VS 2008 Setting The Installation Location Of A Published Application?

Jan 11, 2011

I have published a vb.net application and installed it on my PC. When I try to locate the installed application, I dont find the location where its been installed.

How to install a publish application on a specified location in C:Program FilesProject?

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Installation Folder In Published Projects In .net?

Aug 15, 2009

I have vb.net 2008 express eddition. While publishing projects and installing on other computers I do not get the browsing path for the installation. i.e. the setup.exe install it in a default location without the option for the user to determine the installation path (destination folder).How can I enable to determine the destination folder of the installation?

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VS 2005 : Published App's Database Location?

Sep 12, 2009

I have made a small app with a SQL Database, published and installed it on my desktop pc with the express version.What directory does .net place the database in that has been installed.

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VS 2010 Why Install Program Or Run From Published Location

Mar 1, 2012

In the past I have written VB6 and VB NET 2005 programs that are installed and on the user's computer. This had to be done because the salesmen in our company have has a set of local data on their laptops so that they could do work and not be connected to our network. I would then sync the files when they connected to the network. (This same program is used by the rest of the company as well, but everyone else uses network data.)We are now at the point where we are not using any local data. Our salesmen access our network data using an iPad, VPN, and a Citrix server, which works fine

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[2008] Setting Picturebox Location On Form?

Feb 14, 2009

i need a picturebox to, when an event has happened to either revert back to its original place.or set a location for it to go after the event has taken place.ive tried lots of different code but its not working?

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VS 2008 - Setting Location And Making Form Unmovable

Oct 28, 2011

How would I make my form unmovable so you cannot drag it to move it? I also need to know how to make it always start in the same exact spot. I don't know why but it changes spots even thought the location is set: 0,0

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Deployment :: Combine WAMP And Application Installation Into One Packet Installation?

May 24, 2009

I just made an application using MySQL for the database. I use WAMP.Can I combine WAMP and my application installation into one packet installation ?

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VS 2008 Starting An Application After Installation

Dec 16, 2010

I have created a setup project that after the installation, starts the app that is being installed. To do that I have added an Installer class to the app I want to get started and I am using it's commited event to start the app (Process.Start("...myapp.exe").

While this works fine on XP, on Windows Vista the application gets started as a "System" user which makes some parts of the app missbehave i.e. retreiving special folders of the user etc...

This is the question: way to start myapp as the logged in user? Mind you I will not have the credentials of the users.

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C# - Program Installation - With The Default Location?

Feb 18, 2012

I'm a beginner. I recently developed an application in C#. Now I wanna develop its setup. I read a few articles online, followed them, found it very easy. I also changed the default location of application folder from C:Program Files to C:. My application folder is containing a few folders besides exe and dlls which I added manually.

Now here the problem starts, when I install the application and change the location say from c: to d:, my files (all files including exe and dll) are going to user's given location. But my folders (all folders in application folder) are going to c: (which is default location given while creating setup). But I want output files and that folders at same location

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Specify Installation Directory For Vb 2008 Express Application?

Apr 27, 2009

I am using VB 2008 express. I created a setup file for installation using the publish command. When I install on another computer, it installs under the documents and settings directory. I want it to install under program files like most other programs.

I've search everywhere on the web for this. The closest thing i could find was talking about the DefaultFolder under the projects applications folder. I don't see that option. I can specify all the publication directories - but these are strictly for where VB creates the setup file at - not where the setup file installs it. Frankly it would be really nice to be able to allow the user to specify the directory as an option, with program files as the default. But for now I'd be happy to just be able to change the default install directory for my app.

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Control Installation Location Of Click Once Folders?

Sep 8, 2009

Is there any way to change the installion of a click once app to the program files location so that it will be availabe to all users? Right now it is burying the location of the files within the user folder.

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VS 2008 - Unable To Perform Application Installation / Uncheck Some Options?

Apr 12, 2010

I've been creating a small application and now I'm going to make a setup file for it. And I started doing this using Installshield. Here's a prtscreen of where I'm stuck: Since I've developed my Application in .Net, I don't know whether it can be installed on earlier versions of Windows such as Windows 98. Should I uncheck some options?

