Publish In VS 2010 Without Wiping The Entire Directory?

Oct 25, 2011

The Publish (for a Web Site) is nice and all, but wiping the entire directory is problematic as I have a folder that files can be uploaded to, and I don't want the wiped out every time I make a code change.

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Choose Own Directory For Build To Publish?

May 16, 2011

Using Build ---> Publish is nice, but it installs (on the client's machine) into an esoterically-named directory. As you can imagine, this is a nightmare to backup. Does anyone know how I can direct this thing to install into a directory that I choose?

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Copy An Entire Directory With Sub Directories And Files To Another Location?

Jul 14, 2010

I am trying to copy a directory with sub directories and files to another location on my computer. Whenever I try, I get the following error, through my "console":

$>Error: System.IO.IOException: The directory is not empty.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.Directory.DeleteHelper(String fullPath, String userPath, Boolean recursive)


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Directory.GetFiles Returning Entire Path - Only Want Filename?

Apr 26, 2010

This is the code I have set up to scan a directory of files:
Dim fileArray() As String
fileArray = Directory.GetFiles(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & "help")

And it successfully gets all files in the directory, but it gets their absolute paths as well. For example, one of the entries in fileArray() is:

And I want it to just be:
Is there a way to do this without parsing through all the array entries to trim off the path?

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Schema Changes Without Wiping Out The Whole Dataset And Starting Over?

Feb 25, 2010

Ok, I know this has been asked many, many times but I haven't seen the correct answer yet. When the database schema changes how do you update the dataset designer to reflect those schema changes without wiping out the whole dataset and starting over?

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Visual Studio Keeps Wiping Access Database

Nov 3, 2010

I have an Access Database, which I connect to using the Microsoft .Jet OleDB provider in VB from Visual Studio 2008.For some reason, whenever I make any change to the code (so that the project builds again), the data in the database completely disappears. I can only assume this means it's remaking the database every time. Note that it does this every time it builds, not just when I connect to it in the code.In my project, this is the database I connect to with the connection string, but there's also another duplicate of the same database in my Debug directory that changes to match the first database every time.The problem only started when I remade the access file to move some columns around and then reconnected through VS a couple of weeks ago.

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Move - Xcopy Equivlent - Copy And Move The Entire Contents Of A Directory To Another

Jan 6, 2012

how do i copy and move the entier contents of a directory to another ussing then also delete the files from there original directory?

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VS 2010 - Build My Project (or Publish) VB 2010 Makes And Exe And A Couple Ddl Files

Jun 6, 2012

The situation: when i build my project (or publish) Visual Basic 2010 makes and exe and a couple ddl files. when i run the project with the .exe and the other files the program works perfectly.

My problem: I want to share it with friends and it is just a verry little program ( a n internet radio) so i want it to be 1 .exe with out any other instalation needed so i can easly share it to anyone who wants it. when i make an even smaller program and Debud->build it, it is only 1 exe and no instalation needed. so is there a way to make my program to 1 exe only?

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VS 2010: Publish Application That Uses SQL DB?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm having troubles publishing my application to use in any computer. That's because I don't know how can I publish it within the database.

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VS 2010 Run Entire Application As Another User?

Jun 7, 2012

I have an application that performs several network tasks like query AD, add pc to domain, execute netowrk programs and scripts, etc. I need all tasks to run using credentials I provide in text boxes in the application can someone teel me what method or class or anything to get me pointed in the right direction? I have been searching Google forever but nothing

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VS 2010 Zipping An Entire Folder?

Feb 24, 2011

With VB.NET, I'm able to completely unzip a file - this is easy. I'm able to manipulate the resulting folders - again, easy. However, for some reason, I cannot figure out how to zip and entire folder. I can zip specific files, but I need a function that will allow me to input a path and then it will zip that entire folder, including the subdirectories

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Publish 2010 Express Application

Dec 15, 2011

I'm having some trouble sharing my application to other PC users. I have tried to Build my application and Publish my application into a folder, zip it, and put it on my website for people to download, but when they try to run the setup file it gives an error message saying they need to download "Mysql.Data V", which makes sense seeing how I have a resource that uses this. Do I need to use a different method to pack my application or what? I don't quite understand how I can incorporate this into the files so the end-user doesn't need to do any other downloading than my file.

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VS 2010 Free Publish To Websites?

Jul 3, 2010

Does anyone know any free websites that i can use the clickonce publish feature on, it said something about frontpage extension

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VS 2010 Bolding 1 Entire Column Of A Listview

Apr 25, 2011

i populate 5 listview on form load with some numbers, but i need it to making the first column in all these listviews Bold. When i try to do it, it makes both columns bold.


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VS 2010 Replace First Occurrence Of An Entire Word?

Jul 19, 2011

A little background... I'm trying to build a spell checking form. I have this lovely library: [URL] and it seems to be working flawlessly.

The problem I have is trying to replace an entire word and only the first occurence of the word.

Example: Replace the first instance of "foo" with "bar" in the following string
"foo foo foobar" and get this "bar foo foobar"

I've been trying regular expressions with no luck. Here are the patterns I've tried compiling(these are obviously tied to variables in my program):


I also tried the built in string.replace method with a count parameter, but I have no idea how I would make that match the entire word.

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VS 2010 Returning Entire Row From SQL Table To Combobox?

Apr 11, 2011

I am designing an clock-in/clock-out program as a learning exercise. So far I can type the name of an employee and add them to my timeclock database in a row called "EMPNAME". The issue I'm having now is that I need each of those employees in column of EMPNAME to appear in a combobox when I hit "GET LIST". Is there a simple way to do this using a SELECT statement for the commandtext? I've tried to google but cant find exactly what im looking for.


