I'm working on a school project right now and I have everything fine except this one part of the project: "The audit and errorevent logs should be archived if they are larger than 5K and up you need to keep up to 3 copies of the files." I know how to read and write text files just fine, so I don't need help with that. What I don't know is how to archive a file based on file size, or how to keep up to 3 copies of the files?
I have a question regarding multiple page printing. I know that it has to do with e.HasMorePages. I know that there has to be a condition that sets that flag to true and back to false or you get caught in a never ending print page loop. However, I have no idea where in my simple little print block here to implement that. As you can see I'm just printing a readline. Sometimes the file extends past a single page though depending on circumstances.
Dim strReader As StreamReader strReader = File.OpenText("auditlog.txt") Dim x As Integer = 10 Dim y As Integer = 10 Do While strReader.Peek <> -1 e.Graphics.DrawString(strReader.ReadLine, New Font("Times New Roman", _ 10, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, x, y) y += 12 Loop
I'm using jmcilhinney's library (found here), with a few modifications to make it compatible with VB.NET 2008. Using this forum's search feature, I see that it has been noted that SharpZipLib does support adding files to existing archives, but jmcilhinney's library does not implement this feature, and I have no idea where to start in writing my own method.
how would I copy files into a jar, as well as delete folders from that jar. Would I have to decompile it then recompile it? Would sharpziplib do the trick?
My requirement is to create a XML file based on an XSD. The source data for this file will be coming from a database. For the purposes of this test, I am trying to manually assign the values.
My program utilizes various images of different sizes. I want to organize these images so that they all fit into a predetermined space without resizing any of them. They need to be organized in such a way to use as much of the predetermined space as possible. I guess it would be like organizing photos in one of those old photo albums (with the translucent, mildly adhesive, peel-back plastic sheet that held the photos in place) so that you could get as many photos on a page as possible. Or you could think of it sort of like Tetris? Except all the pieces are rectangles.
I assume I would use a recursive function to loop through all the images to find out if they fit or not, then returning the best outcome? I tried searching for code samples but searching for Organizing Images or Organizing Shapes gives less than desirable results.
How exactly do you copy the content of a .rar/.zip file (from your resources) to an archive in the computer? (.jar - Java Archive)I mean without deleting existing data on the .jar file already. I use this code currently.The TestArchive is a .zip file, and when I press the button, it extracts the content of TestArchive to the .jar arhive, but deletes everything that was already inside the .jar archive.[code]...
Is there a limitation to the size of program that you can create in VB 2010 express? I ask because I am writing a program that asks a user for input, then checks that input to a list of possibilities in case statements.My code is a little over 5000 lines.
I have code a sample program. and protect it with Xenocode,It's weird That I can't get the real filesize of the protected file.the code I use to detect filename and filesize is below:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim fileDetail As IO.FileInfo fileDetail = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) MsgBox(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location) MsgBox(fileDetail.Length) End Sub
When it startup. It does not show the correct file size "359,833"of this exe instead of a smaller value."20480". Even I define filepath to a real path such as "C:WindowsApplication3.exe" and detect C:WindowsApplication3.exe,'s file size it shows 20480 too. seems something wrong with file.length method. With Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly() also return false value of file length.
I have a ftp download in a background session that updates to a progressbar, file download takes about 2 minutes and it works great, gives me the length that has been downloaded, total size, and the bytes remaining.I thought it would be cool to have the speed show as well but not sure I have all the info to work with, or how exactly to do it. This is my loop, and what I do have works fine just want to have the speed show as well if possible:[code]
i am very new to VB and have been trying to make a hangman game. I was wandering if there is a way to add multiple label boxes to a form based on the size of an array. For example a user inputs the word h-e-l-l-o in a input box that word is then split and put into an array(arrword) then i want the main form to appear with 5 label boxes each one containing a letter that from the array(arrword)
The object is to load an image into a picturebox, then save a new copy of the image in a different location, but with the height and width of the image box not the original file's height and width but I can't figure it out. I've got the loading and saving working no problem but getting it to adopt the new size is stumping me, it just keeps saving with the original file's size properties
im toying with an idea based round having controls end user movable at runtime, and having a function to save the current position/location of all the controls, so then i can skip through presets i already made as it were. Ill be using .ini files eventually (just testing with txt files to check it was a valid aproach) I can get all the info i need into the txt file, the problem is how to read it back into the app?
I am trying to code a delete button for a browsing program based on data from a txt file. I have coded the buttons to sort(ascending and descending), append to the text file, search the text file, but I can not seem to get the delete function working. I am using VB 2010, this is what I have so far:
Code: Dim deleline As String Dim line As String Dim isFound As Boolean = False sr4 = IO.File.OpenText("Students.txt")
Alright here's my situation: I have a form. This is a very small form that can be moved with the mouse (formborderstyle=none). The transparencyKey is 0,0,1. The form back color is 0,0,1. There is a label on the form. I drag files to this label(its backcolor is black[0,0,0]). What I want is for the filesize to be checked. I already have the uploading to ftpcode, I just want to know if the file is above my limit I set. (250mb per file)
I like to compress the xmldata before the data is provided to the client as an excel file. I am trying to compress and deliver it as a .zip file. its not working Here's my code below. I tried compressing it, converting it to bytes etc etc. The issue with below code is, the XSL transformation is not happening properly and the output excel file is raw xml with some .net exception at the end. (that's what I see on the .xls file that's downloaded at the end) Before I started working on compression my below code was working fine that gives properly formatted excel file from the xml input. the excel file is so nice you can't even tell it was from XML.
I will have a directory of files (IFO, BUP, and VOB; DVD files for anyone who cares), I need to find the first one by sorting these like this: Filter out everything that does not have a .VOB in it, then find the one like this VTS_**_1.VOB. It will always have a "1" before the extension, but the two numbers before that change, lastly I need that file returned as a variable.
Encoding of the text file: UTF8 (so each character is represented by different numbers of bytes).
Collation: UnicodeCI (when several characters are essentially the same, the most popular version will be the one unique.). I think I know how to handle t his one.
Because each character is represented by different numbers of bytes and each line has different numbers of characters, the number of bytes in each line also vary.
I suppose we have to compute hash for each line. We also need to store buffers location where the line each. Then we have to compare buffers. Then we will check whether the same line shows up or not.
Okay here's what I'm trying to do. I want to change the font size of a label based on the size of the form.If the form size is 0 through let's say 500 I want the label size to be 50. How can I write this?
I'm working on a personal project and so far everything is going perfect. Almost. I have a problem with getting music file info based off of its file path. I.e. "
C:UsersUSERetc." The only things I would need from y'all would be how to get the song's Artist(s) and Name (maybe there's something similar to 'AxWindowsMediaPlayer.currentMedia.getitemInfo("Information")' without actually having to play the song?
After I get this information, I would like to know how to add it to a ListBox as this: "[Artist] - [Song Name]", but I can do the text part if I know the getting-the-information part and adding-the-info-to-listbox part.
Recursive File Copy based on file extension. I have a single root folder that contains numerous folders that contain a few files that I want to extract. For this example, lets state that I want to copy all �txt� extensions and put them into a repository folder.
I was using the following code to check the file size of a data file on my local machine. Now the data files have been moved to a mapped network drive and this code no longer works. What do I need to change or how do I access file size on a mapped drive?
Dim MyFile As New FileInfo(MyFilePath) Dim FileSize As Long = MyFile.Length
I have a text file coming out of access that I want to ftp to a server but before it gets ftp'd I want to automatically rename the file based on the characters at position 115-119, ie the file will be renamed from 'output.txt' to 'FP002'.