VS 2010 Trying To Auto-space Some Text

Oct 18, 2011

I'm just now starting to work on something that works 'like' an ide, where it will auto space my text as I type. I really JUST started and I'm not sure if I'm even doing it remotely like I should. anyways, what I'm doing is on TextChanged (eventually I'll just do it on newline but that can wait) it gets the contents of the text box, puts each line into a string array, trims the excess whitespace, see's if it has a keyword in it, and then adds some whitespace to it if it does.I know I'm doing something wrong with either my declarations or my error handling. Mostly because i'm not sure how to work with string arrays, can you help me with my syntax?[code]

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Get A Certain Text Inside A Textbox To Equal That Text Space To Space Or Null To Space?

Sep 25, 2011

How would i get a certain text inside a textbox to equal that text space to space or null to space?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Textbox1.Text.StartsWith(Textbox2.Text + " ") And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Textbox2.Text) Then
Textbox1.Text = Textbox1.Text.Remove(0, Textbox2.TextLength)
End If

Btw: after i finish this step my project will be finished!

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Auto-tab To The Next Text Box After Limit Of Characters Has Been Reached In A Text Box In VB 2010?

Apr 14, 2012

I am trying to auto tab to the next text box after my limit of characters has been reached in a text box. Visual Basic 2010 Can this be set in the properties? I have 7 boxes, each allowed to hold only one character.

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Auto-clicker Which Had Variable Speed Control / One Button To Start / Pressing Space To Stop Application

Nov 14, 2010

Im hoping to create an auto clicker which had variable speed control, one button to start and pressing space to stop the application. When start is pressed i want it to click 2 or 3 different locations on my screen if this is posible with about a 1 second delay between each pointer move.i could really use some help with getting started or even better a link to an already created application for this.

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VS 2010 Auto-Scroll Text Box Converted From VB6 To .Net

Dec 6, 2010

So iv tried converting this code into vb.net from vb6, but whenever I run this application I get the following error "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." on the underlined line.

Public Class Form1
Private Const SB_VERT = 1
Private Const WM_VSCROLL = &H115


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VS 2010 Auto-sizing Form Based On Text Box?

Jan 23, 2012

I'm trying to create my own custom "inputbox" (can't think of VB.Net term for the VB6 input box).

Anyways, I'd like to have a label & a textbox on my form along with 2 buttons. I want to let the label to grow based on the text that is in it. I know it has an autosize feature to it, and guess I can use that, how do I limit the width so that once it hits that limit it goes to a new line so that if I have a message or a question to pose to the user, it doesn't get too wide. Kind of like MessageBox.Show.

It'll be Label at the top, textbox under that, and the two buttons under that. I'd like the textbox to move up/down based on the size of the label, and the buttons to do the same along with the window not becoming too wide.

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Colour All Text Even If There Is No Space?

Mar 12, 2010

I am trying to make syntax highlighting text-box. I have got it done pretty much, but I am having a problem. Whenever I type a word like below:


It appears fine,But if I type it in like below:

<img src="

Because there is no space inbetween the = and the " it doesn't show up coloured.Here is the code I use:

Public Class SyntaxRTB
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" [code].......

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VS 2008 - Add Space In Text Box

Jun 19, 2011

I work on one project. When i have text in TextBox1 The text is : asddsa123456 I wanna to make text : asd dsa 123 456 Simple to add space.

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Add Space Between TextBox1.Text & SelectedColumn?

Oct 15, 2009

how can i add space between TextBox1.Text & selectedColumn ) to avoide (computers50) i need it to be (computers 50)

msgbox(TextBox1.Text & selectedColumn &

" Will Be Added To your Store"

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Add Space On Writing Into A Text .cfg File

May 17, 2011

I want to write a line into a text /.cfg file. the line is = name "ishtiak", i need a space between name & "ishtiak". the text "ishtiak" is loading from a textbox called textbox1. i don't want in the text box my name like this "ishtiak" it will be without "" like this ishtiak but in the text file it will add "" before & after my name.

so the question is: 1.how to add space between name & "ishtiak"? like this = name "ishtiak". 2.My textbox text will be ishtiak,but it will be written like this "ishtiak" [Code]

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Non-breaking Space In A Rich Text Box?

Mar 16, 2009

HiI'm trying to get a multi-line, word-wrap enabled rich text box to display text with non-breaking spaces in. For example, '20 000' should always appear as one word, not split onto the next line.I've tried {20'a0 000}, 20{'a0 }000, {20~000}, {20emdash 000} and so on. Nothing seems to work.During my searching, I did see a suggestion somewhere that the DLL that the rich text box is based on doesn't support non-breaking characters.

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Replace - Keep The Space Between The Number And The Text

Mar 29, 2012

The original string is like this: sLine = " 1 Screen"

What I want is this: sLine = "000001 Screen" (I do want to keep the space between the number and the text, so that is why its not just a replace) What I see with the following code is this: sLine = "01 Screen" Some how the replace does the first char, but then is not adding the zeros to the rest of the string, its just removing them (somehow I think it must think integer? [Code]

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Replacing Space In Text From A Webpage?

Dec 1, 2011

I have two lines of text which have long space (more like 14-15 spaces) before the actual text. I have tried simple replace to split and merge but nothing is working. I have also tried trim and the worst thing is that ASCII gives code of 32. But nothing works. Here is the text :

your heartburn symptoms Certain foods, such as fat, chocolate, caffeine and alcohol can aggravate heartburn symptoms 1 Certain foods (BTW it's not like it looks it is. In my actual richtextbox, when I select the space it gets selected as one big piece of space like a tab and i have also tried replacing vbtab but no use)


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How To Make The Text In A Text Box Into A Text File That Auto-creates In A Specific

Jan 24, 2011

make the text in a text box into a text file that auto-creates in a specific?

