VS 2010 : Pinning PictureBox To A Scrolling Textbox?

Jan 19, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to pin a Picturebox to a scrolling Textbox so that when I scroll down in the Textbox the picture follows it.

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Keyboard Scrolling A Picturebox In VB 2010?

May 20, 2011

I am building an image processing program. As part of this, I have a picturebox, set to AutoSize.

When I load an image larger than the size of the picturebox's container the box automatically expands and shows scroll bars. This is what I want. I can scroll the picturebox using the mouse to click on these, but I would like to be able to scroll the image using the arrow keys. This poses a couple of problems:

1) finding what properties to change or events to raise when a key is pressed. It is a property of the picturbox, or a property of the container?

2) dealing with repeated scrolling while the arrow keys are held. I know I can use keydown to detect that an arrow key has been pressed, but how do I continue to scroll as long as the key is held down?

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Picturebox Transparency - App Has Scrolling Images In The Background And A Picturebox On Top

Feb 28, 2009

My app has scrolling images in the background and a picturebox on top. The image in the picturebox has transparent parts. How can It so that the transparent parts show whatever is belo the picture box, not the form background? I have tried taking screenshots and positioning them as background but this just freezes the app.

Dim ScreenSize As Size = New Size(154, 83)
Dim screenGrab As New Bitmap(154, 83)
Dim blank As New Bitmap(100, 300)


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How To Enable Zooming And Scrolling In Picturebox

Jan 13, 2012

I'm trying to make a picture viewer, with which users can see the actual size and fit screen size of the picture. They can also zoom in and zoom out and control the view with scroll box. If its not possible by picture box then what other control should I use?

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Smooth Scrolling Picturebox Without Jerk?

Oct 12, 2009

I make a project for Cable Television in vb.net 2008. So, require a picture box object to move right to left on the above media player for scrolling flash news's.I use timer control for moving picture box right to left.But i have small jerks in scrolling.how to remove that jerk. I want smooth scroll but it is in jerky.

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Add To TextBox, Prevent Scrolling?

Mar 25, 2009

I have a textbox to which text is continuously appended (every second new status data at the end).I would like to act it as follows:- When the cursor is positioned at the end: Stay at the end, scroll the textbox (text disappearing at the top).- When the cursor is positioned somewhere else (not at the end): Stay exactly there, don't move the cursor, don't scroll, don't change the top line of the textbox.This seems to be surprisingly difficult (tried quite several ways).This is how far i came:

Private Sub addToTextBox(ByVal daStrg As String)
Dim posAtEnd As Boolean, selPos As Long, selLng As Long
If myTextBoxForm.txBox.SelectionStart = myTextBoxForm.txBox.TextLength Then


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Scrolling Text In Textbox?

Dec 28, 2011

I am looking for some tips on textbox auto scrolling text. I am developing a keyboard and a calculator. With a touch of a button corresponding letters or numbers are displayed on text. I like the text to scroll to display other letters for example 12345 appears on textbox fits in the textbox size, when i type number 67 it doesn't appear in textbox coz its not scrolling to left.

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Auto-scrolling Textbox Scrollbars?

Jul 30, 2009

i have a number generator which creates a number then a new line followed by another number. its set on a timer that goes over and over again until a desired number is reached. the only problem is that the numbers go off the screen and a scroll bar appears but stays at the top. is there a way to set the value of a scroll bar on a text box and if not how would i tie a vscrollbar to a textbox or richtextbox.

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How To Find If User Is Scrolling Up Or Down In A Textbox?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a textbox with multiline enabled. I want to find out if the user is scrolling up or scrolling down on that text box. Is there a way to find it out?

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Make A Textbox Into A Scrolling Marquee?

Apr 18, 2009

Is there a way to make a textbox into a scrolling marquee? It would need to update it's information every time it ran out of text to display.

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C# - Get Smartphone Like Scrolling For A Winforms Touchscreen App ( Scrolling Panel )?

