VS 2010 Tab Control Tab Sizes - Does Not Resize Itself To Fit The Entire Title

Aug 6, 2011

How Do I Make It So When You Navigate To A Webpage Using A Tabcontrol The Tab Displays The Document Title Of That Site But Does Not Resize Itself To Fit The Entire Title, It Stays One Size.

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VS 2010 Resize Control + Position?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a user control where in the user control that there are 3 other controls for the PictureBox, button1 and button2.for the PictureBox control I want to resize when the user control in he will change length and width.button1 and button2 whereas only change in the position left alone.I include the following examples in resize images before and after.

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VS 2010 Get Whats Inside The <title>My Data</title> Tags

Dec 19, 2010

Im am trying to get whats inside the <title>My Data</title> tags, however the results i pull back are not whats in the title tags..

Dim myMatch As Match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(My_Text, "<(?<title>w*)>(?<text>.*)</k<title>>")
If myMatch.Success Then


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Resize Parent Control From Child's Resize Event?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm starting work updating an UI for one of my company's applications and I'm running into a sticky issue. The parent control contains several panels, each of which can be turned on or off depending on user input.

The final panel in the user control contains another user control which gets resizes according to a toggle switch. Essentially, it "opens" up more information.

While the child control (ChildControl) is docked to Fill inside the parent control (ParentControl), when I add height to ChildControl I can't get ParentControl's height to get updated as well. Currently I'm handling the ChildControl.Layout event in ParentControl but I can't seem to reach that code. To resize ChildControl, I'm calling Me.Height += 200 in ChildControl.vb.

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.Net 2010 Regarding Limitation On DLL Files/sizes?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a slightly unusual application that is optimally designed by doing the following. We have an application that references a number of graphic sets for unique artwork utilization. The application is in HD and the graphic sets are a bit large about 20 megs per set. We have found that the optimal design for this particular application is to create a unique .Resources file per set, compile this .Resources file into a .Dll file using Assembly Linker (AL.exe) and reference the .Dll via the application and load the graphics upon demand or selection actually of this unique set within the application.

Question is this as I have been unable to find any data on this aspect.

Is there a limitation on the number and size of .Dlls that a VB .Net application can reference?

Specifically, we will likely have 20-25 unique graphic sets reesulting in 20-25 unique .Dll files of about 20 megs per .Dll. On our deployment boxes for the applications, we have 2 GIGs of RAM so no issue there.

Just curious if anyone knows if I am breathing down the neck of an inherit limitation within VB .Net 2010 by creating the above monster.

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Control Resize With Form User Control?

Oct 8, 2011

I have a user control which contains some textboxes,buttons ,labels and comboboxes . I used that control in a form and inside a split contaier.Splitter can be moved by the user. User control is docked as fill.

Now when user move the splitter the user control size is changes as it is dock fill but the inner controls used in that user control looks like fixed in a single place .It are not moving nor resizing .How to do this .Is there any property to perform thisI already know about anchor property but sometimes it causes overlapping of controls so I can not use it.

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.net - Remove The Title Bar But Keep The Control Box?

May 7, 2011

I'm overriding the CreateParams property in my form to draw a custom oversized titlebar:


But the control box (close and minimize) disappears. Is there any way to keep the control box and the text in the taskbar, but remove the usual title?

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Put A Control In Form's Title Bar?

Sep 15, 2011

how i can put a control (like a checkbox) or a simple button in a form's title bar using VB 2010 and Windows 7? i already studied

[URL] but code samples here just work with WinXP (samples designed in VS2003 & VS2005), no vista nor Win7.

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.net Find Form By Title And Edit Control?

Aug 31, 2010

i have this program that allows multipal versions of one form when the program recives a command testform|this is a test|Admin testform is the form name this is a test is the message Admin is the user who sent tit what i want to do is use the name to find the form >>>> add the message to a text box on that form >>> tell them who sent the message in it as well but i dont know how to find the form or add to the box on it?