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Setting Path Of Associated Files For Installation Package?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a .chm file linked to my app that is presently being called from it's actual location.HelpProvider1.HelpNamespace = C:Documents and SettingsmgfranzMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsApp NameCleanUp.chm

But when I package the app the directory is going to change to C:Program FilesApp Name by default. The problem arises if the user decides to create an alternate directory. Is there a way to set a $Path at setup runtime so that when the .chm file is called it knows to look in the Home installation directory? Here is the code I use to call the .chm; Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click


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Published An Application And Copied The Application Files Folder?

Feb 10, 2010

I published an application and copied the Application Files Folder ,setup.exe and .application file to a network folder for others to install on their machines. What causes this message to appear. Should'nt the new version over write any previously installed version on a machine. Although in this case no other version has been installed. You cannot start application...from this location because it is installed from a different location

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(Making A Setup) Changing The Default Location Of Installation Path?

Jun 14, 2009

[ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName][Version] is the Default. i Want to change the programfilesfolder to documents folder.

I already try this:

[DocumentsFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName] but it doesnt work. error in installing the product. ERRROR: "Could not access network location Polongo companyMC"

Iam changing the installation directory because when the application is installed in program files, my database can't add and edit record. having an error something like "operation must need an updateable query" because of that error i tried to install the appl in documents and there n error i'd encountered like when I install it to the program files folder.

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VB Registry Editor - Enter The Value Field With A Wildcard For The Location To The New Installation

Oct 30, 2009

In my setup and deployment project, I have made all the directories I needed. The problem I have is: With the registry keys, how do I enter the value field with a wildcard for the location to the new installation. People don't always use the default location, so I need my key to dynamically set the registry to the correct place. So what do I do? [ProgramLocation] or something?

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Including NET Framework 3.5 - SQL Compact Server And Other Packages In VB 2008 Application Installation

May 22, 2009

Including NET Framework 3.5 - SQL Compact Server and other packages in VB 2008 Application installation

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Get The Database On The Published Application?

Jun 7, 2011

I have connected my vb .net forms to the MYSQL database but when i comes to publishing, i do not get the database on the published application.

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Installing Application Published In .net?

Jun 9, 2009

i built a very simple application in vb.net, installed it, it worked. then i did some very slight updates, build it, tried to install it but got the following errors. i restarted computer, uninstalled app for the uninstall menu, and tried to run setup.exe and still have been getting this error.

Windows : 5.1.2600.196608 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.3053


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Uploading A Published Application?

Nov 14, 2010

i have created a simple program which a freind requested to be made for a game.This is what my code is made up of basicly , with different writing to Log.txt file However when i upload my program for him to download. He needs to put it in the exact directory "c:MithrilDragonDropLog" which is a hastle to unzip, cut and paste the folder into there etc. Is there a way that i can program this as to make it write a log.txt into the file which is downloaded without having to move it about in the computer.

sender As


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Published Application Won't Launch On Other Computers

Aug 15, 2011

I've been working on a piece of software for a few weeks now and I've got to the point where I'm publishing it and testing it on other computers, namely my colleague's. We're both working on the same network and have similar permissions for our accounts, but for some reason the application will launch on my account but not his.

We've tried using the same computer and just changing accounts, but that won't work either; he still isn't able to launch the published application.

I receive the standard "[x] has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." message.

What is baffling me is that we've tried previous versions on his computer and they worked just fine. I can't think of any changes that I've made that would suddenly stop the application from running.

A few extra pieces of information: the application has a splashscreen, which displays for a few seconds before the error message crops up. In this time, the program is supposed to check if certain files and directories exist and, if not, create them. It also changes file attributes. These files exist in a directory we are both able to access and both have permissions to change. It also changes and sets some variables within the program itself, but I don't see that being an issue. It is able to catch exceptions of type IOException and InvalidOperationException (which was being thrown when a computer didn't have access to the intranet).

