VS 2010 Add Multiple Label Boxes To A Form Based On The Size Of An Array?
Jun 4, 2012
i am very new to VB and have been trying to make a hangman game. I was wandering if there is a way to add multiple label boxes to a form based on the size of an array. For example a user inputs the word h-e-l-l-o in a input box that word is then split and put into an array(arrword) then i want the main form to appear with 5 label boxes each one containing a letter that from the array(arrword)
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Jun 17, 2012
In VB10/win forms project, when I change the forms font size the form and all the controls on the form get larger or smaller, OK great! The problem is the combo boxes then appear with their text highlighted. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong, simple example..
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Mar 11, 2010
I tried to change the size of a label from 2 text boxes, but doesn't work. Here is my code:
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
y = TextBox2.Text
x = TextBox3.Text
Form2.Label1.Size = New Size(y, x)
End Sub
textbox2 is width and textbox3 is height. It doesn't change and I don't know why.
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Jul 25, 2011
Is there a better way to make a form with multiple buttons opening different things than having a form that has lots group boxes for each tab. So in the begining each box will be invisible and when you click the button the corresponding group box will become visible. Is there any other way?It will be like a background image and it'll have buttons that will mask it with invisible buttons. when the button is clicked it will open the corresponding group box.
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Jun 23, 2011
Okay here's what I'm trying to do. I want to change the font size of a label based on the size of the form.If the form size is 0 through let's say 500 I want the label size to be 50. How can I write this?
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May 2, 2010
I have a question regarding multiple page printing. I know that it has to do with e.HasMorePages. I know that there has to be a condition that sets that flag to true and back to false or you get caught in a never ending print page loop. However, I have no idea where in my simple little print block here to implement that. As you can see I'm just printing a readline. Sometimes the file extends past a single page though depending on circumstances.
Dim strReader As StreamReader
strReader = File.OpenText("auditlog.txt")
Dim x As Integer = 10
Dim y As Integer = 10
Do While strReader.Peek <> -1
e.Graphics.DrawString(strReader.ReadLine, New Font("Times New Roman", _
10, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, x, y)
y += 12
View 5 Replies
Jul 6, 2010
I'm wondering how do i create a User Interface that scale automatically based on the form size that the user desired.For example, we can see it in most of the modern browsers. The UI scale (larger or smaller) automatically based on the form size (try Chrome or Opera)
View 11 Replies
Jun 22, 2012
My program utilizes various images of different sizes. I want to organize these images so that they all fit into a predetermined space without resizing any of them. They need to be organized in such a way to use as much of the predetermined space as possible. I guess it would be like organizing photos in one of those old photo albums (with the translucent, mildly adhesive, peel-back plastic sheet that held the photos in place) so that you could get as many photos on a page as possible. Or you could think of it sort of like Tetris? Except all the pieces are rectangles.
I assume I would use a recursive function to loop through all the images to find out if they fit or not, then returning the best outcome? I tried searching for code samples but searching for Organizing Images or Organizing Shapes gives less than desirable results.
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Mar 7, 2010
i have a button in my form which increases the font size of the form by 1. [Code] now when i increase the font size, after increasing by 3 the size of text boxes starts decreasing. this is how the form looks after size+5, when i open the form, the tabpage resize event is called 3 times.
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Aug 10, 2011
In a piece of code I am writing I am trying to change the text of a label in my form based on a timer. I have MANY other labels that are all updating in their own subs and when I try to add any new labels(in any sub) to update it wont. I am using Label.Text = counter where counter is a string that is changing. I have tried refreshing the form, Label.refresh() Label1.Update()....The only thing I think it could be is that the redraw is being held up by other calculations on the cpu. How can I make the label text change and update properly?
View 1 Replies
Jun 11, 2011
I want to change the font size of a label during rntime in visual basic 2010 .net I have tried to change the size property of the font but it says its a read only property :
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Feb 25, 2012
form1 have four buttons, i want to set a label text in form2 according to which of the button on form1 is clicked.below is what i tried so far.on form1 each of the button click event i made it focus
Private Sub Answerbtn3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Answerbtn3.Click
and on form 2 load event i have
Private Sub FinalAnswer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Main1.Answerbtn1.Focus Then
Label2.Text = "You choosed option '
the above code displays only the first condition ("You choosed option 'A'"") on the label when any of the button is clicked?
View 4 Replies
Mar 1, 2012
I'm looking for help resizing a label's size and its font size based on its window size.That's to say when a window resizes, the label itself adjusts it font and background box to do the same.I know I'm triggering something on the Resize event of the form, but I don't know what.
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Oct 22, 2010
I have a form on with I have a label inside a panel, with a button I can open a fontdialog and change the font of the label (inside the panel). The font (name and size) I also display in 2 textboxes. This works as far. But I also want to display in a different label (so not the same as the label inside the panel) which fontstyle is selected (at this point when I select bold, the number 1 is displayed in the label, but I want to the word Bold displayed. Also I found out that when I make the fontsize smaller, the label inside the panel isn't align in the middle of the panel.
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Dec 1, 2010
The form has First Name, Last Name, Course and Email text box fields. First/Last Name must have no spaces, Course must consist of a three letters and two numbers in that order and nothing else(I want to avoid the use of masked text box), and Email must have the "@" sign and a dot. How would one make it so after clicking, say, Submit button and if there was a violation of any of the above rules then message box should pop up and tell the user which fields contain incorrect information.
