VS 2010 Log File Behaving Oddly?

Sep 2, 2011

I made some changes to our log file since it was giving errors about being in use. Now it's chopping up the log file or not logging at all and its not usable.This is what the log looks like:

> vice(IndexInformation indexFileInfo,
> StringBuilder[] Keys) in
> D:WORKSOURCEVS2005DLLsDataLayerDataLayerDataHandlerDataHandler.vb:line
> 2646 at


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Game Programming :: Direct 3d VB.Net - Faces Rendering Oddly?

Apr 1, 2010

I'm having some odd issues with rendering a standard model, the official DX .X model viewer see's it fine but my renderer has some odd face issues.The only thing I could find in searches was to have ZBuffer enabled and I double checked to make sure it was.I'm just using the standard model render style like so:

For i As Integer = 0 To Materials.Length - 1
If Not Textures(i) Is System.DBNull.Value Then


EDIT: Also here is the source code so you can get the complete picture:

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Progress Bar Not Behaving Correctly?

Feb 10, 2012

I am using VB 2010. I have a process that gets file names into an array and then processes each individual file. To know the progress of the process as a whole I added a progress bar. I init the Max property with the number of elements in the array, set Value to 0 to clear the progress bar and then I start processing each file. Processing takes a minimum of about 5 to 7 seconds, so I should be able to see the progress.

The problem is that the progress bar does not correctly visually represent the advance of the overall process. For testing reasons I am using 4 files. When the first file is done, the progress bar is empty. When the second file is done the progress bar is filled 25%. When 3 files are done it is filled 50%. When all files are done it fills to 75% then immediately jumps to 100% filled.

The kicker is that when I uncomment the messagebox statement shown in the code example it works just fine! I added the DoEvents() then the .Refresh call, but there was no change in behavior. I left the .Refresh commented since I believe that it is redundant with the DoEvents call. I think it might be a timing issue where the progressbar does not attempt to update until after the .Refresh/DoEvents() statement, by which time is now processing the next file.

Code follows:

'Get the file specs into array.
'Set up the progress bar.
progressBar.Maximum = strArrayOfFiles.Length()


I built the project into an EXE and ran it under Win 7 and Win XP. It works right under XP, but continues to show the above described behavior when it runs under Win 7.

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Automated Outlook Behaving Strange?

May 23, 2011

I�m using Outlook to automatically send an email to my mobile phone. To bypass the stupid "security" bug in outlook I use redemption.safemailitem.Now, this has worked for years, but for some reason I can�t change the adress to which outlook sends the mail. Instead of sending to the adress in the code, it sends to an old adress that�s not anywhere in the code (but it was, ages ago)

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IDE :: SetSystemCursor Win32 API Not Behaving Correctly?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a requirement of changing the cursor from normal arrow to hourglass in my application. I am using the SetSystemCursor Win32 API to do so. But, it does not seem to be behaving correctly. Below is the sample code that I developed to demonstrate the problem -

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module Module1
Sub Main()


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.NET Calendare (DateTimePicker) Control Behaving Strangely?

Nov 19, 2008

I am having the following problem, when the user wants to use the DateTimePicker (DTP), the date box shows in the middle of the screen. Then if the user wants to select a date he cant, instead the date box goes away and the DTP value remains unchanged. This is not always happening, sometimes it works fine and sometimes this happens.Please go to the link below for an image (you can see that the DTP control is on the left while the date box is to the right):[URL].. application is being run from a server to a local client on the user machine, I dont know if this has anything to do with it.

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Custom Watermarked Textbox Behaving Strangely

Mar 18, 2009

I have refactored the C# CodeProject version into a VB.NET version that works for me.[code]I am building a kiosk application, and in order to keep it aesthetically pleasing I decided to implement a watermarked textbox as the entry fields.I found this project on CodeProject, converted it over to VB.NET and put it into my application.It works, in the sense that it watermarks and clears them just fine, but when I go to enter text this happens:[code]

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Vb Code For Monty Hall Not Behaving In The Desired Way?

Apr 2, 2010

I have written a vb code for the Monte Hall Problem(in my case I have used the example of 3 cards - one of the card is red and 2 are black, you have to choose red to win) But I am not getting the desired results as expected.

Could someone point out my mistakes or advice me where I have gone wrong in my code.I have attached my vb code with this thread.


