VS 2010 Send List(Of Byte()) Using UDP?

Oct 16, 2011

I am passing hex values to a subroutine and creating a datagram based on those values. Unfortunately, some of the values sent to the routine may need to be replaced after calculating the checksum and the checksum, itself, may need substitution. I have all that figured out, but the problem I'm having is that I can't send the data in the format I have it


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Change Byte() To Structs For Readability And Convert Struct To Byte Stream For Socket Send()

Dec 8, 2009

I just converted the following code from c# to vb.net. It is functional and works correctly with my company's firmware/devices. My next challenge. Previous serialport code used much more readable structs which where then converted (after building a packet) into byte() automatically as part of the serialport encoding. (this is my understanding)How could I

1. morph byte arrays 'ToSocket' and 'ToMTP' below into structs and

2. convert into byte array for Socket.BeginSend(byte(),.....) to stream out to remote devices?

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Net.Sockets


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C# - Count Occurences In Byte List/array Using Another Byte List/array?

Jun 20, 2011

I am trying to get a count of all the times a byte sequences occurs in another byte sequences. It cannot however re-use a bytes if it already counted them. For example given the string let's assume the byte sequence was k.k it would then find only 3 occurrences rather than 5 because they would be broke down like: [k.k].[k.k].[k.k]. and not like [k.[k].[k].[k].[k].k] where they over lap and essentially just shift 2 to the right.

Ideally the idea is to get an idea how a compression dictionary or run time encoding might look. so the goal would be to get down to just 2 parts, as (k.k.k.) is the biggest and best symbol you can have.

Here is source so far:


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VS 2010 : Send Email To A Exchange Distribution List?

Dec 23, 2011

I tried to put just the name of the in the .To but that didn't work. Could someone please point me in the direction or show me how to do it?EDIT: My Code is Below...

Dim Subject as String = "Services for " & date.today.string
Dim Body as String = strHTML (defined elsewhere on form)
Dim oApp as Outlook._Application


I didn't copy or paste as the code is on a second computer and that one isn't network connected. I typed it in, so there may be a typo or two. When this code is executed, nothing is sent.

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Communications :: Send A Number As A Byte?

Mar 10, 2010

I need to send a number as a byte (0-255).


sends 3 bytes representing the numbers 1 2 and 3. I need to send 1 byte containing 123.

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VB2008 Send 00h To FFh In One Byte Using SerialPort

Feb 1, 2010

peoples The User of my application will enter Hexa values in text boxes (00h to FFh). I need to send these values through the serial port, but so that EACH text box with values 00h to FFh ONLY generate ONE transmitted byte, exactly the value placed in the text box.

Just found examples of this application in VB6, using the following command:

MSComm1.Output = (Chr(Val(txtText1.Text)))

In VB2008, you use the component "SerialPort", and one of the methods for transmitting data to the output buffer is "Write". So I did it this way:Dim As Integer ValHex


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Send Byte,signal,string Or Puls Usb Port?

Feb 14, 2010

How can i send byte/signal/puls usb port?i want to this

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VS 2005 Structure To Byte Array For Socket Send

Aug 28, 2009

I am trying to communicate with an external device and i am trying to send a byte array to the external device via sockets but i am always getting a response the message size is too small so i am not sure what i have done wrong. Between the data type there should be no alignment present and all numbers are represented in little endian format. The char array is not null terminated as mentioned in the protocol specifications.I have to send data based on a struct that embeds 2 other struct. So here's my vb.net code for the struct used to convert to byte array and the sending part.[code]

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Construct Command Byte To Send To Another Device Using Bit Wise Operations

May 27, 2010

I have a need to construct a command Byte to send to another device using bit wise operations.There seem to be plenty of article on how to do this for indiviual bits using an OR'd constant but how do I do this for values that span multiple bits? eg "Bits 4-1" set the repeat count".so how to I inject a repeat count value of say 7 into my command byte?

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Why Does C# Define Byte+Byte=Int32 Instead Of Byte+Byte=Byte Like VB?

