VS 2010 "Database Currently Locked"?

Oct 27, 2011

I am making an application that adds around 20 records to the database at one time. I've never really added this many (in a for loop) that quickly usually its one at a time. I get the error that the database is locked when I try to add the items to the DB.

I call the add method for each item I'm saving, then go to the next one.


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VS 2008 How To Test If Sqlite Database Is Locked

Jul 2, 2009

I am accessing an sqlite database file from my VB.NET application.Currently, I use Try... Catch when opening the connection to the database, however if the database is locked by another application, it will take 5-10 seconds to throw the exception which says that the database is locked.

So I want to know if there is a way to test if the database is locked before I try to open the connection... because the long 5-10 second pause is annoying.

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Can't Delete SQLCE Database Programmatically Because It Is Locked By Another Process

Oct 24, 2011

I am having some issues with an application written in VB.net.

As part of a routine, an sqlce database gets backed up before the routine then if an error occurred gets restored. I am using system.io methods copy and delete.

I have released all the objects (connections, commands, datareaders) asscociated with the sqlce database by disposing them if they are not nothing. I also do a GC.COLLECT however when my delete command runs, an error message says it is open by another process. The PROCEXP.exe process explorer tool says it is attached to 4 undefined processes. After a while in debug mode, these clear and I am able to delete the file. However this is not acceptable as my program cannot "wait around" until they are released! I was under the impression that object.dispose forced an immediate disposal rather than waiting for the garbage collector to clean up (if you were just to use object=nothing), but still there appears to be a finite time before these objects are released.

My question is, is there an alternative way of checking (programatically in vb) for what is holding open an sqlce database (or in fact any other file for that matter) then killing these processes?

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Start A Form When Computer Is Locked (2010)?

Dec 27, 2011

I want to know how i can make my application (which i created in visual basic 2010) start up when the computer is locked So as to act as a Lock Screen...

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How To Shutdown A Locked PC

Sep 13, 2010

Shutting down a pc in vb.net is easy:Process.Start("shutdown", "-s -t 00")less the user has locked the pc in which case the above fails.How do I get around this in vb.net? How do I shutdown a locked PC?

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Shutdown Locked PC?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm currently writing a small system tray app that needs to shutdown my PC at a certain time. That bit's easy:Process.Start("shutdown", "-s -t 00")But how do I do this when my PC is locked? The above doesn't work and I don't want to leave my PC unlocked and unattended

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Detecting Changes In A Locked File?

Feb 1, 2012

I have written an application that monitors a log file. The Log file is locked by the writing application so I read it asynchronously:

Dim LicenseLog As New System.IO.FileStream("\serverLOGlicense.log", IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.ReadWrite)

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Excel File Is Locked After Use

Jun 3, 2009

I am loading data from an Excel File to a dataset and performing some computation. The problem arises after the application is closed, the Excel file is locked for some reason and can only be read.

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Forms :: How To Determine If The Pc Is Locked

Jan 18, 2011

i need my application to determine if the desktop of the pc is locked or open.how would i go about doing this? i know that it is something to do with the registry but i dont know how to go about getting the values

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Items Are Locked In Toolbox

Nov 7, 2009

I right clicked on the toolbox and in the context menu, there was a button that said "Show teresting controls, but they were disabled.

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Locked File When Compiling ?

Oct 25, 2010

I have been using VB2005 for many years on 2 PCs. Over the last month I have been getting an error when I try to run the project from the IDE:

Error 1 Unable to copy file "objx86DebugBackup.exe" to "binx86DebugBackup.exe". The process cannot access the file 'binx86DebugBackup.exe' because it is being used by another process.
C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Microsoft.Common.targets 2324 9 Backup

My questions:

1. What has changed?

2. One thread I found suggested that it is a bug, but if true is this something that has been introduced recently (I'm not aware up updating VB2005 unless it happened as part of the general updates).

3. How do I get it back to where it was?

The file is actually locked by my own process, no other application can be using it. I've even tried it with a few line noddy program. I always have to come right out of the IDE, wait a couple of minutes and then go back in - a total productivity killer.

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Sendkeys While Computer Locked?

Feb 26, 2007

Is there any way to send keyboard input commands when computer is locked to a particularwindow

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VS 2005 Locked File By IIS?

Apr 21, 2010

is there a way to unlock file that is locked by IIS without doing a IIS reset? If yes, how can I do that in VB

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Change The Locked Property Of The GroupBOX?

Sep 30, 2009

How can I change the locked property of the GroupBOX and Panel?

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Check If A Table Is Locked In Access?

Mar 18, 2010

my problem today is the following:

Setup: 10 pc's connecting to a shared hard drive on a server connecting to a certain .mdb file from access 2003

Problem: We are a 3rd party tool for a Point of sale application and when the real software makes some modifications it locks certain tables which we don't lock. My ( Might be possible solution ) is: Is there a way to check with a query or an certain object if the table is locked if yes

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Copying Locked Folder Along With Data?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a locked folder with me I want that folder along with its data to be copied into another folder...

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Create A Hardware Locked For Program?

May 30, 2009

I have this delphi code that requires the hardware ID to match the hardware it is running on

program Project1;


How can i create one for VB 2008 or can anyone convert this to VB 2008?

