VS 2010 : Get The Search Row To Be Hidden By Default?

Mar 30, 2012

I have code that is producing the end result I desire but has a few clunky issues I dont like. I'm wondering if I'm simply using the wrong control or am using the tablelayoutpanel incorrectly.The tablelayoutpanel has 4 rows and 1 column.

The rows are filled with:

Row 1: header information
Row 2: search information
Row 3: a datagridview displaying the search results
Row 4: a label for displaying messages

Rows 1, 2 and 4 are set to absolute size. Row 3 is set to 100%.What I want is to have row 2 not appear until a user clicks a button in row 1. I was able to achieve it using the following

Public Class Form1
Private _searchRowHeight As Integer = 72
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


I want the search row to be hidden by default. To do this I am calling the ToggleSearchPanel routine when the form loads. That's minor and I could probably live with it. The other issue is that have to store the height of the panel height manually so that I can later restore the panel size. That is truly bothersome since any change in the designer means that I have to remember to also set my variable to the new height.

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IDE :: How To Open A Search Page In Webbrowser With Separate Text Box And By Default Search Engine

Dec 31, 2009

i want to ask that how i can open a search page in my vb.net webbrowser with a separate textbox in a tool bar separate from the url text box

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VS 2010 Combobox Default Value - Display The Name Of The Person Who Is Doing The Selection As The Default?

Nov 25, 2011

I have a combobox which contains a sample of names selected from a table.Currently the default name displayed in the box is the 1st name found in the table. What I would like to do is display the name of the person who is doing the selection as the default. The name is stored in a public variable 'PubName' and I do not want the user to be able to type into the combobox themselves.Is this possible?

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Asp.net : Make Hidden Additional Attachment Hidden And Visible?

Mar 13, 2012

I want to make 5 attachment options in that 4 out of the 5 are hidden.but when he clicks "more attachment" link it will show the other 4.Im using ASP.NET with VB?

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Set Default Folder In Search | Looking In Windows Explorer By .net?

Jun 6, 2009

I am using vb.Net 2005 for creating an application for handling windows explorer. In I have open a folder in windows explorer as a root folder. Currenty I need when I click one Search button.And after this click on All files and foldes. In Lookin combo bydefault set my Root Folder which is I set in windows explorer. For opening windows explorer I use this code.

Dim processClass As ManagementClass = New ManagementClass("Win32_Process")
Dim handler As ManagementOperationObserver = New ManagementOperationObserver
AddHandler handler.Completed, AddressOf Me.Completed


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VS 2010 Bindingsource And Hidden Controls

Jun 7, 2010

I have a form with several hidden controls that are automatically filled when using bindingsource.addnew When i process bindingsource.endedit the values are not transalated to the table so when i process tableadapter.update(table) i get the null value error for those fields Is it right?

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VS 2010 Show Dialog From A Hidden Form?

Oct 6, 2011

I'm trying to create a program that will look at a website and check it for updates, similar to an RSS feed. It then will show a dialog (Form2) that will inform the user that there is an update.Form1 is used as the configuration form and is able to be shown via a notify icon in the system tray, which is on Form1.Originally I would have Form1 hidden via Me.Hide() and then run a timer which would check for the updates and call Form2.ShowDialog() when there's an update, I found out however, that if Form1 is hidden, the dialog will not show.

Next I tried not Hiding the form, but instead setting its ShowinTaskbar property to False. At this point the program functions correctly, however when I minimize Form1 it sits in a shrunken window near the task bar... Is there any way to completely hide Form1 (when minimized), and allow Form2 to be shown as a dialog?

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VS 2010 Splash Screen Hidden By Maximized Form?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a Windows Form Application to which I added a splash screen created using the splash screen template. I also added an MDI Parent Form. In my project properties, I chose the splash screen and the MDI Parent as the loading form.

I want the MDI Parent to load Maximized, so I changed the WindowState Property in the list to do just that. Now here is the problem:

If I leave the WindowState set to Normal, the splash screen loads, does its thing, closes, then loads my MDI Parent just like it is supposed to, BUT, if I set the WindowState of the MDI Parent to Maximized, the splash screen displays for about a second, the MDI Parent loads on top of the splash screen, and the splash screen finishes in the background and then closes.

I tried giving Focus back to the splash screen in the Lost Focus event but that didn't work. I know splash screen is still open and working when it gets covered up because I can hit ALT+TAB and see it just before it closes on its own like its supposed to. I also never adjusted any of it's time settings or any other settings.

How do I keep the splash screen on top while my MDI form is Maximized? or how do I delay the MDI until the splash screen has done its job? I dont understand why I am getting this result.

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VS 2010 Clicking A Button With Hidden Values - Webbrowser?

