VS 2010 Starting Missle Command For VB 2010?

Feb 23, 2011

i have decided to start a missle command sort of game in VB 2010, but i dont no where to begin! I have made spaceinvaders and pong so i have some idea on how to make it.

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VS 2010 Starting A Process With A Command?

Dec 15, 2011

I want to launch System Restore through my program. I figured out the destination of this feature in Win7 is: WindowsSystem32control.exe sysdm.cpl @0,4

So I wrote this

Dim p As New System.Diagnostics.Process
Private Sub CreateASystemRestorePointToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


Problem is that it will not work if I have anything behind .exe And "sysdm.cpl @0,4" is vital for this to work, otherwise I just launch Control Panel, which is pretty useless for what I want to achieve.

So how do I include commands like those in Visual Basic?

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VS 2010 - Wait Before Starting Another Download

Aug 13, 2010

in VB i try to make a multi file downloader. but until now it downloads, all files at once to 1 file. i want my code to download all files to 1 FOLDER and the code must wait before starting another download [Code]

View 22 Replies

VS 2010 Starting With Windows On The Notification Area?

Feb 23, 2012

I got a program that makes backups from a database, and I got an option to make my project start when windows starts, but how it would start on the notification area minimizated and to run and exit ?

View 13 Replies

VS 2010 Index All Words Textfile Starting With Specific Character

Apr 15, 2012

Let's say I have a textfile which contains paragraphs. Some of the paragraphs start with * or a > character. How do I index the words that start with these characters?



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VS 2010 Starting/Stopping Print Spooler (Windows Service)?

Jan 17, 2011

Since the coming of Windows7 at our office we have sometimes the issue that the print spool is crashing.Users don't have admin rights to restart the service so that leaves them only at restarting their computer as solution.Which costs alot of time... As we cannot find a final solution to this problem I've begin to write a small tool so they can restart it..I've only hard code a local admin account in the source for this operate for them..


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Why Is Data Table In 2010 And SQL Server Starting With A Negative Primary Key

May 26, 2011

I defined a database using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, and connected to it using Visual Basic 2010 Express. For some reason though, when I use the database in the program, it wants to start off using a negative primary key.Is there any way to make the primary key only a positive number?

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Starting A Process In The Current Command Window In .NET

Sep 22, 2010

I have this in a VB.NET console application:

Dim p As ProcessStartInfo
p = New ProcessStartInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory & "injavac.exe",ClassName & ".java")
Dim ps As Process = Process.Start(p)

This does run the java compiler on the file, but it does so in a new window. I want the output from javac to appear in the same console that is running my application. How can I do this? Perhaps there is another method for running commands in the current console? Or maybe I can supress the second console window from opening and redirect its output to the current console?

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Starting A Process With Credentials Vs RunAs Command?

Sep 14, 2011

I am trying to parse data from netsh dhcp commands from my application which will run from remote client systems running windows xp/7. In order to do this, credentials must be passedSo I can currently get the correct data using the RunAs command. However when trying to do it programatically from vb.net it returns data as tho there were no credentials passed.

p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = True
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True


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VS 2010 : Search For Text Within A String (Starting Point And Ending Point)?

Dec 31, 2010

I'm trying to extract a piece of text from within the string, defining both a starting point and an ending point. For instance, say I want to search for the text found between "That is a " and " car" in the string "That is a red car", so it would return "red".I know you can use .SelectionStart and SelectionLength, but the length of the word can change, so the selection length can vary. What I want is to establish a specific starting point and a specific ending point from which to extract the text from the string.

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VS 2010 Retrieve Currently Active Application Window From Another Application Just Starting Up

May 26, 2011

I am in need of a small application, that will allways be topmost and will send keystrokes to the last active application (typically notepad or an explorer window). My problem is retrieving the current active form (or application), when my application is started up. Every search seems to return old and rather complex solutions using Win32 library functions, but I was kinda hoping, that .Net allowed for a neater and more simple solution.I need a code example or link on how to retrieve the currently active application window from another application just starting up.

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Sent The Command Through VB Express 2010?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a sound level meter connect to the PC with COM5, and I tried to sent the command through VB express 2010, following is the code I wrote:Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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VS 2010 Executing Cmd Command?