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FileSystemWatcher And Locked Image Files?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a filesystemwatcher waiting for .jpg files to arrive from the camera.he file system watcher invokes a delegate (it works but is that the proper way to handle it?) sub that does a couple of things:1. Adds the just arrived file name to a table2. Attempts to display the image in a picturebox on the form. When it displays the image it imprints some information on the image that the user has entered on the screen. I use a file stream to retrieve the image.The problem is, I'm getting a file in use orror on the "Img = ystem.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs)"statement. Not all the time. Sometimes I can add three or four files to the folder in rapid succession with no issue. But then out of the blue the error will occur. Sometimes it's there to stay but other times it will go away and allow me to add morefiles.

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Inherited Class Designer Locked ?

Dec 30, 2009

I have a class which inherits a form class, and just recently it's started acting strange. All of the controls on the form are locked, and I don't understand why. I can't edit the properties of any controls, or anything.

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Locked Access Db - Can't Compact Or Delete Ldb

Aug 23, 2007

I have VB 2005 windows application that is reading and writing records into Access 2003 database. After I deployed application to multiple servers - the database stays locked all the time - even if nobody has it open. When I check open files through Computer Manage - it doesn't show that anybody has it open. Yet - I can't delete .ldb file, I can't repair and compact the database to replace existing database, I can't rename database to replace it with other version.

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Locked Code And The Padlock Icon?

Feb 26, 2009

I was debugging my VB.net app and stopping, changing the code etc in the normal way, but today the code pages are marked with a little padlock symbol as soon as I start to debug, and I can't change the code anymore.What's causing this and how can I stop it?

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Overwrite / Replace A Locked File?

Jul 6, 2010

I am wondering how I can replace a file locked by another application. I am using VB.NET from 2008.

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Second User Should Not Be Able To Process Because DoProcess Is Already Locked

Oct 12, 2010

We have a stored procedure that executes in a long time so we decided to enclose it in a thread. Before executing the long stored procedure, the procedure should be locked so that only one user can execute the thread. However, I have noticed that a user can still execute twice. Here is the code. [code] The problem is when I tested the code by opening two browsers then simultaneously process, two records are being inserted into our lock table. The second user should not be able to process because the DoProcess is already locked.

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Shut Down The Computer When System Is Locked?

Nov 12, 2009

I've noticed that a few download management programs do this, like uTorrent for example, where you can set it to shut down the system when the download(s) complete and I would like to implement this in my app as well.Right now I'm usingProcess.Start("shutdown.exe", "-s -t 05")which works fine if the user is logged in, but my home computer has the screen saver set to lock the computer in which all my app does is exit but the system doesn't shut down like it does when it's logged in.

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Unlocking File That Has Been Locked With Vshost

Mar 20, 2008

I have developed a program that allows drag and drop pictures using the followng [code] this will display the image in the pictruebox and saves the location of the image to a database. at this time i can rename the image in windows using the file.rename() function.now if i exit and come back into the section of the program with the image.i query the database for the image location and use the same type of code aka ploc [code]Now when i try to do a rename of the file i get an error that says access denied. I have even tried changing images, but as long as i am in the program i get access denied.I also can not change or delete these file from windows as long as my application is runningfile.rename() Is there a way to force my program to stop using this picture so i cand rename or delte it?

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Vbscript - Delete Locked Files?

Nov 19, 2009

I want delete all files in a folder, but I get access denied as the file is locked.I use an email function before i'm trying to delete the files, the send email is a built in function of the application:fcMailer.SendMailWithAttachment Process.Company, "email", Subj, "Bo", "e:upload est.xls" i tried to set it to nothing: set fcMailer = nothing and set fcMailer.SendMailWithAttachment = nothing I'm using the below to delete the files

Const DeleteReadOnly = True
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.DeleteFile("e:upload*.*"), DeleteReadOnly

How do i remove connection holding the file or simply just delete all locked files / or not locked?

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VS 2005 Combobox And Buttons Are Not Locked?

Jun 29, 2009

I have an application which consists of labels, textbox, combobox and buttons. The combobox and buttons loads after the contents of an Excel file is loaded into the application.However if the form is resized before the loading, the position of the combobox and the buttons changes even though all the controls are locked. The position of the labels and textboxs remains the same. Can anyone figure out any reason for this anomaly?

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Close Locked Files That Are Dropped On A Drop Box?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a PictureBox control (in Form3) that is used is used as a drop box where the user can drag and drop one or more image files at a time. When the user imports files, the form (Form3) will close itself.Meanwhile,the application stores file data in Form1.ListView1.The following is the code that I use for PictureBox's DragDrop event.

Dim s As Array = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop)
For i = 0 To s.Length - 1[code]....

Onion is a recent refuge from Mac OS X and hates Mac App Store. System: Windows 7 x64

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Copy Directory - Read Only/Locked Files

Apr 20, 2010

I have the following code, which copies a directory to a server share, but the directory is often locked/read only after it's copied.


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Execute Some Code While System Is Locked And Relogin?

Mar 16, 2012

I have an application where i run a code when user logoff using below code

AddHandler SystemEvents.SessionEnding, AddressOf ClosingApplication.Where CloseApplication is procedure that is called.same way i want to add handler on system lock and relogin

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