VS 2010 : Convert A String Modification Code From C++ To VB?

Jan 23, 2011

I have written a C++ code to modify a string, the code is:

int Len = (nString.length());
char *szString = (char*)(nString.c_str()); // Convert to C string
for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)


I have this so far, but it is not working:

Dim i As Integer
Dim chrArray() As Char
chrArray = EncryptIn.ToCharArray


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String Modification - Length / Remove Characters

Dec 27, 2010

I have a notify icon and I use the 'Text' property instead of 'BallonTipText' because I just like it better and it fits well with my application. The only thing wrong with that is the 64 character limit. How can I determine the length of a string, remove all characters after the 61st character, then add three periods at the end of the new string? I've looked around and can't find any solution to removing all characters after the first X characters.

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VS 2010 Clickonce Modification To Add Another Link?

May 27, 2010

I have established how to use the click once system to include multiple project's exe's in a SINGLE click once deployment.

Now, with that said, it just adds the secondary project's exe(and its required files) to the install directory. Cool.

BUT, to avoid making a button that says 'Run Program 2' in Program 1's screen, does anyone know of a hack/mod to add another link to the start menu's folder?

So it'll show, Support for 'Project 1', Project 1, then add the link for Project 2?

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VS 2010 Convert VB6 Code To VB2010 Code From "The Most Amazing VB6 Code Ever" Thread?

Jul 19, 2011

This code was posted in Chit Chat and everyone is saying how great it is. I just have Visual Studio 2010 and no familiarity with VB6 so I thought it would be good to convert the code to Visual Basic 2010.


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Convert A String To Binary Code For Build A File?

Oct 13, 2011

well in a database is saved a binary code (this is a *.jar) i need to download this code (with a select query) and Rebuild this file

What are the setps for convert since a String to a File?

someone told me i need convert it to array byte, but i dont know how to convert a String to a array byte... what are the best steps?

this code return me a table

Public Function ConseguirCatalogo() As DataTable
Return conn.RegresarTabla("select archivo from catalogo where id= (select id from periodos where actual=1)")
End Function


now what are the next setp for convert it finally to a file? ( it is a *.jar)

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Code - Error Which Says Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To A Int32

Oct 2, 2009

I have this code but the problem is that I get an error which says "Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int32." Here is the code that I am using:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C:Documents and Settings1B09158My DocumentsUser.mdb"


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.net - Unable To Convert Code From C# To .net Due To Incremental Operator Or Automatic String Conversion?

Apr 9, 2009

I am writing a library in VB.NET in which I have added, among others, a class originally written in C# but converted into VB.NET. I don't know much about C# so therefore I have used online C# to VB.NET-converters. Now I am stuck with some code which I believe the online-converter was not able to "translate" properly.

When running the code I get the following error:

System.IndexOutOfRangeException was unhandled
at System.String.get_Chars()


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Convert Old Delphi Code To VB 2010

Apr 15, 2012

I have an old program from 2002, which was coded in Delphi 7. Now i would like to rewrite the whole program, and expand in Visual Basic. how to convert my old code to VB2010? The code is very simple. I fill a database with Comboboxes and TextBoxes .Text. [Code]

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Perl - Convert Code - 2010 ?

Oct 6, 2011

I am not familiar at all with perl but I am trying to convert some code over to vb.net (2010).

The bit I am stuck with is the following:


A bit of code that uses the above data is:


From my understanding they are something like structures or arrays in VB, would this be right?

If I am reading the code right than this:


should equal to a two bye array of: "0x10, 0x01" - am I far off?

Would something like what I have below work? It seems a bit messy, there must be a better way to do it:


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Convert Designer Code Into A Form In VB 2010

Feb 26, 2012

Just wanted to know if you had some design code which was created, and that is all you have. Can you open this designer code and create the actual working main Form from this? I don't need this designer code for any specific task, just wanted to know if there is a command within VB Studio 2010 that creates the actual Form from the design code. For example; The following piece of designer code is for a simple program that finds the Circumference of a Circle.


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VS 2010 Convert An Htmlelement To String

Oct 9, 2011

is there a way to convert an htmlelement to string

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VS 2010 Convert String To Control?

Jun 4, 2010

look at this code :


i want to get theButton control name from user in a textbox. it means ... every control name that user enter in textbox, the control backcolor will be change.

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VS 2010 Convert String To Variable

May 28, 2012


Now I'm wondering if it is possible to convert text to one variable defined up i.e.: dim mycolor as string


Is it possible to convert string mycolor to Color variable as defined before?

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VS 2010 - USB Reader Device - Convert Delphi Code

Nov 21, 2010

I am working on Some USB reader device..i got only delphi 7.0 example code...i can able to understand some code remaining cant so below is that code.

function ReadCard(fUSB:Byte;Buffer:PChar):Integer; stdcall;
external 'proRFL.DLL';
function GetDLLVersion(sDllVer:PChar):Integer; stdcall;
external 'proRFL.DLL';


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VS 2010 : Convert The String In One Textbox To Binary?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm supposed to convert the string in one textbox to binary, and display it as binary, in another textbox. I can make this part work, but when I want to convert it from binary and back to text, it all goes bananas.Here's the code I'm using for the conversion:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs
) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2010 Convert Integer To 2-digit HEX String?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to convert an integer (0 to 255) into a 2-value hex string. For instance, if the integer was 255, the hex string would be "ff", if the integer was 15, the hex string would be "0f". The issue I'm having is trying to keep the leading 0. I've been able to overcome this by using an if statement to determine if the length is less than 2, in which I would concatenate a 0, but this is pretty inefficient I think. Here's my

Dim get_integer as Integer = TextBox1.Text Dim hex_value As String = Convert.ToString(get_integer, 16)

If hex_value.Length < 2 Then
hex_value = String.Concat(0, hex_value)
End If

how to improve this? I really would like to get away from using the if statement.

