VS 2010 Generate Primes Over 100 Million?

Jun 27, 2010

I salvaged the following piece of code from:[URL]...This code works fine, but the problem comes when I need to get all the primes above 100 million. I am familar (at least a little bit) with the BigInteger class in .NET 4.0, but when I replace all the instances of "Integer" with "BigInteger" in the following code I get this error: Value of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Numerics.BigInteger)' cannot be converted to 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)'.

(The reason I need primes above 100 million is that I'm trying to work through some projects on www.projecteuler.net)Anyone have some ideas on how to modify the code to work with BigIntegers,


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VS 2008 : Finding Primes Within A Range?

Dec 4, 2010

I am attempting to calculate a range of prime numbers determined by two user inputs (textboxes) I have the following code, but it displays nothing but zeros in the multiline textbox. I just need a bit of guidance here as to what is causing my code to show nothing but zeros.

Public Class PrimeNumbers
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lowBound As Double
Dim upBound As Double


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Find Same Value In A Million Records?

Jul 19, 2011

I need a query that would allow me to find/search same STK_HOLD_NAME and/or STK_HOLD_CODE in my record/database . I dont how to query it because my table_STK has a million of records.

Im using MS SQL SERVER 2008 R2.

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398 Million Prime Numbers And Growing?

Aug 17, 2011


Each set of ( 1 million ) prime numbers is in a ZIP file just click on say 1st Million

on the left to download a list as a ZIP file.

Here is a similar page which is a lot easier on the eyes:>>


These are of course great to use in any security application or as part of any password.

However with the list so readily available on the internet is it such a good idea to use a prime number as part of a password? Food for thought perhaps? ....

I guess it depends on how long it is too. :-)

You could try to remember one that is close to an important date or other number that you know maybe?

If you are more paranoid use more than one prime number in a password with other characters ( UPPER and lower case letters etc ).


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A String Of 5 Million Characters To Be Substringed?

Jun 2, 2012

I'm creating a book reader, and the book is about 5 million characters. This book contains a lot of chapters, and what my program does is that if I asked for Chapter 2, it would go to the first index of where it says (Chapter 2), and it would delete everything behind it using substring(0, indexof(Chapter 2)). And everything after the Chapter.

I've written the code which is about 4 lines not anything more. The original text file book is in the resources. I've set a string = the resource. I tried then searching for Chapter 1, it worked. It worked until about Chapter 7, then it stopped working for the all the Chapters after it.

I thought that Substring cannot search into that huge number of characters. So i cut down the book into another part from Chapter 7 to Chapter something, and like that. And it was of 8 parts at last. Set each one as a resource and set a string = resource. It would search in the first part, to the last part until it finds it.

However, I noticed later that when I tried searching for Chapters 5 or 6, it stopped working! Chapter 7 is working. The last chapters in each part are not working anymore.All I could think of that it is a memory problem, not a substring problem. What can I do?

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Speed Up Algorithm - Sieve Of Eratosthenes - Program Hangs On Really Large Values Of N (try 10 Million)

Aug 17, 2009

I've written an algorithm that I believe to be correct for computing prime numbers up to n with the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Unfortunately, this program hangs on really large values of n (try 10 million). Here is what I've written...

Protected Function Eratosthenes(ByVal n As Integer) As String
Dim maxValue As Integer = Math.Sqrt(n)
Dim values As Generic.List(Of Integer) = New Generic.List(Of Integer)


How might I speed this algorithm up? Where are my bottlenecks?

View 12 Replies

VS 2010 How To Generate Signals

Apr 16, 2012

I need to make a program that whatever user enters in bits, then corresponding Return-to-zero signal would generate.. how to generate signals.. so would it be possible to make it in VB.NET?

View 8 Replies

VS 2010 : First Generate Random Numbers?

Oct 6, 2010

I have code to save records to my mysql database.But first I want to read what is the last number of record and add 1000 on that? What is the proper way to query that first. I want to make the result at unique ID of my clients. Here is my chunks of codes.

Private Sub addClient_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim conn As MySqlConnection
conn = New MySqlConnection
With conn


View 10 Replies

VS 2010 Generate Sound Sweep?

Feb 24, 2011

I am trying to create a sub that plays a sound sweep from the provided values.The code im using works but it sounds horrbile, hacky crap.... I could go on.

