Array - Form With Text Boxes In A 6x6 Square Pattern - Add The Rows And Columns ?

Nov 18, 2010

I made a form with text boxes in a 6x6 square pattern. It will do a streamreader from a text file a number that indicates the size of the array. Then fill in the boxes with the numbers of the array. Then it will calculate the rows and columns to see if they add up to a single answer. Then it will display to an output window if it is a magic square or not. Meaning if all rows and columns add up to a single number its magic. If they dont add up to the same number then its not magic. Then it will repeat this check and output from the information of the other arrays from the text file.

I know how to code for the streamreader and get it to add the rows and columns. Im not sure about what code I need so it can check the answer if its magic or not and repeat it till the end.

Here are the contents of my text file which it will read from.


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Create Array Of Textboxes In Code That Equate To Text Boxes On Form?

Dec 18, 2009

I have 81 text boxes on a form and would like to create a text array in code that will equate to these boxes on the form. Once I've assigned each text box from the form to the array entry, I'd just like to work with the array - then have the actual text boxes on the form reflect the changes made to the array.

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Pull Information From An Array And Place It Into A Chart Of Text Boxes On The Form?

Oct 2, 2011

I want to pull information from an array and place it into a chart of text boxes on the form. I have used a control array before but this time I want to create a dwo dimension control array. My guessing is not working... The display will be 10 x 10?

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Sum Rows And Columns In MultiDimensional Array

Dec 12, 2010

I am trying to create a console application that computes the row and column sum and prints the elements with the resulting sums for each row and column.[code]My column sum code is currently showing the row sums.and the rowsum code is showing a continuous sum, rather than a sum for just that row.

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Move Info From Text Boxes On One Form To Binding Source Text Boxes On Another Form?

May 8, 2009

how to move info from text boxes on one form to binding source text boxes on another form. I am displaying array info in text boxes on one form and i need to add them to the database on another form. How do I do that?

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Create An Interface Using Two-dimensional Array With 4 Rows, 5 Columns

Nov 3, 2011

I need to build an interface that allows the user to select a horse from a list. The horses are as follows: horse1, horse2, horse3 and horse4. The application should display the way the horse places with a 1 means the horse won, 2 indicates second place , 3 indicates third and 0 indicates the horse did not place. Application needs to display a summary of each horse's individual performance as well as the performances of the other horses. Table for keeping track of each horse is as follows:

5 races-how each placed
1 2 3 4 5
horse1 0 1 0 3 2


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Homework - Declare A Two Dimensional Array With 5 Rows And 3 Columns

Nov 2, 2010

I've been taking a class on it this semester and am starting to get very confused and behind. I've been pretty stuck on my hwk assignment for this week and was wondering if anyone could possibly hint at what I'm doing wrong or if I'm just completely way off. The whole rows and columns in arrays seems to be throwing me off now. Also, sorry if this is not the right place to post something like this I was not sure which section this fit under.


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VS 2008 Create The Form With A Button And Two Text Boxes - Move Text Between The Two Boxes

Oct 7, 2010

I am trying to follow the book 'Sams teach yourself VB 2008'. It was going well until the end of hour 4. For exercise 1 I have created the form with a button and two text boxes, but cannot work out the code I need to move text between the two boxes. The Object Browser does not seem to help - am I reading it wrong?

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Perform Addition On Each Of The Rows And Columns And Diagonally Of The Array And Display The Results To The User?

May 23, 2012

The Random generator works fine. What I have a problem with is adding the rows and columns.

0,0 0,1 0,2 = row total
1,0 1,1 1,2 = row total


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Database - Find Average Of A Specific Number Of Rows/columns In Datatable And Store To Array?

Jun 21, 2012

I am trying to program a noise reduction algorithm that works with a set of datapoints in a VB.NET DataTable after being helped with my other question. Basically, I want to take two integers, a coordinate value (yCoord for example) and a threshold smoothing value (NoiseThresh), and take the average of the values in the range of (yCoord - NoiseThresh, yCoord + NoiseThresh) and store that number into an array. I'd repeat that process for each column (in this example) and end up with a one-dimensional array of average values. My questions are:

1) Did anything I just say make any sense ;), and

2) Can anyone help me with the code? I've got very little experience working with databases.


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Select All Used Rows , Columns And Display As Text?

Nov 24, 2011

I created below, this function gets all values in each cell of excel, but i do have a problem with this because its taking minutes to display the text from each cell, is there a way that i could make a function or call a excel method or property to get all values in a worksheet and put it in a string so i could display it.. actually our main purpose is to store all data that we could get into the database for reference and search criteria.[code]...

