Visual Basic 2008: Reading From Textfile Into Array And Then Presented In Listbox?

Jan 7, 2012

I've got the following txt file:


Now I want that presented in the listbox with the semicolon and it should be aligned per column so that the numbers, the names, the prices and the quantity are exactly aligned per column.If I read the file like this:


Then the semicolon is not presented in the listbox and I don't have any alignment per column. As the names of the woods are not equally long the prices and the quantity are not aligned directly below each other...

My questions are:

1) How to add the semicolon in the listbox as seperator of the columns

2) How to align the 4 columns in the listbox (as I have an array Item(3) )

Later on I need to be able to change the quantity (last column) from 0 to > 0 (that's why I have to use an array)

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Fill A Textbox With Text From A Textfile In Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition?

Jun 13, 2009

I am making a Help-form for my application. A Help-form normally has a ListView on the left and a RichTextbox on the right. When you click on a Help topic in the ListView, the text in the RichTextbox is supposed to change accordingly. The text file is part of the application's resources.

I also asked the question on stackoverflow: [URL]

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Compare The Value Of Two/multi Column Array And Add Into Listbox Without Duplication In Visual Basic?

May 2, 2012

I've small project to do and now I'm stuck in middle. The program is to read the sequential text file and load it into a array/array of structure.The data information is like this (sample):

ID | Name | Type
1 | Cat | Animal
2 | Dog | Animal


This is Just as sample data, my original data is more than this.I've open the DATA.txt file using FileStreamReader:

Dim FileStreamReader As StreamReader = New StreamREader(DATA.txt)

Read all the elements in the list and pass through ReadArrayString.Split the string using:

DataString.Split(New Char() {";"c})

Pass through


Where index 0 is the ID, index 1 is the name, and index 2 is the Type Then I load the types in the dropdown combobox menu from the array with out duplication. Like this:

If TypeComboBox.FindString(ReadArrayString(2)) < 0 Then
End If

Now When you click TypeComboBox it will show drop down menu with following list only.


After this, when Animal type is selected/clicked from combobox dropdown menu then it should only add the Id and Name of Animal type in the ListBox.Pseudocode may looks like this:

If Animal is selected/clicked from TypeComboBox then
Add Cat into listbox
Add Dog into listbox


I've only figure out load items from only one column/array into combobox with out duplication.But can't figure out to compare the value of one column/array with another column/array and load it into listbox. I don't want to hardcode or write matching value inside the code. What I want is use the Array.

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Reading Text File Into Listbox - Each Line Of The Textfile Is Placed On The Listbox?

Feb 12, 2012

I am starting to learn reading and writing to textfiles. One quick problem. My code here

'Read is the variable that will read the kp.txt file"
Dim read As IO.StreamReader
read = IO.File.OpenText("C:2/kp.txt"[code].....

however when it is read into the listbox those 3 words appear on one line in listbox
How can i make it so that each line of the textfile is placed in each line on the listbox?

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VS 2008 Clear The Listbox In Visual Basic?

Feb 4, 2010

VS 2008 How do I clear the listbox in Visual Basic?

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Reading Diameter Circle Can Be Presented Inside Computer?

Aug 7, 2009

what should I doing to interpret reading outer diameter which measures diameter circle by way when I join port usb to pc reading outer diameter will be read in computer when plate placed on top outer diameter to see reading diameter plate that and how way for me doing this process?

View 16 Replies

Reading Strings In Textfile And Adding Them In A Listbox?

Jan 6, 2012

I can retreive all items in my notepad but when I am adding them up in my listbox, and trying to print them in the console. I can only display two strings. I don't know why. My string is a combination of a name, space & score. ex: "luke 300". That is the pattern of all strings per line in my text file. I am separating the name and the score using space as the indicator. When ever a space is found, string before and after the space is retrieved and added to the listbox

Here is my

scorelist = New ArrayList
reader1 = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "scores.txt")


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Visual Basic 2008 Listbox Search/Select Item?

Feb 11, 2010

so basically, (pretty simple) I have this listbox, filled with items like

Billy Bob

Okay, how can I 'search' and listbox item containing 'Bob', like I click a button on a form with the listbox presented, and then it auto-selects the one that contains bob? HOW COULD I DO THAT?

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Can Array Bounds Checking Be Disabled In Visual Basic 2008

Jan 6, 2010

I know that this was an advanced compiler option in previous versions of Visual Studio, is there a way to disable array bounds checking in Visual Studio 2008? There's no option for it that I can see.

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Write To Textfile - Reading The File And Storing It In A Array

Jun 13, 2011

I have a bar cash register and have buttons for the drinks and number pad. In the program I have it working and it is reading the File and storing it in a Array. the problem i have is writing back to the part of the textfile. Here is 2 of the drinks buttons, all the rest of the drinks are the same.


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Reading Excel Data With Visual Basic?

Mar 27, 2012

I am trying to build an app that can search column A in an excel document (with textbox control). In column B, I have info about the column A items. When a column A item is searched, I would like a textbox (or similar) to display info about it from column B.

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Reading Files Off Of A CD/DVD Using Visual Basic 2010?

Jan 21, 2011

Me Again, Can anyone tell me how to go about using Visual Basic 2010, on getting file information off of My CD'S/DVD'S as I have Many of them with No titles written on them.basically i would like to insert a CD or DVD into my computer and when i click a Button, A textBox will have all the files from the CD or DVD. and then i could print the list and keep a record of my CD/DVD.

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Reading ProductId From Registry In Visual Basic?

