VS 2010 : Multiplying Two Values When TextChanged?

Sep 18, 2010

How can i possibly multiply two values in datagrid when a text change happens. Here is my layout:

Here is the code I used but its giving me an error:

Private Sub dgvSalesEntry_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvSalesEntry.CellValueChanged
Dim ind = dgvSalesEntry.CurrentRow.Index


Error Message: An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.But when I deleted the codes above I can run my system.

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Multiplying Two Textboxs?

Dec 18, 2010

in my project i am using this code to multiply to textboxes value

Dim tot As Integer


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Multiplying Two Variables?

Dec 2, 2009

how would i go by multiplying two variables..

ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString() * Label1.Text.ToString() = Label2.Text

is what i have but it seems to not want to do it... [URL]

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Multiplying Without Using A Button?

Apr 9, 2011

I'm new to vb and I am currently trying to code a Program for counting cash from a till. I know how to multiply and add if I were to use a button to execute it but what I want is for the totals to be automatically populated as soon as the user inputs the data.

Example:User inputs 23 into the txt1cent textbox

So the program should multiply 23 by 0.01 and output the answer (0.23) into txtsum1cent textbox.

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Multiplying Datagridview Columns?

Jul 15, 2009

(All of this is in a datagridview) i would like to know if it would be possible to say, take Columns 1 and Column 2 and multiply the value of each row and post it to a Column 3 with each row in Column 3 reflecting the multiplied values of the previous 2 columns..

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Multiplying The Contents Of An Array?

Sep 6, 2011

I've got an array of type double with about 30 entries(numbers) in it.I need to multiply them all together. Sort of like "=product(A1:A30)" in Excel (formula).

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Multiplying Two List Boxes

Jan 7, 2011

I have two list boxes created. One is Quantity and other is Price. When i enter price and quantity i want it to multiply and add one by one and give me the total in a label below...The problem is when I have two or more items in each list box I'm unable to come up with the total. I figured out that it will need a loop. So my question is that how should i use the loop. I haven't learn't how to make loops..

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Multiplying Odd Numbers In Sequence Using MOD Function?

Jul 2, 2010

Then you have to take that same range and find the product of all odd numbers between said sequence. I figured out how to find the product but only if the lowest number is also an odd number. For example, if I put in the values 1 and 7 the product is 105 which is correct. But if I put in 2 and 5 the product somehow becomes 10, when it should be 15.I have to use the MOD function to distinguish between even and odd numbers, which I know how to do however it's still not working out correctly for some reason and I'm completely stuck. This is the part I'm having trouble with. Go down for full source)

For counter = intX To intB
intX = intProduct
If intY Mod 2 = 0 Then


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Multiplying Two Or More Lines In Two List Boxes?

Oct 7, 2009

I have two list boxes created. They are populated when I enter the quantity and the price (one list box for each). This data actually comes from another set of text boxes. The problem is when I have two or more items in each list box I'm unable to come up with the total. I need to take the quantity * price for each entry and then add that to the quantity * price for the other entries. When I press my "total" button it's only doing the calculation for the first line.

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Multiplying The String Representation Of REAL Numbers?

Jan 12, 2012

<edit> Now showing the difference as a DECIMAL. Result looks like zero every time. </edit>Disclaimer: This code is provided "as-is" and should be treated as Freeware.( However any donations would be welcome as I have a "so-so" part-time job ).Please note all real numbers to be used should be in this format
"0.000000000000"Do not use numbers in string format in scientific notation like "1.2345E -06"I was feeling bored and decided to add to the code from JohnWein in this thread where I have used a routine that will multiply the contents of two long strings together.>>[url]I have now added a bit of code so you can multiply two really long numbers with or without a decimal point as a full-stop ( period or dot, call it what you like ).


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VS 2005 - Multiplying Integer With Content Of Textbox

Aug 22, 2009

I am getting error on the following code
Private Sub tot()
Dim temp As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(wetothrs0.Text)
wtothrs0.Text = temp.ToString
Dim employeeCost As Integer = CInt(temp.TotalHours)
wtotcost0.Text = employeeCost * hrate0.Text
End Sub
wtotcost0.text is a textbox
employeecost is integer
hrate0.text is integer that is coming from database

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Multiplying Minutes With Price Data Type Is Money?

Apr 4, 2009

i have problem multiplying total minutes of user login with price. for example, my price for 10 minutes is 100. if user A start login at 9.00 am and logout at 10.00 am, that means he spends 60 minutes using the computer. how to multiply 60 minutes with 100 (my price) so that i could get the correct price and update the data to my database?


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Manipulating Items In A Listviwew (summing Columns And Multiplying Cell)

Dec 22, 2011

I have tried several means all to no avail. how sum items in the column of a listview

dim lv as listviewitem

I have suceeded in adding scores, unit and grade to the listview and i dont know how to sum the total unit in column 2 and how to get point to calculate the gpa

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Forms :: Multiplying By Two - Code - Radio Buttons That If Selected Will Display The Price Of A Ticket

Mar 22, 2010


Right now i have the following code. it is 4 radio buttons that if selected will display the price of a ticket.

There is a button called "repeat offender" that should take the price and double it. so me, being new to visual basic, were thinking of trying an if statement such as If it is selected decTicketTotal * 2

But this did not work. any help would be appreciated.. just trying to get the repeat offender selection working so when it calculates the price will double.

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Setup A Function Involving Multiplying A Cell By A Set Number And Then Having The Result Round To The Nearest 10?

