VS 2010 Sending A Command To Telnet?

Apr 14, 2010

I have wrote a nice little app in VB.Net to connect to an IP device via telnet and send a command, then write the reply to this command into a text file.I have everything working appart from the command.I need to send "Ctrl+a I2100" so if I was doing it manually in a dos box with telnet I would connect, then hold down Ctrl key and a then release, then type I2100 How do I do the Ctrl+a bit in VB. The line of code I have at the moment, is

client.SendCommand("Ctrl testing")

Now this obviously sends the word Ctrl testing to the telnet device.

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Socket Programming And Telnet Class For .NET To Simplify The Sending And Receiving Of Data?

Sep 28, 2009

I'm writing a GUI-based app in VB.net that talks to a LambdaMOO server via telnet, sends commands to display the object hierarchy, then parses the output and creates a visual representation of the object hierarchy.So my question is: is there some kind of "telnet client" class for .NET to simplify the sending and receiving of data, or do I have to write my own using the socket API?

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VS 2010 Sending Arguments/parameters To Command Button?

Dec 8, 2009

how to send a procedure call to a Command Button.

What I would like to do is have one button be able to call any number of other sub routines when needed. In other words...the app is running and I need it to stop so the user can either read information presented...or make choices...then click the CONTINUE button to pick up where the app left off. However, I need this to happen many times across several forms and modules.

I know I can use a MessageBox and get the same effect..

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VS 2008 Sending Command To Website?

Mar 23, 2012

I am connecting to a website using a Httpwebrequest command... this is going good as far as I can tell but to test it I want to send a command to the website that presses a button on the website... of course this will not be a physical push as I do not have a browser but I just want to use the "submit" button on the site...So when it sends the request to the website it will also send a command to "press" the submit button and do the same action that the submit button normally would if I had pressed it through a web browser...y code is as follows:

Dim r As New Random
Dim s As New Random
Dim l As New Random


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Communicate With A Device Via COM1. Sending A Command In The HEX Format?

Jul 27, 2009

I use visual basic. net, I would like to communicate with a device via COM1. Sending a command in the HEX format for example 02 00 05 15 ... and take the device to respond in HEX format. these commands I found on the Internet.

Private Sub Button1_Click () Handles Button1.Click

MSComm1.CommPort = 1 'Use the COM1 serial port
MSComm1.Settings = "4800, N, 8.1"[code].....

I bol pioneer of this program looking at Google, but I was never clear. meetings drgač this would be doing, but the service not to a significant'd be best if someone had already written CODO. better, but also that we already sent someone made programs

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SerialPort Object - Sending Command To Slave Device?

Jun 12, 2009

I am having a little trouble with the serialport object in VB2008. I have a program that will send a command to the slave device however the program will not read the data from the slave device. I know my computer is communicating with the slave device because in hypertem it has no problem. For example I send the word "AT" and I should get back a response of "OK",

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TCP Protocols - Sending Command To Specific Port On Same Computer

Mar 10, 2011

I am working on writing a program that needs to send a command to a specific port on the same computer, I have that working fine. There is another piece of software running that is listening to that port for some commands (read on).
Dim myTcpClient As New TcpClient
myTcpClient.Connect("", 61225)
Dim networkStream As NetworkStream = myTcpClient.GetStream()

However when I try to send a command I get no response...
Dim outStream As Byte() = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("0x33")
networkStream.Write(outStream, 0, outStream.Length)

I have been given a list of protocols that I need to send to that port. What I have been told is that the size (in byes) is 1 and the value is "0x33" with no parameters. I am completely new to sockets and sending data through tcp.

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VS 2008 Sending Arguments To Command Line Window?

Apr 13, 2010

I've done it before, so I'm getting a little frustrated on how to get this to work exactly I need to send some arguments to a command line window and I thought I did it this way:

Dim p As New Process
p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd"


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Communicate To Telnet In Program?

Jan 27, 2010

How to send commands to a telnet session and then read the output from the telnet session?

I can easily create a Telnet session using something like this[code]...

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VS 2008 Automated Telnet?