Jun 29, 2011

How to execute cmd command like "C:Program fileszhlthlcsg.exe""D:etyys's documentsgames 'n stuffaim" from vb application?

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2010 What Is The Command For A Left Click

Aug 26, 2010

What is the command for a left click?


if button1.leftclick = 6 then
button3.visible = true
end if

what would make that work?

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Administrator Command Prompt Through VB 2010?

Jul 28, 2010

I have this problem where is wont let me create and files through the command prompt via echo xxx> C:xxx in Visual Basic. If I do it sepoaratly and run the command prompt as admin (This is not using vb at all) then it will work. I have tried putting my vb app to require previlidges at both levels at different times, not at once, and I still got the same thing.So is there a way I can use the comman prompt through vb, but also making the command prompt being an admin without turning off UAC?The code that will not work is this.

Shell(Environ$("Comspec") & " /c """ & WDir & "ToolsMediaInfoMediaInfo.exe"" --output=xml """ & WDir & "ToolsMediaInfoMediaInfo.xml""")

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Executing Psexec Command From VB [VS 2010]

Jul 11, 2010

I am using VS 2010 (.NET 4.0). I am trying to use the psexec command in VB to get a response back from the server. I am able to do this with other commands, however, psexec doesn't seem to send the output back, the program just hangs.

Dim Proc As New System.Diagnostics.Process
Proc.StartInfo = New ProcessStartInfo("cmd")
Proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "/k psexec \SERVER cmd /k iisapp"


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How To SQL Command In Visual Basic 2010

Apr 5, 2012

how to SQL Command and fill Result in ComboBox? in visual basic 2010 my DataBase

Dim SqlCon As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=DIG-PCDIGSER;Initial Catalog=;Integrated Security=True") Dim ConDatBas As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=DIG-PCDIGSER;Initial Catalog=DigSMSystem;Integrated Security=True")

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VS 2010 - Command Controls From Different Forms

Mar 11, 2010

I'm new to vb but acquainted with programming in java, C, and other languages. I'm developing an application and I'm having difficulties at commanding controls from different forms. It's like this: Form1 has some buttons and charts, and in Form2 it's a "Settings" form to select the category and series for the charts. When i close the Form2 I need to activate some controls like buttons in Form1 and the problem is that at run-time I can call functions like this one:

In Form1:
Public Sub EnableButton()
button1.Enabled = True
End Sub
In Form2:
Public Sub BeforeClosing()
End Sub

Using breaks I can see that they execute and the properties of the button change but after the close event of Form2, the properties of the button1 control become unchanged. At the global variables I have:
Dim newChart As System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Chart
At ButtonX_Click i create a new chart and define some properties and in the end i activate the Form2
Private Sub ButtonSettings_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonSettings.Click
[Code] .....

So the sequence is:
Form1 Execute: Button_Settings_Click -> initialize chart and Form2.Show()
Happens: Chart Initialized and properties are changed Form2
Execute: Button_OK_Click -> Form1.Button_ShowChart.PerformClick() and Me.Close()
Happens: Sub .PerformClick() executes but values are not changed Form1
Execute: Button_ShowChart_Click -> Add data to Chart
Happens: Chart is found as NULL and properties are lost
Why does the controls properties are lost if they are executed???

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VS 2010 7zip Command Not Working?

Aug 18, 2010


and yeah, its opening 7zip properly, its the command is giving an error in 7zip via vs2010, but not via cmd.exe directly.

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VS 2010 Detecting AT Command Port(s)?

Apr 22, 2012

looking for a way to detect all available AT Command ports on connected USB Mobile Modems.

I've tried messing with WMI a bit, but was only able to detect the HSBC ports, not the AT Command Ports which is nessassary to issue AT commands to the modems.

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VS 2010 Saving Data Command?

Apr 11, 2012

I am trying to save added data through my form into MySQL. Here is my

Public Sub savenotes()
Dim savecmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand("UPDATE Events (Date_Time, Regarding, User, Details, Control_Number) VALUES (@Date, @Regarding, @User, @Details, @CtrlNmb)", notesConn)


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VS 2010 Sending A Command To Telnet?

