VS 2010 : Alternative Method For Getting File Type Description?
Nov 15, 2009
I am currently using the registry to get file descriptions for files. As an example, so that a DOCX file will return the description "Microsoft Word". I am doing this from the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT registry key.However, registry access is extremely slow, and I need to do several thousands of these. Is there an alternative way to do this?
View 6 Replies
Sep 19, 2011
What would be an cleaner alternative for a code like this.
Dim dAdapter As New SqlCeDataAdapter dAdapter = New SqlCeDataAdapter("SELECT name FROM Users WHERE username='" & GlobalVars.user & "' AND category = '1'", ConnectionString)
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Oct 17, 2011
The only way I can think of to display this moustache is by creating a new form and locking it to a certain point, that all works.My problem is with all the events surrounding this. E.g. minimizing the actual application etc...I know how to handle those in code but that is painstaking as I have to think of every possible event which would result in a problem then manually code for the moustaches relative actions. So, I would like to know:
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Mar 27, 2009
I've got an app which uses a background worker to copy files. It works fine but some files are quite large and it "appears" as though the app isn't doing anything. Is there an alternative to the File.Copy method of copying files so I can report on the progress of individual file copies, like the percentage complete?
View 19 Replies
Apr 30, 2009
When I look at a file on my hard disk, e.g. test.csv, when I look at the Properties of the file, it is officially known as, "Microsoft Office Excel Comma Separated Values File", and file types of .pdf are listed as "Adobe Acrobat Document", etc. etc. All of this information can be seen in Windows Explorer too when my folders are displayed by Details. How do you get at this "type of file" information with .NET?
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Feb 5, 2012
I found this code below to find the external IP address of the system it is run on, but I was wondering is there another method of finding this information out without the need of using this external website incase it isnt operational anymore.[code]
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Apr 18, 2012
With C# anonymous delegates, we can avoid declaration of extra method, I know in VB.NET they're not available, but is there a design pattern that I can use so that I can avoid writing an extra method each time? I need it for SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges which will be used a lot of times in our code.
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Jun 29, 2011
Is there any alternative to VB's CBool keyword in C#?
What about all the other functions?
CBool will turn to a Boolean any valid boolean: 0, "False", null etc.
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Feb 15, 2012
i click check in i want to save the information type in the text box from the form to my datebase in different tables but it has an error when i click check in it says: "data type mismatch in criteria description codes in vb 2008".
View 1 Replies
Nov 23, 2009
I have a copy function that I'd like to override in subclasses to return the type of the subclass. Here are my interfaces:
Public Interface IBase(Of T)
Function Copy() As T
End Interface
View 4 Replies
Mar 14, 2012
I've a simple class like this:
Public Class CalculationParameter{
public Long TariffId{get;set;}
In a workflow activity, I've an Assign like this:
(From tariffDetail In db.Context.TariffDetails
Where tariffDetial.TariffId = calculationParameter.TariffId).FirstOrDefault()
Dto is passed to Activity as an Input Argument.It raise following error and I'm wondering how to assign Id.LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int64
GetValue[Int64](System.Activities.LocationReference)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
How can I assign the calculationParameter.TariffId to tariffDetial.TariffId?!
UPDATE:Screen shot attached shows that how I'm trying to assign calculationParameter.TariffId to tariffDetail.TariffId (car.Id = Dto.Id) and the query result should assign to CurrentTrafficDetail object.
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Sep 29, 2009
Is there away to get file description without using SHGetFileInfo? ie *.txt=text document
View 19 Replies
Jul 25, 2010
I'm using vb 2010, and a newbie programmer I just want to ask how to change the description of the .exe file from WindowApplication1 to something else and how to change its icon? By the way, does applications made in vb 2010 requires .net Framework to run? Because i tried to run my .exe file in another pc but it gives me an error.
