VS 2008 Web Browser Navigating To Its Intial Load Page (home)

Sep 24, 2009

I have made many web browsers that just navigate to a web page, I don't have any buttons or any thing like that as it is controlled via other software using shortcut keys etc.I have created a button in my other software that sends the keys strokes "Control" and "H" I can get this to navigate to a webpage by manually typing i the same page that it navigates to when the form loads, but this mean I have to type the address in twice for each browser I make. I first type the url for the browser to navigate to in the properties section in VB and this is nice and quick to type in each webpage and build quickly build a new browser for it. Currently I have to repeat that url in the browser_homebutton Private Sub, what I want to happen in the below Private Sub is that it navigates to what ever address is typed in the "URL" cell in properties of the browser. What should my "Then" statement say? [code]

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VS 2010 Setting Web Browser Home Page

Jan 7, 2011

I'm working on a web browser application and I'm trying to set up the home page to be decided with a textbox in the settings form. I want it so that if there is text in the textbox it pulls the url from it and goes to it every time the application is opened.I doubt this is even close to anything that would actually work but I like to show that I put the effort in.[code]

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[2008] Load A Page In Web Browser?

Feb 19, 2009

I want to load a page in web browser and wnat to search for particular field, as soon as i get that field i want to stop navigation of that page.. how can i achieve it?

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Disable Page Cache To Force Page Load With Browser Back Button

May 7, 2009

I have an asp.net website that is using update panels on the page that i cant get to reload from the server. I have this for the disable page cache on the master page.


When I click the browser back button to go back to the page it says the page has expired. the other pages on my web site work and call the page load, the only solution i found but cant use is to wrp the whole page in an update panel, but i cant do this becuase i have a report viewer on the page that does not work with ajax.

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VS 2008 : Why Does CPU Usage Jump So High When A WebBrowser Control Is Navigating To A Page

Jul 26, 2009

Why does CPU usage jump so high when a WebBrowser control is navigating to a page?Is there a way to drop CPU usage?

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Remove The Upper Navigation Option From The Page We Are Navigating To That Is The Back Arrow In The Page In Wpf

Dec 7, 2009

i am new to wpf and i try out navigation but i want some help when we navigate to a page other than the main page then its gonna have a back arrow in the top corner visible allowing to go back but i want that it should be hidden

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VS 2010 Tell Web Browser To Wait For New Page/specific Url To Load Before Continuing?

Feb 17, 2012

making verified accounts for my marketing and now I am hooked into improving as it is turning into a very good program I am just stuck with one thing which I can see being a very simple solution but I have search forum after forum and tonnes of Google searches all worded different to solve my my.It really is simple at present I use different buttons to automate different parts/pages of the account creation I am now setting it up so I click say for example a "go" button and it fills in the first page (and heres where I'm stuck waits for a specific url or even just a new url to load before continuing with the next bit of code

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Web Browser Not Navigating To Website?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to load a specific game (Kingdoms at war, www.kingdomsatwar.com) into a web browser on my visual basic 2010 project (i dont mind if its a webbrowser, AxWebbrowser or Axshockwaveflash, it just needs to be in my form).

To answer this question you may need to go the extra mile and join the game to try what im asking Ok so details:

I have a few issues when trying this, I create a form with a standard web browser and change the url to www.kingdomsatwar.com , when it runs it will go to the website however when clicking the login button it will go to a black screen with a bit of writing cut off in the top left corner (which i found out was "Page Loaded"), so thats the first issue.

However this can be temporarily fixed by right clicking and going to "forward" or "play". After this you will go to a login screen where you can enter your details, however after this it will load the game with a "cannot connect security" (which may be a game issue, however i need to know how to make the vbwebbrowser work like internet explorer, which will load it).

This game runs in flash, so i need to know if there is any special way to make the vbwebbrowser work properly like the internet explorer version works with the game.

