VS 2010 Remove All Duplicates?

Apr 6, 2012

I have the following coding in place which basically edits my text file, however with the information that is shown in the text file I want to remove all duplicates, is this possible?

Dim path As String = "c: est1.txt"
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
Dim sr As New StreamReader(path)


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VS 2010 - How To Remove Duplicates

Sep 3, 2010

just to finalise this, how can i remove duplicates? i have tried this:


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VS 2010 - How To Remove Duplicates In ListView

Jun 7, 2011

Ok, I found some code online on how to do this, but they only compare the Listview.item.text, and they don't care what is in the entire ListViewItem. Is there any code to remove duplicates in a ListView that checks to see if all the subitems are the same as well and THEN removes the entry? [Code]

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VS 2010 Remove Duplicates From Listbox?

Sep 27, 2010

I started programming Visual Basic .NET a few weeks ago. I wanted to make a tool to remove duplicate lines from a listbox. I have the following

Dim strItems As New List(Of String) 'Make a list with originals
Dim strDup As New List(Of String) 'This list contains the duplicated lines

For i As Integer = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1

LabelChecking.Text = "Checking for duplicates: " & i & "/" & ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
If strItems.Contains(ListBox1.Items(i).ToString) Then


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VS 2010 Remove Duplicates From Text File?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm trying to make a snippet that will remove duplicate lines from text files. However, I seem to be mixing my for loops up.. does anyone know a simple way that I could do this?

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Remove Duplicates From Dgv?

Jun 20, 2012

i use csv file to populate my dgv. now i wanna eliminate duplicates from my dgv. i knew it could be done using unique datatable. but i wanna eliminate it from dgv not from the dataset or datatable.to understand it in better way- i wanna check column1 if the vales in column 1 are repeated then the entire row must be deleted i.e the duplicate row must be deleted( if column 1 has 2 duplicate values then 1 row must be deleted)

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Remove Duplicates And Originals?

Apr 28, 2012

I have a String which contains the following[code]...

give me a VB.NET code for this?

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Remove Duplicates From A List(Of T)?

Feb 23, 2010

I fail to remove duplicates from my List. What am I doing wrong?

Dim Contacts As New List(Of Person)
' remove duplicates '


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Remove Duplicates From An Array?

May 31, 2011


I build up the ItemList array with the above code. How do i remove any duplicates in this array?

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Remove Duplicates From String?

Sep 1, 2009

I want to remove duplicate values from a string using VB.NET. If values = "3,40,15,109,15" then I need the end result to be "3,40,15,109". I'm using the code below but receiving the error message 'Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String' and I'm not sure how to proceed.

Dim values As String
values = lblIDList.Text
'Remove duplicates
values = RemoveDuplicates(values)


Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of String'.

View 6 Replies

Remove Duplicates Lines?

Oct 2, 2011

2.0 28 Blue (2 14.00 63.0) [2 12.43 54.3] 42111 9275 55111 -1725
2.0 28 Blue (2 14.00 64.0) [2 13.50 55.3] 40611 9275 53611 5775
2.0 28 Blue (2 14.00 58.0) [2 12.21 54.3] 49611 9275 55111 -3225


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Compare And Remove Duplicates Between 2 Listboxes?

Feb 10, 2012

Depending on the data being used, I can have up 10,000 items in each of the 2 ListBoxs. I need to find and remove any Duplicates between the 2.I am currently using the method of select and Item from Listbox1 and search in Listbox2. If I find a match, then remove both items. This goes back and forth until all the duplicates have been removed. This take some time.Currently have the code in Old VB6 and VB2008 Express.

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Read From Textfile And Remove Duplicates?

Jan 16, 2009

I have my code it is able to read a text file and do checks each line if there are 7W and 5L in that particular line, if no matches it will remove that line... 1 problem i face now is that, there are duplicates in my textfile..Im not sure how am i going to remove the duplicate in the text file. I want to know if there is a way to integrate an additional function inside my code to check if that particular line is a duplicate so i can accomplish 2 tasks at 1 time... Since there are about close to 1million records in my text file.


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Remove All Duplicates In A Data Table In .net?

Oct 7, 2011

Consider my data table

ID Name


Final Output is


How can i remove the rows in the data table using Vb.Net

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Remove Duplicates From A String Collection?

Apr 23, 2010

This seems like a simple question, How do i remove duplicates from a string collection?

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Remove Duplicates From Dropdownlist With LINQ?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a dropdownlist with some duplicate items on it. I intended to remove them by using LINQ, but do not know how to do it.

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Remove Duplicates In Matches Collection?

Feb 26, 2010

I know how to remove duplicates in an array (have a simple function for that) but now I was trying to do the same in a matches collection and I can't get anything to work somehow.

In this case the matches collection has a few duplicates that I want to remove.

Dim matches As MatchCollection
matches = Regex.Matches(sExtractedText, "word=""[dw]{8,30}""")
For Each match As Match In matches


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Sort An Array And Remove Duplicates?

Sep 8, 2009

I have a semicolon delimited string (e.g. an EMail Address List returned from a database or a textbox). How do I separate the string into an array, sort, and remove duplicates? The code below works to separate the string and sort the results, but doesn't remove the duplicates. I could probably then loop through the array and copy to a new array to eliminate the duplicates, but there must be a better way to do this using the VB.Net Array, String, and Collections handling classes.

Dim s As
String =
"Test; Test8;Test1;Test2;Test3; Test8;Test4;Test5; Test6"


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VS 2008 Remove Duplicates From A Listbox?