View 3 Replies
Dec 14, 2009
I want to get the description of an external .exe file from my vb.net app, rather like in task manager. My program can monitor active processes and open their file locations, but it cannot get their descriptions (like in task manager) I want it to be able to do this, and I've found the following code to get the description of a normal file (I had to re-write it from csharp):
Public Class Myform
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
For example, if the process 'dwm.exe' is open, then I want my program to get the description "Desktop Window Manager." I want it to be universal for any program so it can be done with any open process.
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Sep 29, 2011
i tried changing it in right click project/properties but it didnt work. how can i change the description of my .exe file?
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Apr 19, 2011
I have a tricky piece of code in C# that I need translated to VB.NET. That's not usually a problem, as I can do it by hand or using one of the many conversion websites. However, this particular piece of code uses the Yield keyword; and I don't know how to work around that. [Code]
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Oct 28, 2009
the name pretty much says it all, I need a more reliable code then AppActivate that does the same thing. I need it to activate a program I tell it to, perferribly without calling the process id.
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Feb 14, 2010
i am trying to change the name of a music file, that has the new name set as its description title.
the name it has is like "ADGU". once you right click it and click on the tab Details then look down at the Description section, the Title is set to "Thoughts of a Dying Atheist"
that is the name i wish the file name to be.
now i am trying to set is in a for each loop, as i have over 300 music files that have this problem.
for each file as string in my.computer.filesystem.getfiles("C:Folder", fileIO.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*.*")
Dim fileInfo as new system.IO.FileInfo(file)
dim NewName as string = ...?(Properity Title)
View 21 Replies
May 12, 2011
I am Using Visual Basic 2010 Express. And the Express Version Does Not have a MicrosoftReportViewer Facility. But is there an Alternative that can be used. I know Monies have to be made But Surely there should be an alternative For the Microsoft Visual Studio/Basic 2010/2008 Express User.or is there another way to create a reportViewer in Visual Studio/Basic 2010 Express. I have Downloaded the MicrosoftReportViewer Redistributable from
and I run the setup but it does not work. I know there are other apps that might help me like crystal report. But I want to just use Microsoft version as it is a Microsoft Program.
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Feb 19, 2012
I am enrolled in a college course using Visual Basic 2010 Express.My current assignment calls for the following:Create a small program that allows a user to enter the total amount of purchases for the purpose of calculating rewards points based on the purchase totals vs. their membership level of basic, standard and premium.The user selects their membership level via 3 radio buttons, basic, standard or premium.
The total of purchases and their rewards points depend on the membership level. Example, if you are a basic customer and your total purchase is under $75, you receive 5% in rewards points (70 x 0.95). Additionally, if the total is between $75 and $149.99, you receive 7.5% rewards.Here is what I have so far, but I am getting errors on the ElseIf statements:
If basicRadioButton.Checked = True And totalTextBox.Text < 75 Then rewards = total * 0.95
ElseIf basicRadioButton.Checked = True And totalTextBox.Text > 74 AndAlso totalTextBox.Text < 149.99 then rewards = total * 0.925
ElseIf basicRadioButton.Checked = True And totalTextBox.Text > 150 Then rewards = total * 0.9
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Jun 11, 2012
At the bottom of the Properties window in the Visual Basic 2010 IDE, there should be a brief description of the selected property. For example "Text: the text associated with thecontrol". But it's reduced to a height of 0 so far as I can tell, and I haven'tfound a way to make it visible. Right-clicking the Properties window and selecting/checking"Description" has no effect. How do I make this pane visible?
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Oct 25, 2010
I decided to to convert my excel macro in a exe file using visual studio 2010. In excel macro method find is present like this:
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Aug 13, 2009
I have an MDI Windows Forms application (.net 2008) that allows the user to associate various file types with the application. I currently do this with a registry entry something like this, that causes the application to load and access the file name via the command line:[code...]
In the pre-.net version of the application, I used DDE (ddeexec in the registry). If an instance of the application was executing when a file was double-clicked in Windows Explorer, it would open the file without starting up a new instance of the application.