Oct 28, 2009

I'm new to VB and i'm using VS 2008, i just wanted to know if there's a set of instructions you can provide me that can enable me to auto login when you telnet on a node. That is when you telnet an ip address of that particular node it will automatically log on the system with your username and password already inserted in the instruction. So it wont have to prompt a screen saying insert username or password

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SMS Sending Application Using GSM Modem Of Mobile & AT Command Where Mobile Numbers Are Dynamic

Sep 17, 2011

SMS Sending application in vb.net using GSM Modem of Mobile & AT Command where mobile numbers are dynamically coming from sql server database.

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Communications :: Using Telnet To Read A Sensor

Jul 28, 2009

I am using Telnet in VB to read a temperature and RH sensor. I don't know that the data is the exact same length every time. I have pasted the code below. This code does get the data back. I have also pasted the unparsed and parsed data as well.... Sometimes I get more or less data than the time before and I think this is because I am not reading the entire buffer. How can I make this code run a little better so that I can get the proper data every time? Below the code is a sample of several readings. You can see how I get bad data periodically.

" 24.4155 45.2235 11.7921 200.9005 45.2372 45.2235 -42.0242"
Parsed (replaced " " with , and then " " with ,)


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Send Commands To The Telnet Session Via Vb?

Dec 14, 2009

i'm trieing to configure a mp3 recorder via telnet and visual basic.how can i send commands to the telnet session via vb?I can make connection with it via telnet and ip adress , but after that i wil send the command for login( login=hdr1) ANd with another butten for example (transport=play)How can i do that?


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Test Telnet Communication On Remote Computer Using .net?

Feb 2, 2012

I have a central server and I need to write a bit of vb.net which will see if I can telnet to a specified server on a specified port.Is there anyway this can be done in VB.net? I thought about sending command prompts to the remote server to execute telnet, then output the logs of netsh and read those and send the information back to the central server for review.

Its a very messy way of doing it, so I was just wondering if there was an easier way

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VS 2008 - Sends Data Via Telnet Locally On The PC

May 17, 2009

I have two main troubles. The most important is the telnet one. I have another program which sends data via telnet locally on the PC. It requires a login and optional pass. I can connect and draw data which comes in 77 byte packets.

The problem is, the first packet of data doesn't display until the 2nd one comes in, which for this arrangement could 10s or 24 hours depending on the final user's intended use. This staggered data rx continues until termination of the program. I've used tcpClient.Available() to confirm that my app is seeing the data almost the instant it leaves the other program but for some reason the message isn't passed until the 2nd packet arrives. I'm sure I've probably implemented this in a most cumbersome way so any streamlining.

The second issue (which is contributing in part to the first) is the timer which here uses a freeby snip from a forum somewhere - it screws with the app's menu's controls and program flow. I've tried the VB2008 timer but can't seem to make sense of the best way to use it in this context. I think I've been looking at the screen too long and can't see the obvious.

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets

Public Class Form1


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Writing A Telnet Client Using System.net.tcpclient

Aug 18, 2010

This isn't working for me when I connect to my solaris box

The server is sending back

Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text


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Send And Receive Information From A Client Via Telnet Applciation

Apr 1, 2011

An currently writing a vb.net application to send and receive information from a client via telnet. Am using System.net.Sockets to do this. I can send data great and get data back is ok. So the Problem is in the command window after I telnet in to the server application, when i press the delete key the cursor moves back a character and doesn't delete the character, just over writes it and when I read the bytes in I get the deleted character and the ascii value for the delete key and then the replacement character. I have seen another telnet application that shows the deletion of characters in the Command window.

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Make A Telnet Application To Communicate With A Special Video Player?

May 28, 2009

I am trying to make a telnet application to communicate with a special video player I have, I have gotten the telnet session to connect to the video player (server) but it won't respond back....I think the problem might be with the coding...the strData string below is supposed to be the replies I get back from the server, but it won't show any strings on the screen.


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[2005] Make An Application Which Logs On To A Server Using The Telnet Protocol?

