VS 2010 Outputting Listview To Text File?

Oct 25, 2010

How would I go about outputting a listview control with 4 columns and x amount of rows to a text file so that it can be printed? Or how would I go about adding it to a database and printing it?

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VS 2010 - Reading Data From Serial Port And Outputting To Screen And Access Db?

May 1, 2011

I have conquered the problem of the database however what i need is the serial port data sent to a database and outputted on screen however i keep getting cross thread errors ..

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Threading


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VS 2010 Listview Item / Header Text & Minor Text & Image

Jan 18, 2012

I need to make a listview, for each item to be like this:

- An image on the lef.t
- A header text on th etop.
- A minor text on the bottom.

View 15 Replies

Outputting Text To A Text Box?

Jun 10, 2011

Ia want to show text in a multi-line textbox, but my problem is how do I start a new line when using code like so.. TxtBox_TechTalk.Text = " Good Effort.. You Got " & Lbl_TotalMark.Text & " Lets try the next test. Click the Subtraction Test button to move on. "

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Delete The Transaction From Listview And Text File(temporary Log File) Using Button

Jun 6, 2011

Below is my code for DELETE button. What i want is if the user select the transaction from the listview and press the DELETE button it must be able to delete the transaction from listview and text file(temporary log file) which i keep all the transaction record. At the same time the list view must able show the total current balance from the deleted trnsaction.


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VS 2010 Adding Text From Form Into Listview?

Nov 3, 2011

I have a 3rd windows form opened and I have 2 textboxes to add Username and Password as well as a button that says add account. Username is named as Email2 and Password is named as Pass2 and the button is addaccount2. The forms are named Form 1 Form 2 and Form 3. I have a listview in form2 that has columns with names and im trying to get it to when you fill in the info on Form3 the username and pass and click the Add account button it will put it in the listview box but I would like it to be so username would be under the username column and password to be under password column under Form2 in the listview.

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Text File To ListView?

Nov 7, 2011

I have been trying to load two text files into a listview all weekend, this one has me stumped. I have searched the web and my material but have been unable to make anything work or display the data in the listview.

I am trying to load two text files at the same time. I have figured out how to load the files but I cannot get the data to display. One file has 50 lines of numbers, which I want to display in column 1, and the other file contains 50 lines of letters, which I would like to display in column 2.

Once the data is loaded to the listview I will need to sort the columns by alphabetical order and numeric order. But I need to get the files to load and display first, this is the code I have come up with so far:

Private Sub ButtonLoadFiles_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonLoadFiles.Click
Dim myStream As Stream = Nothing


View 35 Replies

Display A Text File With A ListView?

Mar 6, 2011

Explain how i would get feilds from my file to a listview.[code]...

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Export Listview To Text File?

Feb 26, 2011

how i would be able to export my data in listview to text file.

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Import Text File To Listview?

Jun 18, 2009

I have an application with a listview which contains 3 columns (account, password, and a hidden column).

I have written some code to save the contents of the account and password columns in the format Account|Password.

Now I would like to be able to import text files into the listview. I was thinking about reading the text file then splitting it using Split("|") however I don't know how to put the variables in the seperate columns. Here is my code:

Dim accounts As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim aryTextFile() As String


View 9 Replies

Listview Text With File.copy?

Nov 18, 2010

i want a file copier. just for experience wise. so i found this code using system.io and its

file.delete("C: est2.txt") file.copy("C: est.txt", "C: est2.txt") and it WORKS great but i introduced a listview item and textbox2 and then it wont work for some reason


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Listview: Displaying From A Text File?

May 5, 2009

on my application i have a username and password form that saves the username & password It's not meant to be secure, and it writes to a text file displaying as so


here is the code

Private Sub cmdPostAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdPostAdd.Click
'Add new username and password


This all works fine, but i have no idea how to reload this information when the form loads.Obviously it needs to read the string, the seperate the username and password.also is it possible to password char the password section in the listview? at the moment it can be read.

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Read A Text File Into A Listview?

