VS 2010 Search Multiple With Instr

Nov 19, 2011

I created a code that allows me to search inside a RichTextBox...Then the code is as follows:[code]Now with the code that I use today, the MsgBox show me only the first, ie "<b> text1 </ b>" while others are not..

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VS 2008 Search Combobox Using Instr?

Jan 30, 2010

I am creating a movie player which lists movie files from various folders/subfolders in a combobox (tsFileList). I'd like to be able to enter the movie name into a textbox (txtSearch), find that text in the combobox (using instr), then automatically select the found item.I'd like to use instr as some of the items in the combobox contains full file paths.

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Search For New Line Position In A String Variable Using InStr

Aug 7, 2009

I have an application in VB.NET which gets string data from the database. This string has data which looks as below:

"This is the update: I have an issue with the application"

I need only part of the data, that comes after the new line i.e. "I have an issue with the application".

For this I am trying to search the position using InStr where the string has data in a new line. I tried many options, but they don't work.

I used "vbCrLf", Chr(13), "
", "
", "<br/>", Environment.NewLine, but none of them work.

How can I get the data I need?

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Instr Function Handle Multiple Strings To Find?

Aug 1, 2010

I'm using this for a single value to search for.

intPositionOfApartment = InStr(StrConv(pStringToParse, vbUpperCase), "APT") Is it possible to search for more then one value such as "APT", "UNIT" ?

If yes please show me an example of how it should be coded.

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VS 2010 Search String In Multiple Files?

Aug 30, 2011

i need to check a text in a lakh of files. as now am looping through files, is there any other fast approach to make it work easily.

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VS 2010 Multiple Search In Datagrid Using Two Or More Text Boxes

Mar 6, 2011

so i have this data grid, which i wanna search , base on specific criteria from two or more text boxes; eg a user wants to search employees from karachi, so they enter karachi in the first text box. now they want to search employees from karachi whose status is permanent, so they enter permanent in the second text box, and the data grid shows employees from karachi whose status is permanent.

For search from ONE text box, i have used the following code :

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
If TextBox1.Enabled = True Then


im no champ at vb, i just started some 7 days ago for my computer project, so ill really need to be spoon fed the details :|

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VS 2010 Search Multiple Words From Textbox In Database?

Jan 15, 2012

searching a database using multiple words from a textbox showing in gridview.

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Width="382px" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" style="height: 26px" Text="Button" />


It works fine, i click button and the gridview shows all the right records. The problem is when i use more then 1 word in textbox. it shows nothing. The record in the database field may have several words, so i need to search using all words in textbox.

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.NET Site Search To Search Multiple Words From A Phrase?

May 8, 2012

changing the way the site search is done from just search a phrase as one string to searching a phrase "as multiple words" search. For example, if I search "cute puppy" right now, it will search it for "cute puppy" as phrase and won't match just "cute" and "puppy". The way the search is implemented is by passing a search phrase to a Stored Procedure in SQL Server.So now, I need to change to site search so when "cute puppy" is searched, it will search two words.... "cute" and "puppy" instead of just "cute puppy". Below is how the store procedure is implemented



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Use SQL To Search Multiple Tables And Columns For Search Function?

Aug 23, 2009

Im making a search function for an application and they need to be able to search by any value in the DB in any of the three tables. Im wondering the best wayto about this. 2 of the 3 tables have the same columns while the last one is totally different. Below is what I kinda "thought" itd look like but no.

"SELECT * FROM cases, opencases, staff WHERE Crime ='" & txtsearch.Text.ToString & "'"

I need to query the results the user can search for anyterm and if it matches something in the columns it return it to the user. Im wondering if the best way to go about this is to maybe query all the tables and then put all the matching records in a seperate table and the dgv look at that table or how to exactly go about it.

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Storing Multiple Words As One Variable To Use Instr() To See If Any Of It's Variable Words Are In The Text?

Jan 26, 2012

other than GML (Yoyogames.com Game Maker Language), I am new to the coding world. The only "major" project I have completed using VB is a computer calculator that exactly mimics the capabilities of Windows 7's calculator. Yesterday, I began a Chatbot program for my girlfriend. Lol. I have used the instr() function to answer most of the questions or answers which are typed into the textbox1. I find this extremely troublesome because when using the instr() function you cannot say instr(textbox1.

Public Class Form1
Dim fos As String = "Foster: "
Dim ash As String = "Ashley: "


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Use Of MID And INSTR In .net?

