VS 2010 : Read Excel Column To Combobox?

Mar 8, 2012

program the code for reading excel column to a combobox in a from at the time of form load?

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ComboBox - How To Read Cell Values From Excel

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to populate a ComboBox with all column headers I have in my Excel -file...
Dim Polku = fdlg.FileName
Dim XL_App As New Excel.Application
Dim XL_WB As Excel.Workbook = XL_App.Workbooks.Open(Polku)
Dim XL_WS1 As Excel.Worksheet = XL_WB.Worksheets(1)
with ComboBox1
[Code] .....

All I get are 10 values that are:

Even though I should get in the dropdown list:

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Read Column When Importing Excel Sheet?

Jun 15, 2012

I am importing an excel sheet into my sql database. Everything works fine, but I would like to read the column header in as static value. Not sure how to do this. Here is the code I am using to read the sheet in:

'Connection String to Excel Workbook
Dim excelConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & MyFile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;"""


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Read Data From Excel With Customized Column?

Sep 29, 2011

Im new to this .NET programmin...i just need to know some basic stuff abt readin data from excel..I just use ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + p_fileUrl + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;Mode=Read;IMEX=1;'") to read data.in a particular column,first ten or below cells hav no values and the rest has values.

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Reading A Blank String From Excel When Trying To Read The Header Of A Data Column?

Aug 25, 2011

I use an OLEDB connection to read from an excel database, and this loop to read in all of the data from each of the columns

While reader.Read()
For i As Integer = 0 To reader.FieldCount - 1
temp = reader(i).ToString + ControlChars.Tab


Some of the columns contain date information, which are read in fine (usually as a string "2/20/2011" or so), but the headers of those columns are read in as a blank "". The headers for all the other columns read in fine, but not for the date containing columns.

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VS 2010 Create Two Column In Combobox ?

Mar 3, 2010

How to create 2 column in combobox1?

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VS 2010 Datagrideview With Combobox Column?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm maintaining a Datagridview on my Windows Form (VS2010) that DataGrid contained Sales Table, we enter Sales records into that datagrid but there is a column call "StaffId" (person who sold the Item). For StaffId column I need to have a ComboBox with [StaffId] and [StaffName] from my database StaffTable.In this case I could get only one Column to the combobox but how can I get 2 columns to the combobox

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VS 2010 Need To Display Column To Combobox?

May 6, 2012

I need to display column from

table : some


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VS 2010 - Read Fields From File In Combobox?

May 14, 2012

In my combobox I have a list of sub folders (so all folders in my Jobs folder), each sub folder has a text file called summary.txt - would it be possible to display fields from the summary.txt in various textboxes if a folder is selected from the combobox? I use the following coding to display folder list in my combobox


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VS 2010 : Pass Combobox Value In Query Builder Filter Column?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm develloping a small application over na Access 2007 database. how can i pass the value of a combobox to a query being built with the query builder tool?If I use ? in the Filter column I�m prompted to enter the value but what I need is to pass the value of a combobox in a form. I tried to use:


but it is ignored, interpreted as the value to be filtered.

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VS 2010 How To Excel Read/write

Jun 22, 2011

I have an excel database with one column and thousands of rows of "number" data. I need to import the data into my form read the first entry, run an algorithm then move the result to the second column then move to the second entry and so on. I am having issues with where to begin. I am able to convert the excel database to a text file if it makes it easier.The algorithm that needs to be ran consists of reading each character one at a time and is as follows:ENTRY example: 12358458754The characters 1,3,8,5,7,4 need to be summed then multiplied by 3. These are all the characters starting with the first one and skipping every other one. I will call them "odds" (not referring to numeric value)The characters that are skipped, I will call them "evens", need to be summed together then added to the result of "odds".

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Column "A" In Excel To Combobox In Program?

Jun 3, 2010

I have same a problem about add Column "A"(a1- last a) in excel to combobox in VB but I dont know?[code]...

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VS 2010 Read Excel(2007) Cell Value From VB?

May 14, 2011

I have 2 spreadsheets I need to read 1 cell from each. I think I am close but you will see the line that doesnt work,


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VS 2010 Read A Sheet From A Excel Workbook And Pop It Into A Datatable?

Oct 14, 2010

I have managed to read a sheet from a excel workbook and pop it into a datatable.

Public Function GetSheet(ByVal SheetName As String) As DataTable


My understanding is that if I make changes in the datagridview it is reflected in the datatable.

So now I want to write the updated datatable back to the appropriate worksheet.

I have read about "insert into" or "update" etc but it is very specific columns and rows.

One other thing, when I set the datagridview datasource as the datatable I get about 9 other columns such as TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_TYPE etc. Any pointers wher thay are coming from and maybe how to get rid ofthem?

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VS 2010 Populate Textbox With Excel Data Based On Combobox Selection?

Nov 29, 2011

Visual Basic 2010 Express: I have a form with a combobox that is populated with the names of locations from a datagrid which in turn was imported at run-time (Form_Load) from an Excel database. The Excel database (and the datagrid) also stores the information for addresses and phone numbers for their respective locations.

