VS 2008 Search Combobox Using Instr?

Jan 30, 2010

I am creating a movie player which lists movie files from various folders/subfolders in a combobox (tsFileList). I'd like to be able to enter the movie name into a textbox (txtSearch), find that text in the combobox (using instr), then automatically select the found item.I'd like to use instr as some of the items in the combobox contains full file paths.

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VS 2010 Search Multiple With Instr

Nov 19, 2011

I created a code that allows me to search inside a RichTextBox...Then the code is as follows:[code]Now with the code that I use today, the MsgBox show me only the first, ie "<b> text1 </ b>" while others are not..

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Search For New Line Position In A String Variable Using InStr

Aug 7, 2009

I have an application in VB.NET which gets string data from the database. This string has data which looks as below:

"This is the update: I have an issue with the application"

I need only part of the data, that comes after the new line i.e. "I have an issue with the application".

For this I am trying to search the position using InStr where the string has data in a new line. I tried many options, but they don't work.

I used "vbCrLf", Chr(13), "
", "
", "<br/>", Environment.NewLine, but none of them work.

How can I get the data I need?

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VS 2008 Extracting Text From Comma Separated Data Using Mid And Instr

Jan 23, 2011

I'm brand new to visual basic and I've been given an exercise to extract data from a text file. I can get the lines of data to read in and can get the names out using the following code. How can I extract the department i.e. sales and finance also using the mid and instr functions? I also need to be able to list list the people by department using a dropdown combo box.


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Search All Items In A ComboBox Based On A Search Criteria?

Feb 8, 2012

I have three controls on my form; Textbox1, cboCity, lstCity When something (lets say "a") is entered in the TextBox1; I want to get each and every item in combobox cboCity that starts with "a" and add them to listbox lstCity.

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ComboBox Auto-Search With String From ComboBox?

Sep 23, 2009

have build some code which goes through the datasource finding records on what a user types, basically if the user types 'P' in the combobox it finds all records from FieldName with 'P' and if you type 'Portugal' it finds all records from the FieldName with 'Portugal, it all narrows down the search list say if there are to entries which match 'Portugal' the combox would only have to items in. The problem i am have is that when i bound the datasource back to the combobox every letter you type stays at Postion 0 of the combobox and doesn't move to the end of the letter as normally the combo works, does any one now how to get arround this problem.

At the moment i call my combobox search code from the keypress event of the combobox.This code works fine with recordsets in msaccess combobox but i cannot get it to work with the datasource of the combobox in vb.net Heres the code from the combobox keypress event:

Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles ComboSearch.KeyPress
Dim keyascii As Integer = AscW(e.KeyChar)
End Sub

Below is the code at the end of my keypress event send the datasource back to the combobox.

Dim adapter As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, conn)
Dim dt As New DataTable("MyTable")
Dim ds As New DataSet


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VS 2005 Search Combobox?

May 21, 2009

i have a combobox all names are displayed i want to search by first letter..if i type n in combobox then names starting from n should be displayed in that combobox...how can i do that?i have my code to display all names from database.


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Use Of MID And INSTR In .net?

Oct 23, 2009

i have a string that looks like this "Patient Name, Doc Name, Patient ID, something else"i want to extract each one of these and put it in a variable. such that var1 will equal "Patient Name" var2 will equal "Doc name" etc.. using instr and mid. what is the best way to do it?

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Forms :: Search Enabler In A Combobox?

Jul 14, 2009

1st Query - I have a combobox which has around 10 entries. They are the names of students.

Vaibhav Agarwal
Karan Kabra
Vinay Chhawchharia
Puneet Kabra


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Search Folder And Add Text To Combobox?

Jun 2, 2011

I'm making a personal movie launcher and I would like to know if it is possible for VB to search my video folder and add the title of all the films to my combobox. (so that I don't have to edit a xml file everytime)

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Search Ms Access In VB Using Combobox And A Textbox

Dec 26, 2011

im a newbie, just want to learn vb.net (2010) wel im working on a vb2010 and msaccess2003
i wanted to search ms access data using a combobox and a textbox. i had several columns on ms access like emp_id , last name, first name, position, etc. every item name is already set on the combobox so my code is here for the search button


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Search Query Using Combobox And Listview?

