VS 2010 Add To The Tables In A Dataset?

Apr 13, 2012

I am working on a database application. I had used Dataset to link my VB programme to a database and selected specific tables. However, I created more tables in the database and I wanted to add the new tables to the dataset. I could not find a simple way to do this, so I deleted the existing dataset and created a new one. This move has broken my VB codes. I can no longer run them as errors are shooting up. In fact, I connot view the forms in my programme anymore. I have a backup of the codes to rerun, but then I need to add new tables to the dataset.

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VS 2010: Multiple Tables In A Dataset

Mar 1, 2011

First off I'm a newbie to VS but hopefully my question isn't terribly clueless. I've been searching endlessly for an answer but I don't find much relating to VS 2010 I'm running VS2010 Ultimate and I'm creating a Windows Form app in VB .net 4. I'm connecting to SQL Server 2005.


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Compare Two Tables From One Dataset?

Apr 11, 2012

I have one dataset with two tables and when some values from tables are changing I need somehow to change the values from table 2. Table one is conected to an SQL server. One table 1 receives a message from sql service broker it automatically reload all the information. I need in that moment to compare what I have new in table 1 and put it in table 2. I have made with <br />For i=1 to ..<br /> </p>

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Copy Tables From A Dataset To Another?

Sep 13, 2010

I would like to copy tables at A specific position from a dataset and insert them into another dataset at a specific position.

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DB/Reporting :: Dataset With Two Tables

Feb 22, 2010

I am trying to develop a report that displays the result of a query that returns two tables. The first table is always a single row of values, the second should be a grid. I can get a report to display either independently, however it will not allow me put them both on the same report.

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Joining Two Tables In The Dataset?

Apr 11, 2011

I am having a data set in vb.net with two tables one table is filled by using oracle databse and another one from Sql 2005. How can we join these two tables in the dataset?

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Populate Tables In A Dataset?

Oct 12, 2011

I have need for a database in my latest app, i quickly realised it had been a long time since i last used a database and am in fact very very rusty on the subject. So i decided to create a simple DataSet using the designer, i created 2 tables as follows

Table 1 is Named Map and contains a 2 dimensional array each cell containing an array of object id's of anything in that cell, and a level ID.

Table 2 contains data about these objects ie size weight and a z-order, again referenced by an object id (matching Table1)

This i did with no issues, when it came however to actually populating these tables i drew a blank. Do i have to locate the database file and edit with notepad? I presume not. Maybe i have to use an external app like sqlmanager? I seem to recall from my past that i added table rows from within the designer but i cannot find this in 2010 express

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Update Two Tables One DataSet And DGV?

Dec 25, 2009

I have been answering question about updating Table or DataBase Using DGV. Most the people still having problem about it. Being honest with all of you, I don't know why?

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Working With Tables Without Dataset

Mar 17, 2010

I have some problem with working with tables which were created on previous form. Say we have a form Customers in which Customers are displayed in datagridview.Now to create or add ne customer to this customer table on sql server, another form is opened.In this form user enters all data like customer name, phone number etc. when changes are made to the sql server using a stored procedure this form is closed now I want to show this newly added customer in the datagridview of the previous form.Right now what I am doing is creating data set and command et. and again fetching data for all customers from sql server.

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Dataset Tables Missing From Xml Input?

Nov 3, 2010

I build xml in memory from the file, separate that into nodes for binding to different grids, works fine except the dataset is missing two tables and I can't find out why, the code below uses a stream but I've tried a ton of stuff by now, and, just using ds.ReadXml(path) doesn't work to get the proper nodes and drops all but the first major node: vs2008/vb.net project.

I believe what's going on is that the nodes have attributes ... none of the nodes that do come through have them, the "author" and "entrydate" nodes are being dropped from the string:

If (My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(pPath)) Then
xmlDom.xmlArchMaster(pPath, xml)
_default.ActiveSiteID = xmlDom.siteheaderNode.Attributes("id").Value


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Dataset That Contains Data From Multiple Tables?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a VB.Net dataset that contains data from multiple tables. how to query data out of the dataset. I want to run SQL-like queries on a dataset to extract data that fits a certain "where" statement.

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May 31, 2010

I pass it a valid dataset that has the department name and the Department id as a number..20, 40, 30..... I want to get the department number.. I pass it HR(which is in the ds.table) but I am getting an error on the rows.find() "Input string was not in a correct format" it is a string.. what else could i be doing wrong here...

