Renaming A File Based On Characters In The File

Apr 20, 2010

I have a text file coming out of access that I want to ftp to a server but before it gets ftp'd I want to automatically rename the file based on the characters at position 115-119, ie the file will be renamed from 'output.txt' to 'FP002'.

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File Renaming, When Info From File Is In Use?

Sep 10, 2009

I am having a problem renaming a file. The File is am image, it represented by a custom thumbnail control.The thumbnail control of course has the image as's image. This is done by adding the image to a new bitmap and placing it as the background image on a the thumbnailThis is where I think I am having the problem.....I am using the image properties such as dimensions and file size(length) to add data to a status bar....not part of the thumbnail but the main app.Before I did this I did not have any problems, but now I get the good 'ole "cannot rename file because it is being used by another process" I have tried to dispose() of the image on the control....didn't work, I have looked all over google.Here is how I am trying to rename the file that the control represents

If File.Exists(strNewPath) Then
strNewFName = strNewName + " (" + intN.ToString + ")" + strExt


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Moving And Then Renaming A File

Apr 19, 2009

I am using Process.Start to run a command line application. The log for the app is automatically saved in a predefined location that I can not change. Also, I can not specify the name of the log.I need the log to go to a specific directory and the be renamed. I thought I could do it this way:[code]When I run the code, it tells me that it can't fin the file "Test2.txt". When I isolate the code and only run the first part, it moves the file to the second directory just fine. It only errors on the RenameFile line.

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Renaming A File On Remote Server?

Jan 29, 2010

I have built this utility to upload/download files to an FTP server with a few options which will be taken from a command line. One of the options is going to be rename file. But this would be done on the remote side.

Basically, only tmp files will not be caught has hazardous on this FTP site during upload. So the file gets uploaded as tmp and will need to be renamed to .zip and vise-versa.

I know how to do this locally as it is not hard to use the moveto function, but how would I do this assuming, the ftp stream is already opened and read/write access is properly granted?

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Restrict Renaming A Exported File?

Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to restrict renaming a exported file in

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Restrict Renaming An Exported File?

Feb 6, 2010

Is it possible to restrict renaming a exported file in

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Renaming Files Based On Dataset Fields?

Nov 7, 2011

I apologize if it is not. I am trying to write a script in Visual Studio 2008 (using a VB project) that will, upon the clicking of a button:

- A file object will be created.

-Said file object will read in a number of files from a specified file path.

-A dataset will be created and populated with fields from two columns within a database table; app_id and company_name.

-The script will read through the file names and fields recorded in the dataset, renaming the file to the app_id if the original file name contained the company_name.

The code I have so far to do this:

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Create the file object
Dim objFSO

The problem is that currently this code will only rename the file if the file name and company_name match exactly, ideally I'd need to include a clause to make it rename if the file name is "LIKE" or "contains" the company_name.

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Keep Saved Settings When Moving Or Renaming A File?

Apr 17, 2011

I develop a web browser. It has a settings feature where you can change the homepage and some other options and it has bookmarks. Well, if you rename the file, then all of these settings are erased and reset to the defaults. How can I make this where all these settings are included no matter if moving, renaming, etc.?

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VS 2008 Renaming File With Textbox Input?

Jan 12, 2010

I have been struggling a bit trying to get this to work. I am trying to rename the file but can't seem to get it to work. The file creates but just doesn't seem to rename with the text in the text box. Below is the code.

Code to generate File

Private Sub btnOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click
If File.Exists("c:Sample.txt") Then


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Renaming A File - Error "file Could Not Be Found"

May 8, 2010

While Renaming a File Using the Code" My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(File, "NewName")" , It say that file could not be found...?

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PictureBox Drag And Drop - File Renaming Needed?

Jun 12, 2009

I am once more stuck:There are 2 PictureBoxes on my Form. They get the image from the Application's StartUpPath, "1.jpg" for PictureBox1 and "2.jpg" for PictureBox2. All the dragging and dropping works fine. What I still need is a bit of code change that will allow me to rename the original files:

"1.jpg" -> "2.jpg"
"2.jpg" -> "1.jpg"


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Simple Code For Moving And Renaming An Image File?