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Select All Used Rows And Columns And Display As Text?

Nov 24, 2011

I have this function that i created below, this function gets all values in each cell of excel, but i do have a problem with this because its taking minutes to display the text from each cell, is there a way that i could make a function or call a excel method or property to get all values in a worksheet and put it in a string so i could display it or store it in a single column in our database.. actually our main purpose is to store all data that we could get into the database for reference and search criteria.[code]...

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VS 2008 Have A Dozen Or So Text Boxes Be Emptied Into Separate Columns In A Row Of A Datagridview?

May 13, 2009

I want to be able to have a dozen or so text boxes be emptied into separate columns in a row of a datagridview. This way the text boxes can be cleared and have new values entered then save the new values as a second row in the datagridview. This is so my VB gui which which runs everything through an old cmd line program, can do batches instead of one run at a time.

The problem is I have absolutely no idea how datagridview works. I've tried searching google and only found some vague things and stuff about databases. I also tried the MSDN library and that was of no help either, couldn't find anything on simply adding stuff and if I had it'd probably be to complicated to be of use to me.

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Square Boxes At A Line Feed

May 17, 2010

I am outputting some stuff into a textbox but when ever i do a new line I get three little square boxes. I have tried vbnewline, controlchars. newline, controlchars.crlf, vbcrlf, chr(13) + chr(10), and environment.newline.If I copy the the text from the textbox into wordpad I dont get that problem.

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VS 2008 - Merge Two Text Files (Rows And Columns)

Jan 28, 2011

I have two text files. The first text file has the format:
ID h1 h2 h3
a 1 5 7
b 3 3 5
c 0 4 8

And the second file:
ID h4 h5 h6
a 2 4 9
b 3 6 1
b 4 1 5

Now I want to merge two files. The output likes
ID h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
a 1 5 7 2 4 9
b 3 3 5 3 6 1
b 4 1 5
c 0 4 8

The two files has the same rows and columns. For the first rows(except header) in the two files, they have the same first column. Therefore just a simple append. The final first row becomes
a 1 5 7 2 4 9
The question is in the first only has one
and the second file has two

I want the maximum count of items from each list in the resultant list. I put some white spaces after "b" then append strings.
b 4 1 5
For key "c", because it is only in the first file and not in the second file, so I append white spaces after the corresponding strings.

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Using DataGridView In Form With Larger Number Of Rows And Columns

Jul 21, 2009

I have a datagirdview which I need to process.. I have more than 50000 rows and 200 columns in it. DataGridView accepts columnindex and rowindex only in the form of integer. Is there any way in which I can use long instead of integer.

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Convert GridView Table To Html Table But Rows Should Be Columns And Columns Should Be Rows

Aug 18, 2011

I have Dataset ds filled up with values Until now I was displaying values in GridView. Now I want that all the rows should be columns and columns should be rows.I have 2 options: Either 1 I can directly convert grid to columns and display it, or 2 I can convert the GridView to html and then write loops to convert. I was trying the 2nd option but I cant figure out how I should do that.[code]With this code I am still getting same as GridView. Please help me for converting rows to columns and vice versa.

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Array Of Text Boxes

Jul 31, 2011

I'm trying to make a crossword puzzle. I wanna use textboxes as the cells in the puzzle. I'm also using MySQL as the source for the puzzle data. I need a quick way to easily check and edit the content and properties of the textboxes I'm going to use.I thought I could have an array of textboxes and then access each textbox like this..[code]I declared cell() as a global variable under the "module variables" . The code shows no errors but the textbox doesn't show.

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Put Out Put In An Array That Has No Text Boxes?

Feb 10, 2009

How can you put the out put in an array that has no text boxes? [code]Say this is the code, but what you need is for it to show even more of a break down something like this with the select case.[code]and yet the text file that it needs to read from is delimited by a comna and the amount of the vehicles that are there for the out put changes.I was wanting to use an "If/Then" or an "If/ElseIf/Then" statement nestle into the case statements for the output. What I really need is a place to read some good articles on arrays as I am still fairly new and do not understand fully how they work(which I think is causing my problem.)

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Pattern - Lot Of Picture Boxes And If Statements - How To Use Arrays

Jan 17, 2012

I have found a major bug with this game Ive been working on for some time. The best way to make this game would of likely been by using an array. Problem is I dont know how to use arrays that well and I don't understand them. So I used a lot of picture boxes and If statements.

