VS 2010 - Search Excel And Return Related Value

Aug 17, 2011

Essentially all I want to do is have a user form where you enter a reference number, hit enter and it searches an excel 2010 spreadsheet for that reference number. If the reference number is found it returns the associated name which is in the cell in the column on the right. (e.g. ref = A1 & name = B1).

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Search Excel And Return A Count Number?

Jun 3, 2009

I can open and read and write to excel, but I need some help on how to search through column A to find a particular text such as B22-11, once found then I need to get the row number (count).

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VS 2010 - Search The Rtb1 For Combobox1 Selected Value And Return The First 9 Characters From The Line With The Result?

Jul 28, 2010

i have form1 with combobox1 and rtb1 i would like to search the rtb1 for combobox1 selected value and return the first 9 characters from the line with the result.



so if combobox1 selected.value = "BALTIC" then i would like "1209-4756" to become a named string (eg, cda = 1209-4756)

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Get Related Search From Website?

Mar 3, 2012

Im using wikipedia and want related searches to pop in a listbox that the user can look at as well. If anyone has some insight of where to start that would be awesome. I tried getting the heading of the main searched topic by referencing the titles of the website but that ended quickly with many boundaries.

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Export To Excel 3 Related Tables Into Excel?

Aug 22, 2010

I'm a beginner to VB.net. I have 3 table (Torder, Titem, Customer)Table structure as below.

Order.dbf fields (OrderNo, CustCode)
Titem.dbf fields (OrderNo, Itemno, product)
Customer.dbf fields (CustCode, CustName)

Torder related to Titem via Order No. Customer related to Torder via CustCode. How to output data to excel sheet in this format?

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VS 2010 Reading Excel Does Not Return Any Values In VB Application?

Apr 13, 2012

I am developing a vb.net app that should read cell values from excel. However, it is not returning any results and I thought that it would be really simple. I have imported all the references viz. Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library.

Following is the function in my class file which should read the excel file

Dim mobjApp As Excel.Application
Dim mobjWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim mobjSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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How To Extract Links Related As Type In Search Box And Get Only These Doman Names

Aug 14, 2011

How to make regex match code for vb.net to extract domain names but only related like this url... and get output like this vbcity url...I type vb.net forums and i want to extract it only related vb forums doman names.Here is the picture and this is that what i want to extract only these links under as i type in searchbox and other all links remove that do not related and extract them all from google.[code]

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Exporting To Excel - Get Excel To Return Down A Row And Display The Next Product Within The List Box?

Apr 16, 2011

I am building an ordering system for my job. The idea is that the customer will put in a stage name for an item. That stage name is then interpreted by the program.The product id and the amount the customer wants to order is placed in a list box on the form. There are a couple of buttons, ADD, REMOVE, CLEAR, and EXPORT. The user input is handled by input boxes. When the user pushes the EXPORT button, excel should open and list out the interpreted product codes with the corresponding amount to order. I can get excel to open, but I can not get excel to display more than one line. It will display the first product, but then it comes up with an unhandled exception.I can not figure out how to get excel to return down a row and display the next product within the list box.

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[VB 2010] Return Alert Message If SQL Query Return No Records

Dec 12, 2011

I use this code to return records in a DataGridView:


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Search Inside Dir Return With Timestamp?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a directory that I need to search. The search will look for all files inside that directory and all the subdirectories. The filenames will output on a listbox. The problem is when I run the search, it returns all the filenames plus the full path.[URL]..I only want to show the filename and if possible, the file creation date.

Listbox output should be:

Filename1.doc File created on 2007-10-02
Filename2.pdf File created on 2007-10-15
Filename3.xls File created on 2007-10-17

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Search Text Box And Return Values Between X And Y

Apr 7, 2012

i am having a few problems with something i need to create. it firsts needs to get source code of a url i specify, after which i need to click a few buttons so it gets different parts (extract) of the data that i need from the source code and display it in a different text box if possile. (while leaving the original sorce code intact)


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VS 2010 Primary Key & Related Tables

May 20, 2011

Is there a way to modify the text of a primary key and not have it delete all the following rows in other tables related to it?