Oct 23, 2009

i have a string that looks like this "Patient Name, Doc Name, Patient ID, something else"i want to extract each one of these and put it in a variable. such that var1 will equal "Patient Name" var2 will equal "Doc name" etc.. using instr and mid. what is the best way to do it?

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.net - Using Instr When String Is Nothing

Jul 29, 2009

I have the following condition

If InStr("a,b,c", stringA) > 0 OrElse (InStr("y,z", stringB) > 0 AndAlso value = 0) Then

COndition 1 is false so i check for condition 2 that is "(InStr("y,z", stringB) > 0 AndAlso value = 0) "

What puzzles me is that when stringB is nothing it still falls into the if condition and executes the code.

On first look it would seem that when stringB is nothing condition2 would fail and as a result would not fall into the if condition.

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Difference Between Instr And Contains?

Dec 8, 2009

for determining whether a string of data contains certain text, which is more efficient? I have read elsewhere that there is somewhat of a consensus to avoid legacy functions, since they may or may not be available in future versions.However, trying to use the contains method (or indexof equivalent of Instr) is causing me problems, I think, because I am having trouble performing a case-insensitive search.

I am trying to be efficient and functional in my code. I am reading an INI file, and I have preloaded the contents of the file into a String variable, for 2 reasons. 1) If I can test if a certain section exists in the code, I can avoid attempting to read a section of empty data (the INI reader class I have chosen returns the value or an empty string for a given request). More importantly, 2) I have created a data field that is not INI compliant (at least not to the API?) as it is a data field that can contain an arbitrary (unlimited?) amount of data which is a hex-encoded representation of serialized byte data. I need to be able to determine if this value exists in the file and retrieve it using normal string manipulation, since the INI handler will not pass strings longer than 256Chr.

So, the problem I am having is getting "strFileContents.Contains("data=")" to return true in the case where the file contains "Data=". This could be data=, DATA=, DaTa=, etc.Instr has the option "CompareMethod.Text" which, I believe, does a case insensitive text search. What is the equivalent for "Contains"?

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Element Id's Are All Different / Instr

Mar 12, 2009

I am developing a twitter application. I can add, delete a user but now need to load the users follower page and then add the followers. the problem is the element id's are all different. I have tried the following,, loading the html into a text box and trying to read it using instr. but could not get the instr to parse the element id which looks something like this


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How To Use RegEx Expression With InSTR

Jan 13, 2011

I'm looking to do is scrub an html file for anything that resembles an IP address or any set of numbers for that matter. Normally what I would do is just using things like string.split to split out the html around areas that I want to search. What I am looking to do is be able to essentially search a large amount of characters for anything that matches this reg ex pattern.

Dim pattern As String = "^(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]):(d{1,4}|[0-5]dddd|[0-5]dddd|6[0-4]ddd|65[0-4]dd|655[0-2]d|6553[0-5])$"

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InStr' Is A Namespace And Cannot Be Used As An Expression?

Oct 24, 2010

'InStr' is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression.Dim FirstString As String = "me@me.com"

Dim SecondString As String = "@"Dim position As Integer position = InStr(FirstString, SecondString)
If position = 0 Then MsgBox("Not a Valid email address: There was No @ Sign") End If

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Using A Variable As String 2 In InStr?

Aug 16, 2011

Is it possible to use a string for string 2? cuz whenever i tried it would return a 0 instead of the position of the string. however when i hard code the string into the code it works

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Search For Multiple Results?

Apr 16, 2012

I would like to search for a member using a text box. i have connected my vb form to an MS access database.I have the following command so far however i would like to search for the forename or the surname, not just the forebame.

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Search Multiple Datatables For A Value?

Jun 3, 2011

Every table I have has an 'UpdatedBy' field which lists the user who last made an update to the record. I need a way of searching every datatable for that username and returning the count of the rows where the LastUpdated field is equal to a parameterized username. How can this be accomplished without writing a seperate query for each datatable that does the same thing and running each query one at a time? I'm not sure if this can accomplished somehow in the dataset itself or if a SQL Function could do this.

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Search Using Multiple Criteria?

