VS 2008 Using Object In Listview

Sep 18, 2010

I'm new with VB.net, also with OOP.


how I can use the Listview to pass the parameter to the second Forum by using the tag and the full object of vb.net.

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VS 2008 Insert Object In Listview?

Nov 14, 2009

i was coding vb6 since 4 years.and few month ago i decided to learn Vb.net and i'am working with VS08I'm would use this Socket class HereBy jmcilhinneyBut i need to replace ComboBox by a ListView and i don't really know how to do that because the both don't work

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VS 2008 Referring To The Object As New ListView

Jul 16, 2010

My LiveView Property is named lstView and is called by this line:


The first reference to objListItem gets this exception: I am referring to the object as new but obviously not in the right way. objListItem is not Null when this line executes.

View 12 Replies

VS 2010 Search Listview: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Jan 18, 2011

I'm using the following code to try and search a listview (I got it from msdn):

Dim atem As New ListViewItem = ListView1.FindItemWithText(TextBox2.Text, True, 0, True)

If atem IsNot Nothing Then
ListView1.TopItem = atem
End If

Then I got the " Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error highlighting the following line: ListView1.TopItem = atem So then I tried this:

Dim atem As New ListViewItem atem = ListView1.FindItemWithText(TextBox2.Text, True, 0, True)

If atem IsNot Nothing Then ListView1.TopItem = atem End If it still isn't working.

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Add An Object To A Listview Item?

Jan 14, 2010

I am making a listview and I want to display an Object.

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C# - .NET Typecasting A Listview Tag Object?

Feb 24, 2010

In C# i would do something like:

mytype val =

how can I do the same thing in VB.NET?

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C# - Binding Class Object To Listview In Wpf?

Apr 30, 2012

I have created a user control in wpf which consists of a textbox and a listview. Now, I want to bind a class object to the list view from the form where I will use this control. So, basically I want to dynamically set the binding for the listview.

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Listview Cannot Be Converted To Class Object?

May 23, 2012

Having a class that defining ListView in a class, then passing through the methods as an object (listview)

but having error on

Value of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ListView' cannot be converted to 'Proj.MainForm.ReadMsgClass'.

Public Class ReadMsgClass
Public ListView2ReadMsg As ListView
End Class


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Sorting Columns In A Listview Object?

Jun 22, 2009

First off i just want to take a bow to all the vb gods out there..I am trying to implement the sorting class form article 319399 in the knowledge base [URl]..on step number 6 it says to "Paste the following code into the ColumnClick event for the ListView:"so i created a sub to handle the ColumnClick event


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WPF Databinding ListView To A Property Of An Object Which Can Be Nothing?

Dec 7, 2011

I'm trying to create a Window with a ListView and an Area where details to the selected Object are displayed. The Listview displays items stored in an ObservableCollection(Of T) Collection. The items itself contain also an ObservableCollecton(Of T) Collection which should then be displayed in the details area in another ListView, accordingly to the selected item of the first ListView.

The Problem: The InitializeComponent() throws an Exception (XAMLParseException).

Exception:Set property 'System.Windows.Controls.GridViewColumn.DisplayMemberBinding' threw an exception.

InnerException:Object of type 'System.String' cannot be converted to type 'System.Windows.Data.BindingBase'.

The Line- and ColumNumer of the Exception are Pointing at the <GridView> of my ListView (.View).This is the First ListView

<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MyObjectCollection, Mode=OneWay}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=Selected, Mode=OneWayToSource}">

So. How can I bind to the Collection Property of an Object could be nothing?

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VS 2008 - How To Access Listview Data - Program That Contains A (listview) Control

Sep 22, 2009

I have a vb-2008 program that contains a (listview) control.