Aug 5, 2011

After scouring the articles online I have come up with this design for a winforms based touchscreen app that needs smartphone like scrolling. The app itself will run on a tablet laptop or touchscreen desktop.I put everything I want to scroll on a panel. Set autoscroll to true (which will show scrollbars)Now put this whole panel inside a groupbox.Shrink the groupbox until the scrollbars are hidden (visually hidden, not visible = false)

Now the fun part I am stuck at.I think I have to handle the mousedown, mouseup & mousemove on the panel to set the autoscrollposition so that when someone touches the panel and drags, it does it's scroll magic. Please help fill in the few lines of code in below method stubs. The msdn doc on autoscrollposition is very confusing since it returns negative numbers but needs to be set to positive with abs and what not.

Point mouseDownPoint;
Point mouseUpPoint;
Point mouseDragPoint;[code]......

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Credits-style Scrolling Textbox And Form Detecting A Enter Keypress?

Mar 8, 2012

I have two issues. The first is that I want to make a textbox scrolling similar to how credits scroll. I don't want it to move on the form, just to scrolling the text down a line/pixel. I thought I could do it with the "Lines" element, but I'm not exactly sure how to execute it.

The other problem is with my flash screen. Right now I have it set so when a button is click, it goes onto the main form. I don't want to use the button but rather have it so if Enter is pressed at any time, it'll go to the main form. All the solutions I've tried to use involve the "e.Keycode" code, but for some reason its unavailable.

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VS 2008 Stop Textbox And Datagridview Cell From Scrolling (fixed Size)

Aug 16, 2011

I need to limit a Textbox and DataGridView to only enter text in the fixed size of the cell/textbox on the screen. So I have limited the cell/textbox so user can not change it size. Both allow multiline and wordwrap. cell/textbox is sized to accept 5 lines of data (wordwrap or enters) This is like an online form.So the text enter will be printed so I can not allow scrolling in the cell/textbox.

How can I stop the scrolling of the text inside the cell/textbox.

Also : if the user Paste into the cell/textbox how to truncate text if larger than display area.

sample settings:
DataGridView1.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None
DataGridView1.AllowUserToResizeRows = False


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Scrolling Text: Only Scrolling Certain Song Titles?

Aug 19, 2009

I currently have a label scrolling text, But for some reason it only displays Certain song titles/text. Does Anyone know why?!

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = OpenFileDialog1.FileName


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VS 2010 Panel Scrolling (Horotzional Scrollbar)?

Jan 17, 2012

I want to make a panel scroll horotzional with a scrollbar. The panel will have images only (Maybe a label under each picturebox), and I don't have enough space for all the images, so I want to make it scroll horotzional.

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VS 2010 - Form Automatically Scrolling To Selected Item

Mar 31, 2011

I have template designer form with scroll bar and maximized mode in MID form. Now, when I click on any of the item of ListBox placed at the the middle of the form, form automatically scrolls to the selected item. Is there any way to prevent auto scrolling?

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VS 2010 Paint Rectangle Image Distorts When Scrolling?

Oct 12, 2011

I have a tabcontrol that I am trying to paint the background with a gradient rectangle. It looks great when the tab loads, but when I scroll, the background distorts. below is the

Private Sub tabcontrol_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles PanelDataSheet.Paint
'Creating a new Rectangle as similar width and height of the datasheettab
Dim oRAngle As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, PanelDataSheet.Width, PanelDataSheet.Height)


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VS 2010 Sending A Final .Refresh After Scrolling A DataGridView

Apr 29, 2010

I'm noticing that sometimes strings drawn in a given column or row will be slightly over-antialiased or altogether clipped after scrolling horizontally or vertically.I can see that the quick way to clear this up is to send a final .Refresh() call to the DataGridView after completing the scroll. But, unlike the ReSize event for Forms, there doesn't seem to be a Begin and End Scroll event for controls, so I can't just send a .Refresh() to the DataGridView after scrolling.Does anyone have an idea how I might go about detecting when a scroll event has completed so I can send that final .Refresh() to the DataGridView?

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VS 2010 Smooth Scrolling Rich Text Box With Timer

Oct 3, 2010

I'm wondering how to scroll smoothly down a RTB using a timer. By smooth im not meaning one line at a time, but more a few pixels.