Now that DDE has been deprecated by Microsoft, what is the best way in .net for an executing MDI application to open an additional file when the file is double-clicked in Explorer, as opposed to starting a new instance of the application?
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Mar 15, 2010
in my database i have an admin form, where it allows you to do admin stuff.Example: Allows you to enter price per membership, and change it.Problem i'm having is how would i save it, since all previous files had more than 1 records, so it would be in the form of:
FilePut(1, OnePerson, NumberOfRecords + 1)
Since this file will only cosist of one record, i don't know how i would save it.i tried FilePut(1, OnePerson, Index) But it doesn't work.
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Aug 23, 2010
I know album name is usually to music files & stuff probably but I guess album is what I need to categorize my video files correctly in Windows Media Player as it does organize my music files correctly when using album name & title. Anyways, these files I just want to change album name at the least & the description is something else I'd like to change on them as well. These files when I right click & go to properties then over to the details tab will show all the things like it usually does, but it will not let me change them. I am guessing this has to do because they are protected type files but I just want to change some things so they display correctly in Windows Media Player.
It already lets me change attributes inside Windows Media Player & at the bottom pane of the screen in explorer when the file is selected of attributes the file already had, but it won't let me add in the album name & description since it didn't start with one. I don't want to get rid of the protection on the files to be able to add these attributes either as I thought that was illegal or something, plus I don't want to download another program I don't have just to do this, whether it be a protection remover (which I said above, I think is illegal, even if it wasn't or isn't, I still wouldn't want to do that anyways) or even a thing that can change the attributes for me I wouldn't want to download since I just don't like downloading things that I won't use often, even if it's easy to remove & everything.
Since I already have VIsual Basic 2010 Express Edition installed I would just like to code something to change these attributes programmatically. It can be a simple textbox which is the location of the file and a button which changes the album name and description to "Just Text" that way I can put in each file I want to change & then click a button and it will be good from there. I will be able to change the variables after they are there to what I want after that from explorer or windows media player so I don't care for having textbox to change album name & description per file as I can just do this in explorer afterwords to what I want. By the way, files are in .wmv file format.
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Aug 18, 2010
My problem is, I just finish creating a program, that loads a picture and description of a selection from a radio button.
Everything works on MY comp, but when i go to my lil sister comp and load the .exe file there, everything works too EXCEPT the image....the error is something along the line " C:documentspictures ame.jpg" not found.
My question is: how would I store the image to the program via another file or the program itself. so that when I "build" my program, I just need to run the .exe and lets say another file "for ex: .dll ", with all the images stored inside. And I dont know how to create and work with .dll file or whatever file is more convience.
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Mar 19, 2012
I use a text file to store the settings from my program.Now when i save the settings the text file gets created and everything works correctly. I can load the settings without any error.Now when i quit my program and star it up again clicking the load button will clear out any data in my text file. So the file still exist but it empty.It happens when my program runs this line of code.
Dim o_read As system.IO.streamReader = system.IO.File.OpenText("C: est.txt")
That just tells o_read that it is a stream reader and which file to read.How does my file get cleared out by that?
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Feb 8, 2011
I have 4k records in access database. And one of the field value contains ~100 lines each so and one other field has ~25 lines. So total database size reaches ~30MB and it takes lot of time 15-20 seconds to load the database in vb.net using odbc [URL]..and updating of any other small fields also takes time due to database being large
So as an alternative I used rtf file (txt files were not preserving all the newline characters). So these file are around 5-10kb only. But for 4k records and 2 fields I have now 8k files. And copying of these 8k rtf files is taking huge time for 5MB transfer it takes an hour or so.So is there any other alternative for storage of this data. So that it will be portable and easily loaded/accessed/updated from vb.net?
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Jun 12, 2011
What's the equivalent method in .NET of the Picture1.Scale (0,0)-(10,10) method in 6.0?
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Feb 17, 2010
i am getting the xml using readxml method. And then display the data in datagrid. But number type columns comes as string type in the dataset. So when datagrid displays , sortingdatagrid columns is not correct. For example it sorts like this:
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