Apr 14, 2010

I have wrote a nice little app in VB.Net to connect to an IP device via telnet and send a command, then write the reply to this command into a text file.I have everything working appart from the command.I need to send "Ctrl+a I2100" so if I was doing it manually in a dos box with telnet I would connect, then hold down Ctrl key and a then release, then type I2100 How do I do the Ctrl+a bit in VB. The line of code I have at the moment, is

client.SendCommand("Ctrl testing")

Now this obviously sends the word Ctrl testing to the telnet device.

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VS 2010 Treating String As A Command?

Jul 18, 2011

This question may have been asked before but I searched around a lot and I couldn't find the solution of what I need.Let's say I have a string like "Int(100/9)". How can I get the result I want, which is 11? I don't believe the MSScript Evaluate method would work on this one, would it?

View 15 Replies

Where Is Debug Pause Command In VB 2010

Feb 23, 2010

I cannot find the pause command in VB 2010 Express, even if I pressed Ctrl+Pause, VB opens new tab titled "No source available" In previous VB express 2005 and 2008 it was simple to edit the code while running but in VB 2010 I have to stop the code or put a break point inside the procedure which I want to edit.

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Get Proper MySQL Command To Work In 2010?

May 15, 2012

I have an application developed in VB.NET 3.5 2010 with MySQL as Database server.I need to generate a report type on on a form datagrid View.In the table i have fields as below

Reviewed_By - varchar
Stage - varchar
Review_Status - varchar


I Need to retrieve the data to a dataset in below format Reviewed_By are repeated in the table, so i need only 1 cell to be filled by the data and the other empty.I used the below SQL code which worked well at MySQL prompt

SET @PrvSupervisor='';
SELECT IF(@PrvSupervisor=Reviewed_By,'',@PrvSupervisor:=Reviewed_By) Reviewed_By,Stage,sum(Review_Status='Int_Approved') as Approved,sum(Review_Status='Retake') as Retake,COUNT(*) AS TotCount,GROUP_CONCAT(Shot_Num) as ShotsList FROM ShotTable WHERE DATE_FORMAT(Review_Date_Time,'%d/%m/%y') LIKE '10/05/12' AND (Review_Status='Retake' OR


In the above result as the last 4 rows are from Person2, so only 1st record of that person is having data remaining 3 are empty.but when i used it from VB.NET i am getting below error.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ':=Reviewed_By) Reviewed_By,Stage,sum(Review_Status='Int_Approved') as Approved,s' at line 1

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VS 2010 - Command Prompt Path Was Not Default

Mar 27, 2012

Command prompt's path wasnt default. How can we change that path. In mine it writes "c:usersusername>".

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VS 2010 SQLExpress And SQLCE Command Objects?

Feb 11, 2011

My app currently uses both SQLExpress and SQLCE, depending on the choice of the user.In my database class I have non query command objects for the CE connection and non query command objects for the express version.

Essentially, this is duplicating code as Parameters.Add etc. has to be repeated on both objects.Is there a way just to add do it once on a common object?

Dim MyConnection As SqlConnection
Dim MyCEConnection As SqlCeConnection
Dim MyNQCommand As SqlCommand
Dim MyCENQCommand As SqlCeCommand

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VS 2010 - MySQL Command - Not Running The Cmd2.executenonquery

Dec 29, 2011

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Form1
Dim myTime As Date = TimeValue(Now)
Dim myDate As Date = DateValue(Now)


It'ss not running the cmd2.executenonquery. I've tried many different things such as opening a different connection and yet it still doesnt run that line of code, but it'll run the message box in the if then statement. So I assume it's something to do with the connection somewhere. I've also tried using try and catching the error. nothing. So the problem is that its just not running query2.

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VS 2010 - Sequence Of Commands To RS232 - How To Sure Command Is Received

Dec 20, 2011

I write in VB2010, the software should work with the external hardware via RS232, the thing is when I send a command to the external hardware I have to wait for a reply from the device that command was received, just after I got the answer I want to continue send another command, I have a long sequence of commands i'm supposed to send, but I need to know for sure that the commands were received before I go on to the next command. I did the following code, but I think the code is not effective, because sometimes I do not get an answer and then the whole sequence commands destroyed. Maybe you can help me optimize the code? [Code]

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VS 2010 Command Prompt/Debug In VB Form (With Pictures)?

Feb 13, 2012

Someone made a program with this box in it and acts like a integrated command prompt, what is this?

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