Setting Path Of Associated Files For Installation Package?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a .chm file linked to my app that is presently being called from it's actual location.HelpProvider1.HelpNamespace = C:Documents and SettingsmgfranzMy DocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsApp NameCleanUp.chm

But when I package the app the directory is going to change to C:Program FilesApp Name by default. The problem arises if the user decides to create an alternate directory. Is there a way to set a $Path at setup runtime so that when the .chm file is called it knows to look in the Home installation directory? Here is the code I use to call the .chm; Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.Click


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VB2010 Use An Application To Package All Files Together Into A Setup Package

Feb 26, 2011

I am wanting to use an application to package all my files together into a setup package. I have tried InstallShield 2011, but when i click on Visual Basic .net wizard, it tells me I do not have Visual Studio.NET installed on my system. I am currently using VB2010 Express How can I fix this... or is there a better application available for packaging?

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Create A Complete Installation Package In VB 2008?

Sep 12, 2010

I have developed a windows application in VB 2008. Now I want to make an Installation Package (setup) of my Project. But I don't want to create only the Setup. I want to include the .Net Framework 3.5 and Crystal Reports and all the files that are necessary to run my Application. so that when I run that setup (installation package of my application) all the necessary files installed automatically.

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IDE :: Install A MSI Package As A Prerequisite For An Installation Using Wix Setup?

Aug 17, 2010

I need to Install a MSI Package as a Prerequisite For an Installation Using Wix Setup...How Can I do it....? I first need to install this MSI package and only want to Continue the Set up,If this Installation Would be Successful...

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Visual Studio - .NET 2010 Project Setup/Installation Package?

Feb 3, 2011

I've created a setup project for a VB.NET 2010 application that I've written. The application, and the installer both work fine on my development machine.The installer works fine on other machines, but when I run my application it immediately crashes and dies without telling me anything useful. I've tried it on Windows 7, Windows XP, and Windows Vista machines... and all had the same problem, so I think it's more of a package configuration issue than a machine-specific problem.Here's the most useful information that I was able to get out of it:


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System.Process.Start - Running Msi Error: Installation Package Could Not Be Opened

Nov 4, 2010

When i try to run a msi using System.Process.Start("test.msi") in a vb app i get the following error. The installation package could not be opened. Contact application vendor. Msi file works fine when double clicked, tried System.Process.Start with text files and exe files and they work fine, problem only with msi files. Running vista. Also tried xp but no luck.

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Global String Array Declaration In ActiveX Control And Package Installation Error

Apr 12, 2011

I have been working on an activeX control which works on serial port communication. Now I have completed the project and created its setup.exe using Visual studio 6 -> Tools -> Package and Deployment Wizard. Then I installed the control in another PC and in a new project included the control using project -> components. But when I click on the control in the toolbox and then include on the form it gives the following error : delete current link ? and on clicking OK, nothing happens. I tried searching a lot on google but didnt find anything. Another problem is that I have created a string array as a global array which can be accessed by all the methods.I am able to include the same activex control in my own pc when I have created the project. Here it works fine, I am able to access all the methods that I coded in the control, but the String array mentioned above can be accessed in other project. I tried writing Public before the array declaration but it give me the compile error : "Constants. fixed length strings, arrays, user defined types and Declare statements not allowed as Public members of object module." [code]

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Setting Properties Of A SSIS DTSX Package At Runtime From VB?

Sep 14, 2009

i am writing a VB front end (VS 2008 .NET 3.5) to a data loading program that involves moving the contents of CSV flat files into SQL Server 2005 staging tables. I have had some experience with DTS in SQL 2000 so I decided to use SSIS packages to load the CSV data. Creating the packages in BIDS worked fine for the development environment where I hard-coded the Connections and file paths. The problem arises when I will release this program to 30 different sites that do not have SQL Server admins to help changing the configuration.

I have a SQL table in which I will put all the necessary path information and I can pull that into the VB program on startup. I need to see an example of how I can set the properties from VB once the package is instantiated and opened.Here is an example of where I plan to set those properties and run the packages.

