Show Application Name In Send To List?

Feb 8, 2010

i need to show my application name in the Send to List if the user right click on the pdf or tiff file i need to show my application name on the Send to list if the user click on the app name i need to copy the file to my app temp folder?

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Send Parameters To Exe And Don't Show The Form?

Feb 24, 2011

I have an application with forms (VS2008) that prints a document, well, if I pass parameters in the command line like "C:MyApp.Exe Param1 Param2 Param3" I don't want the application to show the forms, this is:

-When passing parameters run as hidden

-When not passing parameters (like click with the mouse on the desktop) then show the forms

I've tried to use Sub Main but it just doesn't work

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VS 2008 Make One Application Send A Task To Another Application / Receive Result From That Secondary App?

Apr 26, 2010

is it possible to make one application send a task to another application and recieve the result from that secondary app?i made a text editor program and i added a scan feature and i made another app that has ocr capabilities.The scanner ability is in my text editor program, the ocr program doesnt scan you have to input an image into it and it will give text result a few seconds later.the prob is alot of times the ocr code uses sooo much memory and crashes when its incorporated with my text editor, but individually each application works fine and doesnt take too much memory. Memory wont be even an issue if the ocr program is standalone so that when it is done decoding image the application can be made to exit. now here is the question, how do i make my text editor send the image to the ocr program and how do i make my ocr program send the text back to my text editor? is it possible? i mean the only way i know off is creating temp files in a certain folder and having a timer on each program that keeps waiting for temp files. That just seems like pretty lame coding to me i was wondering if there's a better way?

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Send A Short String From A Visual Basic Application To A Delphi Application?

Apr 5, 2011

I need to send a short string, (less than 30 bytes, but sent every second), from one VB application, to a Delphi application.. is this possible, using CopyDataStruct, WM_COPYDATA and SendMessage functions in Windows?

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IDE :: Show The Whole Word Application With Tool And Menu Bar Within Webbrowser Control In .net Application?

Mar 12, 2008

i m a vb.6.0 developer and now turned in so i m new in problem is given below.i opened the word documents in webbrowser control and it is just showing a document page with rular. But my main problem is that i want to open whole word documents with tool &menu bar in webcontrol. i used the following code which is given below.

WebBrowser1.Navigate("C:dharmchandBlank.doc")i wrote this code in form_load events and when i run my application then it is showing just a page with rular. But not showing Menu bar & Standard or Formatting toolbar.

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Get The Handle Of A Application And Send Commands To That Application?

Jun 7, 2011

I have already asked about the problem in java forum.Now i think the solution is only possible through microsoft products.Problem is i want to get the handle of a application and send commands to that application.Is it possible commands are send to combo box , text area, buttons etc..

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How Does One Send Dataset Information To A List Box

Jan 3, 2010

This is my code where I send a query to the console; how do I change this to be sent to a list box ?


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Send A Not Selected Value In A List Box To String?

May 2, 2010

I'm trying to make a scheduling tool for my major at my school and I have a CourseEntryForm, RemainingCoursesForm and CoursesCompeltedForm.The CourseEntryForm has list boxes of courses that are required for graduation. I have been able to send the selected values of these list boxes to rich text boxes in the CoursesCompletedForm, however I need the courses that have not been selected in the list boxes to be sent to string that I can use in rich text boxes in the RemainingCoursesForm.I have tried using:ListBox.Items.ToString(RemainingCourses)when RemainingCourses is declared as string. I have also tried If statements to try to assign it, but I can never get it to work properly.

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VS 2010 Send List(Of Byte()) Using UDP?

Oct 16, 2011

I am passing hex values to a subroutine and creating a datagram based on those values. Unfortunately, some of the values sent to the routine may need to be replaced after calculating the checksum and the checksum, itself, may need substitution. I have all that figured out, but the problem I'm having is that I can't send the data in the format I have it


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Show A List In MVC?

May 4, 2012

I'm trying to show a list of "roles" from the membership/role tables[code]...