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VS 2010 New PictureBox Located Relative To Another PictureBox

Jan 21, 2011

I am working on a small desktop form in VB 2010 and am trying to place a pictureBox with an image in it, next to another pictureBox already located on the form when the user clicks a button.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim tool As String


But for some reason the newPictureBox with image from "ptext" does not show up on the form. When I specify the new Point to be something like, (50,50) instead of getting the first pictureBox coordinates, the new pictureBox shows up in the right place.

Am I using System.Drawing.Point wrong? Or is there some other error that I'm making?

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VS 2010 - Extended Listview For My Application - After Scrolling Up And Down Some Items Get Visible Again

Nov 15, 2010

I've made an extended listview for my application but do get some strange behaviour when i scroll down and select an item.

This is the

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class iListView
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ListView


The strange thing is that after scrolling up and down some items get visible again.

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Change A Picturebox To Textbox?

Jul 23, 2009

How can I make a picturebox that can be like a Textbox. So the picturbox is the same but the user can input strings on it

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Set Picturebox A Front Of Textbox

Dec 4, 2011

How to set picturebox a front of textbox? I get always this: [URL] I wish like this: [URL]

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How To Put A Value On Textbox To Draw A Line In Picturebox

Jun 12, 2009

Let's say i have a textbox, a button and a picturebox on my form. What I want is if I put a value on the textbox a line is drawn in the picturebox. So for every value in the textbox a line is drawn according to that value. How can I do this on VS2008.

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Picturebox Images Control By Textbox?

Mar 5, 2009

by default this is working when the form load but when i change the data in the txtProjID which is representing the name of the folder where the images to be view in the picturebox... it's change but still the images in the previous folder is displaying, the new images did not appear..here is he codes..

Public Class Form4
'\ph-filesp01 eamscommonPROJECTSProjectImages
Private getProjcodeNum As String = "17039974"[code].....

change the name in the txtprojID the images change..

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[2008] Picturebox And Textbox Array

Jan 7, 2009

I have recently decided to move on from VB6 and upgrade a program I made in it to vb.NET.

I have a form that looks like this

If you look I have 4 picture boxes coloured and a text box next to each of them

What I want is when you change a colour of the text box it changes the text in the text box next to it to the web code like #000000.

My code so far is [URL]

Public Class frmSettings
' Public ReadOnly PictureBox As New List(Of PictureBox)()
Dim groupPB() As PictureBox = New PictureBox() {Me.cs1, Me.cs2, Me.cs3, Me.cs4}
Dim groupTB() As TextBox = New TextBox() {Me.txtCl1, Me.txtCl3, Me.txtCl3,


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VS 2008 - Remove PictureBox When Textbox Reaches 5

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to remove a picturebox when my textbox reaches 5?
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
PictureBox1.Visible = True
End Sub
[Code] .....

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Check PictureBox If Clicked Then Change Associated Textbox Color

Jun 5, 2009

I am fairly new to vb.net and the form includes 3 picture boxes in red which you can click and change their color to green, also each picture box have three text box associated with it and they are by default color dark gray. I want the system to check whether the picture boxes are clicked and if yes set the associated text box colours to white.

Here is the code I wrote:
Public Class Screen
Inherits Windows.Forms.Form
Dim T(1, 2) As TextBox
Dim S(2) As PictureBox
Dim x, i, j As Integer
[Code] .....

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How To Position A Picturebox Or A Textbox Or A Button On The Center Of Form

Jan 29, 2012

Does anyone know how to position a picturebox or a textbox or a button on the center of the form? i tried anchoring it "Top, Bottom, Left, Right" but when i do that the buttons,pictureboxes and textboxes increasing in size and fills out the screen without appearing in the center.(My form is in maximized state and i need all components to appear at the exact center when the program is run)

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Make Highlight Area In Picturebox By Getting Coordinate And Size From Textbox?

Nov 8, 2011

I have 4 textbox for X, Y, height and width.. and 1 picturebox where the image load in..

how can i make highlight area in picturebox by getting coordinate and size from textbox?

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