Windows Has Triggered A Breakpoint?

Feb 10, 2010

We are facing a crash issue in our application. To debug the crash issue we have directly executed the application from code.To trace the error we have removed the checked from "EnableJust My Code" options in Debugging and we have checked the "Enabledunmanaged code debugging" option in project properties Debug tab.

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Breakpoint Is Not Working Displaying Message 'breakpoint Will Not Be Currently Hit'

Apr 30, 2012

I have a solution with number of projects developed in Visual Studio 2005 and the breakpoint is not working displaying message 'the breakpoint will not be currently hit' No symbols have been loaded for this document. I have tried solutions/suggestions in the forum and none is working. I have deleted the obj and bin directories and nothing worked. Selecting the Debug Menu, Windows, Modules option I can only see the pdb files for some projects (dlls) and cannot see for the project I'm debugging.

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Breakpoint Can Not Currently Hit

Oct 3, 2010

I have breakpoints set in my code, but when the app loads, a little exclamation point shows up that says "The Breakpoint will not be currently hit. No Symbols have been loaded.

I have searched the forums for possible solutions. I've tried deleting the bin and obj folders and rebuilding my project and that did not work. I've also verified that the build configuration was set to debug and not release, which was also true.

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Breakpoint Not Being Hit In DLL?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a problem where I can't get VS to stop at a breakpoint. It is a DLL that will be used by a third party exe (Intuitive's ERP). Another developer gets his machine to stop at a breakpoint. Mine won't (it always goes to the dll) and I opened the same project on my machine. I tried running the gacutil with the -u option but it says that no assemblies match. This is going to really slow the development process if I have to debug via messages boxes and files.

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How To Set Breakpoint In DLL

Feb 24, 2012

I break my code modules up in DLLs alot. When I add one of those DLLs to my project, how can I browse it's code to set breakpoints?

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How To Breakpoint When Variable Changes

Jan 28, 2009

I want to set a breakpoint to see what line of code changes a given variable.It was possible in VB6, but it looks like in .NET is only possible to set a breakpoint in a specific line.

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Set A Breakpoint And Run The Program?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm trying to debug a program but when I set a breakpoint and run the program I get the message shown on the attached file.

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.net - EF - Only Removes Relation When Hit By Breakpoint?

Jun 7, 2012

Function Edit(<Bind(Prefix:="Article")> ByVal Article As FormCollection, Optional ByVal DepartementID As Integer = 0, Optional ByVal LeverancierID As Integer = 0) As ActionResult ', ByVal ReferenceSupplierID As Integer
' Dim Art As Article = ArticleService.GetArticleById(Article.ArticleID)
Dim _toUpdateArt As Article = ArticleService.GetArticleById(Article(0))
UpdateModel(_toUpdateArt, Article)


toUpdateArt.Departement = Nothing and _toUpdateArt.Supplier = Nothing is to remove the optional relationship.But it only works when i debug it and sometimes after several loops of the command, before the relation is actually removed and it's stored in the database.When there isn't a breakpoint on the "function", the Relationship will never be nulled.Does anyone has an explanation for this and how to fix this?

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C# - AutoResizeColumnHeadersHeight Only Works Set A Breakpoint?

Feb 3, 2010

Using VB.Net I want to automatically size the height of the headers in a DataGridView so I am calling AutoResizeColumnHeadersHeight during the form load after the data has been populated.

The method doesn't appear to do anything, but does work if I do the following:

- put a breakpoint on grid.AutoResizeColumnHeadersHeight()
- open quickwatch on the grid
- expand the child properties
- close quickwatch and hit F5 to continue processing

The resizing then works I assume the reason is that evaluating one of the properties of the grid is causing the method to behave differently. Does anybody know either what I should be doing differently, or a workaround - e.g. which property do I need to evaluate to make it work?

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Set A Conditional Breakpoint With A String?

Aug 5, 2010

I would like to set a conditional breakpoint with a string but it doesn't seem to work.

This is the code example:

For Each Elem in Elements
strMyString = Elem.Name
Next Elem

and in the breakpoint condition I wrote: strMyString = "Value"

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VS 2008 Problem With BreakPoint

Dec 2, 2010

I have a breakpoint that is not being acted upon, as I am getting an warning saying that : The Source Code is different from the original I have tried to clean the solution, without any luck. I have only one version of the code, so I cannot understand why this is happening.

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BreakPoint All References To External Function?

Nov 8, 2010

I have a function in an external library, for which I do not have the source code, which is causing problems. If I were putting in a breakpoint in my own code, I would put it on the first line of the function, but as it is an external function, I do not have that option. Is there any way to as Visual Studio to break any time the function is called? My current workaround is to do a "Find All References" and put an individual breakpoint on every single call to the function, which is a sucky way of doing things.

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Breakpoint Not Hit When Method Called In Lambda

Aug 2, 2011

When I put a breakpoint in a method I'm calling from a lambda expression, the breakpoint is never hit. When I move the method call outside the lambda, the breakpoint hits.

