VS 2010 OnMouseWheel Not Triggered?

Sep 9, 2011

I have a control that inherits from Panel. I want to override onMouseWheel, but my code is never executed. I put a breakpoint on it, but it never gets hit.

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseWheel(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
End Sub

The event is raised normally in the form containing my control. why this could be, or better still, how to solve it?

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Asp.net - Event Not Triggered?

Jul 13, 2011

i have used a aspx page with vb code. the page is not firing any event after some time if the page is kept idle.

any property needs to set in page attribute??

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AfterRowUpdate Event Is Not Getting Triggered?

Sep 28, 2009

I am using VS 2008 and UltraGrid from Infragistics v 5.2

I have two UltraGrid objects on a Winform. While the AfterRowUpdate event gets triggered for one, it does not get triggered for the other. Here's the procedure of the offending UltraGrid event:

This does get executed:

Private Sub ugPatient_AfterRowInsert(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles ugPatient.AfterRowInsert
e.Row.Cells("Courtesy_C").Value = "Mr."


The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger to use it anyway?

Even if I rebuild by application, the dialog box does not go away.

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Button Click Isn't Triggered

Feb 14, 2011

I have a HTML page which i am converting it to DOM and in tat i am calling a function, which will find the click button in the DOM and trigger the click button. But for some reason my code is unable to find the control.[code]...

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Find Out What Triggered An Event

Jul 30, 2011

I'm having a really annoying issue which I can't get to the bottom of. I've got a NumberUpDown control which has a ValueChanged event. There is only one reference to it in my entire project which I have commented out to prove that it isn't calling the event. Even though the number is not being changed (the control sometimes isn't even in focus!) the ValueChanged event gets called. This is driving me crazy and I wondered if I could back track through the code to see what actually caused this event to trigger?

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How To Know What Event Was Triggered In Picturebox

Dec 20, 2010

how can i know what event was triggered in picturebox in VBnet? [Code] i want to know what event was triggered whether it is .MouseEnter or .MouseLeave. the reason why i'm making this is to make the code more categorized according to the object that was used.

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Messagebox Triggered By A Button?

Aug 21, 2009

is there a way to trigger a MsgBox by clicking a button within a If and End If paragraph?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Windows Has Triggered A Breakpoint?

Feb 10, 2010

We are facing a crash issue in our application. To debug the crash issue we have directly executed the application from code.To trace the error we have removed the checked from "EnableJust My Code" options in Debugging and we have checked the "Enabledunmanaged code debugging" option in project properties Debug tab.

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Alert Triggered Based On Parameter ?

Oct 15, 2011

My problem is, I have set the parameter to be 150 in the database. and the alert triggered should refer to the parameter value. if the calculation result exceeds the parameter value, it will turn the box to red colour. however, i notice that it only compares the first three number. for example, if the calculation result is 1778.99 it will turn the box red because its first three digit is more than 150. but if the calculation result is 10234.90, it does not trigger the alert. i assume it only takes the first three digit.

Here is the code for this part;

Dim total1 As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("total1"), Label)
total1.Text = e.Item.DataItem("inventories").ToString * 365 / e.Item.DataItem("operating_cost").ToString


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Determine Which Of The Two Events Triggered The Sub-routine

Mar 23, 2012

I have a combobox sub-routine that is triggered by either a "SelectedIndexChanged" or "Leave" event How can I determine which of the two events triggered the sub-routine


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Insert New Triggered Alert Into Database

Nov 15, 2011

I have a problem on my coding here. It should insert the new triggered alert into database but it does not work.

Protected Sub repeaterAlert_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterItemEventArgs) Handles repeaterAlert.ItemDataBound
stockCodeheader.Text = " Stock Code "
plcNameheader.Text = " PLC Name "
[Code] ......

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Open File With - What Event Triggered

Apr 15, 2012

What event trigers when we open file with our exe/program? How to do coding for that?

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Raise Error Does Not Triggered .Net Exception

Mar 11, 2010

I have a VB.Net system that connect to SQL Server through ODBC.When I try to raiseerror from an IF...ELSE statement, it does not triggered the exception handling.I have done some raise error testing at my side. Below is my finding:

1. RaiseError did not triggered exception:
IF 1=1


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Validating Event Getting Triggered Twice In Maskedtextbox?

Aug 17, 2010

I am facing a issue while using the "validating" event of the maskedtextbox. I have an MDI form, in which there is a main form and a form acting as bottom bar. The bottom bar comprises of buttons for moving to "previous" and "next" forms. If suppose in the main form i have a maskedtextbox and the initial focus is set on it, then on the click event of the button (next; which is on the bottom bar form), it calls the validating event of the maskedtextbox twice. In the validating event of the maskedtextbox, i am checking some validations and if it doesnt pass, then i set [e.cancel = true]. just let me know the reason behind the triggering of "Validating" event twice?