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Make The Text In A Text Box Into A Text File That Auto-creates In A Specific?

Aug 15, 2011

make the text in a text box into a text file that auto-creates in a specific?

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Delimited Text To Datagridview -tab And Space Delimiters

Nov 20, 2009

I am having some trouble including tab and space delimiters in my multiple delimiter code (see code below). It seems I can not just add the <vbtab> and <vbCrLf> codes into my delimiters list so I tried to replace them beforehand with a Clean String Function (also see code below) but it didn't seem to work. Ultimately, I would like to add any delimited text file to my datagridview.

The code below is working fine except for tabs and spaces (including next-to-each-other separators) I am using Visual Basics Express 2008.[code...]

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Reading Space Delimited Text Database

Jan 16, 2012

I am trying to open a text delimited database using the jet.OLEDB.4.0 driver. My connection string is as shown here:
Dim sConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
Data Source=" & dataDir & ";
Extended Properties=""text;FMT=Delimited( )"";"

I have read that you either need to alter the registry, or to add a schema.ini file containing information about the delimiter in order to recognize the delimiter. My question is if there is any way to do this without altering the registry or adding a schema.ini file, as both of these are unfortunately not an option. The only solution I currently see is to split each row, is this the only way out.

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Replace All Spaces In A Text File With One Space?

May 15, 2012

I have a text file like below[code]..

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Space Delimited Text Into Access Database?

Jan 26, 2010

i'm currently a student in a local polytechnic school, i was tasked to create a program that consisted in 3 parts which will bind together once it is done.at the moment, i have done the first part which is embedding video player into VB.now for the second part is that i'm stuck with, i need my VB to "read a text file which is space delimited and write into a access database" now my program is stuck at this and i do not know how to continue. i have been looking at alot of website for guide and codes but non are working.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Xml
Public Class Form1


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VS 2008 Inserting A Space To A Line Of Text?

Feb 13, 2011

i tried this but it didn't work,

if label1.text.contains "$" then "$" = " $"

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Writing A Line Space To A Text File?

Mar 1, 2012

I am attempting to write data to a text file from a form.

My code is as follows:


I have x.writeline() which writes a new line to the text file. However when I add all four textbox values they appear as follows:


But I want it to look like:

Textbox1 Textbox2 Textbox3 Textbox4

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VS 2010 - Space Will Disappear When Encrypt

Mar 24, 2012

i'm doing a bifid cipher project now my code is almost finish.. the problem is every i put a space the space will disappear when I encrypt take a look at my code


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VS 2010 Space Invaders Queries?

Oct 15, 2011

I've got everything working except this one problem which I can't seem to get my head around.I've made a function that returns a random number between 1 and 11 (how many invaders there are on a row).I've managed to get this to work, however the invaders will keep firing even if they are visible, so I made a do until loop which says to keep running the random number until it finds an invader which is visible... The problem is that if the whole row of invaders aren't visible, it will get stuck in the loop.

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AutoSizeColumnMode - Adding Space Between Text And Cell Border?

Aug 19, 2009

VB.net VS2008. I have DataGridView AutoSizeColumnMode set to AllCells which works perfect except I need a little more space between all text. How can a use AutoSizeColumnMode but add the same amount of space between the text and the cell border?

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Compress Up To 200 Characters Of Text To Fit Into A Storage Space Of 30 Bytes (or Less)?

Dec 30, 2009

What I would like to do is compress up to 200 characters of text to fit into a storage space of 30 bytes (or less). I would prefer to do the compression without creating files.

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VS 2010 Strings.Space VS String.Empty?

Jan 5, 2011

To create a string of space characters to a given length using the MS VB namespace I used,

Strings.Space(Length)But without the VB namesapce, how do I do the same thing, is it like this?...

String.Empty.PadLeft(Length, " "c)

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VS 2010 : Space Invaders Alien Loops/arrays?

Oct 2, 2011

Been given an assignment to create a space invaders game. Although there's a long way around, is there a way to make my code smarter.Here's the section to make a row of invaders so far:

Public Class Form1
'number of invaders in a row (horizontal)
Dim numberofinvaders As Integer = 11
'set of invaders (vertical)


So what I want to do more precisely is have the value of setofinvaders to change how many rows of invaders vertically in a loop.

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VS 2010 Tell What The Size Of My Program Is And How Much Disk Space Is Needed To Install?

May 16, 2012

How can I tell what the size of my program is and how much disk space is needed to install. When I publish the program and install it on another machine it will show up in the control panel but does not show what size the program is?Also when I publish updates with it says something like installing 10mb. Is this an additional 10 mb everytime, I guess not, but can someone explain what it all means?

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VS 2005 Environment.NewLine Adds Space To Multiline Text In Excel Cell?

Jun 3, 2010

To set the text of the excel cell to an multiline text i have used "sometext" & Environment.NewLine & "sometext".but it adds an space at the end of the first line

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VS 2010 - Labels - Picture - Blank Item, Or Empty Space, A Control Has Failed To Draw Of Something

Nov 2, 2011

Everywhere in this picture you see a blank item, or empty space, a control has failed to draw of something. In this case they are all textboxes.


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