VS 2010 DrawItem Event In TabControl Doesn't Cover The Entire Header?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm using a TabControl and have overridden the DrawItem event to produce my own background and foreground colors for the header text. It looks good but there's still grey color around each header. I thought maybe the Padding property could be set to (0,0) but that seemed to have no effect.

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VS 2010 ComboBox DrawItem Event?

Dec 27, 2011

ATM I'm trying to color individual items on my combobox. While reading stuff I googled, it seems that the only way to do this is through the DrawItem event.My question is, will the draw item be 'called' when i assign text to the combo box? combobox.text = "string"

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Can Sub Handles Tabcontrol.drawitem In Module

Nov 11, 2009

sub I use on all forms in my app I would like to put in one central place (of course right). in vb.net I put this sub in a module it has a "Handles tabcontrol1.Drawitem" - I get an error saying handle requires with events variable defined in containing type or one of its base types.also when I refer to tabcontrol1 in a module it wants to know which form.. Can I use sender to define current calling form?

Private Sub TabControl1_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Handles TabControl1.DrawItem
Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
Dim tp As TabPage = sender.TabControl1.TabPages(e.Index)
Dim br As Brush


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Fitting A Form To Cover The Entire Screen

Sep 11, 2011

I have a program and wish to generalise its appearance at startup on different machines. This worked OK until I moved it onto a Windows 7 unit with a 22" screen. The front page covers less than 2/3 of the screen. I know I've asked the system for 'working area' but could not find a reference to the entire screen which other applications seem able to use. How can I catch up with them? The code is from VB in VS2005. Is this my limitation?


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VS 2010 Tabcontrol Doesn't Work?

Jun 25, 2011

In my VB application I have a tabcontrol, with 3 pages, the first page is for some contact data, the second page wil show the website of your contact and the third page shows the location of you contact (I used the webcontrol). when I switch from page 1 to page 2 or wathever, the text in my textboxes disapears en my first page. It happens most of the times, sometimes it just works but most of the time it freaks out.

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Forms :: ListBox DrawItem Event?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm attempting to redraw the DisplayMember to red if certain criteria are metSo far I have (using a dynamic form, and a dynamic panel)

Dim RevenueNominalLB As New ListBox
With RevenueNominalLB
.Name = "RevenueNominalLB"


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StatusBar Refresh Not Calling DrawItem Event?

Apr 16, 2010

I have the following VB code snippet:

' blah blah blah removed
Me._Message = "hello"


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C# - Setting Header Color For Tabcontrol.Tabpages In Winforms?

Sep 23, 2010

how to set header color for tabpages in WINFORMS. and also the back color.

In my code. For j = 0 To dataset4Category(i).Tables.Count - 1
Dim Finder As Integer = Decimal.Floor(((dataset4Category(i).Tables(0).Rows.Count) / 30))
key = dataset4Category(i).DataSetName
name = Space(1) & StrConv(dataset4Category(i).Tables(0).TableName, VbStrConv.ProperCase) & Space(4)
myTabControl.TabPages.Add(key, name)
myTabControl.TabPages(j).Tag = 0


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Customize The Tab Control The Tabpage Headers Shoud Fill The Tabcontrol Header?

Mar 13, 2009

I want to customize the tab control the tabpage headers shoud fill the tabcontrol header. if there are only two tab pages then the header should be divided into two parts and please give me good info about tabcontrol custonmization for better look and work

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Forms :: Customize The Tab Control The Tabpage Headers Shoud Fill The Tabcontrol Header?

Mar 13, 2009

I want to customize the tab control the tabpage headers shoud fill the tabcontrol header. if there are only two tab pages then the header should be divided into two parts

and give me good info about tabcontrol custonmization for better look and work

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Get Clicked Column Header Text On Column Header Click Event?

Jul 21, 2011

how do I get the Header text of the header the user clicked in the datagridview.I know I have to use the column header click event but I can't work out or find away to extract the clicked header data?

