VS 2010 : Compare 2 Dates (actually 1 Date Is Changed By 42 Days) That Are Chosen By A User Through A Datetimepicker?

Aug 2, 2010

I try to make a WFA for filling, reading etc. to a database. I want to compare 2 dates (actually 1 date is changed by 42 days) that are chosen by a user through a datetimepicker. After comparing the 2 dates the "newest" date has to show up in a non editable textbox. This Is my code (of course I have 2 subs for the datetimepickers as well).

Private Sub AwbdatumTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AwbdatumTextBox.TextChanged
Dim DatumbinnenkomstDateTimePicker As DateTime


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Manipulate The Dates To Determine Which Date Will Be 30 Days More Then The Datetime Control?

Sep 17, 2011

how to manipulate the dates to determine which date will be 30 days more then the datetime control I have on my form. i need to take the chosen date from the DateTime control, and determine what date it will be in 30 days. Eventually I will use this process to search through the database to print monthly reports.

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Use The DateTimePicker To Extract Days Diff From A Date Selected On DateTimePicker1 To A Date Selected On DateTimePicker2?

Mar 4, 2009

I am traying to use the DateTimePicker to extract days diff from a date selected on DateTimePicker1 to a date selected on DateTimePicker2. I have no problem substracting the daydiff in numbers of days. The problem I have is that I need the DateTimePicker to tell me how many of those days are weekends (friday, saturday) and how many are weekdays.

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Remove The Dates In Datetimepicker After Today's Date

May 24, 2010

I have a dateTimePicker and I set the maxdate to today's date Now when a user select the date after today's date it won't select it but it still be displayed. How can I remove them or disable them do the users can't even click on the date if it is after today's date

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Disabling Dates Before Current Date Of A Datetimepicker Control?

Jun 12, 2009

Is it possible to disable the dates that appear before todays date in a dateTimePicker control?I want to put in some validation so that my users can only select days in the future...ie a future appointment date?

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Compare Just The Date Part And Not The Time Of Two Dates?

Mar 6, 2009

I want to compare just the date part (and Not the time) of two VB.NET Date objects.Is there a way to do that?

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Compare Dates And Select Matching Records Betweem A Selected Date Range

Jun 5, 2011

am using sql 2005 and vb 2008.i need to compare dates and select matching records betweem a selected date range.say records between 11/13/2010 and 11/20/2010.e.thing is working ok except when it comes to selecting dates between 11/1/2010 and 11/9/2010.this is happening because when am retrieving the dates from database,its being retrieved in the format 11/01/2010 instead of 11/1/2010 and so it reports no records found,and knowing the limits of sql 2005 this is the only way i can retrieve the date. [code]

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2005 - Subtract A Date From The (current Date Minus 7 Days) And Produce A Number Of Days?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a date in the future e.g. 13/10/2008 I need to subtract the current date (today is the 28/09/2010) minus 7 days, so thats 21/09/2010 minus 13/10/2008, which would equal erm, 720 something ? But the current date won't always be 28/09/2010, obviously. I need the code for this. EDIT: When i said future I mean past :)

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VS 2010 Compare Dates In SQL Server With Datetimepickerq?

Aug 5, 2011

have a table in SQL Server Ex 2005 containing a column called "geboortedatum" (datetime)When I open the table the date is shown like this: "31-12-2011 0:00:00".When I use the query designer and execute the query select geboortedatum from table: the date is shown like: "2011-12-31 0:00:00".he problem is that I want to use the datetimepicker in VB.NET to compare the date in a SQL statement that looks like this:

strZoekGeboorteDatum = String.Format("AND M.GeboorteDatum > " & Me.dtpZoekMedewerkerGebDatVan.Value
But probably the comparison is:


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When A User Select A Date From A Datetimepicker, It Filters Evrything From The Datagridview?

Mar 11, 2010

HI have a small problem that i cant figure out. i have a program that i want when a user select a date from a datetimepicker, it filters evrything from the datagridview that are for that date..Hare is the code i have

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim oledb As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection


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C# - Days Difference Between Two Dates

Feb 24, 2010

I've been trying many ways to calculate the round number of days between two dates, I mean, counting the whole days. An example of what I need:


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Getting The Number Of Days Between Two Dates

Nov 7, 2010

I'm trying to get, as the title says, the number of days between 2 dates. TextBox8 is set to a parsed version of the current date. The user has to enter the other date into TextBox7.Then I try to use this function that i made. The code does not work, I get an exception. I have never made a function before so I don't really know much about them. I honestly don't even know if this is possible,


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Calculate Number Of Days Between Two Dates?

May 11, 2009

how can i calculate number of days between two dates.....for xample between 24/12/2009

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Counting Days Between Two Dates With Exclusions?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm trying to count the days between two dates, excluding Saturdays and Sundays. I've written this code so far

Dim startDay As Integer
Dim endDay As Integer
Dim days As Integer


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Sql - Get Days (monday ,tuesday.....) Between Two Different Dates?

Dec 8, 2011

I need to show a report, which will show weekly report for training session.. from Monday to Saturday some time Sunday with the number of participants per day.i want sql query to complete this task.eg.

code days mon tues Wed thurs fri sat sun
10001 3 22 22 22 0 0 0 0
10002 5 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 and so on....