Sep 15, 2010

Does anyone have a simple code for Moving and Renaming a Image File?

Here is an example of exactly what I need to do.

Ok let's presume the end user is Editing a Record named Mick's Milktart, the DataBase Table Field named ID (Primary Key) has a value of 237.The user clicks a button to add an Image to that Record.

An OpenFileDialog opened and an Image File named "NewImage.png" is selected by the user from "MyPictures".[code]...

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.NET Renaming File And Retagging / Edit Image MetaData / Meta Tags?

Jan 4, 2011

How do I Edit and Save Image EXIF / Metadata / FileInfo without using an external DLL?

Project:I'm building an app for personal use to rename, retag, and organize the apocalyptic quantity of images I host on my personal website. As I have been collecting funny pictures and such for several years, there is no real rhyme or reason to the file naming conventions. Ergo, Image0001.jpg needs to be renamed to a descriptive filename, and the Metadata fields need to be filled in.

The desired process will take an existing jpg, gif, png, tiff or bmp and do the following:

load image into memory
convert bmp files to jpgs if needed (for a smaller file size, mostly)
load image tags into ImageData Structure (see below)


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Renaming File And Retagging / Edit Image MetaData / Meta Tags?

Jan 3, 2011

Project:I'm building an app for personal use to rename, retag, and organize the apocalyptic quantity of images I host on my personal website. As I have been collecting funny pictures and such for several years, there is no real rhyme or reason to the file
naming conventions. Ergo, Image0001.jpg needs to be renamed to a descriptive filename, and the Metadata fields need to be filled in.The desired process will take an existing jpg, gif, png, tiff or bmp and do the following:

[1] load image into memory

[2] convert bmp files to jpgs if needed (for a smaller file size, mostly)

[3] load image tags into ImageData Structure (see below)

[4] load file data into ImageData Structure (where needed)

[5] display image and tags for user to edit (In a Picture Box and several Text Boxes)

[6] allow editing of fields and renaming of the file

[7] write the changes to the image file

[8] go to next file.


[1] Load Image0001.jpg. Populate ImageData Structure fields.

[2] Type in Description: "lolcat ceiling cat sends son".

[3] ImageData.FileName changed to "lolcat-ceiling-cat-sends-son.jpg".

[4] ImageData.Name, .Keywords, .Title, .Subject, and .Comments changed to "lolcat ceiling cat sends son".

[5] Save file with new filename and save all new tag fields.

(Later, I will also be using SQL to build a referential database with links to the online copies of these files to allow for searching by keywords, subject, filename, etc, but that's another layer that's much easier than this one. At least to me.)

Problem:So far, several days of research have yielded almost no measurable progress. Information has apparently been inexplicably hidden behind a bunch of unexpected search keywords. Current Code as is:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.Path
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging[code]........

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Opens A Text File - Removes Characters And Then Saves The File

Apr 7, 2010

i'm new to vb and am making a program that opens a text file, removes characters and then saves the file. so far i have the following


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File I/O And Registry :: Code A Delete Button For A Browsing Program Based On Data From A Txt File?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to code a delete button for a browsing program based on data from a txt file. I have coded the buttons to sort(ascending and descending), append to the text file, search the text file, but I can not seem to get the delete function working. I am using VB 2010, this is what I have so far:

Dim deleline As String
Dim line As String
Dim isFound As Boolean = False
sr4 = IO.File.OpenText("Students.txt")


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Take A Static Stream Reader And Switch It To Another Text File Based On The User Changing The File?

Mar 10, 2010

Is there anyway to take a static stream reader, and switch it to another text file based on the user changing the file?

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File I/O And Registry :: Finding A Specific File Based On A Variable Name?