Sub PlaySweep(ByVal min As Integer, ByVal max As Integer, ByVal Duration As Integer)
Dim playtime As Long = Duration / (max - min) 'The Play Time for each frequncy
For i = min To max


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VS 2010 Use The Password To Generate Key Bytes

Jun 4, 2012


I have found the above code on generating passwords but when I converted the whole project it displays 2 warnings that the code was obsolete but when I search google I didnt found any fix for that warning.

View 3 Replies

Can't Generate Reports In Visual Studio 2010

Jun 4, 2011

After downloading crystal reports for VS 2010, the code i used in VS 2008 generates a database login error


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VS 2010 - Generate Random Number Not Working?

Nov 19, 2010

I am trying to create a few random numbers, but cant seem to get it to fire off.
Public Function GetRandom(ByVal Min As Integer, ByVal Max As Integer) As Integer
Static Generator As System.Random = New System.Random()
Return Generator.Next(Min, Max)
End Function
When I call the GetRandom(0,500) and display it out on the page, I don't get anything?

View 5 Replies

Generate Random Number In VB Express 2008,2010?

Apr 20, 2011

How to generate random number in VB express 2008,2010...I want to generate number between 1 and 10.

View 14 Replies

VS 2010 - Generate A CRC16-X25 Checksum In The Form HiByte And LowByte

Apr 12, 2012

I've wanting to generate a CRC16-X25 checksum in the form HiByte and LowByte. All the examples I've found by searching are either VB6 which uses functions and data types that are no longer supported or C, C++ etc. Does anyone have a simple VB.Net version? Speed is not an issue.

View 10 Replies

VS 2010 : Generate A Number/value From The Users Hardware/os Data And Then Use That To Create A Key?

Jan 20, 2012

I am wanting to create a registration algorithm for my applications. I would like to generate a number/value from the users hardware/os data and then use that to create a key.

View 1 Replies

VS 2010 Generate Image Path From Unique Name, What To Do With Invalid Chars

Apr 15, 2010

I'm creating a radio streaming application, which plays a live stream from various radio stations in a small 'gadget' like application.

The user can add his own custom radio stations, by supplying a Name, a StreamUrl and, optionally, an Image that represents a logo or something of that radio station.The logo will be drawn on the main form when that station is selected.

I need to be able to save these custom stations, and I think it makes sense to use an XML file, which could then look something like this

<Name>Radio 1</Name>


Before I added the support for images, this worked fine, how to store the images. I want the user to be able to select any image from his harddrive, but I don't want to force him to keep that image in the same location afterwards. So I can't rely on the path that he selected. Instead, I want to simply load the image from the path he selected, and then save it somewhere else.

I am storing the XML file in the common application data path which I think is a good place for the images too.The problem is, how to determine a name for the images? I will always have just one image per custom radio station, so it makes sense to me to simply have one Images folder that holds all images, with a unique name.I can see two solutions:

1. Generate a random filename for every image

2. Use the Name of the radio station as the image name

For option 1, I suppose I could just create a string of 16 random characters and call that the filename. The problem of course is that there is no guarantee that I will get a unique filename. Yes, the chances of generating the same name twice randomly are very tiny, but it's still possible, and I just don't like that. How can I ensure that my random filename is unique? I suppose I could always drop the whole thing in a While loop that continues when the new filename already exists, but there must be a better way... Is there nothing in the framework that allows me to generate a unique random filename, in a directory of my choice (so not in the Temp directory...)

I like option 2 much better. The Name of a radio station is unique (there can't be two stations with the same name), so I don't have to worry about filenames conflicting. The problem with this approach is that there are no restrictions on the name. There's nothing stopping the user from naming their custom station "Radio~/aij!""_.fe" or something like that, which is obviously not a valid filename... So, I will have to do 'something' to generate a valid filename from the station name. I could simply remove all non-valid path characters from the name, but then I am no longer guaranteed a unique filename... Suppose there's two stations, one called "Radio/1" and one "Radio1", then after removing the invalid "/" character, the names will be the same and so I will generate the same image path for both....

View 8 Replies

VS 2010 - Make A Program That Generate 3 Codes To A Word Document And Adding A Prefix

Oct 2, 2010

I want to make a program that generate 3 codes to a word document and adding a prefix before each code

TextBox1.Text = 355855026164242
TextBox2.Text = 40324003
TextBox3.Text = 58458844

Want these codes to go to document like this:

View 5 Replies

VS 2010 System.Security.Cryptography - Generate An HTPASSWD File For Server To Secure A Directory

Apr 10, 2012

i wanna generate an HTPASSWD file for my Server to secure a directory. For Crypt im using DesEncrypt Method , here is my Code :


View 4 Replies

Generate A "internal Compile Error" In VB 2010 Beta 2?

