FileSystemWatcher And Locked Image Files?

Apr 13, 2012

I have a filesystemwatcher waiting for .jpg files to arrive from the camera.he file system watcher invokes a delegate (it works but is that the proper way to handle it?) sub that does a couple of things:1. Adds the just arrived file name to a table2. Attempts to display the image in a picturebox on the form. When it displays the image it imprints some information on the image that the user has entered on the screen. I use a file stream to retrieve the image.The problem is, I'm getting a file in use orror on the "Img = ystem.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs)"statement. Not all the time. Sometimes I can add three or four files to the folder in rapid succession with no issue. But then out of the blue the error will occur. Sometimes it's there to stay but other times it will go away and allow me to add morefiles.

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FileSystemWatcher - Multiple Zip Files?

Sep 13, 2010

I am in the process of writing a windows service that will be replacing a vbscript that runs via a scheduled task currently. It currently runs on 350 kiosk machines in 350 different locations.Here is what the vbscript currently does:

1. The machine receives a ZIP file in the RECEIVE directory. This file contains software configuration files that need to be copied to specified folders on the machine and to another machine on the local LAN where this kiosk is located.

2. The zip file is extracted to a folder with the same name as the zip file.Inside the zip file is an instruction file (.txt) and files that are referenced in the instruction file.

3. Opens the instruction file and performs the instructions in the file. Example: (this would copy pricingfile1.dbf to \mymachinecapplication1pricing, and then execute softwaresoftwarepatch1.exe which is located in \mymachinecpatches)

pricingfile1.dbf, \mymachinecapplication1pricing, copy
softwarepatch1.exe, \mymachinecpatches, run

4. Once all of the actions in the instructions file are completed, the folder where the zip file was extracted is deleted and the zip file is renamed to to show that it was processed by the script. Also, because the script is a scheduled task, this ensures that the file is not applied more than 1 time.

So I have started writing the service using the FileSystemWatcher. Basically I look in the receive folder for any file that looks like Configuration_MMddyyyy_*.zip and unzip it to a folder of the same name.

1. I have been doing some reading about the FileSystemWatcher Created event.I read an article about how the Created event fires as soon as the first byte is written but doesn't necessarily mean that the complete file has arrived at the machine. A post I read involved a .csv file and it mentioned that you try to open the file and catch any errors - if you cannot open the file, it hasn't arrived yet. This makes sense to me but I don't know what the equivalent would be to a zip file. It's not the same as opening a txt or csv file.

2. There are times that we send more than 1 configuration file in the same day, or even, at the same time. Above I mentioned the name was Configuration_<date> The 1234 is a sequence number, always incremented. The idea is for 1234 to be applied before 1235 and 1236. So if I had 2 files sent *at the same time* and I want them to apply in order, how would I do this? I thought about when I am applying 1 file to stop looking for changes until after the apply process is completed, but then I *think* I would miss any file that arrived while I EnableRaisingEvents = false?

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FileSystemWatcher And Save Excel Files

Aug 21, 2011

I am trying to write an app that monitora a folder, and subfolders, amd makes a copy of any file that gets saved there, (or renamed, moved etc). Filesystemwatcher does a pretty good job of it, untili someone saves an Excel spreadsheet. Excel does about 9 different file system operations just to save the file. What happens is I get events for tempo files being saved, then renamed, or deleted in a very quick succession. All I want is the final spreadsheet, but these changes happen so quickly is causes my app to crash. Anybiody have any thoughts on how to hendle this?

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Forms :: Filesystemwatcher Firing Files Twice?

May 29, 2011

ive just finished writing a file in VB 2010 and im using filesystemwatcher but ive found a problem whereas the filesystemwatcher fires the target twice everytime there is a change to the file.

ive looked around and found it to be a problem but cant seem to find a cure

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Set The FileSystemWatcher.Filter To Check Only Two Files?

Jun 11, 2011

How do you set the FileSystemWatcher.Filter to check only two files.

Here's my code that doesn't even work.

watcher.Filter = "*.txt|*.ini"

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Will FileSystemWatcher Process Multiple Files At Once?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a Windows service that is watching a folder for files that will be placed there.(Created in Visual Studio 2005.)The files each represent a transaction, and the transactions have to be kept in order.As I process each file (transaction), I want to forward it to someone else.(The someone else wants them kept in order.)It looks like I can't paste multiple files into a folder simultaneously and still be sure that they will be processed in the order of the original date and time they were created.Nor can I be sure that they would be read in name order.(FileSystemWatcher would grab them in any old order it chose.)So I think I will have to move the files into the folder one at a time, in the proper sequence.But I'm wondering if I could get into a "racing" situation.