So here is the problem. When you click on the box its suppose to check to see if its a bomb or block. If its a block it busts the block, if its a bomb it will explode. Now here is the problem. Each block is not holding its own value or "block type" which determines if its a bomb or block. So when you click on a block and lets say it says its a bomb, the next block you click rather if its a bomb or not will explode. So its not checking the block value you click. instead its just grabing the last value generated. I will only show you short blocks of code because the code was written in a pattern form and it just repeats its self. If you post a reponse, remember im still newb and try to post samples/solutions using code ive given.

'Random Block Generator
Public Sub RandomBlockType()
Randomblock = New Random
SelectBlock = Randomblock.Next(1, 5)


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Split Text In Columns Into Array?

Dec 19, 2009

i have a map .txt file that I made that contains X, Y coordinates, and an ID. I have been able to manipulate the .txt file just about every way possible except the way that I want to. I want to seperate the three columns at put each column into its own array. See the example below to understand what I am trying to do.


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Determine How To Get Values From 6 Different Text Boxes Put Them Into An Array

Feb 22, 2012

Im extremely new to programming. Im trying to determine how to get values from 6 different text boxes put them into an Array. They are in a function not on the form. Three of those values need to be used for calculation.

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Doesn't Seem Possible To Hold The Text Boxes In Array

Oct 5, 2009

[Code] this code iterates through 5 text boxes to check that the value entered is numeric and also that there are no blank spaces. How would i put this into .net as it doesn't seem possible to hold the text boxes in array.

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Link An Array Of Strings To Text Boxes?

Jun 22, 2010

I have an array of 50 text strings, is there any way that i can easily link each item in the array to a different text box on the screen? and then to have the text boxes auto update if the array changes?

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Setup A Few Text Boxes / Missing The Control Array?

Apr 6, 2011

In VB2008 Professional, how would I set up a few text boxes, as I did in VB6, to be able to access them in a loop?

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VS 2008 Return Multiple Table Rows To Multiple Text Boxes

Feb 27, 2011

visual basic 2008 express
access 2007 db

I am attempting to fill a form with multiple rows from an access table based off of a parameterized query. My query works fine but I don't want to return one row at a time, I want to return all rows that match my query in multiple text boxes. I know that I can use a datagrid view to accomplish this, but I would prefer the look of a textboxes on a form. I have read through many books and searched the internet forums but think I may just not know what to search for as nothing has worked yet. Can anyone point me in the right direction. So far I have tried setting the text box value to the row().item(), creating a different dataset for each row, and even setting variables for the results of the query to then be passed to the text boxes. Since none of this work, I don't really have any starting code to post. If I could just get a starting point I could work from there, so don't feel the need to code anything for me, just set me in the right direction.

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.net - WPF Binding Individual Text Boxes To An Element In A Collection Object Or Array?

Oct 27, 2010

I need to bind a textblock.text property to a single element in an observable collection, or array element, and have the text update using the INotifyPropertyChanged or INotifyCollectionChanged, whichever is best.

Most examples describe ways to bind listboxes or other list views to entire collections, but my application needs to update several textblocks on a screen depending on notification of a change in one or more elements of an array.

textblock1.Text = MyArray(0)...
textblock2.Text = MyArray(1)...
textblock3.Text = MyArray(2)...
textblock4.Text = MyArray(3)...

Is it possible to bind a single textblock to a single array element? Is it possible to get notification of the proper type that will update one or more of the textblocks if any assigned element changes?

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Fill In Data Grid View With Columns And Rows To Form Complete View

Nov 11, 2010

i have datagridview populated with stock code, name and description.And i have docked my datagridview to the bottom. so whenever the form is resized, the bottom section will be occupied completely with the datagridview.But i want to display one extra empty column and multiple empty rows to completely fill in the datagridview.The extra empty column width will be adjusted to the right end side of datagridview.And the no of empty rows will be generated based on how many is required to fill up to the bottomSo that i can create datagridview with full column and row even though some columns or rows are empty.

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Read Information From Text File And Put It In Text Boxes On A Form

Jan 2, 2010

I have a text file containing 10 pieces of information. I want to read the information from the text file and put it in text boxes on a form, so that the user can view the information and edit if required. What is the best way of approaching this?

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VS 2010 Add Multiple Label Boxes To A Form Based On The Size Of An Array?

Jun 4, 2012

i am very new to VB and have been trying to make a hangman game. I was wandering if there is a way to add multiple label boxes to a form based on the size of an array. For example a user inputs the word h-e-l-l-o in a input box that word is then split and put into an array(arrword) then i want the main form to appear with 5 label boxes each one containing a letter that from the array(arrword)

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