For example:

Function IncrementAll(ByVal items As IEnumerable(Of Integer)) As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
Return items.Select(Function(i) Increment(i))
End Function


If I call IncrementAll, the breakpoint in Increment does not get hit. Is there a way to make VS 2008 stop on these breakpoints? I hate the thought of rewriting all my LINQ into loops just for debugging.

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IDE :: Debugging - Breakpoint Jumps To Another Line?

Sep 21, 2011

Using VS 2010 Pro SP1 - XP Pro SP3 I set a breakpoint with F9 and the line turns Red. When I press F5 to start debugging, the Red Breakpoint jumps to another line a few lines away.

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IDE :: The Breakpoint Will Not Currently Be Hit - No Symbols Have Been Loaded For This Document

Apr 24, 2007

I have now wasted 8+ hours trying tot fix this problem. I have read many of the dozens of threads already related to this issue and I have not solved the problem.Situation: VS 2005 .NET 2.0 Windows Server 2003 Project is on my local machine, database is on a remote server within network This is not a web service or a hand-help application, it's just a plain old data-base driven website.What I know:


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The Breakpoint Will Not Currently Be Hit. No Symbols Have Been Loaded For This Document?

Jun 13, 2011

Converted a VB.NET 2003 project to a VS 2010 project, and now I can't step into the the following error:"the breakpoint will not currently be hit. no symbols have been loaded for this document"

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Vb 2008 Express Breakpoint Debugging

Jun 4, 2009

When I try to debug my program, it sometimes catches the first breakpoint, but as I step into each step, it just skips and runs the program. Is there some kind of setting that I can make in vb 2008 express that will allow me to see my code step-by-step?

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Visual Studio Bug At Breakpoint Keeps Running?

Apr 21, 2011

Often I reach a breakpoint. Then I want to move the run cursor above. unable to set the next statement to this location.

Then visual studio keeps running even though we're in a breakpoint.

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VS 2008 : Loop Works With Breakpoint Only?

Mar 26, 2009

I have written a pontoon game for a college project but i have a problem in which my loop only works when there is a breakpoint in it.The counter is incrementing as i have used a msgbox to display it. The procedure runs the loop and returns the same value in all locations in the array. With a breakpoint it displays correctly in the array.

here is the

Dim aryCardValue(0 To 10) As Short
Dim aryCount(0 To 10) As Short
Dim i As Short


I have used the cards procedure in other programs and it worked fine.

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VS 2008 Debugging The Breakpoint Is Not Working?

Jul 30, 2011

In my code I had coded Mousewheel event for Picturebox. Then later i observed there was a bug in the part of the code which needed o be corrected.Then i corrected the code and tried to rerun the code. But the same bug still persisted. Later I tried applying breakpoint at the point of Mousewheel event operation.To my surprise the code execution never stooped at the Breakepoint.
What even worse happened was, though I comment the whole mousewheel event code of picturebox, the operation still executes on mouse wheel rotation as if it was what hard coded.

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.net 3.5 - Run 'LoginForm' But Putting Breakpoint But Getting Error IndexOutOfRangeException ?

Jun 9, 2009

Picked up a legacy VB.NET project originally written for version 1.1 of the .NET framework. I'm running Vista with .NET 3.5. I have cleared out all the original error and the project will build; it just wont run.

As far as I can tell, it is trying to run 'LoginForm' but putting breakpoints in doesn't work because the error is thrown before the breakpoints are reached, regardless of where in the file they are placed.


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IDE :: Breakpoint Will Not Currently Be Hit / Source Code Is Different From The Original Version

Dec 9, 2010

I recently acquired a job as IT Support/Developer for a small company. I inherited responsibility for their customer relationship managing system("CRM"). I did not build the web application, but I was expected to remove small bugs and input improvements. The version of the application was it was running on the live server was obviously in its release build, with all code-behind files compiled and hidden away.I was able to find the original application project folder with the aspx and vb source files contained within. I installed Visual Studio 2008 with SP1 onto my work machine, and opened the application as a website. Initially the problem I had was the breakpoints weren't working because the correct symbols weren't being loaded. After a large headache I was able to track down/ generate the correct pdb files, and it stopped complaining about that.As it stands, I can build the website and run it in the debugger. In its completely unmodified state any breakpoints inserted work perfectly fine, however, as soon as I add or modify any new code, the breakpoints cease to work; "Breakpoint will not currently be hit. Source code is different from the original version." As far as I can tell it does not matter which code-behind file I edit the code within, as soon as I make any changes, the breakpoints stop working.Things I have attempted to solve the problem:

-Save and rebuild the website after each change I make.

-Restart Visual Studio.

-Restart my computer.

-Ensured the debugger is set to "Debug" and not release, verified this within the web.config file with "Debug=True".

-Uninstalled all versions and reinstalled the .NET Framework versions 2.0 and 3.5 with the belief that the references assemblies may be incorrect or out of date.