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Publish Specific Files Not In Project In VS 2010?

Jun 23, 2011

Is there a way I can publish *.ascx files without adding them to my project?I am trying to make my user controls in Visual Studio 2010 reusable. I have a project containing my user controls called ControlsLibrary solution directory. I copy the ascx files to the web directory upon building the project with build events.I use the command copy "$(SolutionDir)ControlLibrary*.ascx" "$(ProjectDir)controls"

This copies the *.ascx files from G:/SolutionDirectory/ControlsLibrary to C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/WebProject/controlsNow when I publish WebProject, the publish does not copy the *.ascx files from C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/WebProject/controls to my website. This is because they are not added to my project.

Is there a way I can publish *.ascx files without adding them to my project?I know there is a way to publish all files by selecting the option "All files in this project." That includes more files than I want.

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VS 2010 How To Publish Application With Homemade Sounds

Jan 3, 2012

I am a beginner i vb 2010. I have made a little game with som sounds in it. When I call the sound in the games I use this

My.Computer.Audio.Play("C:UsersLundDocumentsvbResources1.wav")But when I puplish the sound doesn't get puplished. What code do I have to write?

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VS 2010 Update Database Without Overwriting On Publish?

May 17, 2012

vs 2010, My program uses clickonce to automatically check my website for an updated publish, and then download and install if a newer version exists. I have been publishing my updates with the database excluded because if I include it, it overwrites the user's existing database with a new empty database.

My issue is that the new version of my software needs to have additional columns added to the existing database so that the user can save additional information. For example, the previous database table allowed saving client first name and last name, but the new version needs to have a new column for "address".

Is there a way for me to add a permanent database table or add a column to the user's existing database table without overwriting their current data?

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VS 2010 Tab Control Tab Sizes - Does Not Resize Itself To Fit The Entire Title

Aug 6, 2011

How Do I Make It So When You Navigate To A Webpage Using A Tabcontrol The Tab Displays The Document Title Of That Site But Does Not Resize Itself To Fit The Entire Title, It Stays One Size.

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Publish An Application From Visual Basic 2010 Express For Use On A Different PC?

Jan 18, 2012

As the title says, I have a program written in 2010. When I use the publish feature it creates a manifest and setup file that install the program nicely on another PC, but I think the security settings are somehow wrong because it sits there for ninety seconds upon launch. The program works fine on the computer that built it. There is no CPU usage while it is sitting around.

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Publish Compile Error " Error1Cannot Publish Because A Project Failed To Build"?

Nov 21, 2009

Now I did a clean build, and tried to publish, and I get a lot of errors and warnings that I don't understand.

Error1Cannot publish because a project failed to build.11AllJ Slots

Warning2Assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.DLL' is incorrectly specified as a file.AllJ Slots
Warning3Assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.DLL' is incorrectly specified as a file.AllJ Slots
Warning4Assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound.DLL' is incorrectly specified as a file.AllJ Slots
Error5An error occurred while signing: Failed to sign binReleaseapp.publish\setup.exe. SignTool Error: ISigned
:Sign returned error: 0x80880253

The signer's certificate is not valid for signing.

SignTool Error: An error occurred while attempting to sign: binReleaseapp.publish\setup.exeAllJ Slots

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VS 2010 - Scan Directory And Sub Directory

Jan 1, 2012

I have a FolderBrowserDialog box, and when the user selects a folder, I would like to scan that folder and its sub folders for these file types: jpg, gif, png Here is what I have so far:


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VS 2010 DrawItem Event In TabControl Doesn't Cover The Entire Header?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm using a TabControl and have overridden the DrawItem event to produce my own background and foreground colors for the header text. It looks good but there's still grey color around each header. I thought maybe the Padding property could be set to (0,0) but that seemed to have no effect.

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Obtain Entire Text Content Of A Webpage Displayed In Iframe Named 'test_iframe' In 2010?

Sep 9, 2011

I want my application to open a web page that has an iframe within it named "test_iframe". Now I want to obtain the text being displayed in test_iframe. How do I get this content (I dont need the HTML code, only text being displayed in that page). Also if the iframe is hidden, can I obtain the content in such a scenario also?

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VS 2010 End Of The Directory?

Mar 4, 2009

Private Sub TextBox1_Click
OpenFileDialog1.FileName = Nothing


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VS 2010 Uploading Raw Directory?

Oct 7, 2010

Any kind of ways to upload raw directory with files like: Webbrowser1.navigate to ftp server and drag and drop files to browser and it uploads them.I can use application like that for upload my latest releases automaticly there with pressing a button without choosing the files. I want to upload whole directory there.Any ways to upload directory to FTP server or just some webserver? Simple way to upload is put ftp address to webbrowser and drag files to browser and it starts uploading immediately.

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VS 2010 Check If Directory Exists?

Jun 15, 2012

How do I check if a directory exists?

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VS 2010 DotNetZip, Removing A Directory?

Aug 9, 2011

[URL] There's a RemoveEntry() function to remove a file, but I can't seem to find a function to remove a directory... Does DotNetZip support directory removal? If not, what are some other libraries I could try?

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Monitoring Directory For File Activity In 2010

Jan 17, 2011

I'm trying to write a simple program to monitor a folder for new files in VB.NET 2010, and am having some trouble. Here's a simplified version of what my program looks like:


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