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Exe Call Class In .vb File - Search For Return Value

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to call an external .vb file class function, is it like dim a as ClassName=new ClassName()? so how do you do with this kind of.. I try to search for return value from .vbs to project that i will compiled, but none got the answer..#The reason why i'm doing this is for feature maintenance..

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Search AD With Textbox Value And Return Results As Datatable?

Sep 27, 2010

Currently I have a gridview bound to a datatable which is populated with groups from the AD. I need to be able to add search functionality so users can type in part of a group name and have the results display only groups that fit their search criteria.

Here's what I have so far.

<asp:TextBox ID="searchParam" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><asp:button ID="btnSearch" runat="server" Text="Search" />
<asp:GridView ID="dgSearchDLs" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="cn" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1">


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Search Website And Return Text Of Another Webpage

Oct 24, 2009

I am making an application that will save all the names of the movies in my "movies" folder on my computer. I am able to make a list of all the names quite easily, but how would it be possible for me to search The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) for the title of the movie, click on the link of the name of the movie and grab information of the movie off the imdb database (Run time, rating, and plot?)

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VS 2010 Save Data In Two Related Tables

Feb 16, 2012

I have a database created using sql server express 2008. There I have two tables called tbl1 and tbl2, which are related as tbl1.CityNumber=tbl2.CityNumber.

I have created the programme using VB 2010; there, a form has three textboxes.

Tables: tbl1,tbl2 ; (related as tbl1.CityNumber=tbl2.CityNumber)
Columns to be updated:tbl1.CityName , tbl1.CityNumber, tbl2.StreetName
TextBoxes on the VB form: txtCityName , txtCityNumber, txtStreetName


But, now the problem is, the two tables have not get updated,after going to the database in MS.SQL Server Management Studio. I think I'm very closer to have my required result. I have tried my best to track place,where I've gone wrong.I have been trying to find a method for last five days.

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Search Access Database And Return Data To Textbox

Apr 22, 2011

I've created a basic search form. I have a textbox with a search button and an Access Database as the backend. I have also added it as a new datasource. What I'm looking to do is grab the search string from one textbox and return the data to another textboxt. I have a table called "VehicleInfo" and I want to search the field in my table called "VehicleID" and return the vehicleID I searched for into another textbox. I'm really new to VB. I understand databases and basic code structure, I just don't have a good grasp yet on how these two work together.

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Garage_ServiceDataSet.Service' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
[Code] .....

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Search ITEM A In LIST B If Not Found Then Return A Print?

May 5, 2010

i want to search item A (from a list of X items) in list B but i want to get the item not found example Search ITEM A in LIST B if not found then return a print....if found continue with ITEM B..and so on.

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Syntax To Search (and Return Results) In Two Dimensional Array

Jan 11, 2012

The following code works just fine:
Dim wksSheetNames(0 To xlsWB.Worksheets.Count - 1, 0 To 1) As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
For Each Wks In xlsWB.Worksheets
wksSheetNames(i, 0) = xlsApp.ActiveSheet.codename
[Code] .....

What is the best vb.net based search method that would permit me to search for i.e. "Sheet2" and be able to obtain "Cats"? I attempted to ascertain the index number of "Sheet1" with:
Dim SheetArrIndex As Integer = Array.IndexOf(wksSheetNames, "Sheet1")

Then obtain the value "Cats"
wksSheetNames(SheetArrIndex, 1)

But I received an error message:
Code Line ->>>> "Dim SheetArrIndex As Integer = Array.IndexOf(wksSheetNames, "Sheet1")"
Error msg ->>>> "Only single dimension arrays are supported here.:
Obviously I do not know how to Search and Return the results of a 2D array.

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VS 2010 Express Related To Performance With Too Much Text In Code

Apr 4, 2012

I want to test out a code line with about 50,000 characters over about 7 lines, but VB takes about 2-3 minute breaks for every line of code I change and it crashes every 1-5th try. I moved the code into a public shared sub in a new class, and closed the class tab, but still VB can't resist checking though the code all the time.Is there any way I can prevent VB from checking that class/code?

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VS 2010 Make The Text Box Entry Related To The Message Box Pop-up?