Feb 11, 2012

I have a problem with search query im using combobox for searching in my code there's is no error.but nothings happen when i search this is my code:

Public Sub searchdata()


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.net - Using Instr When String Is Nothing

Jul 29, 2009

I have the following condition

If InStr("a,b,c", stringA) > 0 OrElse (InStr("y,z", stringB) > 0 AndAlso value = 0) Then

COndition 1 is false so i check for condition 2 that is "(InStr("y,z", stringB) > 0 AndAlso value = 0) "

What puzzles me is that when stringB is nothing it still falls into the if condition and executes the code.

On first look it would seem that when stringB is nothing condition2 would fail and as a result would not fall into the if condition.

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Difference Between Instr And Contains?

Dec 8, 2009

for determining whether a string of data contains certain text, which is more efficient? I have read elsewhere that there is somewhat of a consensus to avoid legacy functions, since they may or may not be available in future versions.However, trying to use the contains method (or indexof equivalent of Instr) is causing me problems, I think, because I am having trouble performing a case-insensitive search.

I am trying to be efficient and functional in my code. I am reading an INI file, and I have preloaded the contents of the file into a String variable, for 2 reasons. 1) If I can test if a certain section exists in the code, I can avoid attempting to read a section of empty data (the INI reader class I have chosen returns the value or an empty string for a given request). More importantly, 2) I have created a data field that is not INI compliant (at least not to the API?) as it is a data field that can contain an arbitrary (unlimited?) amount of data which is a hex-encoded representation of serialized byte data. I need to be able to determine if this value exists in the file and retrieve it using normal string manipulation, since the INI handler will not pass strings longer than 256Chr.

So, the problem I am having is getting "strFileContents.Contains("data=")" to return true in the case where the file contains "Data=". This could be data=, DATA=, DaTa=, etc.Instr has the option "CompareMethod.Text" which, I believe, does a case insensitive text search. What is the equivalent for "Contains"?

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Element Id's Are All Different / Instr

Mar 12, 2009

I am developing a twitter application. I can add, delete a user but now need to load the users follower page and then add the followers. the problem is the element id's are all different. I have tried the following,, loading the html into a text box and trying to read it using instr. but could not get the instr to parse the element id which looks something like this


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ComboBox - Full Search On Adding New Character

Apr 27, 2011

I am Looking for a combobox that does a full search and O mean by that the following :
It starts searching data upon inserting or adding new character to the textbox of the combobox and vice-versa, which means that if I moved back by deleting a character then it starts searching again selecting the first data resembles the textbox. In another way I want a combobox class does exactly the same as combobox in Encylopedia.

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Develop The Combobox To Allow To Me Search Inside Items?

May 2, 2009

the combobox with AutocompleteMode,AutoCompleteSource allow the user to search in the Combobox depend on the begin of items(string) how i can develop the combobox to allow to me search inside items example i have combobox contain this items:


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Forms :: Free Text Search In A Combobox ?

Jan 23, 2009

I'd Like to know how to make a free text search function, If you don't Know what i mean by "Free Text Search" then here is an example:

Lets say i want to search for the string "ong" in a Combobox(In the list ofc)

And we have the following Listitems:

Tim Carlson
Bob Hanks
Julie Wong
Jennifer Sanfre
Jimmy Wong

Then Both Julie and Jimmy Should apper in the combobox list.

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Search Records In Database Using Combobox Databind?

May 18, 2011

Dim cn As New OleDbConnection
Dim sql As String
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter


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How To Use RegEx Expression With InSTR

Jan 13, 2011

I'm looking to do is scrub an html file for anything that resembles an IP address or any set of numbers for that matter. Normally what I would do is just using things like string.split to split out the html around areas that I want to search. What I am looking to do is be able to essentially search a large amount of characters for anything that matches this reg ex pattern.

Dim pattern As String = "^(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]).(d{1,2}|1dd|2[0-4]d|25[0-5]):(d{1,4}|[0-5]dddd|[0-5]dddd|6[0-4]ddd|65[0-4]dd|655[0-2]d|6553[0-5])$"

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InStr' Is A Namespace And Cannot Be Used As An Expression?

