WebPage Content Screen Save?
Mar 22, 2012
I am trying to make a project, but I am beginning and the examples that I see in the forums are giving certain. desire to make a program where web opens definitive page. When opened, the shown content is copied and recorded in an archive. Desire not to copy code HTML, but yes, the text that is appearing in the screen.
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Feb 2, 2012
Now I'm creating at app in VB (Microsoft's, Visual Basic 2010) which will be in full screen but I want to know if I can put all my content in the centre of the screen. At the moment it's at the far top, left of the screen. When the screen size varies I want it will stay in the middle for all shapes and sizes. Like :
<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 500px;"></div>
But this is for web pages using HTML and CSS.
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Aug 17, 2011
I have created a windows form application which goes through Internet Explorer index.dat files and extracts various information (URL's , date they were last accessed etc). I then display this information in a data grid view. From here I would like to be able to click on a URL link and open the web page without activating any active content (such as java script, activex, viruses etc). I have tried to do this using Internet explorer in 'offline mode' with the problem being if the web page requires an online connection it automatically changes Internet Explorer from 'work offline' to online mode. Any better way to view the web pages with no active content?
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Apr 9, 2010
Is it possible to use FileSave to save a richTextBoxs content with a fixed save path, without needing to go thru the save dialogue to select save location.
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Aug 17, 2011
I have created a windows form application which goes through Internet Explorer index.dat files and extracts various information (URL's , date they were last accessed etc). I then display this information in a data grid view. From here i would like to be able to click on a URL link and open the web page without activating any active content (such as java script, activex, viruses etc). I have tried to do this using Internet explorer in 'offline mode' with the problem being if the web page requires an online connection it automatically changes Internet Explorer from 'work offline' to online mode.
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May 22, 2009
webpage xml as below:
<Survey ID="14">
<Title>Project Initiator</Title>
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May 19, 2012
I know the code of full screen is
If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
but i want the content be expanded when it is full screen.
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Mar 14, 2009
i working in a pda developed how can i resize all content at exact size of screen?
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May 8, 2012
I am new to XNA and this is a philosophical question. In most examples I have seen, game assets are defined as private class variables, loaded in the LoadContent method, and then drawn with the Draw method. If I have a large game with a lot of screens, there could be quite a bit of declarations at the top of this class.
With that said, here are my questions
Should I use the content pipeline over Texture2D.FromFile().
What are the advantages other than faster loading.Should I call Content.Load(Of T)([some asset name]) outside the LoadContent() sub.
How are you handling loading assets for different screens? Are you declaring all assets at the top?
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Oct 25, 2011
I have a website written in .net 4. I'd like to include a save button on one the pages that will save the webpage as a mht file. This way the user can save the page as a mht file type on his/her desktop without have to use the browser toolbar.
I'm currently working with the following code but I need to modify it so it to capture the url of the current page the user is viewing verses hard coding the url into the button click event.
Partial Class Form1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
End Class
View 2 Replies
Oct 21, 2009
I have a website written in .net 4. I'd like to include a save button on one the pages that will save the webpage as a mht file. This way the user can save the page as a mht file type on his/her desktop without have to use the browser toolbar. I'm currently working with the following code but I need to modify it so it to capture the url of the current page the user is viewing verses hard coding the url into the button click event.
Partial Class Form1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
End Class
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Sep 9, 2011
I want my application to open a web page that has an iframe within it named "test_iframe". Now I want to obtain the text being displayed in test_iframe. How do I get this content (I dont need the HTML code, only text being displayed in that page). Also if the iframe is hidden, can I obtain the content in such a scenario also?
View 6 Replies
Apr 26, 2010
What I am attempting to do is make a form for a tire shop. I want to put comboboxes on the left side of the form that the employees make choices from. I then want to put some kind of a table or grid looking thing on the right side of the form that will display their choices so that everyone in the shop can look at it see that "John is on bay 5 until 3:00pm". At the end of the day I want all of the combobox choices to save to a file..I dont really need the table or the grid thing to save..just the choices. If I want to do this, do I need to use that gridview tool? or can I make my own table thing to display the choices in.
View 9 Replies
Feb 27, 2010
basically I would like to create a Web Browser that displays the Content in it's screen. I started like this:
The 1st Struggle already is that hitting Enter after adding the Address does not display the content. I need to click on the Search Button. Additionally it would be nice if the Address is an IP Address that the last Part of the IP address could automatically be incremented and show the next Device in the Browser.
