VS 2010 ComboBox.SelectedIndex Can't Go Higher Than 9?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm working with a ComboBox which has 14 items.

Using the following code I got a problem

If Me.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0 Then MsgBox("item 1")ElseIf Me.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1 Then MsgBox("item 2") '...ElseIf Me.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 9 Then MsgBox("item 9") ElseIf Me.ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 10 Then MsgBox("item 10") '...End If

The problem is that after the SelectedIndex = 9 it won't read properly the SelectedIndex = 10, it seems like it consider only the first number (1) instead of the whole one (10). In fact get the same result as if it was SelectedIndex = 1

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VS 2010 DataGridView ComboBox SelectedIndex

Sep 22, 2010

I'm currently trying to work with the DataGridView object in Visual Studio 2010. Everything's going smoothly, except that I cannot figure out how to grab the currently selected index of a combobox on the datagridview.

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.net Winforms Application, Memory Usage Goes Higher And Higher Never Comes Down?

Sep 27, 2010

We have a .net win forms application, using .net 3.5. Application runs from a terminal server, users access it with Citrix client. when users run this app memory usage goes higher and hiher and it never comes back. even tough we put objects with dispose and set to nothing also the memory usage is not comming down. it starts wuth 75 mb and goes up to 500 mb. it is a 32 bit application.

how can we find the exact problem with the application. the bahaviour is almost same when we run our development box locally.

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Combobox SelectedIndex?

Aug 13, 2010

I have the following code;

txtprojnameupdt.Text = txtProjname.Text
cmbactiveproj.SelectedIndex = cmbactiveproj.FindStringExact(Replace(txtprojnameupdt.Text, "'", "''"))


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ComboBox.SelectedIndex = -1 Not Working?

Nov 23, 2010

My understanding is that if you set a ComboBoxes .SelectedIndex to -1, it should unselect any items in the ComboBox and show nothing in the ComboBox text. This is not happening. How can I get that to happen?I have 10 items in the Combobox. Let's say the index is set to number 5 and the text says "MasterCard". Now through code I want to set it to -1 and the text should show nothing. How can I do this?

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Tryparse The Combobox And Use The SelectedIndex?

Nov 3, 2010

The adultcombobox & childcombobox have value from 1 to 10, and none.I try put it in Do Loop like the code below, but the total price not come up so well, so I think I am having problem with the Do Loop and the Payment method.One more thing, do I need to Tryparse the combobox and use the selectedIndex ?


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Combobox Invalid Argument SelectedIndex

Apr 19, 2012

I create several controls dynamically with the function createControl which returns a control

ElseIf objName = "COMBO" Then
Dim cbo As New ComboBox


I know that my combobox has 3 items (in that case that the value was 2) I found that I cannot call selectedIndex before create the combobox, but I am kind of confuse here. I tried also to add it to the panel and to the tablelayoutpanel and then set the selectedIndex but I get the same error.

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Forms :: Tab Key Does Not Set Combobox.selectedindex With Autocomplete

Aug 28, 2009

I am having a problem to get the results of a combobox when the user uses the tab key to exit the combobox. The combobox uses a database as the datasource. When the user uses the mouse to click on the selection the selectedindex is set proprerly, however when the user will enter some text and presses the tab key, selectedindex is set to -1.

I have attached some test code to duplicate the issue.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Protected dvNames As DataView
Dim conDBTest As OleDbConnection


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VS 2005 - Combobox SelectedIndex Setting

Jan 29, 2011

I'm having a problem setting the SelectedIndex property of two comboboxes.

There names are,

When I run the code listed below, both of the comboboxes display list item number 6. No matter how I try to set the selectedindex their text matches. [Code]

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VS 2008 Binding Combobox SelectedIndex?

Feb 25, 2010

I have in my database a smallint field with 2 values 0/1,is it possible to bind that field to a combobox with 2 values "Yes" "No" without creating another datatable for Yes/No values or to modify sql query to bring Yes/No instead 0/1 something like binding to SelectedIndex ?

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 ComboBox SelectedIndex Refresh?