Nov 9, 2009

This piece of code generate a "internal compile error" in VB 2010 beta 2. Is the begin of a ODBC program test using a MySQL database. Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection = New ADODB.Connection("DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};" &
"SERVER=localhost;" &
" DATABASE=dbmysql1;" &
"UID=root;PWD=ranger; OPTION=3")
End Sub
End Class

View 2 Replies

Asp.net - Generate The API Of Site?

Apr 15, 2011

How to generate the API of my Site ... www.volvobusesindia.com so that i can provide my site API to agents so that cthey can vbook tickets using our API ?

i want the bus booking search box appear in the site will be displayed in others website ?

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Automatically Generate A Key?

Feb 1, 2012

I am writing an encryption application that requires a 64 bit key. I am currently using the following code to automatically generate a key.

Function GenerateKey() As String
' Create an instance of a symmetric algorithm. The key and the IV are generated automatically.
Dim desCrypto As DESCryptoServiceProvider = DESCryptoServiceProvider.Create()


I am wanting the user to create their own key. Can I convert a user defined password (a string) into a 64 bit key that can be used?

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Generate A Tone In .net?

Nov 20, 2009

I want to build a kind of a tone generator to tune my Ukulele (NERD allert, sorry for that).I know there are enough tone generators available but since a Ukulele has only 4 strings and not in the same order and tone as a regular guitar, they won't help me. My objective; to build a small VB.NET form with four buttons and every button will generate a specific tone.I've already tried Console.Beep etc [URL] but all I hear; no beep.As seen on the page at this link: QuoteThe Beep method is not supported on the 64-bit editions of Windows Vista and Windows XP.As far as I know, I'm not running a 64-bit Windows Vista, however, I'm running on a 64-bit processor.

I've tried Google (one of my best friends, but we seem te be in a separation?) but all I can find are examples in C# (since it is about music, C# is a regular tone, however I don't know anything about C# as a programmers language...) and the examples there are in VB.NET are about extreme big applications like digital piano's etc.

View 14 Replies

Generate A Unique ID?

May 12, 2006

I want to generate a unique ID in VB.NET that starts with ASXXXXX where XXXX represents a number. The number has to start in an orderly fashion. This ID will then be stored in a SQL Server express table.

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Generate Images On The Fly In ASP.NET?

Apr 8, 2009

how can generate (and display) images on the fly for simple charting, resizing etc?

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Generate MD5 And SHA1?

May 26, 2011

I'm using the below function to generate an MD5SH1 hash for SQL backup files.This works well, has progress report etc but is slow if using large files.

Could I generate the MD5 at the same time as SH1 rather than having to process the file twice, doubling the time taken? What about converting an MD5 result to SHA1?

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Text


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Generate Reports In VB?

Sep 20, 2010

I am a beginner in VB.NET. I have made a small project and now i would like to make some reports to complete the project.

how i can work with reports in VB.NET. I want to retrieve data from SQL Server 2000 using Stored Procedures and generate a report in VB.NET.

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Generate Sample XML From XSD

Jun 3, 2009

Is it possible to generate the sample xml(Used as Request xml for web service)from the xsd using vbscript code?

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How To Generate A Pdf File

Aug 24, 2009

i would like to generate a very simple report with some images and text and i am wondering if there is a way to generate a pdf file with vb.net?

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How To Generate A Sequence

Jan 25, 2010

I'm very dumb in vb.net or any .net languages. Actually while I was creating a package using SQL Server Integration Services, I had a problem. This problem can be solved using VB.net script.

Here is my scenario
I've a database table like this
ColA ColB ColC


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How To Generate Matrix

Oct 23, 2009

I want to generate a matrix (7,4) with this output: (7lines and 4 columns) that has this structure(with this values)Column A1 and row B1 has 2 values (1 8 ), column A2 has 2 values (2 7 value in column A2) , column A3 has 3 6 value column A4 and row B1 has 4 5 value. And so on.How I can generate this matrix: [code] So my question is which condition to put to generate this matrix of this form.A cell A1,B1 contains two values (1 and 8 for example in cell B1).

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