VS 2010 Visual Working Area Like Query Designer In Sql 2008 Man. STudio

Nov 27, 2011

I'm looking for a control that allows images to be placed onto it and moved about. Moreover, I need to draw lines between the images. It will sort of be like the query designer in SQL Man Studio. It will be used as a virtual desktop where a variety of objects (and their icon representations) can be freely placed and moved. I'm having a blank and cant remember where I saw this before.

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Insert Into Query(sqlserver) (visual Studio 2010 - Sql Server 2008)

Jul 8, 2011

I am working in a project where i have to add employees in a company. I have a form with text fields(for example name,surname,age,...). What i want is to insert this txt values into a database. My project is connected with an sql database. How can i add the values into a data table on button click("submit")?

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Visual Studio 2010 - Choosing Which Full-form GroupBox Displays In Designer

Apr 28, 2011

I've inherited a large Visual Basic project that has a number of "frames" (obviously, it came from Visual Basic 6.0) which are now GroupBoxes. They all cover the entire form. The program chooses which one to display during execution. That all works fine.

Is there a way to switch between them for display in Visual Studio designer? Now it's displaying only the last one added, and I have to go to the code rather than Toolbox to make changes to all the ones behind the top one.

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Visual Studio 2010 - Designer - Type 'MyProject.MyResources.Resources' Has No Property Named 'myicon

Jun 17, 2012

Long story short I made a form in VB.Net project which involves lots of icons and images. My problem is when I build my project, and then go back to that form, suddenly errors showed up.

The errors says : "The type 'MyProject.MyResources.Resources' has no property named 'myicon'". Just to be clear, it worked fine before I did the build, and it happened to every single images I have on Resource.

When I chose "Ignore and Continue" all of the images I used are gone. I tried to googled it, some says to delete my .exe file on Application/Bin/Debug folder, which is working. But this issue has been some kind of an annoying one, since it happens again every single time I build.

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.net - Accumulator Is Not Working In VB (Visual Studio 2010)?

Apr 11, 2012

My accumulator (decTotalCredits) is not working properly and is resetting to zero with each entry. I am needing the accumulator to add in each user input until it hits 125. As it normally is, I'm sure it's something small.


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CSS3 Not Working On Visual Studio 2010?

Jun 16, 2011

I have a solution built in Visual Studio 2008 and wish to add some new features of CSS3, hence I converted the solution to Visual Studio 2010.Even after its successful conversion I am still not able to see the CSS3 features. I need to use border-radius property of CSS3.Can I use it on the solution converted from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010?

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Visual Web Developer 2008's .sln File Is Not Working In Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 28, 2009

Visual web developer 2008's .sln file is not working in Visual Studio 2008

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.net - Visual Studio 2010 Mixed Mode .dll Fix Not Working

Oct 14, 2010

So I am getting the same exception as a lot of other people when I am trying to run an execute statement into my SQLite database in my Windows Forms project in Visual Studio 2010. The exception reads:


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Visual Studio 2010 Working With Strings And VbCrLf

Mar 10, 2012

I need a string that I can use for page header. The problem is when i use vbcrlf then i don't know how to come back up and write.Example:dim MyStr As String [code]

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IDE :: Auto-complete Statements Not WORKING In Visual Studio 2010

Jun 24, 2010

I have just installed VS 2010 Premium on my Windows Vista Machine. I've noticed that in VS2008 when I typed for eg " Public property MyProperty() as string " and pressed the enter..I was getting automatically the expected result. Meaning by that , that VS2008 was generating for me the rest of the code. [code] In Visual Studio 2010 I am not getting this anymore. What happened ? Is this feature still working in VS 2010 ?

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IDE :: Auto-complete Statements Not WORKING In Visual Studio 2010?

Jan 18, 2011

I have just installed VS 2010 Premium on my Windows Vista Machine. I've noticed that in VS2008 when I typed for eg " Public property MyProperty() as string " and pressed the enterI was getting automatically the expected result. Meaning by that , that VS2008 was generating for me the rest of the code.

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Database - Reading An Access Query From Visual Studio 2010?

Jul 10, 2010

I have a database in access and one of the fields is 'Is Quick'. I have a query that filters all of these out. How would I get the data from that query in Visual Studio 2010 (Express). VB code please.

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Import A Query From Access 2003 Into Visual Studio 2010?

Dec 13, 2010

Is it possible to import a query from Access 2003 into Visual studio 2010 (language used vb.net).

I created the queries originally for a project, then when I imported the database to visual studio I can only use the tables that i created. I have started looking at the coding to re-do these, but if I can import them would it be quicker?