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How To Show Page Title On WebBrowser Control

Nov 15, 2009

Have experimented, but none of them has worked.

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Update The Text In Tab Control So That It Displays The Title Of A Webpage?

May 28, 2011

How can I update the text in tab control so that it displays the title of a webpage?

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VS 2010 Run Entire Application As Another User?

Jun 7, 2012

I have an application that performs several network tasks like query AD, add pc to domain, execute netowrk programs and scripts, etc. I need all tasks to run using credentials I provide in text boxes in the application can someone teel me what method or class or anything to get me pointed in the right direction? I have been searching Google forever but nothing

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VS 2010 Zipping An Entire Folder?

Feb 24, 2011

With VB.NET, I'm able to completely unzip a file - this is easy. I'm able to manipulate the resulting folders - again, easy. However, for some reason, I cannot figure out how to zip and entire folder. I can zip specific files, but I need a function that will allow me to input a path and then it will zip that entire folder, including the subdirectories

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Openfiledialog Without A Form Displaying Current Path In The Title Instead Of Title?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a class that contains one function: "ShowDialog()" It creates a new openfiledialog and sets its title, but when it is run, the title of the openfiledialog is set to the current directory that is shown in the dialog. I would not like this behavior. Here is the code:

Public Class LoadSet
Public Shared Function ShowDialog() As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult
Dim Dialog As New System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
Dialog.DefaultExt = ".bsfci"


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Culture Change Did Not Affecting The Control But It Works With Form Title?

Jun 5, 2011

I am here with the same Query but with a different look I want to apply the culture change to my program. I created a class library for culture change. and applied it . It is only working with the form name, i did it with two different languages and got the result. But the controls inside the form remains as it is.

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Publish In VS 2010 Without Wiping The Entire Directory?

Oct 25, 2011

The Publish (for a Web Site) is nice and all, but wiping the entire directory is problematic as I have a folder that files can be uploaded to, and I don't want the wiped out every time I make a code change.

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VS 2010 Bolding 1 Entire Column Of A Listview

Apr 25, 2011

i populate 5 listview on form load with some numbers, but i need it to making the first column in all these listviews Bold. When i try to do it, it makes both columns bold.


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VS 2010 Replace First Occurrence Of An Entire Word?

Jul 19, 2011

A little background... I'm trying to build a spell checking form. I have this lovely library: [URL] and it seems to be working flawlessly.

The problem I have is trying to replace an entire word and only the first occurence of the word.

Example: Replace the first instance of "foo" with "bar" in the following string
"foo foo foobar" and get this "bar foo foobar"

I've been trying regular expressions with no luck. Here are the patterns I've tried compiling(these are obviously tied to variables in my program):


I also tried the built in string.replace method with a count parameter, but I have no idea how I would make that match the entire word.

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VS 2010 Returning Entire Row From SQL Table To Combobox?

Apr 11, 2011

I am designing an clock-in/clock-out program as a learning exercise. So far I can type the name of an employee and add them to my timeclock database in a row called "EMPNAME". The issue I'm having now is that I need each of those employees in column of EMPNAME to appear in a combobox when I hit "GET LIST". Is there a simple way to do this using a SELECT statement for the commandtext? I've tried to google but cant find exactly what im looking for.


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Control Resize VS Screen Resolution

Mar 26, 2012

i want to ask about screen resolution and control resize..how can i make my control, like button, textbox, etc resize automatically within any screen resolution?have you guy ever hear about active resize from url...i want my vb net application look like that so if we use ANY resolution, the application we create will not messedit can strecth..i already try dock, anchor, panel, etc, but it cannot work.

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Form Resize With Control Sizing?

Dec 27, 2010

I have been searching for code and/or a tutorial on how to proportianally resize controls and fonts. For example if I design a form at 800 X 600 and the user maximizes the form to 1600 X 1200, I need the form and controls to grow to fill the screen almost like a zoom function.

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Forms :: Resize The Monthcalendar Control?

Mar 22, 2009

I am working on a windows application . I am trying to find if we can resize the monthcalendar control?? if yes, how??