View = details
AllowColumnReorder = true

Lets say the table has 3 columns (a,b,c) and 1 row of data.

a b c
1 2 3

I want the user to be able to re-arrange the columns (by dragging the column headers) before printing the contents of the table.

c a b
3 1 2

Statements like:

.. ListViewX.Columns(2).Text
.. ListViewX.Columns.Item(2).Text
.. ListViewX.Items(0).SubItems(2).ToString

Give the column-name (c) and cell-contents (3) of the origional table .. not the (3rd) column (b) of the re-arranged table.

How can i get the column-name and cell-contents of the (3rd) column of the re-arranged table?

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VS 2008 ListView Index - Find Out What Item Has Been Selected In A ListView?

Mar 21, 2010

Do I really have to go through all this just to find out what item has been selected in a ListView?


Isn't there something fundamental like this? Is absolutely everything in VB.NET buried beneath a colossal heap of bureaucracy?

View 13 Replies

VS 2008 Use Current Listview To Generate MsAccess Data In 2nd Listview?

Mar 20, 2010

i am developing a point of sales system. currently i have my product code scanned and displayed in a listview. lets say that i have 5 product codes displayed in my first listview. By clicking on a button, how can i use these codes to call upon the details (prices, product name, etc.) of the corresponding codes and display in another listview?

i am using Visual Basic 2008 and MsAccess as my database. who have the idea on solving my question. (As my last thread has not been answered at all..

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VS 2008 ListView Instead Of CheckedListBox - Add The Size Of File In Listview

Jan 18, 2012

I want ListView instead of CheckedListBox files in checkedListBox is being updated via ListBox1 How can I add the size of file too in listview


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VS 02/03 Insert ComboBox Object To ListView Or Listbox?

Mar 2, 2011

Can I insert ComboBox Object to ListView or Listbox using the standard control?

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Resize An Object (listview Datagridview) If The Window Is Maximized?

Feb 23, 2010

how do i resize an object(listview datagridview) if the window is maximized? and how to properly place the buttons when maximized?

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VS 2008 - Error With Arraylist In My.Settings - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Mar 14, 2010

The issue is when I try to add a new item to the ArrayList with the following code, it gives me an error:

vb Private Sub btnLabelAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLabelAdd.Click
Dim result As String = InputBox("New Filter Label:", "Label List")


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be doing with this. It's a new setting I just added and it's empty, so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not. Anyone know what's going on and what needs to be done to get it to accept a value and not want to be "initialized"?

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 Error - System.NullReferenceException: Object Reference Not Sent To An Instance Of An Object

Oct 23, 2009

I have recently gotten my hands on a free, open-source IMAP connection API.So far, I have been successful in creating a connection to one of my accounts.Where I'm getting stuck is retrieving folders and/or emails from those folders.Does there happen to be anyone here that is familiar with this API, or even Gmail (particularly the folder structure for IMAP)?

If not, here is a link to the DLL that is listed on sourceforge and the company's website that created it (if you feel like testing):

Sourceforge - Koolwired API

I have created a test account so feel free to use the code below without worrying about username/password issues; I'll just delete it when I'm done with it.Here is the code I have made so far for making a connection:

Dim gSession As New Koolwired.Imap.ImapConnect("imap.gmail.com", 993, True)
Dim gAuthenticate As New Koolwired.Imap.ImapAuthenticate(gSession, "imap_test@serysoft.com", "imap_test")


When I run that code, I get an error that states:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not sent to an instance of an object. (The bold line in the above code).

Now, I'm not sure exactly what that means. Does that mean it tried to access the server and "INBOX" doesn't exist so it gets returned a NULL value? Or is it possibly the coding itself?Maybe the Gmail folder system is weird due to the fact they use labels (even though from what I have read online, the labels act as the folders in the IMAP system).

View 11 Replies

VS 2008 FindControl - Error : Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Sep 15, 2010

What is the problem in below code.

d Public Sub filltextbox(ByVal dlist As String) Dim tb As TextBox = CType(Page.FindControl(dlist), TextBox) tb.Text = "hello" End Sub

Error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

View 14 Replies

VS 2008 System.NullReferenceException: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Apr 26, 2011

look after the error i'm having.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Module dbconn


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VS 2008 : Error - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Dec 5, 2010

I create one function to run any select query. and return the OdbcDataReader type.But some time if there is no data it through error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object I need to know how i can control if there is no data.