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Pass An Object Variable But Doesn't VB Force Decalre The Header As ByRef?

Oct 20, 2011

Why if you pass an object as byVal into a method is it then treated as if it were byRef? I know you're only passing the reference across when you pass an object variable but why doesn't VB force you to decalre the header as byRef?

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Keydown Event For Entire Application .Net?

Sep 1, 2009

I want to make it so that no matter which control has focus, it will do my event. So that I dont have to write a keydown event for all 137 of my objects. Is this possible?

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Tabcontrol With Event Tabcontrol_main_selectedIndex?

Jun 15, 2012

I have tabcontrol with event tabcontrol_main_selectedIndex.... it's working before until I cut and paste the tabcontrol. When I add event I have tabcontrol1_main_selectedindex still not working how I can return the same name to fire the event added on tab?

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Add A Click Event To The Tabpages Of A Tabcontrol?

Mar 17, 2009

how to add a click event to the tabpages of a tabcontrol? I tried double clicking it but nothing happened. I tried putting a button on the tabpage but that did not work either.

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Tabcontrol Event When The Small Tab Is Pressed?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a tabcontrol with 3 tabs. I can't see where any event is raised when I click the small tab area (where the name of the tabpage is). I see where an event is raised when I click on the tabpage itself. What is the event for the small tab area? I am getting by with a mousemove event over the currently selected tabpage.

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Which Tab Was Clicked On Tabcontrol MouseClick Event

Feb 12, 2010

I am learning how to develop Windows Forms applications with Visual Basic Express 2008, and my testing/learning application has a TabControl with a few test pages (3, for example, the number isn't relevant here).Now, I am handing the MouseClick event on the Tabcontrol, and I can't seem to be able to figure out how to get which tab was clicked on.I believe that the MouseClick event isn't fired if I click on another place of the tab strip, therefore a tab must have been clicked on. The problem is, which was the tab?

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Industrial App: Raise An Event For Something That Doesn't Have An Event?

Sep 15, 2010

I want to raise an event for an opto-input state change but not sure if I can. Basically I have 4 opto-inputs on a PCI control card - one of which changes pretty rapidly - that I currently poll with a timer. I'm looking at getting a proper hardware counter for that but the other 3 are production status indicators. I'd prefer it if they alerted the app to a state change though.

Depending on the state of one of the inputs I have to fire a relay which simulates a button push. Having been playing with serial ports and getting a very useful app built for logging production data into a SQL Server DB I want to re-visit a proof-of-concept system I built a few months ago.

Current code - which works fine - but I'd like to change is like this:

Private Sub tmrOptoInput_0_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tmrOptoInput_0.Tick
'Read OptoInput_1 to Monitor Track State...
Dim aType As Byte ' replace Byte with any other type


Having 4 inputs so I need 4 timers, plus another one that polls the database and checks a status flag which triggers the app to start logging. I'd like it to be event driven rather than timer driven if at all possible but I don't know how and there's nothing in the control card docs. Also I can't seem to find anything relevant on the web.

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Assigning Event Handler To TabControl's Image (No OwnerDraw)

May 27, 2012

Is it possible to assign the MouseDown event handler or equivalent to an image (from ImageList) of a tabcontrol without using OwnerDraw? I can add images to tabs through ImageList. And I can draw something that looks like a close button on each tab, using OwnerDraw. But I notice that the tab sizes will be fixed regardless of the tab labels. I want the tab sizes to be flexible with the labels. For now, the second best alternative to assign events to tabs seems to be use of contextual menus. But it's true that some people just don't want to right-button-click on tabs.And I have seen a project where somebody uses a 32-bit library declare. And I can't use it because I only develop 64-bit apps.

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Make A Certain Tab Inside TabControl To Be Active At Form Event?

Mar 17, 2009

How do I make a certain tab inside TabControl to be active at form event?

For example, I want TabControl2 to be shown at form load.

TabControl2.focus isn't working.

