, 2011

I have developed an application in VB.net 2008 having SQL Server 2000 as back end. I am running the application with MSDE 2000 on Windows XP. Now I have switched to Windows 7 from XP. I am unable to run the application on Windows 7 as it is not connecting to database.Can somebody help me to to run the application through MSDE 2000 without upgrading it to SQL EXPRESS 2008 on Windows 7. What I feel is that it could be caused by the Authentication Mode of MSDE 2000 in Windows 7.

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VS 2008 Unable To Use An Application.DoEvents?

Dec 11, 2009

I have a unique situation in that I've developed a VB.NET application for AutoCAD. The way this works, you build your project into a dll and utilize AutoCAD API references when designing the project. From AutoCAD, a "Netload" command will load your dll into it's namespace to run. AutoCAD then essentially takes ownership of your application from here on out. The application is ran using a command defined in a method's attribute:

<CommandMethod("CommandNameForApp")>Public Sub MyCommand()
'Code Here
End Sub

Due to the heavy load of processing loops as it evaluates AutoCAD drawing data, processes this data, and generates many, many Excel reports, I've added a boolean property called Cancelled to my Progress class. When the user cancel's the process, this is seen by the process and further evaluation is ended and everything is cleaned up nicely. In order for this to work though, I have to implement Application.DoEvents. Without it, the Cancel feature will not work at all. With it, now instead of allowing the application to stay loaded, the Command method is fully closed.I have added a go-to point and simply verify that the application isn't closing because of a user-cancellation event. Here's what it looks like now:

<CommandMethod("WireShop")> Public Sub WireShopApplication()
'Initialize Configuration File Data
'Initializes ValidBlocks, MarginDistance, WindowDistance, and HelpFileName Properties
If ConfigurationFileInitialization() = False Then Exit Sub


In my opinion, this seems a little hokey. However, I'm not that familiar with exactly what Application.DoEvents is doing in the background to understand how to "head it off at the pass".

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VS 2008 Check & Uncheck Option

Feb 5, 2010

i have 6 checkboxes in an application what i need is that: if i checked checkbox1 then the other checkboxes are unchecked by that the user can check just 1 checkbox so how can i do that

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VS 2008 Application Validation Cannot Succeed Unable To Continue Error?

Jul 26, 2010

Basically i am trying to make a form which is in essence a switchboard. Just some buttons to launch some executables. Here is my

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2008 : Uncheck All Checkboxes In Datagridviewcheckboxcolumn Except The Row That Clicked?

Apr 12, 2010

I want to be able to only set one record in my tables as a default value. So when I check the checkboxcolumn of one row in my datagridview all the other checboxes in the other rows must be set to false. How can I do this?

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VS 2008 If Item Is Checked Then Uncheck All Other Listview?

Mar 7, 2011

I remember doing this in a checkboxlist element, but with listview element its giving a hard time.

Private Sub CheckedListBox1_ItemCheck(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemCheck
If e.NewValue = CheckState.Checked Then
For index = 0 To Me.ListView1.Items.Count - 1


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VS 2008 Can't Uncheck A Checkbox After Radio Button Has Been Selected

Nov 14, 2009

i'm trying to design a program where I can take all the software that i have and just put it on an external Hard drive open this program at a customers house select what software I want to install and than let the install run through everything. I'm running into a problem with my winrar installation since I have a x86 installation and an x64 installation I want to be able to select the checkbox for winrar and than choose either the x86 or x64 and than it will install. I figured out how to set everything up it disables the two radio buttons until the checkbox is checked but I can't go through and uncheck the checkbox (say if I accidently checked it or something)[code]

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VS 2008 Uncheck The Remaining Menu Items While One Of Them Was Selected?

Jan 20, 2011

How to uncheck the remaining menu items while one of them was selected.Is there any built in property to set for that or i need to write code(uncheck the remaining menu items in menuitemclick event).

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VS 2010 Options View Control - Child Options?

