VS 2010 : Cursor Movement In Datagridview?

Feb 28, 2012

Is it possible to move my cursor in the right cell of datagridview when i press the enter key. By default it moves in the next row.

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Changing The Cursor Movement?

Jul 15, 2011

Using VB on a graphics screen I want to have the cursor move on a grid as opposed to every pixel. I believe I must hide the cursor and then draw it myself over the background, but I do not understand how to do this.

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VS 2010 Chess Piece Movement

Sep 17, 2011

In an attempt to try and make a chess AI I started working on a chess project. The AI will basically be in a class that implements my AI interface. To provide flexibility this can be used for a human player or a computer AI. In any case the problem I'm having is calculating the valid moves that a single piece can have.I calculate on what blocks the piece would be able to move if the board was totally empty. (this is represented by a array of point)Then I get a list of piece locations of the same team and Except that from said list.(since pieces can move through other pieces of its team)Now here is the tricky bit obviously taking an enemy piece is a legal move I can't just subtract enemy piece positions. Lets say there are 2 black pawns and a white rook in the same column. The rook would be able to take the first black pawn but not the second one because the first pawn is in it's way. In reality there would never be such an easy example so I need a way to only include the enemy positions "In the line of sight" of the piece's moves i'm calculating.

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How To Do Basic Keyboard Movement In VB 2010 Express

Dec 1, 2010

how to do basic keyboard movement in VB 2010 express. i'm making a very small, simple game (as this is my usual method to self-teach a language) and i'm still getting a grasp of events. if someone could direct me to some place i could learn about this (and preferably not a "paste this code in your form") something simple as moving a picture box or what have you across a form would be great.

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VS 2010 Mouse Movement When Code Doesn't Allow For It

Jul 7, 2011

The code I have is meant to be used during possible rapid mouse movement by the user. It is supposed to get the current location (works), move to specified location (works), mouse down(works), mouse up (works), then return the mouse to the old position.I added the delay because it seemed that it was having trouble registering the click if done too quickly.

The problem I am having is that if the user is moving their mouse during the time the code is activated, their movement can throw the location of the mouse down or mouse up events off even with the added check routine I added.

'Get current mouse position
Dim MousePosX As Integer = Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X
Dim MousePosY As Integer = Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.Y
Q = True


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VS 2010 Temporarily Block Mouse Movement?

Jul 17, 2011

So I have been working on some code that is a supplement to a video game that I play (doesn't really give me an advantage, I'm against cheating) as recreational programming to get me to learn more things which apparently is working immensely.The video game is called DoTA which is a custom map in Warcraft 3.

What I am trying to do is to make a program that can manually click the skills when the user presses the key they bound to that skill. This allows for more precise skill usage as keybindings in the game change randomly which causes chaos.

I first tried using mouse_event to move, click down, click up, return back to original location. This worked, but I ran into a problem that occurred if mouse movement by the user was happening while the code was being ran. The problem mainly would cause the mouse to move off the skill before clicking or even after the mouse down event.

So then I looked into SendMessage and PostMessage but it took a while before I could fully grasp everything about the functions mostly due to many examples posted online being different from one another as far as the declarations.

I now have matched the output that happens according to Spy++ when I actually click the mouse myself with various PostMessage and SendMessages, but am still having an odd problem:

I provide the coordinates to click on say Button 1. Spy++ tells me it is clicking it properly, but I do not actually get a click. However, if I manually move my mouse over that button, even on the very corners of it, and then press the key, it clicks it (although it also seems to work on one other button in the game.) Other than that, it will not click any other button besides the one that the coordinates are over.The game does not have any child windows so it doesn't seem like I can get the handle of the actual buttons themselves.Here is what I have as test coding to figure this all out (the sleep time in between mdown and mup is because the game doesn't register if clicked too fast):

Option Explicit On
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices 'MarshalAs, Marshal
'Imports System.Reflection 'assembly


I was thinking that if there was a way to maybe pause control from being able to move the mouse that I could just revert back to the original mouse_event code as well, but I haven't found anything that can take away control like that (actually, I wouldn't even want that posted TBH as it could be used for malicious stuff).

EDIT:The code at the bottom is just stuff I was using to match what happens when I actually click according to Spy++.

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Move Cursor To Right Of The Cell In Datagridview?

Jul 10, 2009

i use this method to move cursor to right

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class Form1
Public Const WM_HOTKEY As Integer = &H312


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VS 2010 Addin For Excel 2010 - Getting The Cursor (4 Arrowheads) For Moving The Form?