Public Function GetDeptID(ByRef ds As DataSet, ByVal strDepartment As String) As Integer
'Dim dr As DataRow
' Check to see if date is already in the table


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Display Data From 2 Tables In Dataset?

Jun 21, 2010

The situation: I have a small application where i store customers and orders.. In my database i have a tabel called Customers and a tabel called Orders. These 2 dabases are joined on Customer ID - every Order record contain a row with the customer Id.


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Display Two Tables From A Dataset In A DataGridView?

Oct 21, 2011

I have a Dataset with 2 different tables. What I have to do is to display those tables in a DataGridView.What I have done with a reference is given below.


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Forms :: How To Create DataSet And Tables From XML

Aug 4, 2011

I have an XML file that has a basic hierarchical structure about horse racing. It has a summary of the tracks, some data about each track, then a list of all the races at each track racing that day. So lets say there are 10 tracks, and for each track there are 8 races. This is a snapshot of the data....

-<Meetings xmlns="" Jurisdiction="VIC">
-<Summary MID="MR_20110801">
<VenueName>ECHUCA (VIC)</VenueName>
<Track>DEAD </Track>
[Code] ......

I have written the code to pull down the data into a data store, but I dont know the BEST way to put the data into a set of tables. My first thought was to traverse the nodes and add rows into tables but I figure there must be a native VB process that reads the xml and puts it into the the appropriate table. How to code up the process for getting the data into a set of tables that match the xml. So lets say I have a Summary table, I would like all the data about each track to go into that table. Then I would have a Races table and have the data for each race go into that. What I have done already is import the xml into Access to create the tables (which was a breeze!) and then link that data source to my project. So I have the tables already built.

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Update Mdb With Data From Different Tables In Dataset

Oct 5, 2009

I have an office project which shoudl basically do the following:

1) take different TEXT files of fixed-length fields and put them in separate tables.

2) use the data from the different tables and compile them to a master table in a mdb.

3) display data in compiled mdb in datagrid 4) allow editing in datagrid 5) save the data in datagrid into the mdb 6) save the data in datagrid in a csv file i did some googling and came up with the following code:


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Why Can't Access Tables In A Dataset By Table Name

Oct 25, 2011

In my VB.Net desktop application, I have several places where I am accessing a table, both for reading and for updating. For example:

Dim tempCount As Integer = Glbl.GlobalDataSet.Tables("Profiles").Rows.Count

The above does not work. However, the following does:

Dim tempCount As Integer = Glbl.GlobalDataSet.Tables(4).Rows.Count

I am pretty sure it was working in th past (I have recently switched to VS 2010 - could this have anything to do with it?) but it is not working now.

How can I make the first statement work, so can access tables by table name instead of by index?

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Bound Relations Between Tables In A Dataset To Datagridview?

Aug 6, 2010

How to bound this dataset to datagridview?


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Compare Typed Dataset To The Tables/database?

Dec 30, 2009

I created a typed dataset and my database guys are constantly updating and adding columns to tables.. is there a way to do a comparison

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Fill Tables In Dataset By Data Variables?

May 22, 2012

I need to fill a datatable(in data set) row by row by providing the the data by variables in VB.Net. The variables assigns its value by loop.. so the datatable row should be filled row by row until the loop ends. There are three columns in the table. so the table should fill with different kind of datatype variables.

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Inserting Records To Two Separate Tables Via DataSet

Dec 19, 2009

I've got a form where a user enters data. When the user submits that data, it inserts a record to two separate tables via a dataset. One of the records has no problem being saved into the database (in the table it was put into), but the other record seems to temporarily be in there (according to a third form), because it exists for the duration of the application, but when I exit, and then check the database, it's not there, and it's not shown on the third form when I restart the application again either.

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Populating A Dataset From The Tables That Are In An Access Database?

May 7, 2010

I have a database that has tables in it. Tables can be added to this databse programatically as well as the data that needs to be in those tables.I need to be able to query that database to get what tables are in it, place the names of those tables into a listbox so that when a user clicks on the name of the table, It will update a DataGridview with the data that is in that table in the database.I assume that you would need to build a dataset at runtime based off of what tables are in the DB, but i have no idea how to do this.

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Updating A Dataset With Newly Created Tables On The Fly?

May 4, 2010

I have made a form that creates a table in a database based off of the text a user inputs into a text box.I would like to then display that table in a DataGridView on the form so that the user can update the data in that table.Is there any way that i can add those tables to the dataset and get them to display in the DataGridView after the user clicks the create table button?