Aug 20, 2011

I am in need of a form that shows various options, exactly like the Options in Visual Studio. Since there are so many options I too want them categorized, with a TreeView to the left taking care of showing the right category.The usual 'easy' approach here would be to just place a TreeView control on the form, add some nodes, and give those nodes a tag or key that corresponds to a panel or UserControl with the options for that category.Since there will be a lot of options however, this is not really feasible design-wise; the form would be cluttered with possibly 50 panels, all of which I would need to select and bring to front from time to time to add controls to them that represent the options.

So I decided to create a custom control that does exactly that. The control is very similar to my Wizard usercontrol, users can add OptionsPanels at design time, which inherit Panel and simply represent one panel of options. When they do, the panel is added to a container panel, and at the same time a TreeNode is added to a TreeView. The control uses a custom ControlDesigner to handle design-time clicks in the Treeview, selecting a different node would select and bring to front the corresponding panel, allowing the user to add the controls he wants.

Due to the design time support the problem of having 50 panels is no longer present, only one panel will be visible at a time and selecting the right panel is as simple as selecting the corresponding TreeNode, just as during run-time. Anyway, I got all this working, but only for a single 'level' of categories. As you can see in the Visual Studio options, there can be multiple levels of categories. For example, the Environment node has a bunch of children, where each child represents one 'options panel'. There can even be deeper nesting, see the Text Editor node for example.Let me begin by drawing out the basics of how my control works so far.

The main control is an OptionsView control, which contains a SplitContainer with a TreeView to the left and a OptionsPanelContainer to the right. The OptionsPanelContainer is merely a Panel to which only OptionsPanel controls can be added, and which raises events when this happens, as well as when OptionsPanels are removed from it. An OptionsPanel also inherits Panel, and these are the actual panels the users will see in the control, one for each option category.For now, each OptionsPanel has exactly one corresponding TreeNode (and vice versa). In the Visual Studio options, each 'parent' category usually has a 'General' node as the first child, and the parent and this General node show the same option panel, but I am ignoring that for the moment.

The OptionsView control has a property Panels that returns the ControlCollection (Controls property) of the OptionsPanelContainer (in other words: it returns a collection of OptionsPanels that are in this container panel).

<Editor(GetType(Designers.OptionsPanelCollectionEditor), GetType(UITypeEditor))> _ <DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)> _ Public ReadOnly Property Panels As Control.ControlCollection Get Return Me.PanelContainer.Controls End Get End Property

A custom CollectionEditor for this property takes care of the designer: even though the property type is ControlCollection, the CollectionEditor knows it should create instances of the OptionsPanel control instead of just Controls.When it does this, a corresponding TreeNode is also created and its Tag property is set to the OptionsPanel. Vice versa, the Node property of the OptionsPanel is set to the node. Hence the node and panel both know their corresponding object.

Public Class OptionsPanelCollectionEditor Inherits System.ComponentModel.Design.CollectionEditor Public Sub New(type As Type) MyBase.New(type) End Sub Protected Overrides Function CreateCollectionItemType() As System.Type


So far so good, this all works fine. I can add Panels via the designer and when I do a new TreeNode appears in the TreeView. I can select this node and the panel becomes visible (comes to the front).Now, I am a little stuck. How do I implement child option panels? And more importantly: how do I let the user add child panels?The most logical choice I think is to let each OptionsPanel have a property (ChildPanels or something) that returns the child OptionsPanels for that panel. Once the user selects an OptionsPanel then, he can look in the property grid to find its ChildPanels property and add child panels to that.

There is a problem though: what would this property return? It must return a ControlCollection of some container (this is, I think, a requirement for the designer features to work, otherwise panels are not added to the Form.Designer.vb file). But there is no container. I cannot add them to the OptionsPanel itself, that would make no sense because the parent OptionsPanel has its own set of controls (the options itself...), there cannot be another (fully docked) Panel on top of those obviously.The container of the main OptionsView then? That is not an option either, its Controls collection holds ALL OptionsPanels, not just the children of the selected panel. I cannot 'select' only the right panels either, that would require me to return a new instance of ControlCollection, it would be impossible to return the actual ControlsCollection that holds merely a small selection of its controls.