May 26, 2010

Basics Details:
VS 2010
Making an Addin for Excel 2010
Win 7

Problem:I am not getting the cursor (4 arrowheads) for moving the form.I am using the Panel1_MouseHover to display the cursor. Right now if I choose any other cursor then it is working but the same cursor also displays when I hover the mouse over any other control. I want the cursor to show only in the areas of the Panel where there are no controls.How do I show Tooltips for the images? The play,stop,next, previous,playlist,Hideme(with the smiley),volume are all images and not buttons?

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Customizing The DatagridView - Navigating The Cursor Into A Particular Cell?

Jan 11, 2010

We are using the DataGridView Control for our projects. The Applications we are developing is the replacement for the Existing CLI (Command Line Interface Applications) written using FoxPro.The users are much more familiar with the Keyboard Navigations ratherthan using Mouse and all.Here What we need is, how can we handle the Keyboard Operations in the Data Grid View. Some of the Operations i am listing below.When we hit Enter Key :

1. Navigating the Cursor into a particular Cell (It will be in the Same Row, but Different Order), after getting focus the cell should become editable

2. Navigating the Cursor to the Next Row and First Column (Once i finished the editing in the Last Column )

3. Focusing the Cursor into a Specifc Row and a column. (With Editable)

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Move Cursor In Selected Rows In Datagridview?

Jun 2, 2009

how can i move the cursor of the datagridview on the selected rows on datagridview.

i used this code and it highlight the rows which matches to txtSearch but the cursor did not move in the selected rows.

For x As Integer = 0 To Me.Datagrid.Rows.Count - 1
If UCase(Me.Datagrid.Item(1, x).Value.ToString) = Trim(Me.txtSearch.Text) Then
Me.Datagrid.Rows(i).Selected = True


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VS 2005 Placing Cursor In Datagridview Cell?

May 3, 2011

I have second column as datagridviewTextBoxColumn column in the datagridview, after opening dot net form runtime, in first cell of this column , I am populating �-� character at third position with remaining everything blank. Requirement is cursor should be at first position in this cell.

But now what is happening is, as my second column�s first cell should have cursor after opening form, we are sending tab key from first column to second column runtime with SendKeys.Send("{TAB}") as result cursor is located after �-� which is not requirement , cursor should be at first position in cell.

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Advance With Cursor Of A Binding Navigator Through Records Of A DataGridView

Apr 5, 2010

I have a Datagrid with some records, this datagrid has a scroll bar. Also I have a Binding Navigator, with its buttons back, forward, insert, delete,The problem is that I dont know why I have disabled. I have looked into the Binding Navigator to enabled them, but I the property is enabled.In order to appear some records in the Datagrid, I want to appear one record and change to the following/back record with the following/back button of the Binding Navigator.

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DataGridView Retains Wait Cursor When Updated From Thread

Jun 9, 2010

I have a DataGridView control in my Windows Forms Application. I am adding rows to the grid using a background thread. I change the form's cursor to Waitcursor when the process starts and back to Default when it ends. This works well for the form, but not for the grid. When the form's cursor is changed back to default, the grid's cursor does not change, although the cursor over the rest of the form does.

I am updating the grid from a background thread? (The cursor is being changed from the UI thread directly). The background process raises an event, the handler checks the InvokeRequired property of the grid and decides if it needs to "Invoke" the method again from the main thread. So, in effect the actual UI update happens from the appropriate thread. I am not sure if this means that I am "using a background thread" or not.

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Move Cursor To Datagridview Using Up And Down Arrow If Focus In Any Control?

Jun 20, 2010

I want to move cursor to datagridview using up and down arrow if focus in any control.

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Placing Cursor In Data Bound DataGridView On Form Load

May 1, 2012

I have searched the web and this site for an answer but have not been able to solve this problem.I am not able to place a flashing cursor in a specified cell of a data bound DataGridView on Form_Load.My test project consists of a single Visual Basic 2008 form with a database created in Microsoft SQL Express 2005 using the Add New Data Source in the Data Sources window.The database has one table consisting of 2 columns.Column 1 being the primary key with Identity Specification set to On.The second column is a VarChar50.The DataGridView was placed on the form by dragging it from the Data Sources window thereby creating the Binding Navigator and the Private_Sub Form_Load code.I have added the code that should put the cursor where I want it.[code]

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VS 2008 THe JuMpIN CuRsOr - Make Cursor To Jump To The Next Textbox After Type The Digit

Jan 14, 2010

how can i make my cursor to jump to the next textbox after i type the digit

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VS 2010 Using Custom Cursor

Jan 10, 2012

I've done a ton of research and haven't found the right code yet, I want to be able to change the cursor once it enters the form,
The answer'[code...]