Feb 15, 2012

Is it at all possible to reset the existing set selected index properties for a combo box?or example if the user selects the first selected index option an action occurs, the combo box then loads in another set of options and the selected index properties are then resetIf the user then selects the first option in the combo box again, it will perform a different action to the previous one.

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Could Not Get Selected Item Text In Combobox Selectedindex

Dec 6, 2011

could not get selected item text in combobox selectedindex changed event return value is "System.Data.DataRowView"..[code]want to get the value from the combobox but i always getting ""System.Data.DataRowView".

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DataGridView - Capture Changed SelectedIndex Of Combobox

May 13, 2010

I have a DataGridView on a windows form.

The 4th column is a combo box column.

Now what I want to do is capture the event every time a value is changed in the combo box drop down (selectedindexchanged). When the index is changed, I want to grab the row number, and then I will grab the value of the now selectedindex and do some database updates with it.

I currently have tried to put together an event grabber when the combo box is changed, however it doesn't work correctly.

My code is:

Private Sub dgvRooms_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) _
Handles dgvRooms.EditingControlShowing


I put in a message box to check that it was capturing the event. I then noticed that it captures it more than once when you change the value.

The problem is when I go to click the down arrow on the row, the event is run once (message box show). Then you have to click a second time (event is run again with message box) before it shows the drop down list.

Then when you click on the value you wish in the drop down box it shows the message box (the only time I want it to run).

Then when I leave that row, it shows the message box two more times.

Effectively it goes to update the data 5 times, I only want to do it once.

I can not there is a pencil editing icon when you click on a row to the far left, and it appears when you leave the row, after already clicking on your value, it then checks on row leave that the values havn't changed, hence it runs two more times.

How do I make it so it only runs once on the value being changed?

Is there a way to disable the pencil editing, but still enable the combo box column to work? (be clickable and choose an option)

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Setting Combobox Selectedindex Property Is Slow ?

Aug 4, 2011

Im currently debugging my application to found out why it's running a bit slow, when I put breakpoint where i populate one of the application combobox it's run fast but after i populate it and when I'm trying to set the its selectedindex to zero the program halt for about 2 second.. this is the line where the program get stuck for 2 seconds:


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Wpf - ComboBox SelectedIndex Lost On Content Change?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a ComboBox which content might change. The issue is when the content is changed, 1) i lose the previous selectedIndex, and 2) SelectedIndex is set to -1. I would like an MVVM solution, not some solution involving code-behind. I can have the SelectedIndex set to 0 on content change, but -1 is not a valid value for my model.

What i did as a 'trick' was to have the setter of the property bound to SelectedIndex to set the value to 0 when the value is set to -1. So now i don't have incorrect value in my model. But the ComboBox does not display the "0"th item, rather an empty box.

What could i do to have my ComboBox display the first item (index 0) when its content changes ?


Weeks is a Notifying property that is a list of strings. It is changed when i change the Year property.WeekNumber is a notifying property of type integer. Now when it is set to -1, i set the corresponding private member to 0 to avoid wrong value in my model.

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Forms :: Combobox Populated By A DataTable - SelectedIndex Property Will Not Set Either By Integer Or By FindString?

Feb 16, 2010

In a combobox populated by a DataTable I am having two issues!The SelectedIndex property will not set 1. Either by integer 2. Or by FindString


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Get The ComboBox SelectedIndex Based On SelectedValue When Datasource Property Is Set With DisplayMember And ValueMember?

Jun 11, 2009

Is there any way to get the ComboBox SelectedIndex based on SelectedValue when Datasource property is set with DisplayMember and ValueMember?

View 1 Replies

VS 2010 Value Higher Than 10?

Apr 20, 2010

For some reason when i run a script to move an image based on an entered value the image stops moving on any value higher than 10, and i cant figure out why. here is a sample script

Sub RedmoveClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim X As Integer
Dim y As Integer


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VS 2010 Higher Level Of Access Makes Program Dysfunctional

Mar 13, 2011

So I have this program which I can use to drag files in it and do something with it, and when I run it as administrator, it doesn't let me drag the files in at all, but when I run it normally it does. Is there a reason behind this? And how would I go about fixing it?