I tried running the game's url itself (using mochigames), which is http:games.mochiad.../play.swf?q=243 , (i have tried this in the vbwebrowser, axwebbrowser and axshockaveflash) and they all won't load the game (they will load the game when not logged in but wont load an account)

I know this is a very specific question and can probably not be solved but if anyone has some spare time, could they create an account and give it a shot. All i need is a form which will load a www.kingdomsatwar.com account on it.

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Make A Web Browser That Uses Home Internet Connection From Anywhere

May 22, 2009

I need to make a web browser that uses my home internet connection from anywhere.I plan to have the web browser connect to my router/computer where it will request the desired web pages and have the page data sent back to the browser client. The browser must only have a connection with my IP, and not request the web pages from their web URL.How can i do this and what will i need to set up on my home computer?

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Asp.net - Browser History Cleared After Navigating To A Pdf Via Href?

Feb 23, 2009

I'll start off by saying my website has a landing page of http:[url]....

On PageOne.aspx, I have a link to another page: http:[url].....

On PageTwo.aspx, I have an link to the following:

<a href="http:[url].....

The /MyFiles/ directory is actually a virtual directory which points to a file server that holds many other files (PDF, jpeg, doc, etc.).When I navigate to PageTwo.aspx from PageOne.aspx, I can click "back" and still get to PageOne.aspx (my browser history is ok). When I click on the link on PageTwo.aspx, the PDF opens in the same window...then I can click "back" to get back to PageTwo.aspx, but I can't click "back" again to get to PageOne.aspx (it seems like my browser history has been reduced by one page).

I can only imagine that this happens because of the virtual directory since I can't duplicate this problem if the PDF resides on the same server as my .aspx pages. If that is the case, does anyone know how to get around this and still have my PDF reside on the file server (virtual directory)?

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Take Thumbnail Of URL Home Page?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a simple task in DOT NET that is we take a thumbnail an one of the website home page, when we give an URL like in one text box that time control goes to home page of the specified URL and take a picture that home page as a thumbnail and stored in an our specified local disk like we give more than one an up to 100 URLS at a time and stored orderly stored in an our specified local disk

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Usermane To Appear On Home Page

Jun 29, 2010

I dragged login box to my login page but now i want the usermane to appear on my home page.

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Using A Web Browser To Send A Gmail Message And Have A Home Pc Return A Email In Response

Apr 6, 2012

ok here is my problem, im making a little app for school since our school blocks pretty much everything so here is my plan a student makes 2 gmail accounts one for school one at home.

in the program at school (client) they put a site request into a textbox and they hit send, the request is then sent to the home pc gmail account and another app on the other side downloads the full site that they have requested and then sends them an email back with an attachment of the complete website, it is then opened in a browser and they have the site, simple idea and it would be easy except.

my school blocks the smtp protocols in vb, even outlook cant use gmail accounts only the schools registered email, however, you can access gmail on the internet without any blockages and you can send and recieve on the gmail website.so how can i use a webbrowser control to log the user into there gmail account through a custom gui, and send a string like www.facebook.com to the home pc gmail account, and then use the web browser controll on the students laptop to recieve the response email through a web browser, is there some kind of gmail api i can use?

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Asp.net - Implement Customized Home-page For Different Users?

Jun 15, 2011

I have an ASP.Net(VB.Net) project which has various modules/functionality. I want to give users the freedom to set their own default startup page.

I don't know how to get a head-start implementing this feature.

Also, I am NOT using MVC

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Auto-press Page Up And Home Use SendKeys?

Oct 1, 2009

I want to auto press Page Up and Home.I use SendKeys but I don't know how to repeat that until I click the stop button. I basically need to know how to keep doing commands until clicking on a stop button (like auto press).

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How Webbrowser1 Pick Home Page Address

Sep 17, 2009

How Webbrowser1 Pick My HOme Page Address also FInd Bookmark

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Show Featured Product Home Page?

Mar 3, 2011

I am using NopCommerce and i want to know how to show Featured Product home page???