Oct 24, 2010

'InStr' is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression.Dim FirstString As String = "me@me.com"

Dim SecondString As String = "@"Dim position As Integer position = InStr(FirstString, SecondString)
If position = 0 Then MsgBox("Not a Valid email address: There was No @ Sign") End If

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Using A Variable As String 2 In InStr?

Aug 16, 2011

Is it possible to use a string for string 2? cuz whenever i tried it would return a 0 instead of the position of the string. however when i hard code the string into the code it works

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IDE :: Multi Column ComboBox, Full Search System?

Aug 3, 2009

Regarding multi column search, i want to clear you the situation where one column contains say FirstName and the another column contains LastName for the 'Contacts Combo box', then when user types either FirstName or LastName for the person, combo box should search for the appropriate value into both columns.

for my fifth question consider the same combo box with FirstName, LastName all typed together shows in one column only then, by default combo box searches only for strings that 'Start' with the string typed in the textbox portion, insted of which i need a feature which allows me to let set the behavior of combo box search system tobe able to search for the typed strings within any part of record.i.e. If user types 'Ja' in textbox portion, the the list should show following maches

Micle Jackson
Sandeep B Jakhotya
Javid Akhatar
Suresh Jadhav


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Use Of Mid(), Instr(), LBound(), UBound() Not Recommended?

Sep 28, 2009

I come from a C# background but am now working mostly with VB.Net. It seems to me that the above functions (and others - eg. UCase, LCase) etc. are carryovers from VB6 and before. Is the use of these functions frowned upon in VB.Net, or does it purely come down to personal preference?

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Using InStr To Replace A Character From A String

Jan 21, 2011

What i am trying to do is take a character (which is going to be into a variable by user input) and search a string for this character, and save the positions of all character found and then change the same position of these characters in another string for the character that the user inputs. In other words, like a guess a word game. User tryes a guess, i search the string for that letter or number, if it's there replace it on the text box of the GUi, if not save it in another variable as a character that has been tried already, possibly an array.

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DropdownList At Properties Level Of ComboBox - Search Field Types

Oct 28, 2009

I have a combo box on my application (working with VB.net) called CmbAttendantstatus. I have sent the dropdownstyle = dropdownlist at the Properties level of the combobox.

There are 200 field types e.g;
Current Attendant
Ever Attendant
Never Attendant etc

The issue is I can only select one from the list, fine, but I want to be able to type the first letter on the combobox and it takes me to the nearest field type rather than looking through the entire drop list. For example I want Never Attendant, I just need to type N and the drop list takes me to anything starting from N and if I add E for example any field starting with NE shows up for selection. Presently, when the dropdownlist is selected you are not allowed to type anything...

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Manipulate Looping Serialport.readexisting And Instr?

Jun 27, 2011

i try readexisting and instr function as follow:


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Assign The Value Of The Integer Returned From The InStr Method To A Variable

Jul 21, 2009

I want to assign the value of the integer returned from the InStr method to a variable. So, If TextBox2.Text = "The Apple Pie" And TextBox1.Text = "App", I want the integer returned, which in this case would be 5, put into a variable, lets say its called 'VarString'.
So VarString (would) = 5.


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Instr Function Handle Multiple Strings To Find?

Aug 1, 2010

I'm using this for a single value to search for.

intPositionOfApartment = InStr(StrConv(pStringToParse, vbUpperCase), "APT") Is it possible to search for more then one value such as "APT", "UNIT" ?

If yes please show me an example of how it should be coded.

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Display Search Result On TextBox/ComboBox And Implement Edit/Next/Previous/Delete?

Jun 24, 2011

In my form, I have textbox + combobox to enter datas which are saved to ms access. I have search option too. Also i have DataGrid to show the result of the search. What I want now is, 1. To show the search result in the textbox/combox as well (I already am able to make the result show on datagrid)2. When there are multiple result showing on DataGrid, if i click on a particular result on DataGrid, let the textbox/combobox automatically loads the details of the one i clicked.

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