VS 2010 Unable To Get Information From Field On Webpage

Jul 1, 2011

What I want to do is to get information which has been stored on a webpage in a hidden field.

I have been able to put information on to a web page using the following

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("email").InnerText = email
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("college").InnerText = coll
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("status").InnerText = status


I have tried various lines of code but non of them seem appropriate for what I want to do. The current line I have got is:

'hidfld is the hidden field on the webpage which I want the info from
findword = WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("hidfld").OuterText

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VS 2010 : Taking Information From A Webpage?

May 5, 2012

I need to navigate to a webpage and copy a string of information from it within the shortest possible timeframe. The site has the following written on it:This is the string that you need to apply to your algorithm.

Generated String: 61*76*83*47*69*88*

I want to copy the string from the webbrowser control and place it into a string called "GenString"

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VS 2010 Grabbing Text In A Field On A Webpage

Dec 19, 2010

I have a script that will enter values into a field, click submit and then it takes you to a page that shows a field containing text. How do I grab that text from that field?

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Pull Information From An XML Webpage?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm trying to pull information from an XML webpage but for some reason it just isn't working. The XML webpage looks a little like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<reqdat>Date and time</reqdate>

I want to get the node, but everything I've tried hasn't worked :( I think what I need to do might have something to do with SelectSingleNode but I'm not sure.

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Retrieve Information From A WebPage?

Feb 4, 2010

I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to collect a piece of information from a web page. Here is the web page I want to retrieve the information from:

RuneScape - The Number 1 Free Multiplayer Game

I would like to retrieve the first "Price" of the item and collect the price every time I execute the code. I understand how to retrieve the source code of the webpage and split strings but how would I retrieve that price?

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Extracting Specific Information From A Webpage

Feb 25, 2009

I want to extract a specific information from a webpage.For example:url...So can I make the software see what's between "<h1>Your IP address is<BR>", to "</h1>"?And doing all this by using the webbrowser form in Visual basic studio 2008.

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JavaScript - Best Way To Display XML Information On Webpage?

Feb 12, 2012

I've currently got a service that produces xml files every 10 seconds containing server information. I'm looking for a way to display this on a web page. I have been looking on the web for the best way to do this and it seems that using AJAX would be good as it allows the loading of dynamic content to be done in the background. However how can I use AJAX? Should I add a ASP.NET website to my visual studio project? OR should I look to use javascript & AJAX in something like dreamweaver? I'm very new to programming so i only really have a bit of experience in vb.net.

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VS 2008 Extracting Information From A Webpage?

May 10, 2009

I am trying to take specific information from a web page and then process that information so that it can be sent to a label or text box.Previously, I had wanted to do this by using Regular Expressions. I've looked around and it seems that using regular expressions to parse information isn't always the best way because website aren't always coded to standards.Regardless, learning regex isn't working out too well for me. So, I was wondering if there was another way to do this?I was thinking that I might be able to use the web browser control. It would be ideal to be able to see the page in the form, select the information, and then be able to display it.

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Scrape Some Information Off Of A Webpage That Is Heavily Javascript Enabled

Mar 27, 2011

I am *VERY* new to web-scraping and am trying to scrape some information off of a webpage that is heavily javascript enabled. An example of the page I am trying to scrape from is: [URL] I am trying to scrape the property links such as "322 E 98th St" The text appears on the webpage and I can find the link myself, but it doesn't appear in the page source code.

I am trying to scrape it using the webbrowser control using the WebBrowser1.DocumentText property, but it doesn't even show the links simply when I view the source in ie. I am sure this has something to do with the javascript it uses to load up the page or maybe iFrames,

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Dataset Field Not Able To Contain Enough Information?

Mar 7, 2012

So I have a form that uses a datagrid with checkbox selections for multiple (read as many!) items.When I click a button labeled "Save to file", all the information on the form, to include the values of the selected datagrid items are then saved to a database. It works great most of the time.However, I have found that if I select more than 3 items in the datagrid, I get an error pointing to the data set and data adapter stating "OleDbException was unhandled - The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.Try inserting or pasting less data".The code it points to is:

da.update(ds, "TrainingRecords")

In the dataset, I have tried to change the max length of the associated field.It was set at 255, and as long as I stay under that, I seem to be fine. But if I go over it, I get the error. I can change the design I guess to make it less wordy and therefore store less data, but is there an easier way?

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In IE8 Unable To Load Webpage Using Open With New Window?

Jun 2, 2010

I am using a IE browser in my application with IE8 installed.When i right on a link and open with new window, new window is opened but the page is not loaded. But the address is shown in the new window url box and when i click enter in the url box, then page is loaded. I didn't see this issue in IE7. I face this when i using IE8 in WinXP or Win 7

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Unable To Find Controls Of A Jsp Webpage In Webbrowser Control?

Nov 18, 2010

This time I am stucked with a JSP page which is loaded in my webbrowser control. I have checked that it has been loaded. But I am unable to locate any of the controls of that page. Even in the count of any html controls it displays me 0. The page contains two frames and there is no "iFrames". Has Javascript got do anything with this?

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Binding Source - Show Field Information

May 3, 2009

I am using bindingsource.find to quirie information, its working so nice but I have a problem when the bindingsource cannot find the information I want it to show me the information that is inside the field, even knowing that the information that am looking for is not there:

I have something like this:
dim findinformatio as string
inputbox=(type the name)
dim findme as intenger=me.bindingsource.find("LastName", FindName)
if bindingsource.position=findme then
msgbox(me.bindingsource.find("LastName", findName)

I am doing it because if the information that am looking for is not in the record field. I want the bindingsource show me the information that is inside the recordset field(LastName). I used to do it with odbc and works fine but with bindingsource I cannot, Why? And I have a compact database, sdf. I loaded the tables on my project.