When FileSystemWatcher detects a file in a folder, it creates a new thread for your event handler to operate on.If it detects a second file while still processing the first file, would it then create yet another thread?If that is the case, then if File1.xml takes longer to process than File2.xml, it seems like File2.xml might finish first, resulting in my transactions getting out of order.In my own experiments,I have not seen evidence that multiple files are really processed simultaneously.I write messages to a log file as I process each transaction, and I never see messages from File1.xml's processing intermingled with File2.xml's messages.This seems to be true even when I paste both files into the folder only keeps one event-handling thread going at a time, and queues up the events as they come, processing them on that single thread.Otherwise, I'll have to do something to ensure they are kept in order.

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Vbscript - Delete Locked Files?

Nov 19, 2009

I want delete all files in a folder, but I get access denied as the file is locked.I use an email function before i'm trying to delete the files, the send email is a built in function of the application:fcMailer.SendMailWithAttachment Process.Company, "email", Subj, "Bo", "e:upload est.xls" i tried to set it to nothing: set fcMailer = nothing and set fcMailer.SendMailWithAttachment = nothing I'm using the below to delete the files

Const DeleteReadOnly = True
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFSO.DeleteFile("e:upload*.*"), DeleteReadOnly

How do i remove connection holding the file or simply just delete all locked files / or not locked?

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Close Locked Files That Are Dropped On A Drop Box?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a PictureBox control (in Form3) that is used is used as a drop box where the user can drag and drop one or more image files at a time. When the user imports files, the form (Form3) will close itself.Meanwhile,the application stores file data in Form1.ListView1.The following is the code that I use for PictureBox's DragDrop event.

Dim s As Array = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop)
For i = 0 To s.Length - 1[code]....

Onion is a recent refuge from Mac OS X and hates Mac App Store. System: Windows 7 x64

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Copy Directory - Read Only/Locked Files

Apr 20, 2010

I have the following code, which copies a directory to a server share, but the directory is often locked/read only after it's copied.


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VS 2008 Files Modified Are In A Locked State

Apr 1, 2009

I have some code that does a Find & Replace in some text files, and closes the file when complete.However, when I try to use the Kill command in VB to cleanup these files (they are temporary files) when the program is closed, I get errors that the file is in use by another app or process.Is there a way I can force these files to close first? This also happens when I scan a document using the EZTWAIN.dll Scan to native function.Everything goes fine, but if I try to scan again to overwrite the file, the file is in use.This is happening on Windows Vista SP1.

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Monitor Changes To The Registry Like Monitoring The Files And Folders Using Filesystemwatcher?

Apr 15, 2011

Can i monitor changes to the registry like monitoring the files and folders using filesystemwatcher?

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VS 2008 - VB BITBLT Equivlant - Build Image By Opening Files With Image Data

Nov 2, 2010

In VB6 you could BITBLT things around before refreshing the screen. In .NET, I'm aware of DrawImage, but that can only be done on a paint event rather than before anything gets painted. The issue I have is, I need to open several files with image data in them and then build a bigger image with those smaller images. Before I could open them, BITBLT them to a Buffer. As far as I can tell .NET offers no way to do this as the only function I've been able to find (DrawImage) only works within the paint event. Is there still a way to do this in VS08 or no?

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Combining Image Files - Take Multiple Picture Files And Compact Them Into One File

Dec 10, 2009

I know this is out there and probably illogical but I was wondering if it was possible to take multiple picture files and compact them into one file.... and then retrieve them from the program later? Way to combine any amount of image files into one file

Module Module1
Sub combine()
Dim img1 As New Bitmap("i1.jpg")


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FTP And FileSystemWatcher

Feb 20, 2012

I have my application watching my desktop, pictures, music, and document folders.[code]What would I need to put into logrename() in order for it to automatically upload the renamed file onto my server?

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Check For Image Files?

Aug 24, 2010

I have an image resized program and it works. The problem is when a user selects a non-image file in the file select dialog, it crashes. How can I check for image files?

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Image Colors In Pdf Files?

Mar 13, 2009

I'm creating a program to generate PDF files in VB.Net.Everything is working fine except that the image is being displayed with a blue background while the image provided doesn't have any.Following are the lines of code being used:

sColor = IIf(mvarEncodeASCII85, ToASCII85(ImgColor),


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Possible To Work With PCX Image Files?