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VS 2010 Convert String To Date / Time

Jan 30, 2012

could anybody point me in the right direction in regards to the following problem? I have some data that has time and date in form of ordinary string. The format is always the same, for instance:


How can I convert it to time understood by computer and check if given time is in the past of in the future in comparsion to current time on my computer? I would also like to be able to tell how much difference there is between the time from my data file and the current time. For instance to say "this time was 3 hours and 20 mintues ago".

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VS 2010 Convert String To Single (Fontsize)?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a combobox which I want to use to change the font-size of text, but I'm getting an error.

vb.net Dim xfont As New Font(font_cbo.Text, font_cbo_size.Text, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point)

Conversion to Type Single is invalid So I tried to convert the string to Single, but with the same error. If I replace the "font_cbo_size.Text" to a number, it'll work fine.

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Easier To Convert C# Asynchronous Socket Code Into .net Than Convert .net Code To C#?

Dec 8, 2009

my project was intially mandated to be done in c#.however a large contributor to the project wrote much of the business logic, which he knows well, in vb.net.How difficult would it be to convert the following c# code into vb.net.


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VS 2010 - What Is An Integer And A String - Code An Own Sub

Mar 8, 2012

Just started programming with visual basic 2010 after programming a lot with vbs (Visual Basic script) it looks a lot like each other but there are a couple of differnces so here are a couple of questions.

1. What is a integer and what is a string?

2. Can i code an own sub? so it works at all times and not only when i " do something" (press a button or something like that)

for example: if progressbar1.value = 10 then msgbox " well done" now i can only add this line when i connect it to a button or something but i want to connect it to all the lines.

3. whats wrong with this line?: WebBrowser1.Navigate [URL]

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VS 2010 Executing Code From A String

Feb 25, 2011

Im trying to create an app that can Compile and run vb.net code while running. Like I will have a multiline textbox and a button that runs the code. The code should run as if it Were to be in a normal Sub. I've heard of system.reflection but all the examples microsoft provided have failed.

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C# - WinForms Interthread Modification?

Jul 10, 2009

Whenever I want to modify a winform from another thread, I need to use ->Invoke(delegate, params)so that the modification occurs in the winform's own thread.
For every function that needs to modify the gui, I need another delegate function.Is there some scheme which allows me to limit the number of delegate functions needed? I have a controller class which handles the whole gui in one spot, I've thought about reusing delegates but that smells badly.I think that my question can apply to all languages where winform can run

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VS 2010 Get String/Binary Code/Encoder?

May 22, 2010

I need to know how to crypt that:

Const FileSplit = "@vorfin@"

Cause its appearing on HEX Source.

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Windows CE 5.0 Registry Modification With VB2005

Jul 21, 2009

Is there a set of functions or classes to edit/read the registry via VB2005?

I need a function like

RegWriteString( "HKLM", "SystemExplorerShell Folders", "My Documents", "My Documents" )


value = RegReadString( "HKLM", "SystemExplorerShell Folders", "My Documents" )

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VS 2010 Get A Random Color-code Depending On String?

Sep 28, 2009

Depending on a specific string, how would I retrieve a random color-code?

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Existing Text File Line Modification

May 3, 2010

How to modify a line in an existing text file in VB. This is the code I was told to use:
do while (sr.peek() <> -1)
line = sr.readLine()
if line(0) = stockName then
' update the line
updatedLine = line(0) & "," & line(1) & "," & line(2) &
' don't do anything

The problem is that when I use that I get the error message that says:
Error1'Line' statements are no longer supported. File I/O functionality is available as 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.LineInput' and the graphics functionality is available as 'System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawLine'.

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VS 2008 Byte Array Modification Runtime?

Nov 12, 2011

i have a list of byte array,s what i want to do is search for a element, replace that element ,add one more element after first element.

ex for element 7D i want to add 5d after . and for element 7E i want it to replaced it by 7D and need 5E after.

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Pulling Item Stored In Array Out Of ListView For Modification

Jun 8, 2010

I have a data entry form, a listview form and a couple of classes. Data is entered in the form, and it is stored in an array. This is then displayed in a listview. I can insert and delete just fine, but I cannot figure out how to modify. This is what needs to happen: With a row selected in the listview, modify is clicked in the menu strip.

Whatever information is in the selected row, it needs to be transferred to the data entry form where changes to it may be made. I have attached what I have so far, and a sample data file is provided in the root directory. I think I need to temporarily store the selected item, put it into the data entry form, delete it, and when submit is clicked have it re-inserted.

Attached File(s)

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Detecting JavaScript HTML Page Modification In WebBrowser Control

Jul 23, 2010

My VB.NET code is supposed to execute third party Javascript code in an attempt to fill in and submit a form. This process consists of five steps, and I have been able to submit the form when all the steps are kept separate (i.e. behind 5 separate consecutive button clicks). Now, what I'd like to have is one button to handle all the five steps.

The problem is that the form originally only appears after calling "webbrowser.Navigate" command, which apparently modifies the page's HTML code. I seem to be unable to detect when Javascript has finished loading the new HTML in order to fill and submit the form. I have tried a timer control to wait for a certain HTML element ID to appear, but in vain. [URL]

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Convert Excel 2007 Macro Code To Correct VB 2008 Code?

May 26, 2010

i recorded the following macro in excel 2007:


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