Mar 8, 2009

Now i use this part of the code to write the file out for the listview items [code]...

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Reading Text File Into ListView

Feb 17, 2009

I currently have this:
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnImportProxy.Click
If (CheckBox3.Checked = True) Then
' Displays a OpenFileDialog so the user can load the proxy .txt file
' This one shows the user which types of files ar eallowed to open .txt
[Code] .....
But what I was after was to put the contents of the .txt file into the list view I can't seem to get it.

View 4 Replies

ListView Data Save Into Text File

Jun 9, 2011

I have a question because in my I.O.File. I use this to save the data in the listview in a c: est.txt but the problem is that it only save one data and every time I click the save the previous data that I save is deleted and it change the new one that I save. And also when I click the remove in the listview it will also delete the data that save in the c: est.txt and the format should like this

First name | lastname | address |
rae alanah new york
john smith los angeles

Here the code that I did...
Dim myFile As String = "C: est.txt" '//file location
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(myFile, TextBox1.Text & " " & ComboBox1.Text & " " & TextBox4.Text & " " & ComboBox2.Text & " " & TextBox3.Text & " " & TextBox2.Text & " " & TextBox5.Text)
Or you can also create new code base on ur understanding. This is the first time I use the I.O file or file stream in vb.net because my crystal report does not detect my database that's why I need to do this.

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Sorting Data From .text File In Listview?

Mar 9, 2012

I'm using Visual Basic Express 2008 and I need to upload and sort two data text files (notepad) in a listview box. It doesn't have to be a listview box I chose that because it has nice options for columns. Anyway I've got the code set up to open the dialog box and allow the upload of multiple files. I've also got it set up to show separate columns, movie titles and box office amounts, titles in one file box office amount in the other. What I nee sorting the data once it's uploaded so the movie titles show in one column and the box office amounts show in another. Currently everything is showing in the left most column. I'd like to be able to represent the data seperately also so I can format the dollar amounts into currency. Here's what I've got so far:

Private Sub LoadButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadButton.Click
Dim DialogBoxResults As System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog


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Delete Listview Items & Text File Lines?

Jun 18, 2012

i want to delete an item on a listview, this is my code

If ListView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0 AndAlso MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete this item?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then 'make sure there is a selected item to delete
End If

now my problem is i want to delete that item on the text file line

( using streamreader and streamwriter)

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Remove Selected Item From Listview In Text File?

Jun 10, 2011

this code should delete only the selected item from the listview in a report.txt but this code delete all the data in the txt file whether i selected only one data from the listview....

Dim myFile As String = "C:
Dim stream As New IO.FileStream(myFile, IO.FileMode.Create)


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VS 2008 : Save ListView Items In Text File?

Jun 5, 2009

How can I save all the data stored into a ListView? (All the text stored in a row)

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VS 2010 Populate Multi-column Listview From File?

Jun 14, 2011

I am trying to populate a multi-column listview from a file. I have gotten as far as reading the correct data from the file to an array and populating the correct columns with said data. However, sometimes the array will span multiple lines of data in the file and I need all of these matches to populate the listview but the code that I have now only populates the listview with the data from the first matching line. I have tried declaring the variables as listviewitems instead of strings, which allowed me to use listView.Items.AddRange(arr) but then all of the data appeared in the first column instead of spread across all columns like it is supposed to. At this point I am at a loss because I can only figure out how to either fill the first column with all data or fill all columns with only the first line of data. Here is the code that I have


It is really only the last part of the If.. Then statement that I need help with. I was thinking that a loop would accomplish what I am trying but I am still pretty new to VB and do not know the correct code.

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Streamreader - Text File - To Read Into A Listview - Read From A Specific Line In That File

Mar 11, 2010

I have a txt file that I need to read into a listview, but I need to read from a specific line in that file. Below is a sample of the txt file to read,

TOTAL GPM= 6400 HWT= 95.5 CWT= 84.0 IWBT= 76.6 ALTITUDE= 0


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VS 2010 - Pick A Random Piece Of Text From A Text File?