Public Function Select_From_AnyTable(ByVal sqls As String, ByVal ConStr As String) Dim conn As OdbcConnection conn = New OdbcConnection(ConStr) Dim cmd As OdbcCommand = conn.CreateCommand() conn.Open() cmd.CommandText = sqls Dim reader As OdbcDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader While reader.Read() Return reader End While conn.Close() End Function Dim ei As OdbcDataReader = Select_From_AnyTable("SELECT loginname from usertable limit 1", conStr) msgbox(ei.item("loginname "))

If there is data it work well but if no record found it through the error.

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VS 2008 Convert A DataGridViewRow Object To A DataRow Object?

Aug 31, 2009

Is there a way to convert a DataGridViewRow object to a DataRow object?

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VS 2008 Create A Bitmap Object From A Graphics Object?

Jun 3, 2009

i have drawn on a e.graphics object and now want to transfer the drawn stuff onto a bitmap object how can i do this?

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VS 2008 Error : Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Mar 21, 2010

Like every other program that you make when you code a button to open the next form it should open right. Well not in my case. I don't understand the problem that Visual Basics is not seeing my next form that I'm trying to open. When its in the Solution Explorer plain as day. Error below.An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.show is not set to a object. All its doing is opening the next form. Ive use this code over an over. Now its giving me this C.O.S. error.

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VS 2008 Error: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Nov 16, 2010

Basically all I am trying to do is to insert data entered in a text box(description) on the application form into database(sql2008) in vb.net. The vb code I wrote is below:

Protected Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
Dim note As String = Description.Text


However when I click on save button, I get following message:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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VS 2008 Error: Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Nov 30, 2010

What in this code might be causing this??This part of the code is Hilighted as causing the error.

My.Settings.Item(Holiday_" & i) = DirectCast(Me.Controls("ComboBox" & i.ToString), ComboBox).SelectedItem
Public Sub btn_Update_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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VS 2008 Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Mar 29, 2012

I am trying to clear a dataset in case it has some data already in so that I can add data to it to search a database, but when I run the program and get to the point that it tries to clear the dataset I get this error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object", here is my

dtasetUser.Tables("tblUsers").Clear()Also I get an error "The 'Microsoft.ACE.OleDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine" when trying to fill the same dataset, on searching I have found it is because I am trying to open a 2010 Access document in VB08, but I have no idea how to remedy this and any instructions I have seen make no sense to me, so I would like help with that too please.

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VS 2008 Remove Object In List(Of Object)?

Feb 11, 2011

I am able to populate an object and output everything. How do I remove say the name2 object?

la.Remove(Logins("name2")) doesn't seem to work.
Private Sub btnListArray_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnListArray.Click


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[2008] Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Nov 21, 2010

I'm trying to make a search textbox bring up certain records in a DataGrid. This is my code for that function:

Public Function Find(ByVal StrSearchString As String) As Boolean
DataGridView1.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect
Dim intcount As Integer = 0
For Each Row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


The problem comes on this line:

If DataGridView1.Rows(intcount).Cells(0).Value.ToString = StrSearchString Then

I can't figure out what the unhandled exception is. Any ideas? I'm sure it's something very simple I'm overlooking.

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2008 : Listview With Image List - Change The Image In The Listview Dynamically?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a listview control. it has an imagelist attached to it with two images in it. I have entered items into my listview, and they are using the first image in my imagelist.... GREAT! Now, there is a variable I have that will tell me which index in the listview is currently active, noting to do with what I select that could be at another index it's just what's being processed by the program at the time in some task.

Create a function that will change the images of all my listview items by looping through them. If the index variable is set to 2, I want the 3rd item in my list view set to use the 2nd image in my imagelist. The rest of the items in my listview need to be set to the first image in the imagelist.

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