Sep 20, 2010

<td align="right"></td>
<td align="left">
<input name="userId" value="8194364" type="hidden">
<input name="action" value="saveChanges" type="hidden">
<input class="submitImage" src="/theme/default/buttonSaveChanges.gif" type="image" align="top"><input class="submitButton" value="Save Changes" type="submit"></td>


Again the code clicks the button, but doesn't save the information so I figured it has something to do with the hidden value. I've never seen this problem before so I don't know where to go from here.

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VS 2010 Populate Datagridview Hidden Column Before Saving?

Jun 9, 2011

I have a DataGridView which contains a hidden column. On the BindNavigator SaveItem_Click event i need to populate the hidden column cell with the current date. I tried using the DefaultValuesNeeded event but it did not work out.

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IDE :: Description Pane Hidden At Bottom Of Properties Window In VB 2010?

Jun 11, 2012

At the bottom of the Properties window in the Visual Basic 2010 IDE, there should be a brief description of the selected property. For example "Text: the text associated with thecontrol". But it's reduced to a height of 0 so far as I can tell, and I haven'tfound a way to make it visible. Right-clicking the Properties window and selecting/checking"Description" has no effect. How do I make this pane visible?

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VS 2010 Structure Classes So That The User Interfaces Though A Single Class While The Supporting Classes Are Hidden From Their View?

Jun 13, 2012

How can I structure my classes so that the user interfaces though a single class while the supporting classes are hidden from their view? I think its best understood in an example:

Public Class MyInterface
Public Economic as EconomicClass
Public Sub New()


So you might ask why am I even separating them? It's strictly for others who will be working with this interface. I need to funnel them though a logical structure:


This way everything is already handled for them in the background and they only need to run the method they need. I don't know if I can have it both ways in VB.NET.

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VS 2010 Array Default Initialization?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm new to VB and my question is whether all elements of an array will be initially zero per default:

Dim myArray( nx, ny ) As Single (all elements zero ?)

or do i have to loop over the array and set all elements to zero?

(p.s. my background is in Fortran where the standard does not guarantee that all elements will be zero initially and one has to set all elements to zero explicitly if one desires a zero-initialized array. )

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VS 2010 How To Eliminate Default Constructor

Jan 19, 2011

I have written a number of classes in my time in VB.NET which set the basic elements in a custom New constructor through parameters. This makes things easier and enforces discipline. However, using Public Sub New() becomes pointless. If someone else tried to use this class, he or she could make a mess of it all by using Sub New without the arguments. I'd like to remove this method but I haven't found out how. I could make it raise an exception, but that somehow seems unseemly. I'd like a neater way. Does anyone know how?

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IDE :: VB Express 2010 - ComboBox DropDown Default

Nov 23, 2011

In a combobox dropdown. What toolbox or properties do I use in VB Express 2010 to add a default to my drop down so the user will see the default when the panel is first shown?

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VS 2010 - Applying Different Color On Default Cursor?

Jan 18, 2012

In my program I have a picturebox. using the .onEnter and .onLeave events for the mouse I have the cursor change to a cross (one of the default cursors) and it does like a transparent grayscale thing and changes color a bit depending on what is behind it. The issue with that is that all the images I look at are grayscale images so it gets a bit lost. I am wondering if there is a way to use this default cursor and apply a different color to it?

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VS 2010 - Command Prompt Path Was Not Default

Mar 27, 2012

Command prompt's path wasnt default. How can we change that path. In mine it writes "c:usersusername>".

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VS 2010 - On Load (Startup) Default State?

Jan 14, 2012

I haven't used VB in decades and I'm restarting with what I thought would be a simple program. I have two fields on a little form, both of which display a date (dd/mm/yyyy). Field1 is an entry field except on load where is contains a date calculated from field2 (which is 'now' upon application load). Field1 is 'now' + 10 days. This is the default state.

Once loaded (with the data described above), the user can input only in field1. Field2, an inactive field used only for display, is field1 - 10 days. After 15 seconds, fields 1 and 2 revert to their default states as described in the first paragraph. I'm getting all messed up with the 'on load' state. I'll start playing with the timer once I get the initial stuff done.

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VS 2010 Add A Property To The Default ListBox Control?

Jun 23, 2010

I have been trying to create a custom control based on the ListBox called FileListBox. I followed Microsoft's walkthrough but am having some trouble.

What I want is to add another property to the ListBox called SafeItems which is an ObjectCollection of strings (like the Items property). I will use the Items property to store a collection of Filenames as strings and I would like to store the corresponding SafeFilenames in the SafeItems collection.

This is what I've tried:

<Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _
Partial Class FileListBox
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.ListBox


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VS 2010 Change Button BG Color To Default?