May 15, 2009

I will have a directory of files (IFO, BUP, and VOB; DVD files for anyone who cares), I need to find the first one by sorting these like this: Filter out everything that does not have a .VOB in it, then find the one like this VTS_**_1.VOB. It will always have a "1" before the extension, but the two numbers before that change, lastly I need that file returned as a variable.

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File I/O And Registry :: Illegal Characters In File Name

Feb 1, 2010

Working on a small program that saves a file path to a text file and then when run opens the text file reads the file path which will be the only line in the file. I believe I have traced my problem due to the character that would be in the text file when hitting enter to start a new line which I assume is "vbCrLf".


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Get (music) File Info Based Off Of File Path?

Jul 24, 2010

I'm working on a personal project and so far everything is going perfect. Almost. I have a problem with getting music file info based off of its file path. I.e. "

C:UsersUSERetc." The only things I would need from y'all would be how to get the song's Artist(s) and Name (maybe there's something similar to 'AxWindowsMediaPlayer.currentMedia.getitemInfo("Information")' without actually having to play the song?

After I get this information, I would like to know how to add it to a ListBox as this: "[Artist] - [Song Name]", but I can do the text part if I know the getting-the-information part and adding-the-info-to-listbox part.

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Recursive File Copy Based On File Extension?

Oct 20, 2010

Recursive File Copy based on file extension. I have a single root folder that contains numerous folders that contain a few files that I want to extract. For this example, lets state that I want to copy all �txt� extensions and put them into a repository folder.



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VS 2010 - Archive A File Based On File Size?

May 4, 2010

I'm working on a school project right now and I have everything fine except this one part of the project: "The audit and errorevent logs should be archived if they are larger than 5K and up you need to keep up to 3 copies of the files." I know how to read and write text files just fine, so I don't need help with that. What I don't know is how to archive a file based on file size, or how to keep up to 3 copies of the files?

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Take A Comma Delimited Text File And Then Select All Unique Records Based On One Of The Fields In The Text File?

May 7, 2010

i want to take a comma delimited text file and then select all unique records based on one of the fields in the text file. should i read the text file into a data table or just use a data reader?

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Scan A Text File To Determine If It Is A Text File And If It Contains Any Non-ASCII Characters?

Jan 27, 2012

what would be the optimum code in VB2010 that check a file to determine:

1) is it a text file, and

2) if it is a text file, does it contain any non-ASCII characters

Note that LF, CR, and EOF would be expected, and should not be flagged. I can think of 3 - 4 ways to do it, but there may be a 'best' way in terms of simplicity and speed.

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Renaming Files - No Errors But Not Renaming Either

Feb 6, 2012

I have looked around the forums and found a few discussions on this, but none that address my issue.

I want to rename a folder of jpgs with their datetime original from the exif meta file. The line: My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(foundImage, NewPictureName) does have the all the right info: the original file folder and name; and the new picture name - it just doesn't actually do the task.

Here's the sub:

If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
lblSelPath.Text = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath
For Each foundImage As String In _


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Getting Rid Of Characters In Text From Txt File

Nov 29, 2010

I have a string of text i captured within AutoCAD (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000) wich is saved to a text based file named you probably have gatherd with a file name such as position.txt the text could be composed of any random number combination eg: (5.745379, 0.846290, 150.6459046).However for it to be of any use to me I need the captured string to exist without spaces or brackets how can i achiev this in

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Reading Characters From A File?

Jan 9, 2010

i tried out this code to read characters from an existing file:

Dim SR As StreamReader
Dim FS As FileStream
FS = New FileStream("D:email.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)


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Remove Last Two Characters From A File?

Sep 25, 2009

A file I'm writing to contains a carriage return and line feed at the end that I want to remove. I'm working on this, but not there yet.[code]...

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Appending A File To Remove Certain Characters?

Apr 20, 2011

My user can export a ".doc" file but when VB.NET writes to this file it uses "" and "," characters at the end of each sentence. I was wondering if there was a way of actually appending the exported file to remove these characters?

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Characters Not Allowed In File Creation?

Apr 15, 2010

How can I check for characters not allowed for file creation programmatically? you know like the / <> and so.

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