VS 2008 With Background Overlapping?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a vb app that I completed a few months ago and it has been working as it should.I have blurred out part of the image for business reasons. But you can see in the second picture in the top left it has the bottom right of the background overlapping in it.

I copied the exe file over to another computer and Im having an issue where the program will load and look OK but then after about 5 seconds part of the background will show up in the top left corner. Im not sure why. It is the exact same exe on the other computer but it only does it on this computer.I have attached images below so you can see what Im talking about.Im not sure if its a program issue or a setting on my computer.

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Prevent Form's Background From Overlapping?

Oct 10, 2008

I seem to be having an issue with my form's background overlapping.I have two forms. One form is called the "mainscreen" and the other form is a small bar at the bottom of the mainscreen form, which shows different labels on a set timer interval.Anyway, the mainscreen will soon have a system in which it also runs different screens on a set interval. However, I seem to be having issues with the mainscreen already. I have set it to load a background image, using this code:

Me.BackgroundImage = New System.Drawing.Bitmap(My.Resources.image1)


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VS 2008 - Multi-Threading - Code That Will Need To Be Repeated But With A Chance Of It Overlapping

Jul 29, 2009

Multi-Threading. I have got a simple bit of code that will need to be repeated but with a chance of it overlapping the only complex bit is there will be a varible that will be different each time. so I was wondering if I put it in another Thread and store the varible within the thread code would that achieve what I am looking for? To make it slightly easyier once the thread is started and pulled the Varible in there will be no cross talking between the thread and main app thread (ie no progress reports, no aborts/suspends etc) Nothing will be feeding back on thread completion either, when it ends it ends.

This is what I have so far:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading


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Overlapping PictureBoxes?

Aug 20, 2009

I have a game where I want my character to go over the PictureBox but he goes under it. How can I fix this?

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Detecting The Overlapping Graphicspath?

Jan 22, 2010

is it possible to detect overlapping Graphicspath? I have e.g 200 different Graphicspaths created, and I want to filter out which one overlap...

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How To Avoid Overlapping Of PictureBoxes

Jun 13, 2012

I am making an application in which number of pictureboxes created at runtime but they do not overlap to each other. I wrote a code bt its only for two pictureboxes.How can i do that for number of pictureboxes..

Public Class Form1
Dim pic1, pic2 As Rectangle
Dim drag, iscollided As Boolean
Dim mousex, mousey As Integer
Private Sub pic_Mousemove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
[Code] .....

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Overlapping Picture Box Controls?

Mar 9, 2009

I have a map of the world which is set as a background image of a form. I then have individual countries in red and green which appear based on the result of a ping request. So if the IP address pings ok the country turns green, if the ping fails then it turns red. The individual red and green countries are picture boxes with transparent backgrounds.The problem is that, for example, America and Mexico overlap each other and where they overlap it just show the background of the form. Can I have the picture boxes overlap but show each other underneath?See the image below for what I mean as it's not easy to say what I mean [URL]

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Sql - Check On Overlapping Dates?

Nov 15, 2009

in a program I'm writing I'm creating some objects with a start date (with a datepicker) and an end date (also with a datepicker).
Now I need to check if this object's date range overlaps with any other object's date range stored in the database. If it does I can't save it in the database but if it doesn't I can.

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Transparent Overlapping Objects?

Aug 17, 2011

I usually can find anything I need on google, but this isn't the case this time. I have a com object that is a display control, it displays images from another software that are retrieved from a camera. I am trying to overlay graphics on this image for reference to an operator. I have found how make a picture box image transparent but not over another object. The images are PNG and are set to transparent.

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Wpf - Overlapping Grids Inside A Tab?

Sep 22, 2011

I have two grids inside a TabItem and in the code-behind I want to be able to add controls to both grids and have all the controls visible at run-time. Currently at run-time the controls added to "Grid3" are not visible while he controls added to "Grid4" are visible.The overlapping grids have the same rows but a different set of columns.I'm trying to do this with two grids so that I can vary the number of controls I can add per row in the code-behind by adding the controls to one of the two grids.Here's the XML:

<Grid Name="TabControlGrid" Margin="20,171,0,70">
<TabControl >
<TabItem Header="Tab1" >[code].....

The controls in the XML are just place holders for the controls I am adding to the grids in the code-behind.