Private Sub buttonAddNewStudent_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles buttonAddNewStudent.Click
'validation must be performed before the corresponding text box items will be placed inside an array
View 14 Replies
Jan 6, 2012
My screen tends to seize for a few seconds while the list boxes are populated.I moved the call to the List Populate procedure to the form's shown event.This improved the performance slightly but not enough.Is there a method whereby I can ensure the form is fully loaded and displayed before the lists are populated?
View 6 Replies
Jul 23, 2011
I have written a code and tried linking up groupboxes from my input form called input.vb and the output form called results.vb.
I have used the above codes to access groupboxes from both forms. However, at run time I get errors saying "InvalidCastException was unhandled" and below that it says "Conversion from string to DOuble is not valid". This error points to a value in a group box that is actually hidden or disabled.
View 9 Replies
Mar 6, 2011
so i have this data grid, which i wanna search , base on specific criteria from two or more text boxes; eg a user wants to search employees from karachi, so they enter karachi in the first text box. now they want to search employees from karachi whose status is permanent, so they enter permanent in the second text box, and the data grid shows employees from karachi whose status is permanent.
For search from ONE text box, i have used the following code :
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
If TextBox1.Enabled = True Then
im no champ at vb, i just started some 7 days ago for my computer project, so ill really need to be spoon fed the details :|
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Apr 10, 2011
I have three Columns of text boxes and I need each column to be added up and displayed in a text box directly below each column with out using a button. The program is a cash counter I already have the code done for multiplying, for example txt1.text = txt2.text * 0.01 (not the exact code) anyway the totals from these is displayed in the columns I was speaking of. I tried the same method I used for multipling but that doesn't work.
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Jan 27, 2012
how i can make this code shorter:
Dim reminderday As Integer = 13
Select Case reminderday
Case 1
Maybe i should to somehow make an array list of all 30 Picture boxes?
View 3 Replies
May 3, 2009
I have a label which appears full screen on a projector (VGA 2). In this label I will be sending strings. Some one liner's, some wrapped paragraphs. Some multi-line with carrage returns. My goal is to have the font dynamically change size to be as large as possible without overflowing the fixed label size.
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Nov 18, 2010
I made a form with text boxes in a 6x6 square pattern. It will do a streamreader from a text file a number that indicates the size of the array. Then fill in the boxes with the numbers of the array. Then it will calculate the rows and columns to see if they add up to a single answer. Then it will display to an output window if it is a magic square or not. Meaning if all rows and columns add up to a single number its magic. If they dont add up to the same number then its not magic. Then it will repeat this check and output from the information of the other arrays from the text file.
I know how to code for the streamreader and get it to add the rows and columns. Im not sure about what code I need so it can check the answer if its magic or not and repeat it till the end.
Here are the contents of my text file which it will read from.
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Dec 18, 2009
I have 81 text boxes on a form and would like to create a text array in code that will equate to these boxes on the form. Once I've assigned each text box from the form to the array entry, I'd just like to work with the array - then have the actual text boxes on the form reflect the changes made to the array.
View 4 Replies
Oct 2, 2011
I want to pull information from an array and place it into a chart of text boxes on the form. I have used a control array before but this time I want to create a dwo dimension control array. My guessing is not working... The display will be 10 x 10?
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Feb 4, 2007
I have been using vb6 for a while, I am following a tutorial by MS to develop a basic application and a simple task cannot be completed for whatever reasons! The tutorial asks to drag the label object from the toolbox and drop in the tab control container. Then, go to the label size property and adjust the size to some different dimansion. Basic stuff, right? It won't let me do it! After I enter the new dimensions (which by the way are not large or very small), the label size (both width and height) resets back to its original dimensions! I have the vb.net sp1 installed.
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May 23, 2012
I'm building some web service application based on wsdl schema. I don't know how to create array based on this schema. Array should collect data from Form where textboxes are bound to db table where they are stored as:
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Mar 8, 2010
am a undergraduate student from malaysia have some problem in my project i want to add the marks of five subjects in one label named total marks, and that will display total marks when subjects are selected from database i.e.
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Aug 13, 2010
I'm trying to lern VS 2010 from VB 6 and one of the things i'm hawing a problem whid is control array.In vb 6 if you create a text box it's named "Text1" and if you yust copy it and paste it it renames to "Text1(0)" and the new one's name is "Text1(0)" and the code would lock like this
then it would print for each loop the random result in one of the text boxes corresponding to i.
How do i do this in VS 2010?
View 39 Replies
Aug 1, 2011
I think I have created a label array, the labels are not there when the form loads they are created as a result of another event. I want to create a subroutine that executes when one of these labels is clicked but VB doesn't seem to like lblEventArray(1)_Click so
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Feb 8, 2012
I'm trying to implement Bandwidth Total calculation into my little desktop monitoring program using 2 *.txt files. Everything else is working great except for the writing/reading part of it. I had put this together originally without the intention of bandwidth monitoring, but I've decided it would be a good thing to have.I want to have 2 monitoring types: Windows Session Bandwidth Total & All-Time Bandwidth Total (since the program was 1st run on the machine). The counter is on a Timer (2nd of 2), and I want it to write and add the label values each second into the file, then when Form3 is opened, to read the text file and show the results.
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