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Make Web Browser Auto-fill In User Name Field In Webpage Window On Load?

Dec 3, 2009

I have some values in the registry to set the user name, I also have a web browser, How would i make the web browser auto fill in the user name field in the web page window on load?

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VS 2005 Read From An Oracle Database With The Same Table / Field Information?

Apr 29, 2009

If I have this to read from an access database, how could I translate it to read from an oracle database with the same table/field information? I know nothing about oracle but I assume I cannot use the oledbdataadapter that I am used to when connecting with an oracle DB.


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Unable To Retrieve AplicationSettings Information (object Name, Property Name) For Connection?

Dec 5, 2006

I am faced with the prospect of having to completely rewrite the application.I have suddenly started to get this error message all the time - it seemed to start after I added a table to the schema, but deleting the table makes no difference. I can't see anything wrong with the connection string, but as it seems to be entirely undocumented, that doesn't mean much.

The connection string contains DataSource=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory| est.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=Trueand certainly the string works when I use "test connection" from the application setting edit box. I am assuming that for some reason it is not evaluating the Data Directory , but can't see any reason why it shouldn't. Any ideas gratefully received! What might be a clue though is that I can't get rid of the table I added. I have deleted it from the database, deleted it from designer and saved the file, but it just keeps reapearing! Even when it is not showing, there is still a
table adapter in the .xsd file. I am reluctant to start editing this manually because of the danger of screwing something else up - I did try but it caused an error somewhere else (VS helpfully didn't say where)

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Unable To Load One Or More Of The Requested Types - Retrieve The LoaderExceptions Property For More Information

Nov 23, 2009

Does anyone know what the problem is with this error message? One or more errors encountered while loading the designer. The errors are listed below. Some errors can be fixed by rebuilding your project, while others may require code changes. Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.

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Browser Is Made In VB And Get Rid Of Message Whenever Refresh " To Display The Webpage Again, The Web Browser To Resend The Information Previously Submitted"

May 27, 2011

I have been searching a lot online but couldn't find a solution for my problem. I want it to refresh every certain interval of time without this message to display. Now Ican't minimize my program because I'm putting an automatic Sendkeys.send("{Enter}") after the refresh to get rid of that message by clicking on "Retry".And If I minimize it the Enter will be executed on the active Window, which might be any other Window.

I hope that you understand what I mean, If not, I will clarify more.

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Url - Open Webpage (or Snapshot Of Webpage) Into Another Webpage

Mar 10, 2010

i have an aspx page with vb.net back end. in that page i get names and url's from the database depending on different conditions. My requirement is that when i get the url, the code should then use that url and have that webpage in a small preview form on my existing aspx page. so basically i have a table as follows -


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VS 2010 - If Webpage Contains This Element Then?

Dec 22, 2011

I'm looking to change my code in a program to make it more efficient. I'll show you what I have, and explain what I need help with.This is my current


How can I go about checking if the element is present within the current webpage before I search for it and invoke a click on it?

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VS 2010 : Get Info From Webpage?

Mar 14, 2011

get information from wikipedia.So the info goes to TEXTBOX1.TEXT and then creator to label8.text and then the image will go to picturebox1.image.i have a listbox with all the videos?

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VS 2010 Editing A Webpage?

Jan 16, 2011

edit a web page by decreasing a number in it?

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VS 2010 Get Data From Webpage In App?

Sep 3, 2011

i need to get certain parts of a website in to my application, such as price, qty sold and qty remaining, item title etc.

preferable into labels in my application, i also do know how i would have a list of multiple items on the same page, and also a small time to it can get updated every x amount of time,

basically i need an app which i enter item numbers, it visits the website and it gets the basic info for me.

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VS 2010 Get Part Of Webpage?

Apr 24, 2012

i would need to extract a part of a website like this

<span id="wood" title="4800" class="res">85206</span>
I want to get the value "85206".

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VS 2010 Get Text From Webpage?

Nov 17, 2011

Alright, im trying to get a balance from a webpage. But idk how to. I sort of figured it out. This is what im trying to get:

<div class="boxborder">
<div class="title">Balance</div>
<div class="sep"></div>


But there are multiple classes on the webpage which has the inner as classname, so i get lots and lots of info. But i just want to get the 12,85. How would i do that?

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Vs 2010 (2008) Getting Image URL On A Webpage?

Aug 23, 2010

how i could get an image URL on a web page in VB.Net?For example: The user would navigate to [URL] and the google image URL would be stored in a string?

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VS 2010 : Extract Day, Date From Webpage?

Dec 13, 2011

I wanted to extract today's date from


and the expected output will be: Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

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VS 2010 : Get All Bold Font On Webpage?

Feb 9, 2011

How would I be able to get all the bold text from a webpage and write it to a text box? For example, say the HTML is



The textbox would read "ac". How could I do this?

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VS 2010 : Read Data From A Webpage?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a login form and what it does its uses datastream or webrequest and post's a url to a php file i have. If the login is true, it will return a 1, if it is a bad login, it will return 0. But my problem is that the acars wont read 1 or 0. it reads all of the html on the page. Is there anyway i can make it so it only displays a 1 or 0 to the acars, and not all the html of the page?

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VS 2010 Crash When Loading Webpage?

Oct 9, 2010

Basically, I have a Web Browser object on a Visual Basic form. However, about 5 seconds after it finishes loading ANY webpage, the entire program stops responding. I figured the issue was related to internet explorer, so I updated to Internet Explorer 9 Beta and the issue is fixed (this is a very strange fix)!!! However, Internet Explorer 9 is not available for Windows XP.

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