VS 2010 Textfile To An Array?

Sep 17, 2011

I cannot figure out how display the data from my array in the listbox using a For Next loop.I'm not even sure if the data from the textbox is even getting stored into the array. Here is what I have so far:

Structure Player
Dim strFirstName As String
Dim strLastName As String


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Save A Dynamic Array Into Textfile?

Sep 16, 2009

Private Sub LoadButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadButton.Click
Dim lin(8) As String, filRead As StreamReader, i, x, t, d As Integer


I am getting a run time error it is not saving to textfile

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Open Textfile And Read Lines Into Array?

Jun 9, 2011

I have a textfile I need to open and I need to put each line into the array. What is the simplest way to add the elements/each line's data into the array while increasing the array as it reads each line? This is blowing my mind right now..I thought about using a counter and then redim-ing the array (while preserving of course).

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Use Textbox To Edit A Textfile Csv Which Has Been Read Into An Array?

Nov 28, 2010

I've got a csv text file "test.txt" in the following format with one record per line in the following format: Builder,Bob,B,99HappyStreet,Springtime,4

I've read them into an array and in design use the first two to populate a listbox and then use a selected index to fill text boxes and some list boxes.

ex. TextBox_FirstName.Text = Employees(ListBoxMain.SelectedIndex).FirstName

How do I write the changes made in the text fields back to the position in the file where it was? It has me stumped although I'm sure there is a SelectedIndex option that can work.

I've considered having all the new/changed data saved as a new record and then just deleting the 'old' entry but my delete code gives me a selectedindex-1 index out of range exception error that I'm working on as well. I am sure both problems are related.[cod]e...

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VS 2008 Store Records In A Textfile To An Array?

Apr 28, 2010

How would you store records in a textfile to an array, so you could display it on a series of textbox(ie. firstname, lastname employee number etc.)

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Write To Textfile - Reading The File And Storing It In A Array

Jun 13, 2011

I have a bar cash register and have buttons for the drinks and number pad. In the program I have it working and it is reading the File and storing it in a Array. the problem i have is writing back to the part of the textfile. Here is 2 of the drinks buttons, all the rest of the drinks are the same.


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Visual Basic 2008: Reading From Textfile Into Array And Then Presented In Listbox?

Jan 7, 2012

I've got the following txt file:


Now I want that presented in the listbox with the semicolon and it should be aligned per column so that the numbers, the names, the prices and the quantity are exactly aligned per column.If I read the file like this:


Then the semicolon is not presented in the listbox and I don't have any alignment per column. As the names of the woods are not equally long the prices and the quantity are not aligned directly below each other...

My questions are:

1) How to add the semicolon in the listbox as seperator of the columns

2) How to align the 4 columns in the listbox (as I have an array Item(3) )

Later on I need to be able to change the quantity (last column) from 0 to > 0 (that's why I have to use an array)

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Create A Textfile And Write Some Lines Into The Textfile?

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to create a textfile and write some lines into the textfile. However, the code that i am using can only write when the textfile is already created in the directory.

For this case, can i actually allow my script to search if a textfile is being created, if not create a textfile ???

Dim pathdir As String = "C:workingdir est.txt"
If System.IO.File.Exists(pathdir) = True Then
Dim objWriter As New StreamWriter(pathdir)


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VS 2010 : Insert The Value From Textfile?

Jun 29, 2011

I dont know what insert statement and otner codes will i put.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Configuration


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VS 2010 : Sum Numbers In A Textfile?

Feb 24, 2011

I just got a textfile with a couple of numbers (1 number in one row), how would I sum these numbers? I thought it would be easy, but thing is it's turning out to be not so easy.

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VS 2010 About Writing To A Textfile?

Mar 7, 2011

i want to rewrite a text file with information already added to it but with my current code it just adds it to the end of the file is there a way to rewrite the entire file with new information.

Private Sub writebtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles writebtn.Click
Dim bookfile As StreamWriter
If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
bookfile = File.AppendText(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)


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VS 2010 Remove Lines From Textfile?

Jun 19, 2012

I have two text files and each text file has various columns (each column is separated by a tab " "), now some of the fields in column1 text file2 match the fields in column1 text file1. What I'm trying to achieve is to remove every row in text file 1 where the field in column1 matches the field in column 1 textfile 2 - is this possible?I have used some basic coding in the past to remove certain lines, but nothing as complex as this.

Dim linesList As New List(Of String)(File.ReadAllLines("Path"))
File.WriteAllLines("Path", linesList.ToArray())

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VS 2010 - How To Remove All Blank Lines In TextFile

Jun 21, 2012

I use the following coding to replace a word in my textfile, would it be possible to add any coding that will remove all blank lines from the same text file?
Dim EditMyFile As String = IO.Path.Combine("D:Test.txt")
Dim inputFile = Regex.Replace(IO.File.ReadAllText(EditMyFile), "test", "test2")
IO.File.WriteAllText(EditMyFile, inputFile)

I have tried the following but it doesnt work.
Dim EditMyFile As String = IO.Path.Combine("D:Test.txt")
Dim inputFile = Regex.Replace(IO.File.ReadAllText(EditMyFile), "test", "test2")
IO.File.WriteAllText(EditMyFile, inputFile)
Dim sText As String = File.ReadAllText("D:Test.txt")
Dim sNewLines() As String = sText.Split(New Char() {ControlChars.Lf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
File.WriteAllLines("D:Test.txt", sNewLines)

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VS 2010 Saving Changes (textfile) On Form Closing

Apr 7, 2011

I'm sending a message on FormClosing(...)... This works ok. However... I have multiple tabs with a textbox or rtb, in it. When I change the text, whatever, it is modified. Now, when I close the app a messagebox appears that some of the textboxes or rtb's have been modified. This message is shown for each textbox-rtb-control. Which means, that when I have changed something in 4 different rtb's or textboxes I get the message 4 times. How do I change that to only one time?