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Check DataGridView For Overlapping Timespans

Feb 12, 2012

I have a bound datagridview that contains columns that have a start and an end time for each day of the week (column1 = M Start, column2 = M End etc) If the user enters 9pm - 5pm twice for Monday, I want a messagebox to pop up asking if they are sure they want to overlap timespans for Monday.

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Checking If Start And End Time Is Overlapping?

Sep 3, 2010

I am part of a group writing a program for scheduling purposes. In the program I must check to see if times are overlapping.Say an Instructor is in class 1/1/2011 3:00:00pm to 1/1/2011 4:00:00pm receive the Instructor and 1/1/2011 3:10:00pm to 1/1/2011 4:50:00pmThis should return True the instructor is overlapped.Of course the other side would be if the time started/ended before or after the original class.I've tried many different combination's of if statements similar to:

If (begTime <= s.BegTime AndAlso endTime <= s.BegTime) Or (begTime >= s.EndTime AndAlso endTime >= s.EndTime) Then
End If


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Load An Overlapping Picture Box And Its Image Goes On Top?

Dec 15, 2011

Load a picture box with an image. Then, load an overlapping picture box and its image goes on top nicely. But, when I load a third picture box, it goes in between the first and the second. What determines priorities and how can I overlap several picture boxes with the last being on top?

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Manage Multiple Panels Overlapping?

Nov 8, 2011

How can I create a GUI in vb.net similar to the one above?i.e.there are "buttons" on the left which changes the main window when they are clicked.One way I thought of is create many panels overlapping and show/hide them when a certain button on the left is clicked.

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Repeater Control Overlapping For Some Users?

Oct 29, 2010

My whole websites makes use of the ASP.NET(2.0) repeater control and I have been getting some complains from people that they cant view my site as the controls are overlapping.This sounds like a browser issue to me as I never see it in IE8 or IE7 or Chrome or Firefox.

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Controls Overlapping Form Borders/title Bar?

Jun 5, 2010

I'm making a windows forms application, and I would like to know how to get a control to be on top of the titlebar/control box where the window title is displayed similar to the save icon on the Win7 Paint program or the tabs for Google Chrome.

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Playing Multiple And Overlapping Wave Files?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm trying to write a virtual piano program. Each key plays a sound from the resources directory.How do i play two(or more) sounds at the same time if ex two keys are pressed. Or start playing another sound while one is still playing.

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Running Different Processes In Multiple Threads Without Overlapping

Jan 13, 2012

I have a sub-procedure which I want to run a different process, depending on what is currently running. I thought the easiest way to do this was by using an ArrayList of each of the campaign details & adding an 'Inuse' field to check to see if the Inuse field is set to 0 or 1. The problem that I have is that when running the process it is all happening at once & the integer hasn't been changed before the next thread kicks in so my threads are running the same campaigns. I tried to avoid the problem by adding a Thread.Sleep(100) delay inbetween starting threads but this led to exactly the same problem.

Here's an example of what I am trying to do:
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Private Campaigns As New ArrayList
Private ProcessRunning As Boolean = False
Friend StopProcess As Boolean = False
[Code] .....

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Regex - Matching And Replacing The Contents Of Multiple Overlapping Sets Of Brackets In A String?

Jun 5, 2011

I am using vb.net to parse my own basic scripting language, sample below. I am a bit stuck trying to deal with the 2 separate types of nested brackets.

Assuming name = Sam
Assuming timeFormat = hh:mm:ss
Assuming time() is a function that takes a format string but
has a default value and returns a string.


I could in theory change the syntax of the script completely but I would rather not. It is designed like this to enable strings without quotes because it will be included in an XML file and quotes in that context were getting messy and very prone to errors and readability issues. If this fails I could redesign using something other than quotes to mark out strings but I would rather use this method.

Preferably, unless there is some other way I am not aware of, I would like to do this using regex. I am aware that the standard regex is not really capable of this but I believe this is possible using MatchEvaluators in vb.net and some form of recursion based replacing. However I have not been able to get my head around it for the last day or so, possibly because it is hugely difficult, possibly because I am ill, or possibly because I am plain thick. I do have the following regex for parts of it.

Detecting the parentheses: (w*?)((.*?))(?=[^(+)]*((|$))
Detecting the square brackets: [[(.*?)]](?=[^[+]]*([[|$))

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VB Image - Transparent Parts Dont See Form As Background But Marioland As Background?