Jun 9, 2012

How do you pick a random piece of text from a text file in this manner....


I need to pick a random answer, not including the question. let it be the simplest solution. I am only a beginner.

View 6 Replies

VS 2010 Listview Add And Select - Populate A Listview And Leave Selected Records That Are True

Apr 19, 2012

I want to populate a listview and leave selected records that are true

I have a DB record which is ID int, desc varchar, selected boolean.

I have tried the code below

LVProducts is a Listview and DS is a dataset


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.NET Outputting Method Parameters?

Feb 19, 2011

I am trying to print (to a text file) the fragmentation information give by Win32_Volume class using the DefragAnalysis method and have come up with the following VB.NET code:

Dim objReader As StreamWriter
objReader = New StreamWriter(FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath + "FragInfo" + "_" + CreationDate + ".txt")
Dim colItemsFragInfo As New ManagementObjectSearcher("rootCIMV2", "Select * from Win32_Volume where DriveType = 3")


You do not need to defragment this volume.However executing this in Visual Studio returns the below:

Volume size: MB
Cluster size: MB

You do not need to defragment this volume.The point here is though it does NOT work under Windows Server 2008 R2, but does work under Windows Server 2003 (when executed in Visual Studio), WMI Code will work regardless of platform.

NB: i have played with the "Console.WriteLine" and changed it to "Debug.WriteLine" to output value to immediate window.

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C# - Outputting Line Numbers?

May 23, 2009

Is there a way, in VB.NET, to output the current line number in the source code? For example:

' The following line will purposly cause an error
Dim BigNum As Int64


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Outputting A Report To A List Box?

Oct 11, 2010

I have tried running this codes over and over again but i dont seem to be getting any progress, the output is not complete.
Its supposed to Display the first Letter of the First name then the secondname followed by the phone no and if a client has more than one record to list down all their records

Private Sub btnSearchrecord_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearchrecord.Click
'Retrieve a client from the record
Dim Message As String


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Outputting Combobox Value(s) To Listbox?

Aug 17, 2009

I'm sure there is probably a better way and certainly a more correct way to do with. But, right now when I output to the listbox, I'm only getting the information from the last item in the array.

Public Class frmInvoice
Structure Invoice
Dim intNumber As Integer
Dim strTitle As String
Dim strDescription As String


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Outputting DataGridView As SQL Script?

Dec 15, 2011

I'm working on a program that allows me to quickly write database entries. There are 123 columns, almost all of them I'm not using right now so I figured I'd write a program to speed up the process of adding entries to the database.The problem I'm having is exporting every row in a DataGridView to a .sql file. I'm able to do it with a single row but I'm having trouble with doing it for all rows. Every time I get a index out of range exception.I can't figure out why. The problem is probably obvious, but I need a fresh set of eyes to figure it out.In order for it to streamwrite each line it first collects all the data from the columns by using a loop then it writes it, clears the string and starts on the next row, looping for all the data, so on and so forth.

Private Sub StreamAll(ByVal table as String)
Dim TotalRows As Integer = DataGridView1.Rows.GetRowCount(DataGridViewElementStates.Visible)
Dim CurrentRow As Integer = 1


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Outputting Total To Label?

Mar 7, 2012

I am stuck on trying to get the sum of numbers to output to a label. I have a label box lblTcost that I would like to have the total of my list box lstCost placed into there. I have tried several things and keeps crashing or just not working at that part. I have used the debugger but since I know the line is wrong any ways that not helping. I though this line would work lblTcost.Text = lstCost.ToString("c") was the proper way but it isn't. Here is my completed code

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
'Declare values from both listboxes
Dim Day, Fee, Stay, Total As Integer


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Outputting Variable With Different String?

Sep 14, 2011

Well my other post didn't get accepted in the past hour so I'm assuming I asked something wrong?? No clue.

Anyway I have variable


which can equal R or B

The program I'm running opens a text file to run a GetData routine

I need to know how I can, keep the R in the text file, but have it display as a word when I run the program.

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