Here no. of participants are same for all days of that training session.

Updated Query
.....................my query as per @competent_tech suggestion .........................


here week start from 12th dec and end to 18th dec but training session start from 5th dec and ends at 14th dec but still next few days(15,16,17,18) showing participants value.

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VS 2005 - How Many Number Of Days Between Two Dates

May 11, 2009

How can I calculate number of days between two dates. For example between 24/12/2009 and 29/12/2009. How can I know that how many days are there between these two dates?

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Count Days That Fall Between A Given Range Of Dates?

Jul 28, 2009


this is for a single date..but i have list of date ....and i want to check how many days fall from march 20 to apr 10 between jan 4 to apr5..

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Function To Calculate Days Number Between 2 Dates?

Jan 1, 2012

i want a function to calculate days number between 2 dates

for example :

start date = 2011/11/13
end date = 2012/01/02

i want months to be 30 days always .

thats mean
18 days in November
30 days in December
2 days in January
sum = 50 days

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Interval Of Days / Months / Years Between 2 Given Dates

Dec 21, 2011

I've been given two dates that takes their values from two respective dtpickers.I've got to calculate the exact amount of days, months and years between them.[code]The problem is that this function gives me ALL the amount of respective days, months and years passed, but I need to split them up in the correct way. Ex, between 28/2/98 and 13/1/2007 the result should be 15 days, 10 months and 8 years. And above all, the result is that the function indicates one month more (or one year more) with only one day (or month) passed between the two dates!

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VS 2008 Saving The Chosen Date?

May 31, 2010

Im having problems in saving the date selected. When I clicked my save button, it is saving the current date not the date i choose. The date I selected is for the Birthday.Here is my code for saving:

Dim myBuilder As OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(dataAdapter)
If dt.Rows.Count <> 0 Then


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DateTimePicker - Calculating Working Days For Employee

Mar 24, 2012

I have a problem how DateTimePicker to calculate if how many days of an employees work and the DateTimePicker1 will get the Days from another Table time in and time out and will display it in a listview the Day Time IN and TIme out.

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Asp.net - Calculate The Difference Between Two Dates To Display As A Number In Days (VB)?

Nov 20, 2011

How do I calculate the difference between two dates to display as a number in days?I have 2 text boxes (txtHStart_Date & txtHEnd_Date) I have used an Ajax Calendar Extender to enter the dates in each of these text boxes.I would like to get the difference between these two dates to show in a seperate text box (txtNoOfDays)

I've seen the timespan function but can seem to get this to work. I'm not to sure how to declare the text boxes as the dates I would the calculation to be made from


Dim D1 As Date
Dim D2 As Date
Dim ts As New TimeSpan
D1 = txtHStart_Date.Text
D2 = txtHEnd_Date.Text
ts = D2 - D1

But I know this isn't right. I also don't know how to get it to display in the 3rd TextBox.

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VS 2005 Count Days That Fall Between A Given Range Of Dates

Jul 28, 2009

Dim myDate1 As DateTime = datetimepicker1.value
Dim myDate2 As DateTime = datetimepicker2.value
Dim myDateToCheck As DateTime = datetimepicker3.value


this is for a single date..but i have list of date ....and i want to check how many days fall from march 20 to apr 10 between jan 4 to apr5..

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VB 2008 On Using Dates And DateTimePicker?

Apr 14, 2010

I am using visual basic 2008 and I am trying to create a form.


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Compare Date - Compare Textbox1 And Textbox2 Text

Mar 3, 2010

I have two textbox in my application.


Textbox2.Text="Jan 2010"

May I know how can I compare that Textbox1 and Textbox2 text is within same month and same year?

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When DateTimePicker Check State Changed

Jul 2, 2009

When DateTimePicker check state changed,ValueChanged and TextChanged events don't work always.

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Asp.net - How To Compare Two Dates

Oct 7, 2011

We would like to compare a date from the db with current date. Here is what I have tried so far: 'Obtain current date Dim curdate As String = Now.ToString("yyyy") 'Now compare curdate with date from db called eventdate. Event date is of dateTime datatype. If drv("eventdate").ToString = "" And Year(drv("eventdate").ToString) = curdate Then


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DateTimePicker Dates According To Database Entries?

Aug 24, 2011

I have an accounts program. My cash book shows data based on date picked from DateTimePicker. Cash book is not entered everyday. I want to make my datetimepicker so that based on dates found in the database, it changes colour or enable / disable some dates, for which cash book has been entered. How is it possible?

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Selecting Multiple Dates In A DateTimePicker?

Mar 14, 2011

Is there anyway i can select multiple dates in a Date Time Picker in

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VS 2008 - Any Way To Disable Dates On DateTimePicker?

May 2, 2011

I am working VB.NET 08 Access Database. I have Two "DateTimePicker" controls one is "StartDate" and one is "Enddate". Now I am selecting Startdate like May 1st OK. Now when I select Enddate control this calender shows only Equal or Greater than dates should be Enable. EndDate should be Always Greater than Equal Date. That's why when ever user selects the Enddate Before May 1st dates should be disable..

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