Aug 7, 2010

Why does C# define Byte+Byte=Int32 instead of Byte+Byte=Byte like VB?

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VS 2010 Read Line By Line And Send To Check List Box

Jul 9, 2011

I have a text file with an unknown number of lines. I want to read this file line by line and send each line's text in a check list box. But how am i gonna do that when i don't know how many lines exist in text the file? [code]The code above reads only the first line. I tried to do it as in vb6 using while not eof(but here i don't know what to write cause my file isn't opened in a certain channel).

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C# - Convert List(of Byte) To Picturebox

May 19, 2010

I have a jpeg file that is being held as a list(of Byte). Currently I have code that I can use to load and save the jpeg file as either a binary (.jpeg) or a csv of bytes (asadsda.csv). I would like to be able to take the list(of Byte) and convert it directly to a Picturebox without saving it to disk and then loading it to the picturebox. If you are curious, the reason I get the picture file as a list of bytes is because it gets transfered over serial via an industrial byte oriented protocol as just a bunch of bytes. I am using VB.net, but C# example is fine too.

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Convert Generic List Of Double To Byte Array?

Sep 3, 2011

how to convert a list of int to byte array in C#, but can't get syntax to work out for me in vb.Converting a list of ints to a byte array.

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Loop Through An Array Of Byte And Copy The Contents To A New List?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm trying to loop through an array of byte and copy the contents to a new list of bytes, and display them back. see the code below.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myByte() As Byte = New Byte() {65, 66, 67}


I want to see str1 as "ABC" but the out put i get is "A B C" (ie with spaces between letters) note: I have to copy(chunks) within a loop and get the result at the end, this is just a sample to reproduce my real issue.

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Take A Screenshot = Turn It To Byte() - Send Through Tcp Connection Then Turn Back Into Image To Put In A Picture Box On Other Side?

Feb 11, 2012

My current code: Server: Imports System.IO Imports System.Text Imports System.Threading


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VS 2010 Get Byte From Given String?

Apr 19, 2012

how to get byte from given string it should be something like this

'' input data
Dim str As String = "2D"
'' output data
Dim byte As Byte() = {&H2D}

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VS 2010 String To Byte?

Oct 30, 2011

If let's say I have the string "02 3A 00 00", how can I convert it to bytes (as in, I want the byte to be 02 3A 00 00)?

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Combine Byte Arrays, Read Specific Sections, And Then Cut Byte Array At Specified Point?

Apr 6, 2011

Objective: Combine byte arrays, read specific sections, and then cut byte array at specified point.

Private Sub DataArrival(ByRef aBot As xyzSocket, ByRef theData As Byte())
Dim RDLength As Int32
If aBot.ReceivedData Is Nothing Then[code]....

I'm not sure if I have this right to begin with because I can't test it without having it completed.

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MyAlgorithm - Encrypt And Decrypt Byte By Byte And Place A Asci Code In Bytes(0 To 255)

Dec 18, 2010

I create my algorthm and its finished but there is a problem, it encrypte all text and all text in a file but after decryption when i open my file (a video file)the player show all information about file(duration,size and ect) currectly but it dont play that my program encrypt and decrypt byte by byte and place a asci code in bytes(0 to 255)

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Error: Value Of Type Ƈ-dimensional Array Of Byte' Cannot Be Converted To 'Byte'

Jul 13, 2012

how to upload file using fileupload control into sql database. I have class where i created insert function and getting info frm the .aspx.vb file

Class File
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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Truncating Data Types From Int To Byte, Transferring 8 LSBs To The Byte?

May 16, 2011

Is it possible in VB to truncate a larger data type ( an int with a value greater than 255) to a smaller one, say a Byte (which only goes up to 255) in a way such that the 8LSBs of the integer are copied to the newly created byte. I have tried this using CType with the following code, however it does not work.

Dim TestByte As Byte = CType(Test, Byte)
Where the variable "Test" is an integer with a value of 419. This code always results in the Overflow exception.


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VS 2010 Decompressing A Byte Array?

