Obtain Entire Text Content Of A Webpage Displayed In Iframe Named 'test_iframe' In 2010?

Sep 9, 2011

I want my application to open a web page that has an iframe within it named "test_iframe". Now I want to obtain the text being displayed in test_iframe. How do I get this content (I dont need the HTML code, only text being displayed in that page). Also if the iframe is hidden, can I obtain the content in such a scenario also?

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VS 2010 Get Some Html Text From Iframe Site

Feb 19, 2012

some text in iframe I already search for the id but can't get it into my vb using webbrowser1.document.getelementbyid("")

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ASP.Net VB Javascript Function: Calculate Height Of Content Passed To IFrame

Jan 26, 2012

I'm trying to convert an old ASP.Net 1.0 application to ASP.Net 3.5 and am running into trouble with a JavaScript function. The application passes in content into an within a table cell. The function is supposed to calculate the height of the content and size the table cell appropriately.

way of accomplishing this with the

JavaScript function

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function calcHeight() {


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Drag A .txt File Onto The Txtbox, The Content Of The Text File Is Displayed In The Textbox?

Mar 3, 2012

I have a textbox on a form that is set to allow dragdrop operations from txt files.Basically you drag a .txt file onto the txtbox, the content of the text file is displayed in the textbox.All is working fine, however after the textfile is displayed in the textbox, the text box text is for some reason is highlighted.I don't want the text to be highlighted (or selected) after it's being displayed on the textbox.Second issue, after I close the file that I dragged, for some reason even if I didn't make any changes to the file, it is acting as if the file has changed.In another words, if I open a text file using my MenuItem Open item, and if I do not change the file, If I close the file it's fine it closes.However, if I close a file that I draged into the text box and then close the file without changing anything in it, the stringcompare function is telling me that the file has changed... I can't understand why.

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Obtain HTML Content From Forums

Jun 9, 2011

After trying to port a C++ program which was a console application where it crawled the forums with the url provided and in the end stored the result inside a database for further analysis.


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Obtain Width Of Listiew Column Autofit To Content?

Apr 25, 2011

A ListView Column's with is set to -1 meaning its width is automatically set the width of the widest cell text in the column. I need the width automatcally set but I'd like to know the actual width of the column.

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Web Page : Obtain All The Webpage Elements And Put Them Into A Textbox?

Apr 15, 2011

What I need to do is grab all the web page elements on a web page (id, name, etc) and place them into a textbox to view...Currently I have this

Dim htmlElements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
For Each el As HtmlElement In htmlElements
If el.GetAttribute("name").Equals("name") Then


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C# - Read Entire File Content Asp.net?

Sep 1, 2010

get the whole and same content of any file i uploaded, for my editing purposes in my editor w/c retrieves file from the database. i.e of files are ".doc and .txt"and by the way what i meant by same content is the whole same appearance of my .doc or .txt file i.e "if the text is bold, forecolor is red and etc.."

i successfully established a file upload and a function to store it in a database... but what i'm missing is the whole and same content of the file. Another thing is i don't want the file to be saved in a local folder or somewhere..i just want it to be save directly to my database Below is my sample code of trying to retrieve the content.. but it is an error when you run..

Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If filMyFile.PostedFile IsNot Nothing Then
Dim fs As FileStream


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Reading ENTIRE Content Of An Excel File?

Oct 5, 2011

I already know the basic procedure of how to read specific cells of an .xls file using VB.NET but I can't figure out how to automatically get all the data from such a file.Basically, I'm obtaining the data like this:

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
xlApp = New Excel.Application


In this case, I know that there will be content in the first 10 rows of the columns A, B and C but what would I have to do if I had a huge document whose size and content might even change from time to time? I know that there is also an attribute ws.rows.count but this always returns a big value like 60000 even if only a few rows are occupied.So basically, I'm looking for a simple way to loop through all the used rows of an Excel file with the possibility of accessing each cell in that row.

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C# - Content Is Displayed By A While Loop?