Private Function RunPackages() As Boolean
Dim oApp As New Application
Dim oPackage As New Package


Even though I am using a configuration file in the example, I am finding it difficult to edit the configuration files for each site. I see that there are methods and properties exposed for the oPackage instance. However, I can't find a good reference for the Class model to use as a guideline. All the examples expect packages to be run and configured with SQL Server and BIDS. direct manipulation of package properties in VB or C#?I am now considering using the old standby SQL Bulk Insert. It almost appears as if the Data Tasks are just wrappers for the Bulk Insert operation. Furthermore we have several sites still using SQL Server 2000. With the economy the way it is, most of those sites do not want to spend ANY extra money upgrading to SQL 2005 or 2008.

However, having a good resource to learn how to manipulate SSIS packages from the CLR would be very helpful. I have heard that in SQL 2008 things have changed even more. It is maddeneing that once I learn a "new" Microsoft technology it seems to be discarded by MS in their next release in favor of a "better" alternative.

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Icon And Deployment Path - How To Edit The Package

Apr 9, 2009

I'm using v2008 Standard Edition deployment Setup1. In the Properties, it seems I have to declare the manufacturer and this results in a deployment path such as: "C:Program Files TOSHIBA MyAppFolder" when the setup CD I created is used. I really want C:Program FilesMyAppFolder as the path. I'd also like to put an icon on the desktop and create a folder in My Documents that can contain two txt files as part of the deployment. I'm stuck as to how to edit the package. Are these options possible?

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Detect Termination Of "DPInst Installation Package" Type Of EXE?

Apr 1, 2010

I use a driver from a vendor that is made with "DPInst Installation Package" from Microsoft.My goal is to detect when the installation is finished.[code]...

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C# - ClickOnce Deployment And Installation Path On PC?

Jul 8, 2011

I have a application that I deployed to web server. Users go to "publish.htm" deployment web page to install my application. Where is the application installed? I don't think it is installed under "Program Files" like others.

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Changing The Path Installation After Publish

Feb 22, 2011

I would like to ask about publish project in Vb.I am using OneTouch in Vb After I have publish the project, all information (database, images, other files ) will be put in this C:Documents and Settings ewuserLocal SettingsApps2.0


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Get Installation Directory Path From The .net Registry?

Jun 8, 2010

I am finishing a project for a client , however I am having an issue with the registry. How do I get installation directory path from the .net registry?

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VS 2008 Setting The Installation Location Of A Published Application?

Jan 11, 2011

I have published a application and installed it on my PC. When I try to locate the installed application, I dont find the location where its been installed.

How to install a publish application on a specified location in C:Program FilesProject?

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Deployment :: Set The Installation Path Of My Program To C:Foldername

Apr 14, 2009

Is there a way to set the installation path of my program to c:Foldername.

question number 2 is that I have 2 database files which is located in m� program, is there a way to copy these to a spesific location during the installation of the program?

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Find Framework Installation Path?

Jul 18, 2009

can anyone has idea how to get framework installation path using window application in c#/

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Change Path Of Service ImagePath Value In Registry Just After Installation

Nov 11, 2010

I am trying to change the path of Service ImagePath value in registry just after installation. Unfortunately my change path becomes only single letter in registry.[code]Source code for changing the ServiceConfig taken from codeproject.

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(Making A Setup) Changing The Default Location Of Installation Path?

Jun 14, 2009

[ProgramFilesFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName][Version] is the Default. i Want to change the programfilesfolder to documents folder.

I already try this:

[DocumentsFolder][Manufacturer][ProductName] but it doesnt work. error in installing the product. ERRROR: "Could not access network location Polongo companyMC"

Iam changing the installation directory because when the application is installed in program files, my database can't add and edit record. having an error something like "operation must need an updateable query" because of that error i tried to install the appl in documents and there n error i'd encountered like when I install it to the program files folder.

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VS 2008 Deployment Installer - Change Default Installation Path?

May 4, 2011

I need help changing the default installation directory for a deployment package installer. The application's default directory is currently: [ProgramFiles][Manufacturer][ProductName].

What would I change this to, so that I can install the software directly on the root drive; Such as 'C:ManufacturerProductName'?