Nov 24, 2011

I have read a byte array called compressed_byte_array() from a file. This array is compressed using the zlib compression Deflate (RFC1951).

How would I decompress this array and store it in another array, let's say decompressed_byte_array(). I probably have to use DeflateStream and I have tried a few methods, but always ending up with a error message.

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How Does One Send Dataset Information To A List Box

Jan 3, 2010

This is my code where I send a query to the console; how do I change this to be sent to a list box ?


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Send A Not Selected Value In A List Box To String?

May 2, 2010

I'm trying to make a scheduling tool for my major at my school and I have a CourseEntryForm, RemainingCoursesForm and CoursesCompeltedForm.The CourseEntryForm has list boxes of courses that are required for graduation. I have been able to send the selected values of these list boxes to rich text boxes in the CoursesCompletedForm, however I need the courses that have not been selected in the list boxes to be sent to string that I can use in rich text boxes in the RemainingCoursesForm.I have tried using:ListBox.Items.ToString(RemainingCourses)when RemainingCourses is declared as string. I have also tried If statements to try to assign it, but I can never get it to work properly.

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Show Application Name In Send To List?

Feb 8, 2010

i need to show my application name in the Send to List if the user right click on the pdf or tiff file i need to show my application name on the Send to list if the user click on the app name i need to copy the file to my app temp folder?

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Most Efficient Way To Merge 2 Byte Arrays Into 1 Byte Array?

Sep 20, 2011

I have 2 byte arrays. I want to merge these two byte array into 1 byte array.Usually, I just create a new byte array with length = byte array #1 + byte array #2. Then copy byte array #1 and #2 to the new byte array.do I have more efficient way to merge 2 byte array using VB.NET and .Net 4?

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Value Of Type Ƈ-dimensional Array Of Byte' Cannot Be Converted To 'Byte'

Mar 30, 2009

I would like to create a function so that I can pass a string and it will return me the binary value, I will use this later in other parts of the script but I am getting an error that I don't understand.

Private Function ConvertToMD5(ByVal OldPassword As String) As Byte
Dim NewPassword As String = ""
'The string we wish to encrypt


On the "Return hashedDataBytes I get "Value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to 'Byte'"

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VS 2010 - Encrypt / Decrypt Byte Array

Jan 29, 2012

I have this code which works well:

Public Function AESEncrypt(ByVal PlainText As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal salt As String)
Dim HashAlgorithm As String = "SHA1" 'Can be SHA1 or MD5
Dim PasswordIterations As String = 2
Dim InitialVector As String = "CanEncryption123" 'This should be a string of 16 ASCII characters.
Dim KeySize As Integer = 256 'Can be 128, 192, or 256.
[Code] .....

What I am after is this: Rather than having a string to encrypt/decrypt, I have a byte array.

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VS 2010 - How To Read Byte Array Using Structure

Dec 9, 2011

I have a byte array and I want to read it using a structure. This is a common situation with structured files having information in various places in the file and it's much easier to read the data if it's mapped with a structure. BitConverter would be great if it worked with Structures, but it doesn't. Basically, I want to read the same memory address either as a byte array or as a structure, or have a function that works like
MyStructure = BitConverter.ToStructure(bytearray(), position)
Maybe there's a pointer method to do this?

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VS 2010 : Multi-dimensional Byte Array?

Mar 30, 2011

I think I need a two dimensional byte array I currently have something like this:

Dim MbyteData(196608) As Byte
' Open the file that is to be loaded into a byte array
Dim oFile As System.IO.FileInfo
oFile = New System.IO.FileInfo(sFilePath)


I now need to load several files at once (say four) so I need four arrays of 196608 bytes and I want to reference them by a number - 0 to 3, assuming the array is zero based. If I use Dim MbyteData(196608, 3) as byte or Dim MbyteData(3, 196608) as byte the syntax seems to be correct but I hit an error ("Number of indices is less than the number of dimensions of the indexed array") when I try to add the extra dimension to the stream read with something like oFileStream.Read(MbyteData(index), 0, MiByteCount).

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