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Show What Is First In List Box

Jan 8, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2005, and I have problem, I want that program show what is first in list box. For example, I have 5 items in listbox. a,s,d,f,g and I want code to copy some item in textbox, for example, when i click button, I want to copy third or second item in textbox., but item which I want to copy isn't select.

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VS 2008 Send Email - Go Out To A List Of People

Apr 12, 2009

I've got an app that manages estimates on jobs. When an estimate is loaded an e-mail has to go out to a list of people (different list for each job) that they should log in and approve the estimate. Least visible to the user making the estimate. Our should I research SQL mail and see if the sql box can handle it without the app user even knowing it?

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How To Show Application Name From Taskmanager Using .net Windows Application

Apr 25, 2011

How to remove any applications in taskmanager using windows application. In taskmanager application tab application is not remove.but process is remove.

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How To Get List Of Item To Show In Box

Sep 9, 2009

I am trying to select a list of names from a database table which I need to put into a dropdown list to select one or more of those to use for reporting criteria later on. This what I have so far:

If ConnectDatabase() = False Then
Dim sqlStatement As New SqlClient.SqlCommand( _
"SELECT * FROM support_division", UCSMISDB)
Dim sqlResult As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = _
cbDivision = Division
Division = sqlResult.Read.ToString.ToCharArray()
End If

I do not get anything in my combobox, and if I make a few changes I sometimes get a True or False. How can I get the list of item to show in the box and then select more than one to save for re-use later?

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FQL MultiQuery - How To Send Result List To Browser In JSON

Feb 5, 2010

I am using the Facebook Toolkit and making a request using FQL.Multiquery. I am using the following code which returns the correct data:

Dim query1 As String = String.Format("SELECT post_id, actor_id, target_id, message FROM stream WHERE source_id in (SELECT target_id FROM connection WHERE source_id={0}) AND is_hidden = 0", FBuserId)
Dim query2 As String = "SELECT pic FROM user WHERE uid IN (SELECT actor_id FROM #firstQuery)"
Dim queries = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
queries.Add("firstQuery", query1)
queries.Add("secondQuery", query2)
Dim result As List(Of Facebook.Schema.fql_result) = q.Multiquery(queries)

When I run this 'result' list is populated with the results of the two queries in XML but I am unsure how I can send this list to the browser in JSON. I am using MVC.

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VS 2008 Send Selected Item Of List Box Onwards?

Mar 22, 2010

i have a listbox (listbox1) which is populated via the user selecting a folder and the listbox1 displays all the subfolders of that folder, and a second list box (listbox2) which display all the files within the folder selected in the 1st list box.

And i have a checksum scanner on the same form, which when the 'scan' button is clicked i want to scan the listbox2 selected item, but i cant seem to get it working, heres my

Private Sub scan_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCrc.Click
Dim c As New CRC32()


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VS 2010 : Send Email To A Exchange Distribution List?

Dec 23, 2011

I tried to put just the name of the in the .To but that didn't work. Could someone please point me in the direction or show me how to do it?EDIT: My Code is Below...

Dim Subject as String = "Services for " &
Dim Body as String = strHTML (defined elsewhere on form)
Dim oApp as Outlook._Application


I didn't copy or paste as the code is on a second computer and that one isn't network connected. I typed it in, so there may be a typo or two. When this code is executed, nothing is sent.

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Send Data From A C++ Application To A VB Application?

Jan 26, 2011

How can I send data from a C++ application to a VB application?Or the other way around, read with VB the data from de C++ application.Is it possible like a setvalue or getvalue command?

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Error List DDoes Not Show?

Oct 13, 2011

I am using Visual Basic and my Error List has disappeared. I click View Then Error List and nothing happens. I presume that it is outside of the window but don't know how to get it back.

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Making File Name Show In List Box?

Feb 19, 2009

Private Sub importdiag_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles importdiag.FileOk
For Each track As String In importdiag.FileNames
End Sub


This is the current code im using. it shows in the listbox i have the file that i select. It also shows how ever where its located. Ex. C:folder\folder\file. I want only the files name to show up in the box but i cannot figure it out.