May 20, 2009

I have a Label, whose content is displayed by a while loop.when i display a text in label, it displays correctly. sometime minutes, the same text displayed in the same label, and the size of the text in the control changes.

Here is the code :

//Form_Load :
Thread t = new Thread(displaySentences);
//display sentences:
void displaySentences()


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Refresh The Content Displayed After A Change In The Database?

Jun 12, 2009

I have to do some maintenance on an old VB.NET application (Visual Studio 2003) that uses Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006. I have a UltraCombo control binded to a DataView.

How can I refresh the content displayed after a change in the database?

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VS 2010 Client Found Response Content Type Of 'text/html', But Expected 'text/xml'?

Jan 29, 2012

I am trying to implement a webservice but I am receiving this error :Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'.The request failed with the error message:Quote:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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View Entire Webpage In Webbrowser Depending On Browser Size?

Apr 19, 2009

I'm currently working on my personal html editor. i have it where i can preview the page in a webbrowser. on maximized screen i can see the entire page as is. is it possible to keep the webbapage viewed, as viewed maximizied, in a resized browser with this size: 201, 106.

i know i won't be able to read much of the text, i just want to see the page preview, image location, etc. just a browser with view zoom properties.

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VS 2010 Assign String Value To A Label Control Displayed Text?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm looking to put a few labels on a form but the text that they will display will not be static. Instead they should be dynamic as the values used will be either the value of a specific Environment variable or from a value stored in an array. These values will change depending on which user runs the application. How do I achieve this?

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Call Windows Form Functions From Webpage (which Is Displayed Through Webbrowser Control In Win App)?

Mar 25, 2009

I have implemented webbrowser control in my windows application. I have some functions inthe class file. i want to use those functions from the webpage which is displayed in my windows app through webbrowser control..For example say... I have an standalone windows software. Which has a webbrowser control in the some form. Now i would like to create a webpage that can be displayed in the webbrowser control in win app which has some buttons and textboxes. When i click on button in the webpage it should get the version number of that software. I have some other functions that are in the class file aswell.. but dont no how to call those functions from that webpage when a button is clicked or something like that.

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VS 2010 Get Text From Webpage?

Nov 17, 2011

Alright, im trying to get a balance from a webpage. But idk how to. I sort of figured it out. This is what im trying to get:

<div class="boxborder">
<div class="title">Balance</div>
<div class="sep"></div>


But there are multiple classes on the webpage which has the inner as classname, so i get lots and lots of info. But i just want to get the 12,85. How would i do that?

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How To Display Webpage With No Active Content

Aug 17, 2011

I have created a windows form application which goes through Internet Explorer index.dat files and extracts various information (URL's , date they were last accessed etc). I then display this information in a data grid view. From here I would like to be able to click on a URL link and open the web page without activating any active content (such as java script, activex, viruses etc). I have tried to do this using Internet explorer in 'offline mode' with the problem being if the web page requires an online connection it automatically changes Internet Explorer from 'work offline' to online mode. Any better way to view the web pages with no active content?

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WebPage Content Screen Save?

Mar 22, 2012

I am trying to make a project, but I am beginning and the examples that I see in the forums are giving certain. desire to make a program where web opens definitive page. When opened, the shown content is copied and recorded in an archive. Desire not to copy code HTML, but yes, the text that is appearing in the screen.

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VS 2010 Reading Text File And Saving Content?

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to create a console application that allows me to read the contents of a text file and saving the data by specific name in a set of files. For example, the text file I am going to read is a tab delimited file. Some content of the file includes full name, school, location, and whatnot. I want to save the content by school name in a set of files that have the school names. In this case, everyone that attends "Central" will be saved in a file named Central.txt.Everyone that attends "Central Park" will be saved in a file named Central Park.txt.These are the sub procedures I came up with so far:

'Use StreamReader

And I think I am on the right track of reading the text file:

Dim objStreamReader As StreamReader
Dim strLine As String
'Pass the file path and the file name to the StreamReader constructor.