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Using Copyfile Element Files Cant Not Bind Into Msi Package

Nov 26, 2009

i am using wix 3.0.i have a folder name "images".so i want to copy all the files from images into msi package.when i copy all the file and install msi to another PC then it did not bind the images. And when i use simple File Element then the files bind to msi package.

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Click-once Deployment - Additional Files Required In Package?

Jan 9, 2009

Hi, can anyone help me with a click once deployment query?I have packaged an application, using Click Once - it all works absolutely fine, with the exception of some files I need on the C: drive. For example: My application populates an Excel.xlt template with data, using an export function. The path of the template is c:program filesaem

If the application is packaged, there is no option that I can see where you can include this template and the path to the file. The only way around it is to manually copy the template (and half a dozen other files in the same folder), after the click-once deployment - but this kind of defeats the object.

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Get "Path / File Access" Error When Build A Setup Package For A VB 6 Project

Mar 19, 2010

I am trying to build a setup package for a VB 6 project. I get a "Path/file access error", what can i do to over come that

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.NET: Bundling All Files In One Installation

Apr 9, 2010

i have a application

i published it

it made an app files diretory, setup.exe, and some other file

i need everything to be in one file because the users are not very computer savy

is there a way to bundle everything in one installation file?

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ASP.NET Setting A Path For File With VB?

May 30, 2011

So this is a pretty dumb question, and one I am clearly misunderstanding for whatever the reason. I have an project and the default aspx page loads a file. I made a class to deal with file handling, in it I hard coded the local directory to where that file is. I want to make that path relative to the default.aspx page. I can't figure out how to do that. I have read a lot of stuff on MSDN, and it makes simple sense, but when I put it to code I can't seem to get it right.

I feel my answer is here, I understand what it is saying but I can't translate that to my program.[URL] Code such as

Dim rootPath As String = Server.MapPath("~")

makes sense to me but I can't use 'Server' for some reason.

I have used this spot of code to supplement my problem for now.


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Setting The Path For A New Project?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm new to VB .Net and I've searched for this info in the help files, but couldn't find it.When I save a project it automatically saves it to "C:Documents and SettingsusernameLocal SettingsApplication DataTemporary Projectsfilename".I want to be able to set this path ahead of time to where I want it to go. I've set a path in the Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General tab (under Project Location), but it doesn't use it.

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Include Files Jpegs In The Installation?

Apr 8, 2010

when i am building the installation file i need to be including some jpegs and i need them to be saved to a specific location how do i include jpegs in the installation? how do i have them be extracted to specific directories?

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Make The Database Go With The Installation Files?

Apr 26, 2009

My problem is that i am using a data base and every time i publish my project it keep giving me the error that the path is not correct, how can i over come this problem? how can I make the data base go with the installation files?

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WAV Files Not Included After Installation Of Application

Jan 28, 2012

I'm trying to publish the application and install it on another PC. However, when I install the app, it doesn't include the .wav files; I have to add them into the folder myself once the app is installed. They are included in the solution window under bin/debug before I hit publish.
My.Computer.Audio.Play(Application.StartupPath & "" & "Treyson.wav")
to play the sound.

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Loading Output From Package Out Of A Local Package Error

Mar 24, 2010

I am trying to run the application created in the example at [URL] The code errors at the line dtsDataReader = dtsCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default)
the error is A requested parameter does not exist in the package. I have checked everything that i can think of in the package Also when I try to run the package using the dtexecui utility I two errors "Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRODUCTLEVELTOLOW.


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C# - Setting ProcessStartInfo.WorkingDirectory To An UNC Path?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a utility that I have written in that runs as a scheduled tasks. It internally calls another executable and it has to access a mapped drive. Apparently windows has issues with scheduled tasks accessing mapped drives when the user is not logged on, even when the authentication credentials are supplied to the task itself. Ok, fine.

To get around this I just passed my application the UNC path.

process.StartInfo.FileName = 'name of executable'
process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = '\unc path'
process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
process.StartInfo.Arguments = 'arguments to executable'

This is the same implementation I used with the mapped drive, however using the UNC path, the process is not behaving as if the UNC path is the working directory.

Are there any known issues setting ProcessStartInfo.WorkingDirectory to an UNC path?

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