Doesn't Show Up .jpg File In The List Of Available Resources?

Oct 19, 2009

I have added a .jpg file to the resources folder in my project. I then added the file as a resource so it shows up under the resources folder in the Solution Explorer. However, when I go to call the resource file in my code it doesn't show up in the list of available resources. Here is what I am trying to do:


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Extracted File - When Open The New Project Solution File, It Doesn't Show Me Anything?

Feb 17, 2011

It is saved on my desktop for easy access.I can close the program. I can click the solution to open it right back up, no problems.I then zip my file (also to the desktop)

My problem: I moved the original file (Project A) to another folder and extracted the unzipped Project A onto the desktop. When I open the new Project A's solution file, nothing happens besides VB starting up. It doesn't show me anything.

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List All Resources In A File Like Shell32.dll?

Jun 20, 2011

1) How can I list all the resources in a file like shell32.dll

2) How can I extract one of the resources listed

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If File Doesn't Exist Then Form4 Show?

Nov 14, 2010

when people first run my program (as in the FIRST EVER time they run it), I want a window to popup (Form4). In this Form you have to locate a directory to a certain program (my program uses this program) and press OK, and then that will generate a .txt file with the directory to the program. (So that my program knows where that program is located.) Now, what I want it to do is when you open up the program, upon load (Form1), I want the program to check if that text file (directory.txt) exists. If it does and the path in the file is correct, the program will run fine. If the text file is missing and/or the directory doesn't exist, it will bring you back to Form4 (assuming that this is your first time running the program since the directory.txt file doesn't exist).

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Cookies - Posting To Web Form - Checkcheck.html File Doesn't Show The Page

Jan 3, 2010

I've hit a wall on POST'ing data to a webform Below is the code I've adapted from many places (here most recently: [URL]


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VS 2005 Removing Resources, Doesn't Reduce The Size Of The .exe?

Apr 27, 2009

I have a big windows forms project I'm working on. This project has 3 pictures included as resource. I had 3 pictures of each 5mb, which resulted in a .exe file of 17mb. This had to be adressed, because thats a bit to much, so I downsized the pictures to about 100kb each. I've removed the big pictures, and inserted the new ones. But when I compile the project, the .exe file still is 17mb, and it won't get any smaller. I've tried to 'Clean Solution',

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Making File Name Show In List Box?

Feb 19, 2009

Private Sub importdiag_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles importdiag.FileOk
For Each track As String In importdiag.FileNames
End Sub


This is the current code im using. it shows in the listbox i have the file that i select. It also shows how ever where its located. Ex. C:folder\folder\file. I want only the files name to show up in the box but i cannot figure it out.

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Message Box Doesn't Show

Nov 10, 2011

I'm working on this application, and I was doing the error checking on it, and I can't get the message box to show.


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Changes In Code But When I Do Debug It Doesn't Show The Changes?

Sep 14, 2010

I have made some changes in my code but when i do debug it doesn't show the changes.For example: In my code i create a simple text file in "C" drive.I have change the path to the desktop and when i do debug it still create it in the "C" drive.

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Data Doesn't Show In Listview?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm trying to put data in my listview but the data doesn't show in my listview.

When i put this code in my form i dont have any problem but when i put this inside the module the data doesn't show up.

Public Sub getEmployee(ByVal myConnString As String)
Dim mySelectQuery As String = "SELECT names FROM employee ORDER BY ID ASC"
Dim myConnection As New MySqlConnection(myConnString)


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Image Doesn't Show After Loading

Sep 1, 2009

First problem im having is that My image gets grabbed from the website but then it doesnt automatically load i have to click the PictureBox[code]...

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OpenFileDialog Doesn't Show Files

Aug 17, 2009

When I show a file dialog and have All Files (*.*) selected files are not showing.The directories display How do I display files?

tbFileToLoad.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName.ToString

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.net - Overrided ToString Doesn't Show In Debug?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a collection similar to:

Public Class MyCollection
Inherits ObservableCollection(Of MyCollection)
Private _Name As String


EDIT: I know that I can use DebuggerDisplay, but unfortunately it is very limited. The class in reality is quite complex and I need to have the possibility to define a logic in what I show during debugging, if possible.

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Calculate Button - Doesn't Show The Calculation

Jun 27, 2009

I'm writing this prgram for class, and everything seemd to be working right except for my calculate button. It doesn't show the Calculation. Here is my code:

Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculateTotalPay.Click
' declare variables
Dim hours As Double


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Clear A Picturebox So The Picture In It Doesn't Show Up?

Dec 11, 2011

How do you make the image in a picturebox vanish when you change an option? I have tried a few different ways that i have seen but none have worked. I have it set so when i change an option in a listbox it will change the picture and data in other controls, however one option in the listbox has no data to fill in those controls and so gets left blank. However when i click on that option right now the images that were in the picturebox before get left behind until i click on another option that has a picture. So how do i remove the picture from the box?

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Crystal Report Doesn't Show Any Data?

Jul 18, 2012

why my crystal report dosesnt show any of my data.

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DataGridView Doesn't Show ShortTime Record

Jun 16, 2012

I'm using a DataGridView that gets its data from table in Microsoft Access, one of the fields is a Short Time type record (e.g 16:00) but when the DataGridView is loaded it shows the record as "16:00 12/31/1899" and never shows only the ShortTime.