May 27, 2011

I am doing a simple database project.I need to give the input in the database which is an access db from my input form and i have managed to do this part right.then i need to retrieve the details from the db using multiple search fields and show them in the datagrid view.I have 8 search fields(5 textboxes and 3 combo boxes). I also have included 4 other buttons which respectively clears the search boxes;clear the results of the gridview; show all results from the database;go to the input form and offcourse 1 search button.now all the buttons working fine except the search button. actually when i click on the search button if i include sql query for all the search fields only the first one works and also if i have clicked any other buttons before clicking the search button nothing happens, no result is shown and it happens the same if i search once and clicked any other buttons and come back to search, no result. I need to show the results in the gridview depending on the user input on those search criterias. user should be able to search in any combinations.I am using the below codings in my search form. the combo boxes are not bound.datagrid is bound to database though.

Public Class Paxsearchfrm
Private Sub Paxsearchfrm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'LAFDataSet.Table1' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
End Sub


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Use Of Mid(), Instr(), LBound(), UBound() Not Recommended?

Sep 28, 2009

I come from a C# background but am now working mostly with VB.Net. It seems to me that the above functions (and others - eg. UCase, LCase) etc. are carryovers from VB6 and before. Is the use of these functions frowned upon in VB.Net, or does it purely come down to personal preference?

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Using InStr To Replace A Character From A String

Jan 21, 2011

What i am trying to do is take a character (which is going to be into a variable by user input) and search a string for this character, and save the positions of all character found and then change the same position of these characters in another string for the character that the user inputs. In other words, like a guess a word game. User tryes a guess, i search the string for that letter or number, if it's there replace it on the text box of the GUi, if not save it in another variable as a character that has been tried already, possibly an array.

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Manipulate Looping Serialport.readexisting And Instr?

Jun 27, 2011

i try readexisting and instr function as follow:


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.net Search Button Multiple Queries?

Jan 13, 2012

i am creating a program in vb.net and was wondering if there is a way to perform multiple queries with one button without adding a second button. like i have two text boxes, one is for date and the other is for name. what i want to do is if i hit search and both the date and name boxes are filled, i want it to search for the name based on that date. but if only the name is filled i want to search for everything under that name.This is what i have. right now it only does one search:


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Create Multiple Search From Database?

Sep 25, 2011

I would like to know how i can create Multiple Search from database?

i find one way [URL]

when i will try to make like that its not created if any one can see to me what is the problem

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GetFiles - Any Way To Specify Multiple Search Patterns

Jan 14, 2005

When you do GetFiles() you can specify a search pattern such as *.txt. How can I specify multiple patterns. For example, in windows search you do *.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif. I tried that but no luck and the msdn not work. Is this possible?

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Multiple Keyword Search In SQL Database?

Oct 5, 2011

I am trying to search one column (Titles) of an Access database using an SQL query. The search entry comes from a split string passed to an array and inserted into the SQL command.
This works well, however, the results I get back are for entries containing EITHER of the keywords entered, not entries containing ALL keywords entered.

The code I am using is::::

Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click
dgvSearch.Visible = True


The loop is working, but acting as a new search as opposed to searching the results of the previous search.

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Multiple Search Fields In Datatable?

Jun 22, 2010

is there a way i can get my datatable to have multiple constraints that are attached to a unique id? an example of what i'm talking about is if i have a unique machine but it's on many lines, can i show that somehow in a datatable? the reason i'm asking is that i have code that sorts the data by line number and shows the relevant machines in a combo box based on the line selection out of another combo box. i'm having to input the data into the datatable (as a starting point for the data base) and it's very tedious. i'm entering machines that have the same name in multiple rows because the line number is different. i can't figure out how i can add multliple values into my line number column so that it will sort properly when queried.an example of what i'm asking with regard to the datatable is as follows:

Machine LineNumber
slicer Line 1, Line 2, Line 4
conveyor belt Line 1, Line 6

So that when called to fill the combo box, the correct one is called.The code i'm using to sort right now is as follows:

Private Sub linecbo_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles linecbo.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim cline As String


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Search Button Multiple Queries?

Jan 8, 2009

Mi am creating a program in vb.net and was wondering if there is a way to perform multiple queries with one button without adding a second button.like i have two text boxes, one is for date and the other is for name. what i want to do is if i hit search and both the date and name boxes are filled, i want it to search for the name based on that date. but if only the name is filled i want to search for everything under that name

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Search For Multiple File Extensions?

Mar 12, 2010

How can I write this

Path = "C:"
For Each FoundFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Path, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "FILE*.10") _
And For Each FoundFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Path, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "FILE*.09")
'do code

Next My goal is simply to search for multiple file extensions. I cant use FILE* as my search parameter as this returns other files e.g FILE2012.10z which i don't want.

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