Dec 15, 2009

i have a listbox and i need to remove duplicates (that can be more than 2)
i try this way but doesn't work...

For i = 0 To ListBox2.Items.Count - 1
For j = 0 To ListBox2.Items.Count - 1
If ListBox2.Items.Item(j) = ListBox2.Items.Item(i) Then


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VS 2008 Remove Duplicates Of 2 Listboxes

Oct 22, 2010

the question states im looking to remove duplicates from a textbox in the sense that i have two textboxes like this


My goal here is to remove item 1 and 3 from the first listbox if it exists on the 2nd listbox, ive searched for 30 minutes to no avail, found a similar question on how to do it in vb but still didnt give me a idea on how to do it relating to vb.net also this is more then one instance,


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VS 2010 No Duplicates In Combo From Datasource

Sep 7, 2011

I'm having an issue wherein my combobox is populated from a datasource (access database >> [URL] and unwanted duplicates are shown.

-Example- [URL]

How can I make it so no duplicates arise?

Also on another note...I'm having difficulties linking the 2nd combo (model) to the first (make).

I would like the program to function in such a manner that

>makeCombo is populated from the database
>the user selects the Make of the vehicle from makeCombo
>modelCombo is populated from the database according to the make selected
>the user selects the Model of the vehicle from modelCombo
>user hits search
>datagrid is populated with appropriate vehicles

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VS 2010 Array Of Random Numbers Without Duplicates ?

Aug 4, 2011

I'm new to the forums and VB programming in general, so I only have a very basic understanding of VB commands, but I still have a good grasp on logic and the like. I'm doing this for a school assignment, and I am in a bit of a pickle.I am trying to generate an array of 6 random numbers from 1 to 30, making sure there are no duplicates.I think I'm pretty close to cracking it, but it still doesn't work.Here's what I have at the moment:[code]......

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VS 2010 Checking For Duplicates Before Inserting Into Access?

Mar 6, 2011

So I have the

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.Data.OleDb


And the registration part works fine, but my only problem is that if someone registers twice with the same email, it will create another cell in Access, causing me to have duplicates.

View 12 Replies

VS 2010 Searching A List(Of Integer) For Duplicates?

Aug 24, 2009

Is there an easy way to search through a List(Of Integer) and find duplicates? Or do I need to do loops to search through it with each number, comparing it to each one?

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VB 2010 Express - Remove Or Add Several References

Jan 21, 2011

I have taken my project that seemed to have several bugs in VB2008 Express and upgraded to 2010. I had to remove or add several references again. I don't have any more errors but I have the following 5 warnings that keep me from compiling the build. I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions on what these mean or how to take care of the problem. I will list the warnings below. I'm on a Win XP machine with Office 2010 (if that might affect things).

Warning1A reference was created to embedded interop assembly 'ADODB' because of an indirect reference to that assembly from assembly 'AxInterop.OWC11'. Consider changing the 'Embed Interop Types' property on either assembly.PE Files


This last one I have gotten before but when I tried to update the components it only caused my program to become corrupt and tons of errors. I'm not sure if I did something wrong previously or if this might have been a random occurrence.

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VS 2010 - Any Way To Remove Illegal XML Characters

Feb 15, 2012

I am retrieving string values from a table and then encode each term to make a httpwebrequest to an api. It works fine and the terms allow for foreign characters like japanese/arabic/chinese etc and these are inserted fine. The problem occurs when some of these terms contain weird characters and that is when the request is bad. The only reason it is bad xml and the template I follow gets invalid are when these characters are present. I use the

And also
As part of my cleanup. One of the weird characters ends up appearing as a space but it is not since the trim(term) does not work and when I look at the xml in visual studio it looks like an ' &' with arrow pointing up attached to it. It does not appear after I pasted it here.It appears as a line feed or carriage return and I have tried to remove that too. Anyway is there some way I can ensure that these sort of characters are removed and if I were to use the binary values like <32 invalid, will foreign characters then get excluded.

temp = temp.replace(vbCr, "")
temp = temp.replace(vbLf, "")
temp = SecurityElement.Escape(temp)

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VS 2010 - Cannot Remove Components With Uninstall

Jul 15, 2010

I don't know what's got into them but they decided to purchase vs2010 pro licenses in my company. Anyway i gave it a quick look and since i don't need to have it installed right now (service pack 1 first, Microsoft anti-bug law) i uninstalled it. The problem i see is that it leaves leftovers everywhere.C++ redist, ado components, sql r2 components etc. These will not be deleted if i just remove vs2010 but will be installed if i install vs2010 full.Anyway i ended up removing them one by one and it took about 30-45 minutes. So has anyone have done a removal? Is this the case? I cannot remove most of the components with one big uninstall?

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VS 2010 - How To Remove First Six Letters From String

Sep 12, 2011

How do I remove the first 6 letter from string?

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VS 2010 - How To Remove Item From String

Jun 23, 2011

I am trying to remove an item from a String() (just splitted a text into lines to that string()), and could not find how to do this. Are there even ways to do this?

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VS 2010 - How To Remove Nothing Elements From Array

Oct 20, 2011

How to remove the Nothing elements from an array using a For or For Each loop? I have to display the array to a datagrid, but the Nothing elements of the shows up as zeros. This is the code I have so far for my button click event:

Dim flag As Boolean = False
Dim found As Integer
For m As Integer = 0 To carArray.Length - 1
If carArray(m).carid = txtDelete.Text Then
carArray(m) = Nothing
flag = True
found = m
End If

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