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WebBrowser Control - Navigating Page With Additional Header

Jan 15, 2012

Here is my code:
Dim TestHeader As String = "Referer: [URL]"
If chkRefferer.Checked = True Then
WebBrowser1.Navigate(cmbUrl.Text, False, Nothing, TestHeader)
End If

Whenever I try and browse to a page with the 'TestHeader', IE opens up and goes to the page.... However, if I navigate to the same page without the additional header, it loads up fine in my webbrowser control.

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Navigating From Page To Page In 1 Sub

Aug 21, 2010

how can I get it to load each page? I can't seem to figure it out.

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Webbrowser Navigate To Page / Wait For Page To Load Then Move To Next Page

Jun 13, 2011

How can I get Webbrowser1 to navigate to each page and wait for the one page to completely load, then move to the next page...? [code]

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VS 2008 Custom Internet Browser Page?

Apr 5, 2009

I'm in the process of making a Web Browser, and after having mastered most major functions, I would like to create custom error pages. Like the "This page cannot be displayed" IE Page, but with my own logos and text.

How would I go about redirecting this? The current one is at System.Windows.Forms.HtmlDocument

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VS 2008 How To Click A URL In A Page Using A Web Browser Control

Aug 19, 2009

I'm trying to figure how to click a URL in a page using a web browser control.I've already looped through all the links and pulled the one I need. Looking through the documentation on MSDN and Google, I haven't been able to find a way that clearly explains how to click a URL.

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VS 2008 Tab Page Title - Tabbed Browser

Jul 6, 2011

This is my first time dealing with Visual Basic 2008 as before I only use VB6 I use the following guide to help me making tabbed browser [URL] All works great, except one.. The tab title initially is set to "New Page" I set my home to "Google" If a new tab is opened, it automatically goes to Google, and the tab title will change from "New Page" to "Google"


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VS 2008 Features - Print The Current Page Of The Web Browser?

May 5, 2011

I am currently working on a web browser in vs 2008 and I am making a menu with basic functions (close, print, etc.) How do I print the current page of the web browser?

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VS 2008 Make Web Browser Open Links In A New Page Or Tab Instead Of IE?

Mar 8, 2011

I can't figure out how to make my web browser open links in a new page or tab instead of IE. I've tired at least a dozen different sets of code. None of them can be manipulated to fit my browser. When my browser first starts, there's an empty tab control. I put a new webbrowser in it at runtime and set it's dock to fill. I create new instances of the browser for new tabs as well. I just can't find how to make it open links in new windows.

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Program Won't Run On Vista Home Or Windows 7 Home

Dec 29, 2010

I have a program originally compiled in VS2008 on a WindowsXP Pro box. The program uses Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library to access an Access database.

When I try and run the program on Windows XP (any version) it runs just fine. If I try and run in on Vista (any version) it doesn't work. When I try and run it on Windows 7 Pro, it runs fine. I really want it to run on Windows 7 Home Premium, but I get an interop error anytime I try and access the database.

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Program Won't Run On Vista Home Or Windows 7 Home?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a program originally compiled in VS2008 on a WindowsXP Pro box. The program uses Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library to access an Access database.When I try and run the program on Windows XP (any version) it runs just fine. If I try and run in on Vista (any version) it doesn't work. When I try and run it on Windows 7 Pro, it runs fine. I really want it to run on Windows 7 Home Premium, but I get an interop error anytime I try and access the

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Why A Page Load Would Be Called Twice On Page When requesting Aspx page

Jul 3, 2006

Does anyone know why a Page_Load would be called twice on a page when requesting an aspx page?I am using .Net 2.0 with the new .net 1.1 compilation model installed. Whenever I request a page, the Page_Load on the aspx page appears to be called twice, so does the Page_Load on and user controls added to that page.

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VS 2008 Won't Load Web Page

May 14, 2009

It won't load a web page, I tried testing it in debug mode, but it won't open url.....I have the web application tool thing and stuff...

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VS 2008 How To Load The Page Source

Jan 6, 2010

Is it possible to load the page source of a website without loading the page using webbrowser?

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