Dec 6, 2011

I'm trying to create a program for my kid cousin; It's a small learning program for him since he is just as interested in cars as I am; and a fun change of pace for me learning something I've always wanted to try!I believe I've got it all figured out; except for how to make the text box entry relate to the message box pop-up. I want it so he learns how to type/ spell/ learn about cars; and to be more of a challenge to me.Here is the program I have started; and a screen cap of what the program physically looks like.


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VS 2010 VB 2010 Express Ed Sql Error - A Network-related Or Instance-specific Error Occurred

Jun 1, 2010

trying to get my hands wet on vs 2010 and i downloaded samples from ms site but when i tried to run some of the DB samples i received this sql error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) any ideas how to get around on this?

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VS 2010 Excel Method Find In VB2010 - Convert Excel Macro In A Exe File Using Visual Studio 2010

Oct 25, 2010

I decided to to convert my excel macro in a exe file using visual studio 2010. In excel macro method find is present like this:


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Search A CSV File By An Input String And Return All Lines That It Is Found?

Dec 12, 2009

I was hoping someone could assist with the following coding; I am trying to search a very large csv file (approx 200,000 lines) for a user defined string eg "0100020789" and I essentially want to print all the lines that contain this to a text box on screen. Please not that the csv file does not have standardised column headings, each line is different. There would be approx 5 lines that contain the input string.

I am concerned with the v large csv i am using which will prob slow everything down, but then I thought if simple text pad application can search for a string in complete files with similar sizes like that and return a result in less than 1second, then it must be do-able.

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Use Textbox To Search Database And Return Record To Label.text

Jun 19, 2009

I have sucessfully written in excel VBA. The idea is to used the textbox1_change event to find a match in column A of table and once it finds the record, return the value of column B as label1.text. [code] In VB 2008 it's a lot different. I have set up the form the same way with the textbox and labels. I have made a dataset with (1) table (Table1) with (2) columns. Lets call them column A and Column B.I have added the dataset as a binding source to the form and also a table adapter. I also have a standardized query made for the dataset with a very simple SQL statement "SELECT Column A, Column B from Table1"..In order to get the user input to start searching Column A I assume under the textbox_change event i would put something like: [code] I'm getting a bunch of errors of course. Would somepne be able to give me some direction?

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2008 - Search Field - Code For CmdSearch To Return TxtSearch.Text

Feb 15, 2009

Using VB 2008 with Access database I'm trying to make a search field (txtSearch), but I'm not getting success with code in the button (cmdSearch). I'm making this manually, not using the Query Builder, and the result will be displayed in a datagridview (added to the form dragging the table from the Datasource Panel). So, the datagrid is already populated (with no SQL). What code must I use for the cmdSearch, to return the txtSearch.Text (or part of it) in the Datagridview? I've tried this: "Select Product, Price, Quantity FROM tblProducts WHERE Product LIKE txtSearch.Text & '*'" (but it doesn't work).

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VS 2008 Search For Text In A TextBox And Return Line Number Found On?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to search for text that is known to be in a TextBox.

Once it is found, I want to return the line number it was found on.

Also, I would like to know how to delete all blank lines from a TextBox.

These two problems have been plaguing me for the last 2 days.

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NPV In Excel And VB Return Different Values?

Nov 30, 2010

If a use the NPV() function in Excel (2010) with a discount rate of 5% and 10 cells that each contain 505,000 the resulting NPV function call "=NPV(5%,C2:C11)" returns the value of 3,899,496.

If I use the Financial.NPV() method in the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace (in my C# application) and pass in a discount rate of 5% (as a double) and an array of 10 doubles with a value of 505,000 each, the VB function returns the much lower value of 100,999.99 (plus a few more decimals).

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VB Express 2010 : A Network-related Or Instance-specific Error Occurred While Establishing To Sql Server

Jun 1, 2010

i downloaded samples of vb 2010, i tried to run Create DB (Data Samples) but i'm receiving this error. I have MS SQL Server 2008 installed.a network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing to sql server. the server was not found or was not accessible.Verify that the instances name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error:40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

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Way To Search In Excel

Jul 21, 2010

I have problem about search in excel,I open excel with VB but I hiddin it.

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