My code if it means anything:

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim SetSU As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey


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VS 2010 Selectedindex And Thread?

Mar 30, 2011

So i made this thread using the following

Public DoCopy_thread As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf docopy)
public Sub docopy(ByVal state As Object)
If ListBox2.Items(ListBox1.SelectedIndex) <> "" Then


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.net - Get Information From A Higher Class?

Jun 2, 2010

I have 3 classes: Server, Database, and Table. Each class has a "Name" property. How I want it to work is that each server can have multiple databases and each database can have multiple tables. So in the Server class I have this property.


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Display Powers Higher Than 3?

Nov 6, 2010

I've been designing a Interactive Maths Quiz to test students on the modules they've supposedly learnt, but am having trouble getting the textboxes to display the question as i want them.I need to write things like x3 and x-5 but can't get it to work. To get 2 and 3 i copied and pasted off a word document, and that works, it displays it no problem. I tried the same with others and it just displays a box.

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Possible To Write A Byte Higher Than 255?

Sep 12, 2010

We were currently working with our thesis regarding file compression and selected LZW compression. So far, we know how to work on it but we were stucked on how to write a byte.LZW uses 256 and up for the code table because 0 to 255 was used for a single byte.url...Our problem was we don't know how to write a byte higher than 255, s it possible, and read it as it is? Or, different way on how to do it?

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Set Z-index At Higher Value But Still It's Not Working

Apr 10, 2010

I have one webusercontrol for Datepicker. When I am using this control in content pages it works fine. I have many controls in content page (textbox, label, etc.). All controls are inside a table. I have placed usercontrol inside <td>. When I click on an image, the calendar control is showing. But that time this calender control pushes all other controls (textbox, label, etc.). I have set the z-index at a higher value, but still it's not working.

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VS 2008 If Number Is Higher Then 1?

Apr 11, 2009

okay say textbox2.text = "8" if textbox1.text is higher then textbox2.text the msgbox("g")so if textbox2.text = ("9") then msgbox("g") would pop up cause it's a higher number but ifit = "7" then nothing how do i do that

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Get A Total Sum Either Higher/lower In Their Textboxes?

Mar 24, 2010

Heres my code so far:Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


I want the total sum entered for (Val(InputBox("Enter sales amount:"))) that is lower than 1200 to go in a TextBox2.Text and the total sum higher than 1200 to go in a TextBox3.Text.How should I go about doing that? Is there a way of doing it in the Select Case area?

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Get Average Either Higher / Lower In Their Textboxes?

Mar 25, 2010

Heres my code so far[code]...

I want the average above 1200 going in a TextBox5.Text and the average lower than 1200 TextBox6.Text.

I've tried stuff like; "average1 = average1 + average" and "average1 = total1 / subject" and average 1 = total1 / subject1". But none of it appears to be working.

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Timer Setting Always Value Higher On Label

Mar 11, 2009

I want to say the timer count the time the Process is working so that it Counts always higher on a Label with the Text 00:00:00. So it always go higher by 5ms:
and so on.

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VS 2008 Form Goes Haywire If DPI Is Higher?

Jan 26, 2010

I need help with my forms developed in vb.net 2008. If I run a form in any machine (regardless of xp/vista or Win 7) whereby the DPI is set higher than normal then the size of most of my forms goes haywire. For example: I am attaching 2 screenshots of my updater program. One screen shot shows program being run in normal dpi and the other one shows it being run in higher DPI settings. In the latter case the form sizes shrinks and it looks so weird. In some other forms the controls go haywire. What should I do to ensure that forms looks ok regardless of what ever DPI a user sets in his OS?

(Note: some texts in the screenshot have been edited to protect privacy).

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Higher Or Lower Card Game Program?

Jan 15, 2012

I am currently working on a program for a higher or lower card game. I have my game set up and in place, however I am having trouble keeping track of the cards that have already been drawn from the deck. I am only playing with one deck and need to make sure that once a card is drawn it is placed in a discard pile and will not be drawn again. I did not post my code due to other students in my class using this forum for their version of the assignment. If someone would be willing to take a look at my code I can send it to you via private message.

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