Feb 19, 2012

For the application I am making, I want a unique identifier (a weak one is fine, just something that would hopefully tell two computers apart). I think I found the right value for the job in the registry, but for some reason it does not want to read intothe program am going after the following key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWS NTCURRENTVERSION ----> ProductIDThe code I am using to attempt to do this is as"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMICROSOFTWINDOWS TCURRENTVERSION","ProductID","x") (that last one is just because I need to return some sort of string)However..... I only ever get X returned, and I'm not sure as to why. I tested this with other keys in LOCAL_MACHINE in case it was somehow protected and they worked

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Reading Access Database Files Directly Into Visual Basic?

May 6, 2010

I would like to be able to read a column of numbers from an Access database into a VB.NET program and then manipulate that data.For example I have a column of numbers and want to add them up and then take the averageThe maths is not a problem but how do I read the column of data into the program. I know how to do this if I first export the Access data into a CSV file, but

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Clear The Listbox In Visual Basic?

Feb 5, 2010

I am unable to do that and am getting anomalies when I use the SelectedIndexChanged event twice. It's all repeating.

Private Sub cboSearchCustomer_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboSearchCustomer.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim strFmt As String = "{0,13}{1,13}{2,13}{3,10}{4,13}"


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Unable To Create Visual Basic Listbox?

Mar 14, 2009

How to display zeros after decimal place in numbers in Listbox?

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Listbox Control For Visual Basic 2010 Express?

Jan 9, 2011

how to make a listbox change the selected item to the next or previous item by using a button... I want to have up/down buttons.

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VS 2008 Populate Listbox From Textfile?

Sep 6, 2011

here is my code

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


check how to remove the extra char in listbox "[]" like this

View 5 Replies

No Control Array In Visual Basic 2005

Apr 22, 2007

OK as far as I know there is no control array in Visual Basic 2005 So how do I do this. I want to change the color of an array of pictureboxes some red some green almost like sending an SOS message. So I already have a string of ones and zero's like 11000110001001100011......these are already in an integer array........ARRAY(40) ......but now I need to transfer this data to an array of pictureBoxes by turning them Red or Green to show the message. I just wanted to place the integer array and the PictureBox array in the same.......


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Declare A Base Case For A 2d Array In Visual Basic?

Nov 23, 2009

give me example of how I would declare a base case for a 2d array in visual basic. I am using 2008 edition

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Stopping And Starting For Each Loop Array In Visual Basic

Mar 1, 2010

i have a for each loop i.e


if want that the loop stops while the player play a file until finished playback

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Two Dimensional Array Poker Game In Visual Basic

Apr 24, 2012

I have finally been stumped this semester in my Visual basic course. Mainly because I have to write a program that is started from something that I have not created. I have to create a program that will take in info from the user, then spit out the poker hand that they are holding. For instance, the user will type in 1 for ace, 2 for 2, 3 for 3......10 for 10, 11 for Jack, and then in the next column type in C for Clubs, S for Spades.. and so on. Here is the code I have been given:


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Visual Basic 2010 Creating A Control Array?

Sep 25, 2010

How can I make a control array? Or the equivalent.

I am used to Visual Basic 6 which presents the option of whether to create a control array when I copy and paste and control.

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VS 2008 Listbox Items TO Textfile's Name (Mass)?

Apr 4, 2009

Basically, I want to be able to write all listbox items names to textfiles names, so if I have the following listbox items:

catdog was a good show
1 3 4 4 6

I want them to be all textfiles. NOT make a textfile then have that text in them, i want to make individual textfiles for each item.

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VS 2008 Write Listbox.items To A Textfile

Nov 6, 2009

I have a 4 listboxes, all 4 listboxes will be populated after I clicked the cmd_button. I need to have the items on all 4 listboxes written to a text (or preferably rtf file if possible)


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ProgressBar Disappears When Updated Via Visual Basic (Visual Studio 2008 Standard)?

Jan 17, 2011

In a while loop, I am writing a progressively increasing integer value (between 0 and 100) to the Value attribute of a ProgressBar control, when it disappears from the window in which it resides. I have verified at the time that it disappears that the Min is 0, Max is 100, and Value is a valid integer in range.

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Disabling The Visual Basic Background Compiler In Visual Studio 2008

Mar 20, 2009

How do I disable the background compiler for Visual Basic in Visual Studio 2008?

For my sins, I have to work on a large VB.NET project and it often locks up for 20 seconds at a time whilst doing the very helpful background compilation

I'd rather work blind between compiles and be able to do some work.

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Make A Console Program In Visual Basic On Visual Studio 2008?

Jan 22, 2010

I am trying to make a console program in Visual Basic on Visual Studio 2008. I want to ask the user of the program if he wants the premium version or the standard version. If he chooses the premium version, then I want it to say premium in his "receipt" later on and if he chooses standard, then standard in the receipt.


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Send An Application To The System Tray With Visual Basic In Visual Studio 2008 Professional?

Sep 26, 2009

I have Visual Studio 2008 Professional and I'm trying to make it so I can click a button to send the application to the System Tray and then click the icon in the System Tray to make the application come back.

Can anyone provide me a method or sample code to do this?

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Can't See Visual Basic Project Option In Visual Studio 2008

Jan 13, 2012

I am very new to Visual Studio Application Development. I'm mostly a DB guy. I used Visual Studio as a Report Designer, not much of an .Net guy though I can understand it. I am now asked to create a .net application and I'm trying to create a "Hello World" starter app. I opened my Visual Studio, click File-New Project and all I see is Business Intelligence Projects and Other Project Types. My step-by-step guide says choose Visual Basic, Windows Forms Application. But I can't see it as an option.

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