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VS 2010 Textbox Read/Write To TextFile?

May 7, 2011

The code below allows me to write a single line to a textfile. Id like to be able to open an entire textfile into a textbox, be able to edit said text and have it automatically write back to the same textfile.

Private myCoolFile As String = "C:UserskevinMy Documentspasswords.txt" '// your file.
Private myCoolFileLines() As String = Nothing '// String Array to read File Lines into.
Private sTemp As String = Nothing '// temp String to be used as needed.


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VS 2010 Value Of A Textbox Matches The First Value Of Each Line In A Textfile?

May 30, 2012

I have some coding which displays a label if the value of a textbox matches the first value of each line in a textfile.

Dim sList As New List(Of String)(IO.File.ReadAllLines("Path"))
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To sList.Count - 1


The problem is if the textbox has 1 and the textfile has 11 it will display the label, what would be the best way around this?

I have tried sList(i).Contains etc but none of them are doing the job.

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VS 2010 Add Nodes Treeview Drag-drop Textfile?

Jun 19, 2011

I have a simple textfile which I want to drag-drop into the treeview. After the drop read the textfile (line by line) and create the nodes. There are no subnodes (what-so-ever). File looks like this:


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VS 2010 Index All Words Textfile Starting With Specific Character

Apr 15, 2012

Let's say I have a textfile which contains paragraphs. Some of the paragraphs start with * or a > character. How do I index the words that start with these characters?



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VS 2010 Prog Appends A Textfile - User Able To Delete Or Modify While Form Open?

May 17, 2012

Prog appends a textfile. Don't want user able to delete or modify while form open. How do I do this?? - As long as form is open user cannot modify or delete textfile. But so the file can be edited from within form

How do I do this. Here is my code so far

Public Class Form1 Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:UsersBirthdayDocumentsinfo.txt" Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2010 : Copy This Array To A Temp Array So That The Temp Array Has All The Same Values As The Original Custom Array?

Jun 19, 2011

I have an array of people stored in a custom structure array... how can i copy this array to a temp array so that the temp array has all the same values as the original custom array?

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VS 2010 Read Through A Textfile Line By Line Checking For And Removing Duplicate Values?

May 16, 2012

How do i read through a textfile line by line checking for and removing duplicate values?

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VB 2010 Array/write Array To File?

Dec 3, 2011

I'm close to getting this to work, but currently can't get any output to display in the listbox. I had it working, but needed to move some things around to get the join function to work.In my program, a user enters input into a textbox and an array is displayed in a listbox based on what they type in. For example, if they type in "a", all foods (in the textfile that is connected to the program) that start with "a" will be displayed.

When there is output, I need to find a way to name this array (which is created based on what the user inputs) and join all of the items in the listbox (example: foods stacked on top of each other in the listbox will be shown at the bottom as a string).I am posting the code that I have thus far; all of the errors that I'm getting (and potentially my logic errors) are just in the first public class until the end of the first if-next statement:

Public Class frmFoods
Dim foods() As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines("foods.txt")
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click


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VS 2010 Array From VB6 - Can't Find Array(xxx,xxx,xxx)

Feb 1, 2011

Here is a code in my VB6 application.

Array(1,"P11","@P 100", "NEXT")

However, now I'm converting this program to VB.Net and I'm stuck at this point. Can't find Array(xxx,xxx,xxx) in VB.Net 2010. Is there any option or function for this?

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VS 2010 Replace Array With Array?

Aug 23, 2009

This is my The step that is screwing up)

Public Sub l2n(ByVal origtext As String)
Dim old As Array
Dim newtxt As Array


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VS 2010 Remove Previous Data Of Database Then Insert New Data To Database From Textfile

Dec 14, 2011

What I want to happen is that the button from my system will remove the previous data from database and then insert new data to database from text file. Im done with inserting new data. The thing is that I dont how to control or where to put the Delete Command from my code.


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How To Insert To The Textfile

Jul 14, 2009

i am using to insert data into a table like the following


how i can insert same data into text file.

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Read From A Textfile?

May 14, 2012

I have a textfile which is in the following format.


There are only 5 rows and two columns. each field is seperated by a space (" ") What I'm trying to do is display column 2 value 1 in textbox1, column 2 value 2 in textbox2, column 2 value 3 in textbox3,column 2 value 4 in textbox4 and column 2 value 5 in textbox5.

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Reading From A Textfile?

May 11, 2009

Ok so i have a text file with 20 lines (one word each line) and a for loop that runs through those 20 lineI have a string array, a random, and an integerwhat i am having problems with is having the program read from a textfile then having a random chose a random number then assigning the integer that random number then having a textbox equal that word if you get what i mean..here is my code for that

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
Dim AIWords(19) As String


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Use Listbox Not Textfile

Jan 17, 2011

how would i go about changing this code to use a listbox and not this path to file.("C:TestText.txt")

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Use Listbox Not Textfile?

Jan 17, 2011

how would i go about changing this code to use a listbox and not this path to fil.("C:TestText.txt")

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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