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Use Dynamic Fields Over All Of The Tables In A Dataset In LINQ?

Jan 13, 2011

How can I use dynamic fields in LINQ in the PART OF THE where query? I mean that I want to write where x = *dynamic fields* I want to do the select query in all of the tables that are in the dataset, not on one datatable.

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VS 2008 DataGridView - DataSet With 2 Tables And Relationship

Jul 2, 2010

I'm going to describe this as simple as possible, and it a typical setup for a database...

I have 1 DataSet, 2 DataGridViews (DGV), and 2 BindingSources (BS).
The DataSet has 2 tables and 1 Relationship (FK).

Table 1 is a employee table
Table 2 is timeclock data.
Both tables contain a column: EmployeeId

FK is linked to EmployeeId of both tables.

DGV1 has it's datasource=BS1
BS1 has it's datasource=DataSet and it's DataMember=Table 1.
Thus DGV1 shows Table 1.

DGV2 has it's datasource=BS2
BS2 has it's datasource=BS1 and it's DataMember=FK
Thus DGV2 shows Table 2 filtered by what's selected in DGV1.

Now when I use the mouse or keyboard to select a cell in DGV1, the relationship causes DGV2 to update to only show data from Table 2 where the EmployeeId row equals that from the selection in Table 1. With me so far?

Well all that works great. But what if I need to programmatically select a row in Table 1 to cause Table 2 to update? I've tried everything I can think of, but Table 2 NEVER updates when I attempt to programmatically select a row or cell in Table 1.

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VS 2008 Multiple Tables In Single Dataset?

Apr 6, 2012

I am a new user. Apologies if I am posting this in wrong place and also if it is repeated one. I have few queries:

1.Is it possible to store multiple tables in a single DataSet?

2.If yes then it is a good practice? or should i prefer having separate connection object, separate DataAdapter and separate DataSet for each of the table to be accessed? I am new to VB.NET and using VB.NET 2008 Express and MS-Access 2007 as backend for my project.

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Better To Create One Dataset Named NorthDataSet And Have All Of Tables Defined In It?

Dec 8, 2009

I am a newbee at this but I have a general question about datasets.Most of the help I have read and the videos that I have watched when a dataset is created it is created for a given table.Take the northwinds database.When a dataset is created in vb2008 in the video it creates a dataset for the Customer table and a seperarte dataset for the Orders table and a serperate dataset for the OrderHdr/OrderDtl.Is it better to do it this way or is it better to create one dataset named NorthDataSet and have all of the tables defined in it?What are the pros and cons to doing it both ways.Is there something I can read to help me decide which way to go?I have a large project that is being changed from VB6 and ACCESS to VB2008 and Sql Server.The database has around 300 tables in it.

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Equivalent To JOIN Query With Dataset Multiple Tables?

Dec 21, 2011

How to Query multiple tables in a dataset to form single consolidated table without using any external database. I know this can be done using 'JOIN' in SQl.

Now my condition is I have multiple tables filled with data in a dataset and each table is interrelated with a common 'column'. For example ,

Table 1


Here I mentioned only two tables but in my case there are many tables. I need a generic answer for this dynamic query .

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Error While Trying To Fetch Values From Multiple Tables Into A Dataset?

Jan 27, 2010

while trying to run the following code:-

Class Form1


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MySQL Update Dataset With Multiple Tables - Close?

Nov 7, 2010

I've been working with a remote mysql database. The design of the database pretty much requires that I use SELECT commands that include multiple tables, and sometimes joins. Updating a single table query is SO EASY, yet dealing with multiple tables has me pulling my hair out.


What's killing me is that if I make a change to a field in the products table in the datagridview and press button1, the changes are saved. If I make a change to a field in the specials table in the datagridview and press button2, the changes are saved. If I combine the two updates together in a single routine, only the first one is saved. I presume this is because after the first update executes, the dataadapter no longer reports that there are any changes to save, since the update already happened.

I've tried breaking this up into separate dataadapters for each table, but then even using dataset relations, I can't get the data together in a single datagridview. On top of that, the grid itself is only intended to be used for searching and querying data. It still needs to be bound along with a set of textboxes that accept the input.

Lastly, this database is part of an ever-evolving website database with dozens of tables that need interfacing. I just can't see manually maintaining hand written sql statements for every table. That's why I've been working so hard to get the commandbuilder to handle it.

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