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Textbox_Leave Event When Triggered By Selecting Different Tab In Containing Tab Contol?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a textbox in a tab control and iv'e coded the textbox_leave event to show a msgbox and reselect the textbox if the text doesn't meet certain conditions.

Private Sub TextBoxChaseTime_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBoxChaseTime.Leave
If IsDate(Me.TextBoxChaseTime.Text) Then
Me.TextBoxChaseTime.Text = Format(CDate(Me.TextBoxChaseTime.Text), "hh:mm")[code].....
(Reselecting the textbox is the only way i can find to efectively cancel the leave event - is there another)

I've also added a line to also reselect the tabpage incase the textbox_leave event was triggered by selecting a different tab in the tabcontol.However, when the textbox_leave event is triggered by the user selecting a different tab the textbox_leave event seems to be triggered several times displaying the msgbox four times.why this is, but it seems to be caused by the by the line that reselects the tabcontrolhow to stop the msgbox being shown more than once Interestingly, if i add a line to change the text in the text box to meet the conditions the msgbox is only shown once, but the tabpage is not reselcted

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Asp.net Mvc - Post Code Being Triggered On JQuery Load?

Jan 13, 2010

I have the following functions in my ProceduresControlller:

Function Add(ByVal bpid As Integer) As ActionResult
Return View(GetAvailableProcedures(bpid))
End Function[code].....

I'm loading the Add dialog via jQuery like so:

{ bpid: 123 }[code]....

This is failing because it's calling the Post method (where "covered" can't be empty) instead of the Get. I tried decorating the Get with <AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)>, but it doesn't change the outcome.how do I get it to use the Get? I realize I could change the names to not be ambiguous, but I want to know why it won't pick the Get if I'm only passing "bpid".

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Forms :: Keypress Event Is Not Triggered When Push A Key

Mar 23, 2009

I have created the following piece of code to try and see if the user pushes the 'f1' key, and if they do.


I am not sure if this code works yet because the keypressed event is not triggered when I push a key. Could someone tell me how I can change my code so that it will test what key is pressed, no matter what control on the form has focus?

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Forms :: Power Mode Change Not Getting Triggered

Mar 4, 2009

I have an application that detects a power change (to standby or hibernate).
AddHandler SystemEvents.PowerModeChanged, AddressOf PowerChangeSub
When I hit the standby key on my keyboard, the power change is detected and all actions are done properly. However, when I enter the standby mode by using: Application.SetSuspendState(PowerState.Suspend, True, False)
The computer goes to stand by but the event of powermodechanged is NOT triggered.

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Mouse Scroll Up And Down Event Is Not Triggered On Picturebox?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a picture box in my form and now I want to add an event so that if the mouse is scrolled up the scale of the picture box gets larger and when the user scrolls down the size off the picture box gets smaller. This way I want to make a zoom in and out effect.So now i have the following code in the mouse wheel event of the Picture box:



But somehow this whole mouse wheel event isn't fired.

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SelectionChange Event Not Triggered When Form Minimized

Mar 25, 2011

I have an application with a DataGridView and WebBrowser controls. In the DataGridView I load a DataTable using BindingSource. DataTable is just a list of URLs. I use SelectionChanged event on the DataGridView to load a selected URL in the WebBrowser control. The problem I have is that when I minimize form to the tray, it for some reason triggers SelectionChange event multiple times. What's really weird is that if I minimize to the taskbar SelectionChange event doesn't get triggered. It also doesn't get triggered if I load URLs directly to the DataGridView. What triggers SelectionChange and how to get rid of it?

Public Class Form1
Dim URLTable As DataTable = New DataTable("URLs")
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim URLColumn As DataColumn = URLTable.Columns.Add("URL", GetType(String))
[Code] .....

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ValueChanged Code Isn't Triggered Until Have Set All Values Of Datetimepickers?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a load sub with a few declarations isorry for thn it as so: [code] But when the TimeFrom_dtp.ValueChanged code is executed, the Time From_dtp.Value isn't correct as it hasn't been set yet. If I change it round so the TimeTo_dtp.Value is set first then that doesn't work because the TimeFrom_dtp hasn't been set yet? How can I get it so that the ValueChanged code isn't triggered until I've set all the values of my datetimepickers?

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Winform - SelectedIndexChanged Triggered Before ComboBox Populated?

Jan 27, 2011

When my form loads, before the ComboBox has been populated and selected this Event (SelectedIndexChanged) gets triggered. How can I prevent the code insides this Event from Executing before form has completely loaded? I tried testing for .SelectedIndex but it returns 0.

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C# - Possible To Re-DataBind A DropDownList Upon Postback Triggered By SelectedIndexChanged Event?