-Tried disabling/enabling/re-enabling various options in the debugger section of the options including "Enable just my code", "Require Source code to exactly match". The latter seemed to make the breakpoints work, but they would appear to randomly jump, obviously pointing to the wrong place.

-Examined the list of modules/output displayed during runtime to ensure the correct assemblies were being loaded, as far as I can tell, they are correct.

-Tried converting the website into a web application project, in order to gain access to the "Clean Solution" option, to no effect (indeed, converting to an application seems to generate even more errors, I'm assuming because the syntax enforcement is much stricter in a project rather than a website).

-Tried deleting the temporary files for the application.

-Tried redirecting the version of the .NETFramework stated in the IDE to an earlier version. I did this because I noticed the temporary files created on runtime come under the 2.0.50727 directory yet in the IDE it states it's directed toward version
3.5, however redirecting to version 2.0 not only didn't fix the breakpoints, but created additional errors.

-Contemplated deleting the bin and obj directories, however after attempting to delete the bin directory a large number of errors were thrown, thus I assume the dlls contained within are required to even run, and are not constructed on runtime.

I have a couple of suspicions of what could be wrong:

-The version of Visual Studio used to originally create the application is different from what I'm using now, could this affect the code?

-I need to get it working as an application, not a website. I suspect it was originally created as a web application because the original directory contains a "My Project" folder.

-The symbols/pdb files, while the IDE shows them as being loaded, are still out of sync. If this is the problem then I believe it probably does not lie with the pre-built Microsoft dlls, but rather those created independently as part of the application.

I suppose ultimately I don't understand why rebuilding, website or not, doesn't synchronize the source code with the changes I make. I have been agonizing over this for days now and I truly at my wits end. There's probably some very simple option or configuration.

View 6 Replies - Event Not Triggered?

Jul 13, 2011

i have used a aspx page with vb code. the page is not firing any event after some time if the page is kept idle.

any property needs to set in page attribute??

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Change Breakpoint - Debug A Null Reference Exception

Sep 25, 2009

I'm having some trouble with breakpoints. I'm trying to debug a null reference exception. However if I set a breakpoint right before the null exception normally occurs, the null exception stops occuring. Here is a (very) simplified code snippet to give an example of my code.


In my real project, the line that calls DoSomething will throw a null reference trying to access MyChild. However if I put a breakpoint at that line, MyChild exists, and the call goes through without a problem. In the past, this was usually sign of a race condition in my code. In this scenario however, there are no other threads that modify MyList or any MyParent objects. What could possibly occur when visual studio breaks into code that preserves MyChild object that does not occur when no breakpoint exist? In my real project, the line that calls DoSomething will throw a null reference trying to access MyChild. However if I put a breakpoint at that line, MyChild exists, and the call goes through without a problem.

In the past, this was usually sign of a race condition in my code. In this scenario however, there are no other threads that modify MyList or any MyParent objects. What could possibly occur when visual studio breaks into code that preserves MyChild object that does not occur when no breakpoint exist?

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AfterRowUpdate Event Is Not Getting Triggered?

Sep 28, 2009

I am using VS 2008 and UltraGrid from Infragistics v 5.2

I have two UltraGrid objects on a Winform. While the AfterRowUpdate event gets triggered for one, it does not get triggered for the other. Here's the procedure of the offending UltraGrid event:

This does get executed:

Private Sub ugPatient_AfterRowInsert(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowEventArgs) Handles ugPatient.AfterRowInsert
e.Row.Cells("Courtesy_C").Value = "Mr."


The source file is different from when the module was built. Would you like the debugger to use it anyway?

Even if I rebuild by application, the dialog box does not go away.

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Button Click Isn't Triggered

Feb 14, 2011

I have a HTML page which i am converting it to DOM and in tat i am calling a function, which will find the click button in the DOM and trigger the click button. But for some reason my code is unable to find the control.[code]...

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Find Out What Triggered An Event

Jul 30, 2011

I'm having a really annoying issue which I can't get to the bottom of. I've got a NumberUpDown control which has a ValueChanged event. There is only one reference to it in my entire project which I have commented out to prove that it isn't calling the event. Even though the number is not being changed (the control sometimes isn't even in focus!) the ValueChanged event gets called. This is driving me crazy and I wondered if I could back track through the code to see what actually caused this event to trigger?

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How To Know What Event Was Triggered In Picturebox

Dec 20, 2010

how can i know what event was triggered in picturebox in VBnet? [Code] i want to know what event was triggered whether it is .MouseEnter or .MouseLeave. the reason why i'm making this is to make the code more categorized according to the object that was used.

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Messagebox Triggered By A Button?

Aug 21, 2009

is there a way to trigger a MsgBox by clicking a button within a If and End If paragraph?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2010 OnMouseWheel Not Triggered?

Sep 9, 2011

I have a control that inherits from Panel. I want to override onMouseWheel, but my code is never executed. I put a breakpoint on it, but it never gets hit.

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseWheel(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs)
End Sub

The event is raised normally in the form containing my control. why this could be, or better still, how to solve it?

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