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Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta Sp2

Feb 17, 2010

Will i be able to successfully install 2010 beta 2 side by side 2008? because i want to test 2010 features and some development toolkits such as silverlight while i don't want to uninstall my visual studio 2008 professional.

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App Update Not Working Using MS Visual Studio 2008

Nov 11, 2009

I have finished working on a vb.net application (using MS Visual Studio 2008). Now I want to make it check for updates automatically before it starts. So, in the Project Properties I selected the Publish tab, set up a publish version ( As the publish folder, I entered a local folder ("c:\app_publish").


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SQL Syntax Errors Encountered Visual Studio 2010 'Query Builder'?

Nov 15, 2011

i'm getting an error with the code below

The Error.... SQL Syntax Errors Encountered
Error in Select clause: expression near 'DESC'.
Missing from clause


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IDE :: Visual Studio 2008 Ressource Editor Not Working?

Jan 31, 2011

when i try to load the ressouce editor instead of open it per default i get it in xml"The file cannot be opened with the selected editor.

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Visual Studio 2010, Access DB - How To Retrieve The Number Of Records For A Select Query

Aug 13, 2010

I am new to VB and trying my hand at the below code. I am trying to determine the number of records for each possible combination. Depending on the outcome of the number of records groups may be combined. I am not able to find the record count for each grouping. Can you please look at the code below and suggest what I am doing wrong?


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Working In Visual Studio 2008, VB File IO Creation/Opening

Apr 26, 2011

I'm trying to search for a file in VB. If it exists I'd like to read it in. If it doesn't not exist I'd like to create it. I'm working in Visual Studio 2008. I was using a Streamreader before, but when I did that I was never getting any sort of error if the file wasn't there, which isn't what I want.

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Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition VB: Monthcalendar Not Working?

Sep 1, 2010

I cannot get the VB monthcalendar control to obey any of the properties I set for it, or the commands I give it programatically. It works (sort of - but with obvious bugs) in the state it arrives when copied to a new form straight out of the toolbox, eg when I click on a date etc, however if I set the background colour in Properties (or programatically), or try to change the BoldedDates programatically (as per numerous examples I have found) it ignores me!

I can create a brand new project, new form, add the monthcalendar out of the toolbox, change its properties in the Properties window, & when I run it the changed properties (eg background colour) are totally ignored.

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IDE :: Opening One Of UserControls In Designer Causes Visual Studio To Crash

Feb 25, 2009

Using Visual Studio 2008.I have been coding for some weeks with a problem whereby if I try to open a certain UserControl in the Designer, I get many errors, all saying the Class of one of the Controls on the Form does not exist.If I rebuild the project, the IDE realises that the class DOES exist and will then render the form for Designing. This has never been ay problem at Runtime.Now, however, if I try to open that same UserControl in the Designer, Visual Studio crashes, sends an error report and restarts.Visual Studio gives me no error report or advice.What can I do now? I need to get to the Designer.

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What's Preferred Way In Visual Studio Designer To Add Attribute To Control

Aug 5, 2011

I need to add attributes to certain controls in a Windows Forms project. It needs to look something like this: [code] I can go in and edit the designer file to get more-or-less the desired effect, but those designer files sometimes come with the caveat that they are automatically-generated files. I'm worried that the designer might overwrite any changes that I make to the file. That said, is there a way to add attributes to controls using the designer or is there some way that I can add the attributes in a separate file?

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.net - Visual Studio's Windows Forms Designer From Deleting Controls?

Apr 20, 2010

With several forms of mine, I occasionally run into the following issue: I edit the form using the designer (Visual Studio 2008, Windows Forms, .NET 2.0, VB.NET) to add components, only to find out later that some minor adjustments were made (e.g. the form's size is suddenly changed by a few pixels), and controls get deleted. This happens silently — event-handling methods automatically have their Handles suffix removed, too, so they never get called, and there's no compiler error. I only notice much later or not at all, because I'm working on a different area in the form.

As an example, I have a form with a SplitContainer containing an Infragistics UltraListView to the left, and an UltraTabControl to the right. I added a new tab, and controls within, and they worked fine. I later on found out that the list view's scrollbar was suddenly invisible, due to its size being off, and at least one control was removed from a different tab that I hadn't been working on.

Is this a known issue with the WinForms Designer, or with Infragistics? I use version control, of course, so I can compare the changes and merge the deleted code back in, but it's a tedious process that shouldn't be necessary. Are there ways to avoid this? Is there a good reason for this to occur?