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VS 2008 FileSystemWatcher And Windows Service Behaving Not As Intended

Oct 11, 2010

Ok for some reason I am having multiple problems with this code. The first issue is that one of the lines of code is seemingly ignored. Another issue is that some of the events are firing many times when they are only supposed to fire once. I have attached my code.

By the way, the string stored in AppSettings("WatchPath") in this case is C:Temp

Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Class Service1


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VS 2005 UserControl Button Not Behaving As A Button In A Windows Form

Sep 3, 2011

I have created a button in a UserControl. I have added that button to a WindowsForm in another app and added a buttonclick event to the code. When running (debugging) the app and clicking on the button; nothing happens. It doesn't act like a button at all.

The code for the button click event in my test app is as follows:

Private Sub Element1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Element1.Click
MsgBox("The button has been clicked")
End Sub

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UserControl Button Not Behaving As A Button In A Windows Form?

Sep 3, 2011

I have created a button in a UserControl. I have added that button to a WindowsForm in another app and added a buttonclick event to the code. When running (debugging) the app and clicking on the button; nothing happens. It doesn't act like a button at all.

The code for the button click event in my test app is as follows:


Private Sub Element1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Element1.Click
MsgBox("The button has been clicked")
End Sub

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UserControl Button Not Behaving As A Button?

Sep 2, 2011

I have created a button in a UserControl. I have added that button to a WindowsForm in another app and added a buttonclick event to the code. When running (debugging) the app and clicking on the button; nothing happens. It doesn't act like a button at all.

The code for the button click event in my test app is as follows:

Private Sub Element1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Element1.Click
MsgBox("The button has been clicked")
End Sub

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Create Package And Deployment (setup File Or Install File) File In VB 2010 Project?

Jan 8, 2011

I do one project in visual basic 2010.In visual basic 6 project can be make Package and deployment (setup file or install file) file using Package and deployment wizard.But in visual basic 2010 express edition does not have Package and deployment wizard.how to make Package and deployment (setup file or install file) file in visual basic 2010 project?

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File I/O And Registry :: Text File Tab Delimited Import Visual Studio 2010?

Nov 28, 2010

trying to input a text file that's tab delimited that looks something like this.

2.2 5.6
3.7 9
1.2 9.1


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File I/O And Registry :: VB 2010 Formatting Data In Text File?

May 4, 2012

1 List all of the data from Teams.txt in a Listbox. Include suitable headings.

2 List all of the data from Results.txt in the Listbox (use the same Listbox as in 1 above).Include suitable headings. Note that you cannot assume that the file contains onlyresults for the first 3 weeks of the season. Your program should be able to process a results file with more or fewer results.

3 List all of the data from Results.txt in the Listbox. However, in this case the actual team names should be output (your program will need to get this data from Teams.txt. The data should be formatted so that it is aligned correctly. Include suitable headings.

The output might look as follows:

Home Team Away Team Home Team Goals Away Team Goals
Bunbury Braves Nedlands Nodders 5 2

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Text A File To Excel 2010 With 2010

Jul 19, 2011

with VB.net 2010, i would like to export a text file (with ; separator and variable length lines) to excel 2010

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VS 2010 - Open The File VB 2010 On VB 2008?

Nov 27, 2010

When i try to open the file in Visual Basics 2008 it says: "The selected file is a solution file, but was created by a newer version of this application and cannot be opened"

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VS 2010 - Archive A File Based On File Size?

May 4, 2010

I'm working on a school project right now and I have everything fine except this one part of the project: "The audit and errorevent logs should be archived if they are larger than 5K and up you need to keep up to 3 copies of the files." I know how to read and write text files just fine, so I don't need help with that. What I don't know is how to archive a file based on file size, or how to keep up to 3 copies of the files?

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VS 2010 Open File Dialog Get Select File Name?

Jun 18, 2011

im making a simple program that will copy a single file. im trying to get the name of the file that i selected in the open file dialog but i get the location and file name (C:Users****Documents est est.txt) im trying to just get (test.txt)

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VS 2010 View Pdf File From Resource Or Added File?

Oct 4, 2010

I'm trying to use a .pdf file I've added to my project but can't figure out how to get it to show using the webbrowser control. Here is what I'm using to call it:

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VS 2010 Combine A Picture File With An MP3 File?

Oct 9, 2010

Is there a way in VB to create a video with an mp3 file and a picture file?