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VS 2005 - How To Cancel Arrow Buttons Event (TabControl)

May 23, 2009

When I click the left or right arrow buttons on the keyboard my tabcontrol tabpage changes from one tab to another. How can I cancel the arrow buttons from changing the tab pages? In other words how can I disable the arrow buttons when the tabpage has focus? Is it possible to do this without extending the base class?

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DataGridView Merge Column Header And Scroll Event

Jun 10, 2011

I have a custom datagridview. I have to merge the 1st to 5th column header of that grid.I have handled Paint, Scroll and ColumnWidthChanged event as the following code:[code]

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Setting Focus On Textbox Inside A TabControl Works With Shown Event?

Dec 16, 2011

The only way I found to set the focus on a TextBox inside a TabPage is:

Private Sub Form1_Shown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
End Sub

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.Net Form Activate/Deactivate Event Firing Issue After Removing A TabPage From TabControl?

Nov 28, 2011

I've recently run into an unexplainable issue regarding a windows form application I am working on. I've managed to isolate the issue to a single line of code whereby a single TabPage is removed from a TabControl, leaving no tabs left in the TabControl's collection. What happens next is a bit mystifying: my application proceeds to enter a state in which the main form's Activate event is fired subsequently followed by its Deactivate event. As a result, no matter where I click on the form, the application will activate for a split-second then immediately deactivate itself, thereby causing me to be unable to interact with any other GUI controls on the form. I thought maybe another thread is trying to interact with the deleted tab object, but the tab is created and destroyed on the same main gui thread. Does anyone have any insight that may point me in at least a new direction? Stepping through the debugger to the point in code where the tab is removed does not cause any exception to get thrown, so at first glance there doesn't appear to be any coding issues going on (although I would not be surprised that is actually the case!).

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VS 2005 TabPage Image + DrawItem?

Jun 14, 2009

I want to add cross button image on the right hand side of tabPage. I m creating tabpages at Runtime.Mine code is added image to the left...I want to add it to the right....I m also adding text to the tabPage...

& second Probs is dat..On button click suppose i add the first tab Page,Image is aded to the first Tab Page...When i click on button to create the second Tab,Image & text of First Tab Page is clear & so on..


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VS 2010 Run Entire Application As Another User?

Jun 7, 2012

I have an application that performs several network tasks like query AD, add pc to domain, execute netowrk programs and scripts, etc. I need all tasks to run using credentials I provide in text boxes in the application can someone teel me what method or class or anything to get me pointed in the right direction? I have been searching Google forever but nothing

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VS 2010 Zipping An Entire Folder?

Feb 24, 2011

With VB.NET, I'm able to completely unzip a file - this is easy. I'm able to manipulate the resulting folders - again, easy. However, for some reason, I cannot figure out how to zip and entire folder. I can zip specific files, but I need a function that will allow me to input a path and then it will zip that entire folder, including the subdirectories

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Publish In VS 2010 Without Wiping The Entire Directory?

Oct 25, 2011

The Publish (for a Web Site) is nice and all, but wiping the entire directory is problematic as I have a folder that files can be uploaded to, and I don't want the wiped out every time I make a code change.

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VS 2010 Bolding 1 Entire Column Of A Listview

Apr 25, 2011

i populate 5 listview on form load with some numbers, but i need it to making the first column in all these listviews Bold. When i try to do it, it makes both columns bold.


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VS 2010 Replace First Occurrence Of An Entire Word?

Jul 19, 2011

A little background... I'm trying to build a spell checking form. I have this lovely library: [URL] and it seems to be working flawlessly.

The problem I have is trying to replace an entire word and only the first occurence of the word.

Example: Replace the first instance of "foo" with "bar" in the following string
"foo foo foobar" and get this "bar foo foobar"

I've been trying regular expressions with no luck. Here are the patterns I've tried compiling(these are obviously tied to variables in my program):


I also tried the built in string.replace method with a count parameter, but I have no idea how I would make that match the entire word.

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