One clue is that the control that was removed may have code (such as a Load event handler) that expects to be run in run time, not design time, and may be throwing an exception. Could this cause Visual Studio to remove the control?

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How Much Tables Approximately In The Designer Will Make Visual Studio Slow

May 29, 2011

I was wondering if my database got way too much table for use the designer. Would be glad to hear experience from those that using L2Q with lots of tables. How much table your database have ? How fast is VB ? (fast, experiencing slowdowns, unusable)

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VS 2008 Playing With The Designer - InitializeComponent - Forbidden Area ?

Sep 20, 2011

Alright so i have a form with alot (ALOT) of controls...many tabs, many listviews, many comboboxes and textboxes, all of which have values which i saveload using a class i made for saving and loading these values from a file.

Loading these values is pretty slow after the form loads. Takes around 3 seconds (i had to create a splashscreen and made it look decent, but it's still not a nice thing to have)

Then today i decided to try something. I opened the designer to initialize component, and i called the LoaderSub (that loads the values for the controls from a file) within initialize component, in a location after all the properties are set but before all the .resumelayout and .performlayout are called. Lo' and behold the form loaded in less than half a second, with the values and all.

However, now everytime i make a change to the form in design view, or even add a handler to some control in code view, the designer redraws and the auto generated code takes out my code from initializecomponent.

I did the googling, and all the results i found for similar cases issues were cases where the person asking the question im going to ask, the answer is "Didn't you read the part that says DO NOT MODIFY?"

Still, as a last attempt, I ask here: is there any way to modify initializecomponent without losing my changes? I just need to call LoaderSub before the layout resumes...if i call it before initialize component, i get null reference exceptions. And if i call it right after initialize component, loading is very slow.

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Visual Studio 2010 Professional Not Working On Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit

Sep 1, 2011

I have spent the past week trying to get my copy of Visual Studio 2010 Professional to work on my Windows 7 Professional 64-bit laptop, with no avail.

Every time I try to create a new form using Visual Basic, an error message saying that Microsoft Resource File To COFF Object Conversion Utility has stopped working, and I cannot even run the new form to see if my coding is correct.

I have managed to find that it has something to do with the cvtres.exe file, but after a solid hour of research, I have found numerous others with a similar problem, but no solutions.

I have done registry scans, reinstalled Visual Studio about 3 times and have done many other suggested fixes that have done nothing but waste my time.

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.net - Visual Studio 2008 To 2010 'fieldName' Is Not A Member Of

Sep 8, 2010

I created a new project. I copied files from the original VS 2008 project into the new VS 2010 an used "include" in VS 2010.I get an error saying "Error 108 Maximum number of errors has been exceeded."

It seems that EVERY field in the webformsuser-controlsASCX's has the error message "fieldName' is not a member of".I tried a delete the contents of the ASCX and ASCX.vb for a specific ASCX. Compiled and that page had no errors (although the other pages did). Copied back the contents ASCX and compiled (although the other pages did). That page had no errors. Added back the code-behind in the ASCX.vb and compiled. Same error.'fieldName' is not a member of They fieldName can be anything. Textboxes, hiddens, checkboxes, etc.

what am I doing wrong? I have spent hours on this I am hoping I am just missing something simple.

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IDE :: Work On Same Project In Visual Studio 2008 And 2010?

Nov 4, 2010

Have anyone worked on a project on 2 different computers with different version of Visual Studio Express?

In my case, I have made (and still working on..) a project in VSE2008, which I have installet at my job-computer.

At my homepc I have VSE2010 installed. I am a bit afraid to try working on that project from another version of the Visual Studio..

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Silverlight Version And Visual Studio 2008 And 2010?

Aug 31, 2010

I tried to install Microsoft Silverlight 2 but fail - fatal operation however I managed to install Silverlight 3 for Visual Studio 2008. Do you think I need to install Silverlight 2 as well because it clearly to see that Silverlight 3 is a latest version. Please response. Secondly for Visual Studio 2010 I managed to install very easily with Silverlight 4. There is no problem at all. I think, I more likely in VS 2010 Professional. But I have to keep this together (VS 2008 and VS 2010) because I still need to develop certain program. Can I maintain both of this version together?

Website: GuidedMissileDesign.comWebsite: GuidedMissileDesign.com

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View Designer Code In Studio 2010?

Aug 17, 2011

What is a standard way to open the Designer (automatically generated) code for a VB file?

As a workaround, I can get to it by searching the entire solution for some keyword that is usually only found in those files: Global, Partial, etc.

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