Feb 18, 2011

Background of form: black

background of char, bombs and shrooms: transparent

picbox behind char, bombs and shrooms is regular (marioland)

How can i fix it so the transparent parts dont see form as background but marioland as background?

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Multithreading - Load Data In Background Mode Using Background Worker?

May 3, 2012

I am using query from a SQLite database as the AutocompleteCustomSource for a ComboBox. Also, I want to load data in separate thread. My LoadData method works fine when called directly, but it fails when it is called from the BackgroundWorker thread. When it is called from the background thread, it throws a Specified cast is not valid exception on the csearch.AutoCompleteCustomSource.Add(hh("Taj")) line. Below is my code:

Sub LoadData()
Dim connetionString As String
Dim cnn As SQLiteConnection


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Add An Background Image In 2008?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm creating a calculator for a university coursework project and I wanted to know how do you add a background image in the main form in Visual Basic 2008 as I want to have the calculator have a background image similar to one that I programmed when I was studying VB6 years ago (but which I've since forgotten how to program in).

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VS 2008 : Color Different From Background?

May 29, 2011

I have a textbox with a variable background color, changeable by the user. How can I set the foreground color to be visible at all times?I can use the inverted color (255 - Color.R) but this fails at the gray (128/128/128) color.

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VS 2008 Background Worker?

May 7, 2010

I'm new for VB.Net 2008. I am facing some problem about how to make the multiple groups activities running (it might concurrent) based on their own activity's time set? For example: If there is 80 groups and 100++ activities in each group, can i use background worker (create 80 background worker?) to handle this (each background worker handle their group activities.) if in this case (But it will running lag or hang)

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VS 2008 Two Background Workers?

Feb 13, 2010

I create two background workers in my program;

' set up the background workers
Dim Bgw1 As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
Dim Bgw2 As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
Bgw1.WorkerReportsProgress = True


Note, I've tried googleing, I've came across a article sateting that if you have to handle more then one task in the background, you should use System.Threading [URL]../showthread.php?t=101283) But I don't know what team mean with it?, or how you should use System.Threading to back your own 'background worker'.

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Panel Within A Panel, Overlapping Borders Show As Bold And Indented?

May 8, 2009

I'm working on a visual studio 2008 VB.Net project (.net framework 2.0), and am having some trouble with the Panel control using a fixedsingle border. As a small example of the problem, suppose I have one Panel2 contained inside of Panel1. If the Left position of panel2 is set to 0 (meaning it's border is up against the left edge of Panel1), the left border will show as bold, and slightly indented.

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form[code].....

What I'd like to see is just a single line, not bold or indented, where the two panels borders are equal.Is there a property or custom paint technique I could use to achieve this behavior?

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Multithreading - .NET 2008 Background Worker?

Apr 14, 2011

I have created a background worker using a tutorial. I understand some basic stuff like how to update a label or a progress bar from inside of it. The purpose of this background worker is setup a bunch of variables that are going to be used by several other background workers later. The variables i am setting up are 6 different lists and a multi-dimensional array. The code looks like this for the background worker at the moment.

Private Sub My_BgWorker_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles My_BgWorker.DoWork
For i As Integer = 0 To m_CountTo


I would normally use the persons.add to add something to the list, but I'm having a really hard time wrapping my brain around an easy way inside of the backgroundworker to add new values to several different lists(which are going to vary in amount of data values). Is there an easy way to do this? I'm used to just having invokes at the top of a sub to do this but those don't seem to work inside of a dowork sub.

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VS 2008 - Background Class With Progress Bar

Nov 4, 2009

I have a function that requires 10-15 min to run. Due to sheer amount of time required to run this function, my form freezes and the user is left clue-less about what is happening to the program. I understand that this problem can be overcome using Background class and Progress bar.

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VS 2008 - How To Run Infinite Loop In Background

Dec 30, 2010

I am making a program thats going to be an msn style popup for reminders. I made an infinite loop to activate the popup when the date = current date. However its stuck in the loop and I cant run other functions while the loop is running. How can I get the alert to go off while also running the program?

Public Class Form1
Structure List
Dim Name As String
Dim Day As Date
Dim Hour As String
Dim Min As String
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 - Picturebox Transparent Background

May 9, 2010

I have a picturebox that contains an image and the background of that image has been set to transparent and saved as a .gif in photoshop cs2.

I used that image in a picturebox and I set the BackColor of that picturebox to transparent, but it's not transparent; I have a gray background on that picture.

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