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Forms :: Display WebPage With No Active Content?

Aug 17, 2011

I have created a windows form application which goes through Internet Explorer index.dat files and extracts various information (URL's , date they were last accessed etc). I then display this information in a data grid view. From here i would like to be able to click on a URL link and open the web page without activating any active content (such as java script, activex, viruses etc). I have tried to do this using Internet explorer in 'offline mode' with the problem being if the web page requires an online connection it automatically changes Internet Explorer from 'work offline' to online mode.

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VS 2005 How To Gain The Content In Webpage Xml File

May 22, 2009

webpage xml as below:
<Survey ID="14">
<Title>Project Initiator</Title>


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VS 2010 : Retrieve All Of The Visible Text On A Webpage?

Mar 29, 2011

I know if I use


it retrieves all of the text on the document. But I want to retireve all of the visible text from a webpage. Like for Google would be: Screen reader users, click here to turn off Google Instant.



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VS 2010 Grabbing Text In A Field On A Webpage

Dec 19, 2010

I have a script that will enter values into a field, click submit and then it takes you to a page that shows a field containing text. How do I grab that text from that field?

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VS 2010 Parse A Webpage For A Particular Text String?

Feb 6, 2011

Im am trying to parse a web page for a particular text string, But VB2010 keeps saying there is an error at this part of my code request.GetResponse The guide i was following doesn't explain the error. could some one take a look ?

Imports System.IO
Imports System
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions


I have tried request.beginGetresponse and request.endGetresponse.

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VS 2010 Make A Simple Program That Can Create A Text File With The Content?

Aug 23, 2011

Im learning Visual Basic 2010 on my programming class and we reached the part of file handling. Here i tried to make a simple program that can create a text file with the content of what i type on the textbox, basically i create the file if it doesn't exist, and if it already exists i append the content to it. Once the file is saved i can read it using the "Open" button. Unfortunataly, whenever i try to create the file, the compiler gives me an error saying that it cannot modify a closed file, although i've followed up the execution instruction by instruction and i can't find the error.

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim body As String


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VS 2010 Get Iframe HTML?

Jul 18, 2010

How can i look at a webpage, and loop through the html of each iframe that is on it?

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VS 2010 Check If A Text Or Word Exist In A Webpage?

Oct 12, 2011

I want to know how to check if a word or sentence exist or not exist in a webpage. For example I want to navigate in the interior pages of a website and stop my app for read the content only where appear the sentence " Contenido en espanol" ..

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VS 2010 Sending Data To IFrame?

Jan 19, 2009

I've been logging at website automation (automatically logging myself in etc...) and I've ran into an iFrame which stumped me.

<iframe frameborder="0" id="theiframe" src="javascript:""" style="width: 100%; height: 270px;"></iframe>
So far I've basic form inputs have only needed something like:


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VS 2010 Entering Text Into TextArea And Press Button On WebPage?

Oct 2, 2010

I have the HTML (I think its javascript) code below that is from the webapge.

I want to pass something from my textarea on my form, to the text area on the webpage, and then pres the submit button the webpage.

I cant seem to find a control that locates the textarea or button..

Here is html:

<textarea id="c4ca7d536c32ca4b6ea674_input" class="UIComposer_TextArea DOMControl_placeholder" name="status" onfocus="CSS.addClass("c4ca7d536c32ca4b6ea674", "UIComposer_STATE_INPUT_FOCUSED"CSS.removeClass("c4ca7d536c32ca4b6ea674", "hide_buttons"window.UIComposer && UIComposer.focusInstance("c4ca7d536c32ca4b6ea674"" title="What's on your mind?" placeholder="What's on your mind?">What's on your mind?

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VS 2010 Web Browser Display Current Webpage Url In Text Box Or Combobox?

May 17, 2011

The actual problem is when I go to a web page and click an internal link or use the back or forward button it only shows whatever the last webpage I keyed in and not the actual page I'm on.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Panel1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs)


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