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Show List Of Urls Instead Of Webpage ?

Aug 25, 2009

Here is the thing at the moment I have a list box and i have a text field I also have a drop down box so u can select which search angine to use

My problem is this when I type in the search Box it opens up my internet explorer and shows me in search there what I typed in my program

Instead I want my program to display list of urls in my list box.. this is what my cod looks like at the moment

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then


when I hit Go it will display list of urls in my list box no info just web url in list format

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Doesn't Show Up .jpg File In The List Of Available Resources?

Oct 19, 2009

I have added a .jpg file to the resources folder in my project. I then added the file as a resource so it shows up under the resources folder in the Solution Explorer. However, when I go to call the resource file in my code it doesn't show up in the list of available resources. Here is what I am trying to do:


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List View Image To Show In Picture Box?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a list view box that shows a few image files and when i click them i want the image to show in the picture box but i am unable to figure out how to do so i have tried the following code with no success,pbImage.Image = Image.FromFile(ListView1.Text)when i try this code i get an error saying,

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Make Drop Down List Show With Cursor?

Aug 21, 2009

I have a menu strip, which i want the drop down items to show when i move my cursor over it.

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Message Box To Show The List Of Numbers Entered

Dec 15, 2007

Im trying to do a lab that will obtain 10 numbers from the user using an InputBox() function, store them internally in a one-dimensional array, and then compute the average of the numbers and sort them in reverse numerical order. The program should control that 10 numbers (no more, no less) are entered, and that the numbers are fully validated as integers.

If the user enters non-numeric data, then an appropriate error message should be shown, and that number should be allowed to be re-entered as a valid number. Then all the numbers should be shown as a list in a 'message box'. So far I can get everything but the message box to show the list of numbers entered.


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Show Column Names In List View In .NET?

Dec 11, 2011

how can i show all column names of a table in List view.Like table name is "WO"


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VS 2008 Show List Folder On Drives

Nov 3, 2010

Im beginer for programming vb. show list folder on drives. for example, I have a form (listbox and button). If I click the button, the listbox will show list folder on drive C.

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AddNew - Form Where Show A List Of My Rows With A Given A Table

Jan 19, 2009

My problem with AddNew. It really is somewhat simple, but I can't figure out the solution. I have a form where I show a list of my rows with a given a table. The user can then select a row and press clone, which then will try to make a copy of that row.

Here is a snippet:

Dim rowToCopy As cmaDBDataSet.cmaPropertyRecRow
Dim originalID, newID As Integer
rowToCopy = CType(CType(Me.CmaPropertyRecBindingSource.Current, DataRowView).Row, cmaDBDataSet.cmaPropertyRecRow)
originalID = ' id of row to be copied


.... and continue to copy the rest of the data to the newrow...One of the items in the row is obviously a primary key called id. I can not copy this data since I am creating a new row. My problem is, how do I set that value!? or atleast retrieve the value for the newly added table. I need that value so that I can call another form to actually allow the user to modify this newly cloned data. I tried using EndEdit, UpdateAll, no worky. THen I thought I could assume that the newly added row would go at the end of the table so I used MovedLast then got the currentRow id from there... That worked well until we did some deletes within the table.

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Autocomplete List Does Not Show All Possible Completions With BindingSource.Item

Mar 7, 2011

I've got a BindingSource for a DataSet. I'm fairly new to this whole binding business and databases, and it took me hours to figure out how to use BindingSource to get to an item, because the Row method was not included in the autocomplete. Not to confuse anyone, here's some sample code:[code]The code runs perfectly and does exactly what I want. My problem is the following: When I've typed in source.Item(0)., autocomplete does not display Row in the list. Is this perhaps not the best way to do what I'm doing? Is there a reason it's hidden? Is this a good coding practice to do so? The fact that is wasn't there took me lots of time Googling, so I'm trying to figure out whether it's a Visual Studio glitch or my own.

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Radio Button List Selection Show Panel

Jun 25, 2012

i want to show a panel when a particular item is selected in a radio button list. "Different selection have different panels"

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