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Resize A Control With A Smooth Animated Look

Nov 25, 2009

I'm a moderate (self taught) skill level programmer, developing a piece of software to display information on a Large-screen LCD Display using VB.Net 2008 in Visual Studio 2008 Pro, this is a WinForms project targeted for the .NET 3.5 framework.I have a WebBrowser Control (docked into a disabled panel on the form) which is used to playback a powerpoint presentation, on a fullscreen, borderless form.I need this to be resizeable/ movable, depending on the other information I need to display. If I just resize/move the control, but looks horrible, so I would like to animate this resizing.The WebBrowser control will be, by default, in the top right quarter of the screen, resizing to fill the screen as and when needed (so the control will need to scale up in size, and move left at the same time).I've tried to loop through a resize in increments, but the browser resize flickers, although the powerpoint inside it appears to look OK. Is there any way to make this a nice, smooth resize, without the flickering?

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Resize The Monthy Calendar Control?

Oct 14, 2010

How do i resize the monthy calander control?

vb.net 2005 Apparently the font size does nothing.

i am stuck with tha control being huge. I would like my calander control to fit inside my designated area and be sure that it stays there.

I would also like to control the actual font size of the displayed calander.

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Custom Control - How To Resize And Move Label

Nov 16, 2011

I have the following code, which I use for in another control and it works fine, although the other control is a custom control that inherits from Control.

Public Class MoveableLabel
Inherits Label
Const WM_NCHITTEST As Integer = &H84
Const HTCLIENT As Integer = &H1
Const HTCAPTION As Integer = &H2
[Code] .....

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Form Resize With Control Sizing (con't) + 1 More Thing?

Apr 7, 2012

why the title has "(con't)" is because of this Form Resize With Control Sizing... almost named it with another thread on here. And I wanted to post, but it was already a 'Zombie Thread'.Thanks to _HAWK_'s post #11, instead of declaring every control I use. Would declaring it an array (fast guess - Label<Array(how many - 1; aka - X)>) work? ... that was probably Java... My point has probably been made, or can I just do Label.Scale(variable)?I had already set my declaration of the form I need to do this on "Resize". I am not quite at this stage yet, but I see this saving a lot of time asking early.

The +1 extra question is:How can I be able to split of a form in 3 unequal sections? The initial form is 800*600-left side has 2 sections, each 400*300 right side is 400*600.I am already using 3 'GroupBox' and it looks ugly because I have each one colored differently.I looked into Splitter and SplitContainter and TableLayoutContainer.

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Interface And Graphics :: Control Resize Begin And End

Dec 27, 2009

How to implement resize begin and end on controls the way a Form does. I had the idea that this can be accomplished using windows messages API (WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE and WM_EXITSIZEMOVE) but most of the samples I've seen so far are for windows. The reason for this is because I have a control that needs to re-render an image. The controll is inside a split container. The split container has only the Resize event. Is there any way this can be done?

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Make Custom Label Control Resize?

Mar 20, 2012

I have a custom control label that I am trying to give all the same properties and functionality to as a regular label. I can change the text, font, and assign the auto size property. However, I cannot figure out a way to make the control re-size correctly. Does anyone have any suggestions or code examples of a custom control being re-sized to fill the entire control?

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Resize A Text Control Un Run Mode Using The Mouse?

Aug 12, 2009

I am staring on the programming world using VB 2008 express edition, mi project is data acquisition software which today is almost ready to go, but I want to add an extra ornament to the digital value display.I am using textcontrol to display numeric values, and the fixture that I would like to add is to be able to resize the control in run mode using the mouse left click hold down on the edge of the control and just move the mouse and the control expand or shrinks, as the same action as when we want to resize any form.

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VS 2008 : Put A Control On The Form Which The User Can Resize?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a Mdi form and I need to put a control on the form which the user can resize. Now I need a container can be dragged by user to increase it's size. The split container will not work in my case as I have childforms and stuff. I want a container whose size can be increased by dragging it on one side.

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