Feb 28, 2005

it's possible to work with PCX image files in VB.Net? I know it's possible with most other formats like bmp and jpg.

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Working With Image Files?

Apr 20, 2009

I need to keep the original Ratio of the Width to Height of an image file within a picturebox, basically I will have to adjuest either the width or the Hidth of it. Does anyone have a suggestion on how I do this? I was thinking I would have to get the Width and Height attributes of the Picture file with an integer and use a little bit of math to determine the approprate size of the picturebox object.

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FileSystemWatcher Is Not Working?

Jul 31, 2010

I added FileSystemWatcher in Form1_Load like this -

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Can't Get FileSystemWatcher To Work

Apr 7, 2011

I can't seem to get a FileSystemWatcher to work, this is what I currently do.

Private Sub FileSystemWatcher1_Changed(sender As System.Object, e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs) Handles FileSystemWatcher1.Changed
MsgBox("Directory has changed")
End Sub

I have the filesystemwatcher path in my desktop. But when I create, re-name or delete something in the desktop it dosn't do anything, not even giving an error. I filter FileName, DirectoryName and LastWrite (the defaults).

The FileSystemWatcher have the EnableRaisingEvents set to true. So don't really know what the problem is.

I've tried google without any luck, all I found was people having problem that the FileSystemWatcher executed twice.

So do I have to do anything more on the code to get it to work?

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FileSystemWatcher And Get MD5 Data?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a FileSystemWatcher in my project and when Created new file, i can get MD5 value of the new file, but sometimes error occurred while getting MD5 value, my code is like this

Private Sub FileSystemWatcher_Changed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs) Handles SystemScanner.Changed


That error is "Access Denied", i think function must be wait for done the progress, how can resolve this problem ?

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FileSystemWatcher Freezing GUI?

May 25, 2010

I have a FileSystemWatcher monitoring a folder, and when many files are cut and pasted into the folder, the GUI freezes, as the 'Changed' event is fired over and over. Any way to deal with this?

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VS 2008 - FileSystemWatcher Does Nothing

Oct 9, 2009

I've been trying to get filesystemwatcher to work in my application with no luck. I've been able to modify the example on MSDN and have it work very well, but not when I try to use it in my own program. [Code]

If you compare it to the example, there really is very little difference, at least to me. "loadlist" is the equivalent of "main" in the example, "watchfile" is the equivalent of "run", and "OnChanged" is the same as in the example, but performing different actions. Right now its not doing anything. If I remove "Shared" from the subs then it works if the file changes once, but after that it does nothing. (I must admit I don't really know what making a sub "Shared" does).

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VS 2008 FileSystemWatcher?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a FileSystemWatcher tool on my form Watching 'C:' and i am now the FileCreated Code

Private Sub FileSystemWatcher1_Created(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs) Handles FileSystemWatcher1.Created
Dim Name As String


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How To Shutdown A Locked PC

Sep 13, 2010

Shutting down a pc in is easy:Process.Start("shutdown", "-s -t 00")less the user has locked the pc in which case the above fails.How do I get around this in How do I shutdown a locked PC?

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Shutdown Locked PC?

Jun 11, 2011

I'm currently writing a small system tray app that needs to shutdown my PC at a certain time. That bit's easy:Process.Start("shutdown", "-s -t 00")But how do I do this when my PC is locked? The above doesn't work and I don't want to leave my PC unlocked and unattended

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Code Cannot Locate Image Files?

Apr 29, 2011

i pulled some code off the internet for resizing images on the fly. it works great but only if i give an absolute address for the location of my files.

here is the portion of code:
Dim src As String = "c:downloadsff.jpg"
mage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(src)


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Combine Image Files Into An Animated GIF?

Jan 23, 2010

This code may be useful to someone. It's code I used to generate the code for this thread:How could i create an animated .gif file from several other .jpg files in c# express

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Public Class Form1


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Download Image Files From Program?

Mar 13, 2011

So I have a button and an image. Is there a way that I can compile the image with the program, and when the person clicks the button 'Save', the save file dialog pops up and you can save that file to your computer?

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Large Amount Of Image Files For App?

Jun 19, 2010

Just a doubt: if I have large amount of image files for my app, is it ok to store them in the resource file ?

Will those files be saved in a single resource file ? Will that cause any problem to the performance of my app ? When I try to access a image file from the resource using code, will it load that file only into the memory or the entire image contents from the resource file ?

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