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Application For Installation Via CD Or DVD?

Apr 11, 2009

I've published my application for installation via CD or DVD. I installed it on my machine and it worked fine. I have a couple of questions, I couldn't find the answer to in the GUI. First, when the application is installed, it immediately launches. Can I make something in the installation where a user can click a checkbox saying launch after install? If not, how can I disable the application from launching after the install. And secondly, the application is installed, a desktop shortcut is created, and the application is added to the programs on the start menu. How would I add an uninstall link in the program menu along with the icon to launch the application? Currently I have to go to the control panel add remove programs to remove the application.

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Run Application Without Installation?

Jul 1, 2010

I am creating a small VB.Net (Framework 3.5, Visual Studio 2008) application, requirement is small.

I want to make an EXE and that should run without installation.

I am Ok if all the dependencies, like dlls, are present in ApplicationStartupPath().

The Application should be standalone without installation. Bcoz, I don't want to create a big scene to install a huge .Net Framework in client PC for just a small application, as I said the requirement is small.[code]...

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VS 2008 Unbinding A DataGridView - Allow A User To Check / Uncheck A Row For Further Processing

May 29, 2009

I use a SqlDataAdapter to fill a DataTable and then set that DataTable as the DataSource for a DataGridView. All works well. Then I add a column at the beginning of the DataGridView that will allow a user to check/uncheck a row for further processing. All works well. Then I display this to the user. All works well.

Since there are many times when the DataGridView could be displaying hundreds or maybe thousands of records, I have a button that will "Check All" records and another that will "Clear All" records. These work fine, but I've noticed a serious performance lag. Other test code that I've got shows that in an unbound DataGridView, even a large one with 50+ columns and 5000 rows, checking or unchecking all of these fields takes mere fractions of a second. (One test with 50 columns and 50,000 rows still only takes 0.334 seconds to check all of the rows.)

In my testing (with my current code), checking/unchecking 500 rows takes 15 seconds. Is this because the DataGridView is databound? If so, is there a way to UNbind it (making it simply a stand-alone set of data)? I don't need to push updates back to the server, so there's no danger in removing any databinding. I've even toyed around with this (to make the DGV unbound):


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.net - Perform An Alt Key Press While Application Is Loading?

Apr 17, 2011

how to perform alter key press at the time of form loading in vb.net winforms application?

Means when the form's(devExpress's Xtraform) load event is executed that time alt key must be pressed pro-grammatically .

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Pause Application During SQL Installation?

Oct 11, 2011

My application first checks if an SQL Server is installed before it runs. If there is no server it installs one. Now I want the application to pause or exit during the installation, since its thread may compromise the installation process, or is it not?. How do I do this? The Sleep() mmethod may not help because I can't know how long the installation process would take.

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VS 2008 Check All/uncheck All Rows In Data Grid View With Button?

Mar 4, 2010

I have data grid view with checkbox as unbound column and a button at the bottom and when button is clicked i want to check all rows in the datagrid view i.e check the checkbox if it is not checked for all rows in datagridview. If button is clicked again i want to uncheck the checkbox for all rows if the check box is checked.

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Perform In-house Test Performance For .net Application?

Aug 21, 2009

my friend is currently development an application using SOA Architecture, He sent me a picture with a lot of layers (10 almost) and he is worried about performance issues, the application is development on VB.Net 2.0 & 3.5 (some libs).

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Perform Some Work When An Application Is Closed From Taskmanager?

Dec 5, 2011

In my application i want to perform some work when an application is closed from taskmanager.

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Application Installation Software Requirements?

Oct 1, 2009

I tried to do a test install yesterday on a laptop running Windows Vista Ultimate and I was unable to get it to run without an internet connection because it needed to download additional software. My application may be installed on a client computer that does not have an internet connection and I need to be able to provide this extra software on disk.

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Reference The Installation Folder Of Application?

Nov 30, 2009

I'm writing a windows form application in VS2008 using VB. I have a text script file needs to be deployed together with my application. How do I reference this file when coding and how to deploy it using windows installer? A similar question, how do I reference the installation folder of my application?

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