Jun 14, 2010

I change the background color of a button to red, and need to change it back in the code to the default gray

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VS 2010 Default Properties And Design For Button 1

Feb 5, 2011

i've designed mac buttons in vb.net but each project i change the design,propeties and events is there a way to make this design,properties and events the default for any new project.

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VS 2010 Dll That Is Implemented By A Class With A Default Constructor

Dec 27, 2010

I have a base class which must be overriden. This base class sits in one dll shared by all. The derived classes will each be in their own dll such that the addition of a new derived class can be done by distributing a new dll. The set of dlls, and therefore the set of derived classes, will be discovered by the main program on startup. That's all pretty straightforward. The problem is that the main program needs to be able to query a database to figure out which type of derived class it needs, then create a class of that type. Naturally, it can't know which types will be available ahead of time because even I don't know that. The program has to be dynamically extensible.The obvious way to do this is to have an interface in the dll that is implemented by a class with a default constructor. The sole purpose of that class would be to return an object of the type (one of the derived types) defined in that dll. The derived types can't really be this class, because they can't have a default constructor since the base class doesn't have a default constructor, and the derived class can't make up the arguments that the base class constructor needs.

So basically, each dll that houses a derived class would also house a simple class that implemented an interface for the sole purpose of creating that particular derived class. The main program would examine the dll to find a class that implemented the interface, and once it found one, it could ask it what type of class it created, or it could ask it to create an instance of that class. It seems like there ought to be an easier way to dynamically add new classes to the project. It seems like the derived class ought to be able to tell the main project what type it was. This could be done, except that the derived class would have to exist before any of its methods could be called unless the methods were shared. Since you can't have a shared method in an interface, the interface itself would make no sense at that point, in which case I would need to discover whether the class in the dll derived from the base class in the second dll, just to figure out whether or not I wanted to create it. That's getting convoluted by now, so I guess I'll leave it there. The basic point is that the base class is known to the main program from a common dll. The number and types of derived classes can't be known at this time, so the program has to be able to discover them dynamically. Each derived class will sit in its own dll (or there could be more than one in a dll), and has to be discovered, and instances created, as needed, by the main program.

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VS 2010 Get Default Window Border In Windows?

Jul 6, 2009

In VB.NET, how can I get the default window border size in Windows, for all standard windows?

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VS 2010 Get The Checkbox Checked When App Starts By Default?

Oct 21, 2011

just for programming practice, want to know if: for example CheckedListBox1.Items.Add("October", CheckState.Indeterminate) has any advantage to use. Although Indeterminate and Unchecked have zero checked states. Why VB has provided these two? why not one only(Unchecked)? Is it a reason to get the checkbox checked when app starts by default?

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VS 2010 Using The Debug File - Change The Default Name?

Feb 12, 2012

When I drag my debug file from the debug folder to the start icon in order to make a shortcut for the application on the start menu, it automatically names the shortcut WindowsApplication1. How can I change the default name for this action?

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VS 2010 Datagridview Default Values Needed Error

Aug 5, 2011

If I delete the top row of my datagrid, or load a page without any data in the datagrid, I get a NullRefrenceException error. "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."suggest a way for it to only run the default values needed sub if a row exists in my datagrid, else ignore it?

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VS 2010 Disable Default Class Members And Methods?

Mar 13, 2011

Is there a way to disable the default members and methods inherited from the base class?

I made some classes in which elements like "Equals" and "ReferenceEquals" are confusing or I don't want them to show, or I have other methods providing similar functionality with different names and I don't want to override and use the default name.

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User To Select Just Straight To Default Printer With Its Default Settings

Dec 3, 2011

I need to print the contents of 3 textboxs to default printer. what examples I have found dont seem to work. I was trying the documentprint1 component as i thought it would be easy but cant figure out how to tell it what to print the second part is to print a variable (string) to the printer as well.no need for user to select just straight to default printer with its default settings

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VS 2010 - Setting Default Location To Computer For Loading Photo

Dec 9, 2011

Just started using the Windows Browser in one of my forms so the user can select a photo they need to load. This was surprisingly easy (This seems to be the norm in Basic, if you think it will be hard it isn't and visa versa). What I am struggling with is how to set the default location to 'Computer' rather than a disk letter and directory name. The photo is most likely to be on a card reader or Memory stick so the drive letter is likely to change.

I am guessing the command will be:
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = ???????

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VS 2010 Error Opening Outlook / Default Mail Client

Feb 1, 2012

In a new program I'm including a button so the user can send en email with feedback.

The problem: On Windows Vista & Windows 7, an error pops up with the following message:


I am receiving the same error. However, on Windows XP, both of these codes are working fine. Email client used (as default) is Outlook 2007.

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