Input picture file Input mp3 file

Output mp4 video (mp3 file, picture as overlay)

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VS 2010 Read File And Write To New File?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a problem and hope someone have idea to rsolve it. I have a file and inside the file the format is like that :

123.567 456.789 12.345 223 223 221 223
123.555 456.788 12.344 223 223 221 222
123.456 345.678 456.234 445 445 445 445

total line is 3456789903. I want use vb console application to read the line and every 130000 line create a new output file.

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VS 2010 Excel Method Find In VB2010 - Convert Excel Macro In A Exe File Using Visual Studio 2010

Oct 25, 2010

I decided to to convert my excel macro in a exe file using visual studio 2010. In excel macro method find is present like this:


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VS 2010 Coping A File In VB 2010?

Mar 13, 2012

im having problems copying a file to another folder and replacing the original im trying to copy a dll to another folder but it says you can do this because the file already exists in this folder how can i do it so it will replace the original

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VS 2010 Txt File To Db?

Jun 23, 2011

So, I've got three files that are auto-generated XML reponses that I need to import into my database but I'm having some serious issues with thinking this one through and then coding it (I haven't coded in quite some time). The database is an Access accdb file with table tbl_ext and fields e_FN, e_LN, e_EXT, E_LOC.I need to do the following during each routine.1) Erase all current records in the table.2) Scan each of the three files (format of the files below), pulling out the First Name (e_FN), Last Name (e_LN), Extension (e_EXT), and Location (e_LOC), for each "record" in the response file.What would the most efficient way to do this, be? As I said, I need coding help in the extreme here.An example of the file would be:

<response method="switchvox.extensions.search">
<extensions page_number="1" total_pages="1" items_per_page="500" total_items="3">


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VS 2010 - VB Using A VC File?

Jan 5, 2011

I am using VB for our entire company. Recently, we have had a need to dial into a VT220 to retrieve information from our customers. We are using ZOC terminal and it has a .dll for Visual C that lets us automate ZOC without needing a human interfacing with it.

Does anyone know anyway for a VB application to run a VC file? I highly doubt it and no one here has ever tried something like this, nor have I ever heard of anyone try this before. Just trying to see if this is even possible and if so - how...

Limitation: -We cannot restructure our company using VC (way too large)

Reason: -We import data on a daily basis but do not want to have to have someone remember everyday to run ZOC. In addition, our imports are done before anyone is in house.

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VS 2010 File To An EXE?

May 22, 2010

I want to have a button where if i click it c:program filesinfinity softwareaerocrash appplayervlc.exe will open the file c:program filesinfinity softwareaerocrash appseason 11.mpack. I know shell execute can do it but i dont know how, im a newbie so please explain properly

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VS 2010 Run App From Xml File?

Jan 1, 2011

i will explane more about it: Its continued from the thread [URL]..So here i need help about to start the GameServer1 2 3 and to write in Label2 message if the program closes

Example:GameServer1 closes In Label2 write message : GameServer 1 crashed , reopened after %seconds Here %seconds are the seconds from the .xml file in Time = the same goes for GameServer2 and GameServer3

And the last thing left is to start the links by the buttons
Button3 (will start GameServer1 Path , Name , Port that are from the config file)
Button4 (will start GameServer2 Path,Name,Port that are from the config file)
Button5 (will start GameServer 3 Path,Name,Port that are from the config file)

For more easy way to help you to understand what i need i will upload my source code so you can take a look and help me made it[URL]...

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VS 2010 Using File?

Sep 5, 2011

I've created a help file to a program, and to test it, I've put it in BinDebug directory. It worked fine, and now I have to publish the program into a server, but it seems that the help file isn't running for the user.I'm using HelpProviders and Application.StartupPath & "help.chm" to access it. Oh, and I selected "The application is available offline as well (launchable from Start Menu)" option in Install Mode And Settings.What a I have to do to make it work? Do I have to put the help file into BinRelease?

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2010 Write INI File

Apr 15, 2012

I'm trying to write data to an INI file, I've got some code to read it: url...I've tried to modify this code to get it to be able to write to INI files, but I haven't had much success.I know there are DLL's designed for this, but I would like to have my application so it can be distributed as a single EXE.Also, I know there is My.Settings, but I cannot use this, as this INI file is used by another application, that I have not developed.
So, I was wondering if anyone could help me modify this code to write to an INI file, something like WriteIniValue(IniPath, Section, Item, Value)

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