May 9, 2008

I am trying to make an application which logs on to a server using the telnet protocol runs a couple of commands and stores the output of these commands in a text file.The problem is that I cant really seem to figure out how to negotiate the telnet commands. I have done a packet capture of a telnet session todifferent servers using a packet capturing program and I dont seem to find any fixed pattern. Every server negotiates the command in its own different way and in a different sequence, moreover the commands exchanged are not the same.

What I want to do is to exchange the bare minimum commands which will allow me to log on to any server via telnet, run my commands, take the output and logout.I have searched the internet for such a set of 'general' telnet commands but I wasnt able to find any.

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VS 2010 Sending SMS Through GSM Modem

Aug 9, 2010

I have a problem in VB, I've never seem that.. Waht a confused thing... In the application I was using for send SMS to many conatiners, I use this


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VS 2010 Starting Missle Command For VB 2010?

Feb 23, 2011

i have decided to start a missle command sort of game in VB 2010, but i dont no where to begin! I have made spaceinvaders and pong so i have some idea on how to make it.

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2010 Sending Information To Another Form

Apr 11, 2011

Once I have inserted all details into my booking form I want to send some of the details to a form called "Daily Jobs Form", When I click the save Button on the booking form.On the "Daily Jobs Form" I have a row of TextBox's and at the Begining of the row I have a Button called "View Job" and When I click the "View Job" Button, I would like to be able to view the whole job. And Choose a driver who has Been Allocated the job.

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VS 2010 - Sending Commands To Process?

Jan 25, 2010

Dim movie As String = TextBox1.Text
Dim subtitle As String = TextBox2.Text
Dim box As New Process
box.StartInfo.FileName = "MP4Box.exe"


When i click a button this code is executed. But it wont execute the command "MP4Box.exe -ttxt " + """" + subtitle + """" Why?

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VS 2010 - Sending Data Across TCP Protocol?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm using an Asynchronous Method to send data across the TCP Protocol. For the most part it seems to be working, but recently, I've been getting results that have missing bytes to them. How am I actually able to figure out what's missing on the sender's site and make sure all the data gets to the end? For example: my end client receives 1408 bytes of data when I sent 1532 bytes. I sent an array with a length of 1532 and the client only got 1408.

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VS 2010 - Sending Multiple Files Over FTP?

Apr 24, 2010

I know how to send one file, and ive tried to loop that. But then i get error 500 or 550. So what is a good way to send multiple files over FTP?

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VS 2010 Sending Array Between Subroutines?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm having trouble with passing an array between subroutines

I have an array called "lines" which is loaded from a text file and then edited according to a series of checkboxes within one subroutine. Each line in the array is essentially a line from the text file

I then need this array passed to another routine so that it saves to a new text file once the save button is pressed. (in this case just the top 5 lines)

At the end of the section that creates the array i have placed this

From File Edit
Call Savefile(Lines)

The section of code below is from the section once the button is pressed

Save Code
Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Savebutton.Click


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VS 2010 Sending Data To IFrame?

Jan 19, 2009

I've been logging at website automation (automatically logging myself in etc...) and I've ran into an iFrame which stumped me.

<iframe frameborder="0" id="theiframe" src="javascript:""" style="width: 100%; height: 270px;"></iframe>
So far I've basic form inputs have only needed something like:


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VS 2010 Sending Datagrid Via Outlook?

Oct 11, 2011

Is there a way of sending the content of a datagrid via Outlook 2007? I have a form with a text box containing the e-mail address of the destination, a datagrid with a few columns of data and a button. What i would like to to is to send the content of the datagrid to the destination when the user presses the button. Is there a way to accomplish this?

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VS 2010 Sending Email With Authentication?

Mar 6, 2012

I have a problem with one application, the application send emails to notify the users of some events that occur. The application works just fine when the user it's connected by wire, but when it's wireless the emails can't be sent.I did a little research and i found out that the server just allow to send email messages from the users authenticated, the wireless LAN doesn't authenticate the users...So how can i set the credentials/authenticate myself in the server when I'm connected by wireless, to be able to send emails?

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VS 2010 Sending Imput To Other Forms?

Feb 23, 2011

I have looked at a ton of tutorials and still don't seem to understand how to do this.I want the information that was typed into the text box to show up in this listbox

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