Apr 22, 2009

I am working in excel trying to setup a function involving multiplying a cell by a set number and then having the result round to the nearest 10. Here's the beginning of my function statement fx=e3*1.026. say the result is 8654, I need it to round to 8650. Also if it comes back 8655, I need it to round to 8660. I have about 2,000 records I need to do this to so I was hoping that one formula or statement could be used for all my data.

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Textchanged With Enter Key?

Apr 1, 2009

How do i code an enter event textchanged event to only work when the enter key is pressed?

1. i have a text button that has a value, or a user can enter their own value

2. however when they enter their own value, the total value doesn't changed because they need to press the enter key to validate the event..

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Combo Box TextChanged Vs SelectedIndexChanged?

Sep 29, 2010

I have a situation where I'm allowing users to enter new values into a combo box or selected existing values from the combo box's drop-down list. Is ther any way to tell whether a value was entered or selected? I've looked at the TextChanged and SelectedIndexChanged events and neither will do what I need to do.

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Create Textbox.TextChanged?

Dec 2, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 10 and have run in to an issue that I cannot resolve on my own.When debugging one of my forms the app hangs on a text box control with no errors. But only if you change the text, or press the "Tab" key. The text box is in a group box with a range of other text boxes most with the same properties. All of the controls in this group are connected to an access database record, and formatted to accept the same type(s) of input.Here is the code associated with the control;

[/Private Sub MPhoneTxt_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MPhoneTxt.TextChanged
If UpdateCmd.Enabled = False Then


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Difference Between SelectedValueChanged And TextChanged

Feb 23, 2011

I have something to confirm with you. What is the difference between SelectedValueChanged and TextChanged Event in combobox. What would I prefer to use between the two events?

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Set The TextChanged Event In NumericUpDown Box?

Dec 31, 2010

I want to set the TextChanged event in NumericUpDown box,so that when you press a key, it instantly fires the textchanged event.The default ValueChanged event of the NumericUpDown box does not instantly fire the ValueChanged event. You need to first press the Enter key after you enter a number.And I read somewhere that NumericUpDown box also has a TextChanged event.How do I set the TextChanged event in the NumericUpDown box?

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Textbox TextChanged Event?

Jul 30, 2010

How can I bypass the TextChanged event if I populate the textbox during loading?for exampleWhen the VB Win form application starts it loads several text boxes with deflt information.thus firing the TextChanged event. (which I don't want to happen)

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Without Textchanged Event How To Get The Textbox Value?

Sep 26, 2011

i have one project any one textbox.i want to get the textbox value without textchanged event how to get the textbox value. means when i change the textbox value then the text changed event is fired but when i clicked one another textbox at that time i want to get the textbox value in vb.net

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Alternative For TextChanged Event In MaskedTextBox

Mar 11, 2011

I need to know this because I am in a situation that I cannot find a alternative. I am using MaskedTextBox and has a Mask of "__/__/____". Obviously, It's a date format. Now, I cannot get if the MaskedTextBox is string.empty because it is not an empty. I cannot use "If MaskedTexBox.Text = "__/__/____" then " condition also because It never captured. If I used MaskTextBox.MaskFull = false, It gives an error on creating form. So I came up with an idea that would subtitute to TextChanged Event.


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Custom ASP.NET TextBox On Textchanged Event?

Mar 10, 2010

I want to let TextBox control TextChanged event fire only when there are more than one character in the TextBox.

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Datagridview Cell Textchanged Event?

Apr 25, 2011

I was wondering if there's an easy way to make a cell textchanged event for a datagridview, like you have the textchanged event for textboxes, an event that gets triggered everytime the user press a letter/number/symbol/backspace/space, so i can check in that event if the datagridview has changes and whether i should enabled my save button to save the changes made.

Or is there a better way to check whether i need to enable my save button?

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Filter ComboBox DropDown On TextChanged?

Mar 8, 2010

how to Filter ComboBox DropDown on TextChanged?

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Implement TextChanged Column In Datagridview?

May 15, 2011

How to implement like "Textchanged" in Datagridview. For example, when user insert mark in column 3(Mark), then the gred will automatically appear in column 4(Gred) based on mark in column 3. Let say user enter 95 in column 3, then gred A will appear in column 4.[code]....

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Label.TextChanged Runs On Startup?

Oct 23, 2011

I have a program that has a series of labels. By using Step Into I've determined that the code below activates when a label changes, however, the program is running on the label text that's pre-applied (in the label text form properties thing). I'd like the program to actually wait for a label to change due to input from the user.

Private Sub LblQ19_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LblQ19.Click _
, LblQ2.TextChanged, LblQ9.TextChanged, LblQ10.TextChanged _
, LblQ11.TextChanged, LblQ12.TextChanged, LblQ13.TextChanged, LblQ14.TextChanged, LblQ15.TextChanged, LblQ16.TextChanged, LblQ18.TextChanged


This is a snippet of a larger program of course. fncSumQ Double.TryParses all of the Label.Texts, then loops through them summing += style. If I remove the text from LblQ18 then it moves to another. I'd like some place holders so that the user can see what's coming and if some information is missing.The only thing I can come up with at this point is to have a placeholder that would hide if the real label's value changed. Sounds convoluted.

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Textbox Textchanged Event Does Not Fire?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a Textbox on my application that recieves data from another application via a sendmessage call from the other app.

I can see the data being entered in the textbox but the TextChanged event never fires when the text changes. I need to process the data that is sent but since the event does not fire I'm kinda stuck..

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Textchanged Event Is Not Firing When Using Jscript?

Sep 14, 2009

In my asp.net application, i am using a lookup to enter data to a textbox.For making lookup i have used jscript.I have a button for this lookup from which i am entering data to this textbox.so, i am not entering values directly to the textbox.After entering values to textbox, the textchanged event is not working.What could be the reason?

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