Feb 3, 2011

Let's say I have a DropDownList of product categories and a ListView of products based on the category selection in the DropDownList. When a user visits the page, there is a possibility of conconrency issue as new product belonging to a new category may be added to the inventory as the user is browsing.When the user selects a different category to view(a SelectedIndexChanged event) and causes a postback, I want the DropDownList to update the list of categories to include the new category being concurrently added and at the same time still able to make a change of selected index.

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Forms :: Leave Not Being Triggered On Buttonclick (cursor Is Not Moved)

Oct 5, 2010

I am having a problem where I am on a text box and try to click a button that will bring up some reports. Since my cursor is still on the text box it doesn't go through the "Leave" and so what I entered into the text box is not saved (this happens in "Leave"). I have read previously not to use "Lost Focus" because it causes problems when you leave the form it triggers the "Lost Focus" on on the fields and just in general to use "Leave" rather than "Lost Focus". Is there a way to force my way through the "Leave"? I also don't know which field my cursor could be on (there are probably 20 text box or combo box fields on this form.

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VS 2008 Find The Controls Name That Triggered Datagrid Event?

Sep 18, 2011

I have a datagridview control with a number of comboboxes on it.I am generating a custom combobox with a DataGridView_EditingControlShowing event.How do you get the name of the combobox in DataGridView that fired the event?as all actions on the DataGridView trigger this Sub

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[2008] VB - Code To Be Altered Automatically If A Certain Event Was Triggered

Feb 5, 2009

About some coding in visual basic.NET 2005. I was wondering if it was possible for code to be altered automatically if a certain event was triggered. For example; would it be possible for you to alter the following structure, say if a a button was pressed?

The structure is as follows:

Structure ClientDrawings
Public ClientID As String
Public Drawing_1 As String


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Cancelling The Event That Triggered An Asynchorous Call After The Method Finishes?

Jun 15, 2009

In an event handler of a tab chaged of a tabcontrol, I call a method asynchrounously, like this:

Private Sub tabDetails_Deselecting(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TabControlCancelEventArgs) Handles tabDetails.Deselecting
' we pass pageindex so that we set the index back in case the validation fails


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Communications :: TCP - Full Message Before The Data Arrival Event Is Triggered?

Jan 16, 2009

When you Use Socket.Send Ether in VB6 with the Winsock control or Vb.Net sockets / Windows API does it generate that if you send "Hello" that on the other side it will get the Full Message Before the Data Arrival event is triggered??Or is it possible it can get it in two Different events like "He" & "llo" and a Last question, TCP is stream oriented, is there a Protocol that is Message Oriented but is wrapped with TCP, if not what is a good Delimitor to use with TCP, Usually ide use &H1 OR &H0 but I assume &H0 is common.. or Should I just add a Length Param before each Packet I send..?Now if thats the case and I got the Delimitor route... What if Im sending Chunks of 8192 of a File in a while loop and on a different thread I send a Command if I use the Length Param isent there a huge chance that the messages will get sent like this


BUT the issue lies as it thinking that only the 3 of 4 of the incomming file Frames are getting Recv due to it not knowing which frames are for which. Mainly due to me sending a big burst and on the other side recving random chunk sizes on the other side.Edit: Got another question, If I send two bytes across the internet via TCP, will they ever arrive as two different I belive the term is Frame or is that only when they exceide the size of the MTU will the Message be Split. The reason why is if I send a Header saying SOH, Length Of Message(2Bytes), thats 3 bytes can I say 100% of the time the computer on the otherend will recv that all at once so I can parse it? And What ever happen to Flush for Winsock?

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Forms :: Base Window Events Are Triggered When Focus Is On Another Form On Its Top?

Apr 3, 2009

I am migrating my code from vb.net 1.1 framework to vb.net 3.5In my windows application, the base window has some buttons and events are written for the same.I have shortcuts defined for these buttons also, for example: ctrl+d, DEL (keyboard) etc.Now i open a property Grid form on top of my base window for a selected object.Even when the focus is on this property grid, i am noticing that my base window events are firing on pressing those shortcuts.

example:I select some text in my property grid and hit delete button from keyboard. The delete event that i have written for the selected object gets fired and the text is not deleting.I fail to understand why is it happening. It wasnt behaving like this in .net 1.1.In .net 1.1 it would delete the text and only when the focus is back on the base window, hitting Delete would call the event.How do i control such a behavior? Is there some property that i need to set for property grid in .net 3.5 to prevent base window events from firing till the time focus is on property grid form?

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Function Call Triggered Automatically When Changing Index In A ComboBox?

May 8, 2012

im wanting to add a new feature but am unable to even get started. I'm in a windows form in visual basic .net and basically, I have a combobox with 3 items in the drop down menu. I would like to make it to where the moment one of the items in the combo box are selected, the program recognizes the change of index and automatically calls to the function of my choice.

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