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VS 2010 - How To Set New Cursor Position

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to set a new cursor position but I get this error:
A call to PInvoke function 'mon! WindowsApplication1.Form1::SetCursorPos' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.

Here is the code:
Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" _
(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
SetCursorPos(457, 603)
It used to work when I used VS 08 but now I use VS 10 and this problem has started to appear.

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Replace Default Windows Cursor With A Custom Cursor (winforms)?

Feb 16, 2011

This VS010 solution is not providing my intended outcome as a custom override of a 'crosshair' or 'reticle' cursor e.Graphics.DrawPath() is the function that isn't working. This

WORKING solution demonstrates how it's supposed to work. The additonal PictureBox added to a Panel is, for reasons I don't understand, not allowing the 'new' cursor to appear.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Drawing


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VS 2010 Add Char In Rtb At Cursor Position?

Feb 23, 2011

I know how to get the cursor position but how do I add a character to that position. Like I want to have a button that adds a specific character at the position of the cursor.

I don't see any richtextbox properties that allow me to add anything at the cursor position.

If TypeOf Me.ActiveControl Is RichTextBox Then
Me.ActiveControl.SelectedText = Chr(176)
End If

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VS 2010 Animated Cursor Resource?

Oct 23, 2010

I am using the code ol' Formless posted in this thread:[URL]..To load an animated cursor from a file. The code makes use of an API method that requires that the file actually exist. That's possible, but far from ideal. I would rather add the cursors to the resources of that module. Therefore,

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VS 2010 Custom Cursor From File?

Dec 2, 2011

How to make custom cursor for my application from image file .jpg or .png or .gif
to work on everything, clicking on buttons, textfields the cursor to be on everything

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VS 2010 Moving The Cursor To A X And Y Onscreen?

Jul 2, 2010

ok all i want is to move the mouse on the screen to an X and Y coordinate, X1 and Y1 are the textbox's with the coordinates in i tried

Dim mpos As Point = MousePosition
mpos.X = X1.Text
mpos.Y = Y1.Text


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VS 2010 Trying To Import A Custom Cursor?

Oct 12, 2011

I created a custom cursor ("Cursor.cur") and added it to the 'Resources' folder of my project. I'm trying to set it up so that this cursor is shown when button1 is "mouse down". Here is the code...


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Cursor - User Control - Able To Update Its Cursor While It Is Disabled

Apr 28, 2009

I have a user control, and want to be able to update its cursor while it is disabled. For example, say that I have a user control whose cursor is Default. The below code works ONLY when the user control is already enabled; if it is disabled the below code doesn't work and the cursor remains Default: Me.MY_USER_CONTROL.Cursor = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.WaitCursor

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VS 2010 - Applying Different Color On Default Cursor?

Jan 18, 2012

In my program I have a picturebox. using the .onEnter and .onLeave events for the mouse I have the cursor change to a cross (one of the default cursors) and it does like a transparent grayscale thing and changes color a bit depending on what is behind it. The issue with that is that all the images I look at are grayscale images so it gets a bit lost. I am wondering if there is a way to use this default cursor and apply a different color to it?

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VS 2010 - Cursor Not Blinking When Form Opened?

Jun 29, 2011

On my vb.net 2010 form the textbox which has tab stop 0 does get the focus when the form is opened but the cursor is not blinking. I know textbox 0 has the focus because if you start typing right after the form opens the characters show there. The cursor property of textbox 0 is set to Ibeam. This is my first-ever VB 2010 form. My 2008 forms work fine and my workaround is to do the project in 2008.

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VS 2010 - Find Image And Move Cursor To It?

Feb 19, 2012

It is very easy to move your cursor to a specific coordinate but my question here is how do you move your cursor to an image? Now what this would involve doing is importing an image so the program understands it, then finding that image on your screen (maybe through RGB colors). How exactly do you do this? What is the procedure?

Say I want to import this image: Now I want the program to find that image on the screen (THE START BUTTON) and then move my cursor on it.
so cursor.position = new point(the image)

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VS 2010 - Moving Cursor To End Of Line In RichTextBox

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to implement a feature that would allow me to move the cursor to the end of a line in a Rich Text Box. Is that possible?

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VS 2010 : WaitCursor Doesn't Change The Cursor

Jun 1, 2010

I have a form that asks the user for certain search criteria. Based on this it goes and searches Active Directory for computer accounts. Whilst this search is happening I want the cursor to change to the hourglass but I've tried


Nothing works. The cursor stays firmly as the default cursor.This is the code that calls the form

Dim inputform As New MachineSearchInputForm
If inputform.ShowDialog = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim PropertiesToLoad As String() = New String() {"name", "distinguishedname", "objectclass"}


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