View 7 Replies
Sep 18, 2010
Im making a vb.net app and im using htmlagilitypack. I need hap to get the profile links from [URL]
Here is an example of the html:
<a href="/bus/Ontario/Brampton/A-Safe-Self-Storage/17142.html?what=af&where=Ontario&le=1238793c7aa%7Ccf8042ceaa%7C2ae32e5a2a" onmousedown="utag.link({link_name:'busname', link_attr1:'in_listing_left',
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Jun 4, 2009
I am using Visual Studio 2008 which should be VB.NET 3.0 language.
I have searched and searched for finding the answer on saving content / items in a listbox with strings. As you know the code for saving a text in textbox and get information again in application is[code]...
View 4 Replies
Dec 25, 2009
I am creating a 'log' of everything that occurs in my program. I have deleting and all done, adding the logs and whatnot. I just do not know how to save the logs inside the program beyond closing it.
I want to add content to my listview, it automatically save. Close the program, and next time it runs it will be there.
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May 31, 2011
OK so after a week of aggravating, hair pulling, disaster of trying to figure out what should be simple tasks but beat me down! Ok so I wanted to create a application that would, somewhat manage the users own collection of video games (Lame i know ) you add your games to a listview item, with an image and some sub items, viewing details, using a textbox to search your games... etc i hope you get it
Ok so what i cannot figure out, or find by combing the internet! is how to save all new items the user adds... And including: the item, all the sub items and the picture thats associated with the item.! Instead of posting the code, i posted the application Source code itself here:Source Code , I also started a project here: Codeplex
Later i eventually was thinkin of ading a "wish list" feature where you could add the games you want to get later and also tag it with a release date so when the date comes up, it will let you know, maybe through some alarming way or textbox somehwere... IF you guys want to make it better or fix it! go ahead, i just want this app to save upon EXIT or directing me in the right direction would be VERY VERY much appreciated!
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Dec 1, 2009
I have got a program with a Rich Text Box, the user enters the data in the RTB which can be super or sub scripted, then saves it in a text file (or any other if text file is not possible). Then another user opens the program and loads that data into the RTB. Would the format still be superscripted or subscripted.
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Aug 6, 2011
I need to add some information to a PDF (Trim Box proporties, actually replace Media Box proporties with Media Box and Trim Box proporties), and I dont have the support in my PDF-motor. So I found out that I can use Notepad++ to open the PDF as a text file and simply add the Trim Box properties as a string and save it. Now I want to do it automatically with vb.net. When I use Stream Reader/Writer the PDF gets destroyed and loses information (Stream Reader dont read all the NUL, SOH, STX etc. I guess). I tried to read the PDF using ReadAllBytes/WriteAllBytes and then it works good, but then I don't know how to replace "Media Box ..." with "Media Box.Trim Box.". I try to use IndexOf but I can only search for single Byte not the whole string. I'm not good in binary and thats perhaps the problem :-). Does anyone have a better way doing it or how do I search for my string "Media Box" in binary?
View 3 Replies
Aug 10, 2011
I am trying to create a console application that does the following:
1) read a text file
2) Save the content over to a SQL Server database
3) Use command line arguments to allow user to specify any delimited file
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Jun 12, 2011
I' successfully created a project fully functional using access database. I've read about SQL connection on VB .net. how to save three text boxes into three fields in excel and a way to retrieve it if I want.
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Jun 3, 2010
I have a programme like word and wanna concert the content of the rich text box to pdf and save in the disk?
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May 8, 2010
RichTextBox1.SaveFile(FileName , RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText)
This is the way i am saving my rtb files , But it don't save the background color , can anyone tell me of anyway to save the background color or whatever content is on the rtb.
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Mar 15, 2012
I'm creating an small application where I search from the databse table tems and add the result line to a datarow of my datatable "dt", I the set the datagridviewe datatsource to this same dt.How can I save this dt content into another table of the same database.I'm not ussing stored procedures and dont understand much of parameters.
Dim cs As New SqlConnection("Data Source=myserver;Initial Catalog=mydatabase;Integrated Security=True")
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds As New DataSet("Chosed")
View 6 Replies
Jul 22, 2011
How to save DataGridView content into a database?
View 10 Replies
Jan 31, 2011
Possible Duplicates: How to Convert html web-page to image format in ASP.net web-application ASP.NET page to image or pdf.
I have an aspx webpage. Once that page is rendered, with a button click how can I export it to PDF? What is the process? Do I need an external third party tool to achieve this?
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Apr 10, 2009
How do I save a web page in VB.NET?
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Jul 13, 2009
I have 5 column in my unbound datagridview. after user enter all the values i want to save the content to the text file. I want to save one row as one line of text. Then if user open a gridview and enter dataon it then the new data should append with the previous data in text file. Is that posible to do. How can we do this
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Jul 19, 2009
I want to programatically save the current webbrowser document in my browser, along with all the images, CSS and whatever else is needed for the page to display properly.[code]...
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