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Published Application - Connect To An Oracle Database On The PC

Dec 2, 2009

I have a vb.net application that will not connect to an oracle database on the PC that I publish the app too. It works fine under my pc both in design and when I publish it to myself. But it will not connect under the pc I publish it too. I do have oracle installed on the pc and have the connection setup exactly as I have on my own pc. I am sure it is a file path issue, or at least I believe it to be that.

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Published Application Can't Connect To Database Over The Internet

Feb 27, 2011

I have the same problem as in this thread [URL].

I am connecting to a SQL database on a hosted server and everything is ok but if I publish the application then it fails to connect which is a bummer because then I can't debug it!

I have tried turning off windows firewall and that doesn't make any difference.

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Error - You Cannot Start Application <App_Name> From This Location Because It Is Already Installed From A Different Location

Dec 10, 2009

we have a user that my program works fine for.. and another that it just crashes for.. they get this error

"You cannot start application <App_Name> from this location because it is already installed from a different location."

then they run it up again and it comes up.. and then just closes..in reading some stuff online it says its a framework 2.0 sp 1 issue ?these pc's have 3.5, but my program uses all 2.0 stuff..so is this a 2.0 sp level issue ? or should I make my programs start to use framework 3.0 instead ?

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Why Firefox Browser Always Try To Open File After Published Application

Jul 11, 2011

Dear Expert, Why firefox browser always try to open my file after I published my VB application. This things happen in VS 2008? If anyone out there has the same problem like me. I have this problem since I installed firefox. If firefox has a problem with its browser when we use Microsoft Visual Studio? Do I need to set anything in my VS 2008 to avoid this thing happen?

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Cannot Start Application Shell From Location Because It Is Already Installed From Different Location

Jul 21, 2009

I have encounterd a problem when trying to re-enstall a program i have writen in vb 2008.I get the following message:"You cannot start application Shell from this location because it is already installed from a different location."This program is to be used on many workstation computers and i need to be able to update any changes by just reinstalling the program, no uninstalling needed first. If the program was installed from a cd first and needs to be updated from a flash disk this error will be a problem, if the update is from a cd as well then there is no problem.Is there a way to change the installation package to ignore where the program installs from and just update itself?

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Setting Location Of ListView?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm working on the Inventory section of the project I'm working on. This particular form holds a tab control, by default it has 2 tabs one named General, and the other named "New..". When the user clicks the New tab an input box opens to collect the name for the new Department, it then changes the name of the current "New.." tab, and then adds another tab and names it "New..". This process continues until they reach their limit of departments. The problem is that when the tab gets renamed, a listview control needs to be added into the tab. Adding the new control is simple, but setting it's position as the one in the previous tab has seemed to elude me. This is what I've tried.

Private Sub TabControl1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabControl1.Click
Dim SD As TabPage
SD = TabControl1.SelectedTab


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Setting The Location Of A Second Form?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a second form that loads when the main form loads. It sits behind the main form, is mainly transparent and does not allow interaction from the User.

Its as if the form is on the desktop, which is what I'm going for.

I set the location of the form to be in the top right hand corner of the desktop. On my PC, which is a 23" monitor, it works and looks great. But when I use my application on a notebook or a smaller screen, the form gets cut off. Why is obvious, because of the screen size differences.

What I want to know is how I might set the form to a more... definitive position. Rather, relative to the size of the screen.

I haven't searched much yet, but maybe there is a way to set the location of the form to a specific location of the desktop, not relative to the size of the screen.

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Setting Form Window Location?

Apr 19, 2009

I'm having trouble setting a form's location in the load event.

config_set = File.ReadDatabaseKey(Public_Variables.settings_radar, _
"Window Position X", Public_Variables.config, Public_Variables.config_path, 5)
If Misc.GetContainsOnlyNumbers(config_set) Then
Me.Location.X = CInt(config_set)
End If

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VS 2010 Setting The Form Location?

Apr 1, 2011

In my Windows application I have 2 forms, Form1 & Form2 in Form1 there is a Button so now I want to place the form2 exactly bottom of the Button when I click.

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