Credits-style Scrolling Textbox And Form Detecting A Enter Keypress?

Mar 8, 2012

I have two issues. The first is that I want to make a textbox scrolling similar to how credits scroll. I don't want it to move on the form, just to scrolling the text down a line/pixel. I thought I could do it with the "Lines" element, but I'm not exactly sure how to execute it.

The other problem is with my flash screen. Right now I have it set so when a button is click, it goes onto the main form. I don't want to use the button but rather have it so if Enter is pressed at any time, it'll go to the main form. All the solutions I've tried to use involve the "e.Keycode" code, but for some reason its unavailable.

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KeyPress Enter To Tab Muli-TextBox Form?

Jun 22, 2010

move the focus to the next TextBox (don't worry about the Case 38, 58 etc too much I).

My Code:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'(Unrelated code here)
AddHandler Form1.KeyDown, AddressOf EnterkeyHandler 'Would like to understand this better


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Detecting Keypress Outside The Form?

Mar 17, 2009

I need to find out how to detect keypress's outside of my form

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Detect If Press Enter In The Textbox Change Event And Not In Textbox Keypress?

Dec 13, 2011

how can I detect if press Enter in the Textbox Change event and not in Textbox Keypress?

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.net - Detecting Ctrl+tab Keypress?

Dec 9, 2010

How do I detect a ctrl+tab keypress?

Reason for asking: I want to stop a user from changing tabs in a tab control.

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.net - Detecting Keypress While Minimized?

Mar 7, 2011

I want to be able to detect when the user presses F10 or Ctrl+F10 outside of my program, and upon receiving the key press, it will send text to whatever they currently have selected (e.g. a text box). How can this be accomplished in the simplest way?

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Detecting A Keypress When The Window Is Out Of Focus Or Hidden?

Apr 12, 2012

If my window is hidden or out of focus, how do I detect a keypress? The idea is that it just sits in the tray as an icon until a key combination is pressed and then it pops back up again.

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VS 2010 - Detecting Mouse / Keypress Input

Dec 5, 2011

I am creating an application that creates scripts to move a mouse and to click where a user wishes to via pre-programmed code and to also press keys where required. I have the code to move a mouse and to manually click anywhere. What I am after is to detect when a mouse button is pressed and dragged and when keys are pressed.

I see that there is the following
To detect when a mouse button is pressed, and have it looping in a timer. Is there a better way to do this? I would rather not use a timer. And is there a similar routine to detect which keys are pressed?

View 20 Replies

VS 2010 Detecting PrintScreen (PrtScn) Keypress?

May 13, 2011

I'm trying to detect the Printscreen keypress with the use of a timer. I can't useform1_keyup/down as the focus isn't always on the form.

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[2008] KeyPress - TextBox On My Form Can Only Accept Numbers 0-9, Backspace And '.' /without Quotes

Mar 10, 2009

I have a simple question regarding the KeyPress event. I'm trying to make it to where my TextBox on my form can only accept numbers 0-9, backspace and '.' /without quotes. I've successfully got it to accept numbers 0-9, accept backspace, I'm just wondering - what line do I add so that it can accept periods as well?

Here's my

Private Sub TextBox_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e _
As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles _


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Keypress With Enter Key With A Checkbox?

Jun 2, 2009

How do I get a checkbox to be checked with the enter key on the key board when using the keypress control?

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ENTER Keypress Event Only Handled Once?

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to add to items to a combobox by using the "enter" key. It does work when I add the first item, but if I manually clear the box and add another items it does not get added to the list.

(1) I click in the combobox and type "hello" and press the "enter" key

(2) I click on the dropdown arrow and see that "hello" is in the list

(3) I select "hello" in the box and erase it, item is still in the list

(4) I type "goodbye" in the box and press the "enter" key

(5) "hello" is still in the list but "goodbye" is not

Here is the code:

Private Sub CopyrightCombo_Keypress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles CopyrightCombo.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW(Keys.Return) Then


if I comment the if/end if line and type "hello" the items added to the combobox list are: "h", "he", "hel", "hell", "hello" wich makes sens since the add items is run on every keypress? I know that my commands for adding items is good, I know that my keypress event is handled properly but not when I specify using the "enter" key.

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How To Handle Enter KeyPress Event

Jul 19, 2010

I am using the Event Handler below for the Enter Key Press Event, it is running when ever any of the keys is pressed. This is not so much a problem when the app. is running, unnecessary yes. It is giving me problems when ever I am Debugging using Breakpoints. How can I change the Handler so it only runs when the Enter Key is Pressed, doing away with the If statement?

Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = Chr(Keys.Enter) Then
'Different code blocks will run here depending on what
'TextBox or Label is selected.
End If
End Sub

View 13 Replies

Adding Item To Listbox With Enter Keypress

Feb 10, 2009

I have been out of VB since VB 6, but am back into it to write a basic app. I have created a listbox and am able to add data to it from a textbox via a command button. However, I want to give the user the option to simply press the enter key after they have entered the info the textbox, instead of clicking on the command button. I tried calling the function the command button is using from the "ENTER" event on the textbox, but all that does is execute the function when I click on the textbox? I'm sure this is very simple. What am I missing?

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Cancel Dialog - Handling Enter Keypress

Apr 4, 2011

I'm building a Dialog in Winforms. It's got the two OK and Cancel buttons that are there when you create it, which is what I want. In this dialog I also have a TextBox and a Sub (coding in VB.NET) that handles its KeyPress event. I need stuff to happen when the 'Enter' key is pressed. Now, I've done such KeyPress handling times and times again. This situation, however, is different, because as soon as 'Enter' key is pressed, the dialog automatically assumes you're pressing the 'OK' button, returns a result and closes.