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Designer Doesn't Show One-To-One Relationship Lines

Oct 16, 2009

I have two tables in my database: Table1: Table1ID [Primary Key, Auto Number] Name Surname Table2: Table2ID [Primary Key] BirthDate HireDate I have created a one-to-one relationship between these two tables [Table1ID <==> Table2ID]. When I create a dataset using these tables, designer doesn't show one-to-one relationship lines? It shows one-to-many relationship lines. Is this normal? Is it always shows every relationship type like that or my one-to-one relationship wrong? I'm using VB.NET 2008 Express, SQL Server 2008 Express .

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IDE :: Debug.Print Doesn't Show Anything In The Immediate Window

Dec 17, 2007

I tried using: dim x as double= 10.0 debug.print(x.tostring) in my Visual Studio 2005 program but it doesn't display anything in the immediate window. It works in my Visual Basic Express 2008 program. How can I get it to work in Visual Studio?

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Message Box To Show When Username Doesn't Exist?

Jul 4, 2009

I want a message box to show when a username doesn't exist. I figured this would work but an error shows saying 'FileNotFoundException was Unhandled', for the fist line.

Dim UserFile As New System.IO.StreamReader(sPath & "" & UsernameBox.Text & ".txt")
Username = UserFile.ReadLine
Password = UserFile.ReadLine


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StreamWriter - Doesn't Show The Text Box Items

Nov 1, 2009

When i tried to run this code, it doesn't show the text box items on the text_1.txt. Its only show the tester1, and tester2 as in the quote. What did i miss out?


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VB Help Doesn't Show Contents Or Search Results

Aug 17, 2010

When I launch VB Help and do a search it shows under "Local Help", "Exception from HRESULT:0x8004032E". It lists three results under "MSDN Online", but the large field to the left of it is entirely blank. If I double-click blindly in that blank area it brings up various topics as if they were listed there but invisible. Further, the region under "Contents" is also blank, as is the "Filter by:" field. If I click the down arrow by the "Filter by:" field it brings up an entirely blank menu. If I then click outside the menu box it brings up a message saying "The selected filter contains an error that prevents it from being applied.". What's wrong and how can I fix it?

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VS 2008 - Program Doesn't Show Picture Box

Feb 4, 2012

When i create a windows form in VB, i want to have a picture box on my form, but in design view it shows the box, but when you run the program it doesn't show it. I want it to show the box so when you run the program it will show the box and you can click on the box and you can add the photo you want on your form and then print the form or save it.

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VS 2008 DownloadDataAysnc Doesn't Show Progress?

Feb 11, 2011

I am using the DownloadDataAysnc. But the ProgressChanged event doesn't show progress until after the data has been downloaded.Even when I try and download a data which is contained in a big file. The programs remains responsive so I know it is doing something.However, it is when the progress has completed that the progressChanged event fires.I known this as the progressChanged and the DownloadDataCompleted fire immediately after each other. However, they should be a pause as the file is quite big.This is the code snippet I am currently using. And the output below

Progress changed Version userstate: [ Version1 ]
progressBar1.Value [ 100 ]


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Data Appears To Save, But Doesn't Show Up In Database?

Mar 4, 2010

I don't understand what's going on here I published my project, and when I create new records and save them, everything gets saved and shows up each time I run the program.I open the database in SQL Server and none of the tables have the new data, but it still shows up when I run the program each time.

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Forms :: Background Thread Doesn't Show Progress?

Mar 15, 2010

I was looking for a solution to run a lengthy job (looking for files on the fixed drives) withouth freezing the UI, and saw that using a BackGroundWorker control is the recommended solution.

Problem is, I don't see its ProgressChange event being triggered:

Imports System.IO Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Button1.Enabled = False


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Listview Doesn't Show Icons After 32768 Items?

Aug 25, 2011

I want display many items in a Listview.Each Item gets a own icon.Item 1 to 32768 = Icon is visible in ListviewItem32769to 65536 = Icon is not visible in ListviewItem65537to ... = Icon is visible in ListviewI think it swaps in 32768 steps.Here is my code:

Dim tmpIcon As Icon = GetIcon("...")


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MicrosoftReportViewer Doesn't Show Up In Form In Design View

Jun 6, 2011

I have created a form and dropped a MicrosoftReportViewer onto the form. It appears in the control panel on the bottom of the design view but it will not show up in the form. This is the second form I have done like this. The first one is fine. I can see the report viewer in the form and reports work correctly. For the second form nothing. Something I did notice is that in the first form the ReportViewer1 has a name in properties. In the second form there is no line with the name of the control.

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PageSetupDialog Doesn't Show The Printer Button In Win7

Jan 9, 2012

When setting the Page properties with the PageSetupDialog there was a "Printer..." button in the lower right corner to set the Printer setting also. But in the same app under win7 the button is gone.

I've set:

PageSetupDialog1.AllowPrinter = True

but to no avail. Also tried with Admin rights...nothing

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VS 2008 Treeview Control Doesn't Show Images?

Oct 25, 2009

I am trying to setup a treeview control to display all drives and folders on the PC. So far I can display all drives and folders but the images will not show except rarely. I am using an imagelist with 4 images (index 0-3). The code below is used to load the drives in the treeview control. I have tried using every type of image possible from bmp to png and nothing. I have tried the Appllication.EnableVisualStyles() which I now know isn't needed in vs 2008. I am also having problems with a picturebox in another form that shows nothing but a shadow of the image. I suspect this may be a setting somewhere maybe in vs 2008 but am not able to find one.

Dim drive As Integer = 0, dir As Integer = 0
For drive = 0 To oDrives.Length - 1


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