What I would like to do is have the phone number and address text boxes automatically be updated with the proper corresponding data when the user selects a location from the combobox. Whether the text boxes are updated from the datagrid or Excel database is not a concern; I'm mainly looking for whichever way is simpler.

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VB 2010 : Make A VB Application That Can Read And Write At Excel Or At SQlite Db?

May 5, 2012

I am trying to make a VB application that can read and write at excel or at SQlite db.With the excel my application works fine, but when i tried to share my application 1 of my friends can open it and all the others no.So i want to try with the SQlite but i dont know what i need for to support the sqlite at my VB project.I am using VB 2010 but i can also i can use C#?

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VS 2010 Read / Write Excel Cell Data To Textbox & Visaversa

Jan 31, 2011

I'm converting older VBA code to VB. I'm using Visual Studio or VB 2010 but am new to this "oop" approach and not a seasoned programmer. Scenario:

1. Open new Excel worksheet (see below - will this work?)


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VB - Excel: Finding If A String From One Column Correspond To Strings In Another Column?

May 20, 2009

i need to do a macro. this is what my excel looks like

1 2 3 4
seq1 name name seq2
abcde vv1 abcdddd
abcxy vv2 abcdlmn


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Datagridview Combobox Column Insrting Value Into The Combobox?

Dec 5, 2010

I would like to manually insert values in a combobox colum of a datagridview.I am using the DGV as an UNBOUND control.

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How To Make Combobox Control Like Combobox Column

Jan 21, 2010

i make this code to achive what i need[code]but in datagridview what i make when i want to convert to use in dgv

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Take A Bound Column And Make That Column Be A Combobox?

Feb 9, 2009

I've been able to add my own non-bound columns to a DATAGRIDVIEW - such as a check box column.But I'm not seeing how to take a bound column and make that column be a combobox. Doesn't appear to allow that.Do I have to hide the real column and add a "fake" front-end column that I make a combobox?

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Read Excel Data (Excel 2007 SP1, On Windows XP SP3) With .net 2008?

Oct 7, 2009

I am trying to read excel data (Excel 2007 SP1, on Windows XP SP3) with visual basic .net 2008 (VB 9.0 SP1). I have tried several attempts and whatever I do I am getting the following error message: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException was unhandled ErrorCode=-2147319784 Message="Altes Format oder ungültige Typbibliothek. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80028018 (TYPE_E_INVDATAREAD))" Source="Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel" Message="Altes Format oder ungültige Typbibliothek." Translated: Old format or unknown type libraryI have added the reference "Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library" to my project. I am assuming that I might have to add a different or an additional reference, but I do not have any clue which one to use. List of things I have already done:- Searched other forums- Altered the language settings- Tried it on an other Computer (Win XP SP3, Excel 2007, Visual Basic 2008 Express)- Ran the diagnostics tool in Excel - Updated all updates etc...- Reinstalled Visual BasicI really do not have any clue why it should not work?

Imports excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim xlsApp As excel.Application


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VS 2008 : Use Code To Read Excel File With Excel Installed?

Feb 7, 2012

I am uploading an excel file to my app and want to read it. Do I need to have excel loaded to read this?I am getting an error of Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Public Function GetExcelData(ByVal ExcelFilePath As String) As DataTable
Dim OledbConnectionString As String = String.Empty


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DB/Reporting :: Read Excel File Without Excel Installed Using VB?

Feb 27, 2012

I tried to read excel file using the method i found here [URL] But i get an error on ADODB.Connection saying "Type 'ADODB.Connection' is not defined" in the following code:

Private Function GetExcelConnection(ByVal Path As String, _
Optional ByVal Headers As Boolean = True) As Connection
Dim strConn As String


Its was used in VB6... do i need to do something special in Visual Studio 2010?

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VS 2010 Excel Method Find In VB2010 - Convert Excel Macro In A Exe File Using Visual Studio 2010

Oct 25, 2010

I decided to to convert my excel macro in a exe file using visual studio 2010. In excel macro method find is present like this:


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Read Data (read Only) From Excel Files?

May 27, 2011

I want to read data (read only) from excel files

I use this connection string

Con_BarCode = New ADODB.Connection
With Con_BarCode
.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm,


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Add One Column With Combobox?

Mar 22, 2010

I have listview fullfilled from database... i want to add one column with combobox... etc:

name, order, city
mike 2pcx alamaba(combo)...

How to i can add?

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VS 2010 : Select A Column From A Dataset Based On The Value In Another Column?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm writing a help application for the Customer support team at my company to help agents ask better questions when customers report problems. In it, I've got a SQL database that contains all the products, topics, and questions. The layout is similar to the following:

Products Table:
Product_ID Product Name:
Topics Table:
Topic_ID Product_ID Topic


I don't know if I'm making myself clear, but I basically need to do the equivalent to the following SQL statement: "SELECT PRODUCT_ID FROM Products WHERE PRODUCT_Name = LstProducts.SelectedValue"

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Can Make ComboBox With 2 Column

Jan 21, 2012

how I can make the ComboBox with 2 column..

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Combobox Column In Datagridview?

Jun 3, 2010

I add a combobox column in datagridview. When I select differnet value from the drop down list, combobox's text dose not change. What should I do for this?

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