In both the Designer and the actual form when running the application, the OK button is highlight, which means is has some kind of a focus (for the lack of a better term) at all times. How can I disable this feature of a dialog? When I debug my code, pressing enter does not even get to the sub handling the KeyPress event. It simply closes the dialog and returns the result, therefore I can't really step through the code and see what happens behind the scenes. To restate the question, how can I disable this functionality?

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ShowDialog With AcceptButton Passes Enter Keypress?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a problem opening a new form with ShowDialog when pressing the AcceptButton on the first form. Consider the following example

On Form1:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


View 6 Replies - Cancelling The Keypress [Enter] Action On A Telerik RadGrid

Feb 7, 2012

I have a Telerik Radgrid containing all the valid usernames and passwords that can be used to unlock functionnalities on my web page. The password is encrypted, so you have to click the row to decrypt and show the actual password. All usernames and passwords can be changed by an admin When the admin presses [ENTER] to submit the new username/password combination (instead of pressing the submit button), the new combination is actually submitted (which is fine).


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[2008] Keypress Event That Only Allows Numbers, Backspace, And Enter?

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to do an keypress event that only allows numbers, backspace, and enter. I have the part that only allows numbers

If Not (IsNumeric(e.KeyChar)) Then
e.Handled = True
End If

I need to know how to know what keychar the backspace and enter are.

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Cant Get Data To Enter To DataGridView Form Intups Of TextBox?

Apr 6, 2012

just looking for a bit of help from anyone. Here's the problem im having, i have taken to the challenge of creating a samll little program for my grandfathers canary club. it has inputs of (text boxes, comboboxes and date and time pickers)the problem is that i cant for the life of me get the data from these inputs to enter in to a DataGridView. i have been at this for a few weeks now and i have asked the lecturer at my college the code for the entries are below, i will provide more code if need be, but any help would be amazing!


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Comboxbox Keydown/keypress Handleing Keys.Enter Empty Comboxbox1.text?

Jan 9, 2009

I have a keyboard handler for my combobox1:

Private sub Combobox1_Keydown(....yaddda) handles combobox1.keydown
if e.keycode = keys.enter then
end if
end sub

this always displays an empty message box,I need the value of the combo box before the enter was pressed, apparently the enter key empties the combobox1.text.

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VB2008 Program - Enter A Data That Enter In Textbox To A Datagridview?

Aug 29, 2010

how to enter a data that i enter in textbox to a datagridview... for example i enter in the textbox is round and when i click add it will go to database... im using ms access database

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MS Access 2007 Table - Enter Data Into A Microsoft VB 2010 TextBox On A Form

Dec 14, 2011

I am trying to learn how I can enter data into a Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 TextBox on a form and when I Tab to the next TextBox, the data from the first TextBox is automatically appended to a Microsoft Access 2007 table. For this question, no other controls or objects are necessary.

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Add To TextBox, Prevent Scrolling?

Mar 25, 2009

I have a textbox to which text is continuously appended (every second new status data at the end).I would like to act it as follows:- When the cursor is positioned at the end: Stay at the end, scroll the textbox (text disappearing at the top).- When the cursor is positioned somewhere else (not at the end): Stay exactly there, don't move the cursor, don't scroll, don't change the top line of the textbox.This seems to be surprisingly difficult (tried quite several ways).This is how far i came:

Private Sub addToTextBox(ByVal daStrg As String)
Dim posAtEnd As Boolean, selPos As Long, selLng As Long
If myTextBoxForm.txBox.SelectionStart = myTextBoxForm.txBox.TextLength Then


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Scrolling Text In Textbox?

Dec 28, 2011

I am looking for some tips on textbox auto scrolling text. I am developing a keyboard and a calculator. With a touch of a button corresponding letters or numbers are displayed on text. I like the text to scroll to display other letters for example 12345 appears on textbox fits in the textbox size, when i type number 67 it doesn't appear in textbox coz its not scrolling to left.

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Calculation - Costs 10 Credits To Use ?

Feb 26, 2010

Im creating a slot machine that costs 10 credits to use but i cant get it so that i can -10 credits from the total.

Heres my entire code:

Public Class frmFruitMachine
Dim OneCredit As Integer = 1
Dim FiveCredit As Integer = 5


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Auto-scrolling Textbox Scrollbars?

Jul 30, 2009

i have a number generator which creates a number then a new line followed by another number. its set on a timer that goes over and over again until a desired number is reached. the only problem is that the numbers go off the screen and a scroll bar appears but stays at the top. is there a way to set the value of a scroll bar on a text box and if not how would i tie a vscrollbar to a textbox or richtextbox.

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How To Find If User Is Scrolling Up Or Down In A Textbox?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a textbox with multiline enabled. I want to find out if the user is scrolling up or scrolling down on that text box. Is there a way to find it out?

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Make A Textbox Into A Scrolling Marquee?

Apr 18, 2009

Is there a way to make a textbox into a scrolling marquee? It would need to update it's information every time it ran out of text to display.

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Detecting ' And " In Textbox

Jul 22, 2010

How do i detect ( ' and " or better still any char which sql cannot read)in textbox. this is my NOT working code there are codes before else if and after else so ya ...


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Detecting Spaces In Textbox?

Sep 23, 2011

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Textbox1.Text.StartsWith(a.Text & (" ")) = True And String.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Text) = False Then
Textbox1.Text = encryption.Text.Remove(0, a.TextLength)


I want this part of my project to detect spaces because it can happen if the user puts in a certain value for on and that value begins with another it will not process. (ex. a.text = 123, b.text = 1234, then i get the outcome or "aa" and it should be "ab"

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